import QtQuick 2.0 Item { id: root property int loaderValue: 0 property int createObjectValue: 0 Loader { id: loader objectName: "loader" onLoaded: { root.loaderValue = loader.item.canary; // should still be one } } Item { id: child property int bindable: 1; } property InitialPropertyValuesComponent ipvc Component.onCompleted: { loader.setSource("InitialPropertyValuesComponent.qml", {"canary": child.bindable}); var dynComp = Qt.createComponent("InitialPropertyValuesComponent.qml"); ipvc = dynComp.createObject(root, {"canary": child.bindable}); child.bindable = 7; // won't cause re-evaluation, since not used in a binding. root.createObjectValue = ipvc.canary; // should still be one } }