// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only #include #include #include #include #include class tst_QuickPath : public QQmlDataTest { Q_OBJECT public: tst_QuickPath() : QQmlDataTest(QT_QMLTEST_DATADIR) {} private slots: void arc(); void angleArc(); void catmullRomCurve(); void closedCatmullRomCurve(); void svg(); void line(); private: void arc(QSizeF scale); void angleArc(QSizeF scale); void catmullRomCurve(QSizeF scale, const QVector &points); void closedCatmullRomCurve(QSizeF scale, const QVector &points); void svg(QSizeF scale); void line(QSizeF scale); }; static void compare(const QPointF &point, const QSizeF &scale, int line, double x, double y) { QVERIFY2(qFuzzyCompare(float(point.x()), float(x * scale.width())), (QStringLiteral("Actual: ") + QString::number(point.x(),'g',14) + QStringLiteral(" Expected: ") + QString::number(x * scale.width(),'g',14) + QStringLiteral(" At: ") + QString::number(line)).toLatin1().data()); QVERIFY2(qFuzzyCompare(float(point.y()), float(y * scale.height())), (QStringLiteral("Actual: ") + QString::number(point.y(),'g',14) + QStringLiteral(" Expected: ") + QString::number(y * scale.height(),'g',14) + QStringLiteral(" At: ") + QString::number(line)).toLatin1().data()); } static void compare(const QPointF &point, int line, const QPointF &pt) { return compare(point, QSizeF(1,1), line, pt.x(), pt.y()); } void tst_QuickPath::arc(QSizeF scale) { QQmlEngine engine; QQmlComponent c(&engine, testFileUrl("arc.qml")); QQuickPath *obj = qobject_cast(c.create()); QVERIFY(obj != nullptr); if (scale != QSizeF(1,1)) obj->setProperty("scale", scale); QCOMPARE(obj->startX(), 0.); QCOMPARE(obj->startY(), 0.); QQmlListReference list(obj, "pathElements"); QCOMPARE(list.count(), 1); QQuickPathArc* arc = qobject_cast(list.at(0)); QVERIFY(arc != nullptr); QCOMPARE(arc->x(), 100.); QCOMPARE(arc->y(), 100.); QCOMPARE(arc->radiusX(), 100.); QCOMPARE(arc->radiusY(), 100.); QCOMPARE(arc->useLargeArc(), false); QCOMPARE(arc->direction(), QQuickPathArc::Clockwise); QPainterPath path = obj->path(); QVERIFY(path != QPainterPath()); QPointF pos = obj->pointAtPercent(0); QCOMPARE(pos, QPointF(0,0)); pos = obj->pointAtPercent(.25); compare(pos, scale, __LINE__, 38.9244897744, 7.85853964341); pos = obj->pointAtPercent(.75); compare(pos, scale, __LINE__, 92.141460356592, 61.07551022559); pos = obj->pointAtPercent(1); QCOMPARE(pos, QPointF(100 * scale.width(), 100 * scale.height())); } void tst_QuickPath::arc() { arc(QSizeF(1,1)); arc(QSizeF(2.2,3.4)); } void tst_QuickPath::angleArc(QSizeF scale) { QQmlEngine engine; QQmlComponent c(&engine, testFileUrl("anglearc.qml")); QQuickPath *obj = qobject_cast(c.create()); QVERIFY(obj != nullptr); if (scale != QSizeF(1,1)) obj->setProperty("scale", scale); QQmlListReference list(obj, "pathElements"); QCOMPARE(list.count(), 1); QQuickPathAngleArc* arc = qobject_cast(list.at(0)); QVERIFY(arc != nullptr); QCOMPARE(arc->centerX(), 100.); QCOMPARE(arc->centerY(), 100.); QCOMPARE(arc->radiusX(), 50.); QCOMPARE(arc->radiusY(), 50.); QCOMPARE(arc->startAngle(), 45.); QCOMPARE(arc->sweepAngle(), 90.); QCOMPARE(arc->moveToStart(), true); QPainterPath path = obj->path(); QVERIFY(path != QPainterPath()); QPointF pos = obj->pointAtPercent(0); compare(pos, scale, __LINE__, 135.35533905867, 135.35533905867); pos = obj->pointAtPercent(.25); compare(pos, scale, __LINE__, 119.46222180396, 146.07068621369); pos = obj->pointAtPercent(.75); compare(pos, scale, __LINE__, 80.537778196007, 146.07068621366); pos = obj->pointAtPercent(1); compare(pos, scale, __LINE__, 64.644660941173, 135.35533905867); // if moveToStart is false, we should have a line starting from startX/Y arc->setMoveToStart(false); pos = obj->pointAtPercent(0); QCOMPARE(pos, QPointF(0,0)); } void tst_QuickPath::angleArc() { angleArc(QSizeF(1,1)); angleArc(QSizeF(2.7,0.92)); } void tst_QuickPath::catmullRomCurve(QSizeF scale, const QVector &points) { QQmlEngine engine; QQmlComponent c(&engine, testFileUrl("curve.qml")); QQuickPath *obj = qobject_cast(c.create()); QVERIFY(obj != nullptr); if (scale != QSizeF(1,1)) obj->setProperty("scale", scale); QCOMPARE(obj->startX(), 0.); QCOMPARE(obj->startY(), 0.); QQmlListReference list(obj, "pathElements"); QCOMPARE(list.count(), 3); QQuickPathCatmullRomCurve* curve = qobject_cast(list.at(0)); QVERIFY(curve != nullptr); QCOMPARE(curve->x(), 100.); QCOMPARE(curve->y(), 50.); curve = qobject_cast(list.at(2)); QVERIFY(curve != nullptr); QCOMPARE(curve->x(), 100.); QCOMPARE(curve->y(), 150.); QPainterPath path = obj->path(); QVERIFY(path != QPainterPath()); QPointF pos = path.pointAtPercent(0); QCOMPARE(pos, points.at(0)); pos = path.pointAtPercent(.25); compare(pos, __LINE__, points.at(1)); pos = path.pointAtPercent(.75); compare(pos, __LINE__, points.at(2)); pos = path.pointAtPercent(1); compare(pos, __LINE__, points.at(3)); } void tst_QuickPath::catmullRomCurve() { catmullRomCurve(QSizeF(1,1), { QPointF(0,0), QPointF(62.917022919131, 26.175485291549), QPointF(51.194527196674 , 105.27985623074), QPointF(100, 150) }); catmullRomCurve(QSizeF(2,5.3), { QPointF(0,0), QPointF(150.80562419914, 170.34065984615), QPointF(109.08400252853 , 588.35165918579), QPointF(200, 795) }); } void tst_QuickPath::closedCatmullRomCurve(QSizeF scale, const QVector &points) { QQmlEngine engine; QQmlComponent c(&engine, testFileUrl("closedcurve.qml")); QQuickPath *obj = qobject_cast(c.create()); QVERIFY(obj != nullptr); if (scale != QSizeF(1,1)) obj->setProperty("scale", scale); QCOMPARE(obj->startX(), 50.); QCOMPARE(obj->startY(), 50.); QQmlListReference list(obj, "pathElements"); QCOMPARE(list.count(), 3); QQuickPathCatmullRomCurve* curve = qobject_cast(list.at(2)); QVERIFY(curve != nullptr); QCOMPARE(curve->x(), 50.); QCOMPARE(curve->y(), 50.); QVERIFY(obj->isClosed()); QPainterPath path = obj->path(); QVERIFY(path != QPainterPath()); QPointF pos = path.pointAtPercent(0); QCOMPARE(pos, points.at(0)); pos = path.pointAtPercent(.1); compare(pos, __LINE__, points.at(1)); pos = path.pointAtPercent(.75); compare(pos, __LINE__, points.at(2)); pos = path.pointAtPercent(1); compare(pos, __LINE__, points.at(3)); } void tst_QuickPath::closedCatmullRomCurve() { closedCatmullRomCurve(QSizeF(1,1), { QPointF(50,50), QPointF(66.776225481812, 55.617435304145), QPointF(44.10269379731 , 116.33512508175), QPointF(50, 50) }); closedCatmullRomCurve(QSizeF(2,3), { QPointF(100,150), QPointF(136.49725836178, 170.25466686363), QPointF(87.713232151943 , 328.29232737977), QPointF(100, 150) }); } void tst_QuickPath::svg(QSizeF scale) { QQmlEngine engine; QQmlComponent c(&engine, testFileUrl("svg.qml")); QQuickPath *obj = qobject_cast(c.create()); QVERIFY(obj != nullptr); if (scale != QSizeF(1,1)) obj->setProperty("scale", scale); QCOMPARE(obj->startX(), 0.); QCOMPARE(obj->startY(), 0.); QQmlListReference list(obj, "pathElements"); QCOMPARE(list.count(), 1); QQuickPathSvg* svg = qobject_cast(list.at(0)); QVERIFY(svg != nullptr); QCOMPARE(svg->path(), QLatin1String("M200,300 Q400,50 600,300 T1000,300")); QPainterPath path = obj->path(); QVERIFY(path != QPainterPath()); QPointF pos = obj->pointAtPercent(0); QCOMPARE(pos, QPointF(200 * scale.width(),300 * scale.height())); pos = obj->pointAtPercent(.25); QCOMPARE(pos.toPoint(), QPoint(400 * scale.width(),175 * scale.height())); //fuzzy compare pos = obj->pointAtPercent(.75); QCOMPARE(pos.toPoint(), QPoint(800 * scale.width(),425 * scale.height())); //fuzzy compare pos = obj->pointAtPercent(1); QCOMPARE(pos, QPointF(1000 * scale.width(),300 * scale.height())); } void tst_QuickPath::svg() { svg(QSizeF(1,1)); svg(QSizeF(5,3)); } void tst_QuickPath::line(QSizeF scale) { QQmlEngine engine; QQmlComponent c1(&engine); c1.setData( "import QtQuick 2.0\n" "Path {\n" "startX: 0; startY: 0\n" "PathLine { x: 100; y: 100 }\n" "}", QUrl()); QScopedPointer o1(c1.create()); QQuickPath *path1 = qobject_cast(o1.data()); QVERIFY(path1); if (scale != QSizeF(1,1)) path1->setProperty("scale", scale); QQmlComponent c2(&engine); c2.setData( "import QtQuick 2.0\n" "Path {\n" "startX: 0; startY: 0\n" "PathLine { x: 50; y: 50 }\n" "PathLine { x: 100; y: 100 }\n" "}", QUrl()); QScopedPointer o2(c2.create()); QQuickPath *path2 = qobject_cast(o2.data()); QVERIFY(path2); if (scale != QSizeF(1,1)) path2->setProperty("scale", scale); for (int i = 0; i < 167; ++i) { qreal t = i / 167.0; QPointF p1 = path1->pointAtPercent(t); QCOMPARE(p1.x(), p1.y()); QPointF p2 = path2->pointAtPercent(t); QCOMPARE(p1.toPoint(), p2.toPoint()); } } void tst_QuickPath::line() { line(QSizeF(1,1)); line(QSizeF(7.23,7.23)); } QTEST_MAIN(tst_QuickPath) #include "tst_qquickpath.moc"