import QtQuick 2.0 import QtTest 1.0 Rectangle { id:container width:50 height:50 Rectangle {id:rect; x:0; y:0; color:"red"; width:10; height:10} AnimationController { id:colorAnimationcontroller progress:1 animation: ColorAnimation {id:anim; target: rect; property:"color"; to:"#FFFFFF"; from:"#000000"; duration: 1000} } TestCase { name:"AnimationController" when:windowShown function test_colorAnimation() { colorAnimationcontroller.progress = 0; compare(rect.color.toString(), "#000000"); colorAnimationcontroller.progress = 0.5; compare(rect.color.toString(), "#7f7f7f"); // <=0 -> 0 colorAnimationcontroller.progress = -1; compare(rect.color, "#000000"); //>=1 -> 1 colorAnimationcontroller.progress = 1.1; compare(rect.color.toString(), "#ffffff"); //make sure the progress can be set backward colorAnimationcontroller.progress = 0.5; compare(rect.color, "#7f7f7f"); } } }