// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only import QtQuick import QtQuick.Window import QtTest import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.NativeStyle as NativeStyle TestCase { id: testCase width: 400 height: 400 visible: true when: windowShown name: "ComboBox" Component { id: signalSpy SignalSpy { } } Component { id: comboBox ComboBox { } } Component { id: emptyBox ComboBox { delegate: ItemDelegate { width: parent.width } } } Component { id: mouseArea MouseArea { } } Component { id: customPopup Popup { width: 100 implicitHeight: contentItem.implicitHeight contentItem: TextInput { anchors.fill: parent } } } Component { id: comboBoxWithShaderEffect ComboBox { delegate: Rectangle { Text { id: txt anchors.centerIn: parent text: "item" + index font.pixelSize: 20 color: "red" } id: rect objectName: "rect" width: parent.width height: txt.implicitHeight gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { color: "lightsteelblue"; position: 0.0 } GradientStop { color: "blue"; position: 1.0 } } layer.enabled: true layer.effect: ShaderEffect { objectName: "ShaderFX" width: rect.width height: rect.height fragmentShader: " uniform lowp sampler2D source; // this item uniform lowp float qt_Opacity; // inherited opacity of this item varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0; void main() { lowp vec4 p = texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord0); lowp float g = dot(p.xyz, vec3(0.344, 0.5, 0.156)); gl_FragColor = vec4(g, g, g, p.a) * qt_Opacity; }" } } } } function init() { // QTBUG-61225: Move the mouse away to avoid QQuickDeliveryAgentPrivate::flushFrameSynchronousEvents() // delivering interfering hover events based on the last mouse position from earlier tests. For // example, ComboBox::test_activation() kept receiving hover events for the last mouse position // from CheckDelegate::test_checked(). mouseMove(testCase, testCase.width - 1, testCase.height - 1) } function test_defaults() { failOnWarning(/.?/) var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase) verify(control) compare(control.count, 0) compare(control.model, undefined) compare(control.flat, false) compare(control.pressed, false) compare(control.currentIndex, -1) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) compare(control.currentText, "") verify(control.delegate) if (Qt.platform.pluginName !== "cocoa" && Qt.platform.pluginName !== "windows") { // Only the non-native styles sets an indicator delegate. The native // styles will instead draw the indicator as a part of the background. verify(control.indicator) } verify(control.popup) verify(control.acceptableInput) compare(control.inputMethodHints, Qt.ImhNoPredictiveText) } function test_array() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase) verify(control) var items = [ "Banana", "Apple", "Coconut" ] control.model = items compare(control.model, items) compare(control.count, 3) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentText, "Banana") control.currentIndex = 2 compare(control.currentIndex, 2) compare(control.currentText, "Coconut") control.model = null compare(control.model, null) compare(control.count, 0) compare(control.currentIndex, -1) compare(control.currentText, "") } function test_objects() { var control = createTemporaryObject(emptyBox, testCase) verify(control) var items = [ { text: "Apple" }, { text: "Orange" }, { text: "Banana" } ] control.model = items compare(control.model, items) compare(control.count, 3) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentText, "Apple") control.currentIndex = 2 compare(control.currentIndex, 2) compare(control.currentText, "Banana") control.model = null compare(control.model, null) compare(control.count, 0) compare(control.currentIndex, -1) compare(control.currentText, "") } function test_qobjects() { var control = createTemporaryObject(emptyBox, testCase, {textRole: "text"}) verify(control) var obj1 = Qt.createQmlObject("import QtQml; QtObject { property string text: 'one' }", control) var obj2 = Qt.createQmlObject("import QtQml; QtObject { property string text: 'two' }", control) var obj3 = Qt.createQmlObject("import QtQml; QtObject { property string text: 'three' }", control) control.model = [obj1, obj2, obj3] compare(control.count, 3) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentText, "one") control.currentIndex = 2 compare(control.currentIndex, 2) compare(control.currentText, "three") control.model = null compare(control.model, null) compare(control.count, 0) compare(control.currentIndex, -1) compare(control.currentText, "") } function test_number() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase) verify(control) control.model = 10 compare(control.model, 10) compare(control.count, 10) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentText, "0") control.currentIndex = 9 compare(control.currentIndex, 9) compare(control.currentText, "9") control.model = 0 compare(control.model, 0) compare(control.count, 0) compare(control.currentIndex, -1) compare(control.currentText, "") } ListModel { id: listmodel ListElement { text: "First" } ListElement { text: "Second" } ListElement { text: "Third" } ListElement { text: "Fourth" } ListElement { text: "Fifth" } } function test_listModel() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase) verify(control) control.model = listmodel compare(control.model, listmodel) compare(control.count, 5) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentText, "First") control.currentIndex = 2 compare(control.currentIndex, 2) compare(control.currentText, "Third") control.model = undefined compare(control.model, undefined) compare(control.count, 0) compare(control.currentIndex, -1) compare(control.currentText, "") } ListModel { id: fruitmodel ListElement { name: "Apple"; color: "red" } ListElement { name: "Orange"; color: "orange" } ListElement { name: "Banana"; color: "yellow" } } Component { id: fruitModelComponent ListModel { ListElement { name: "Apple"; color: "red" } ListElement { name: "Orange"; color: "orange" } ListElement { name: "Banana"; color: "yellow" } } } property var fruitarray: [ { name: "Apple", color: "red" }, { name: "Orange", color: "orange" }, { name: "Banana", color: "yellow" } ] Component { id: birdModelComponent ListModel { ListElement { name: "Galah"; color: "pink" } ListElement { name: "Kookaburra"; color: "brown" } ListElement { name: "Magpie"; color: "black" } } } function test_textRole_data() { return [ { tag: "ListModel", model: fruitmodel }, { tag: "ObjectArray", model: fruitarray } ] } function test_textRole(data) { var control = createTemporaryObject(emptyBox, testCase) verify(control) control.model = data.model compare(control.count, 3) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentText, "") control.textRole = "name" compare(control.currentText, "Apple") control.textRole = "color" compare(control.currentText, "red") control.currentIndex = 1 compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(control.currentText, "orange") control.textRole = "name" compare(control.currentText, "Orange") control.textRole = "" compare(control.currentText, "") } function test_textAt() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase) verify(control) control.model = ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana"] compare(control.textAt(0), "Apple") compare(control.textAt(1), "Orange") compare(control.textAt(2), "Banana") compare(control.textAt(-1), "") // TODO: null? compare(control.textAt(5), "") // TODO: null? } function test_find_data() { return [ { tag: "Banana (MatchExactly)", term: "Banana", flags: Qt.MatchExactly, index: 0 }, { tag: "banana (MatchExactly)", term: "banana", flags: Qt.MatchExactly, index: 1 }, { tag: "bananas (MatchExactly)", term: "bananas", flags: Qt.MatchExactly, index: -1 }, { tag: "Cocomuffin (MatchExactly)", term: "Cocomuffin", flags: Qt.MatchExactly, index: 4 }, { tag: "b(an)+a (MatchRegularExpression)", term: "B(an)+a", flags: Qt.MatchRegularExpression, index: 0 }, { tag: "b(an)+a (MatchRegularExpression|MatchCaseSensitive)", term: "b(an)+a", flags: Qt.MatchRegularExpression | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive, index: 1 }, { tag: "[coc]+\\w+ (MatchRegularExpression)", term: "[coc]+\\w+", flags: Qt.MatchRegularExpression, index: 2 }, { tag: "?pp* (MatchWildcard)", term: "?pp*", flags: Qt.MatchWildcard, index: 3 }, { tag: "app* (MatchWildcard|MatchCaseSensitive)", term: "app*", flags: Qt.MatchWildcard | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive, index: -1 }, { tag: "Banana (MatchFixedString)", term: "Banana", flags: Qt.MatchFixedString, index: 0 }, { tag: "banana (MatchFixedString|MatchCaseSensitive)", term: "banana", flags: Qt.MatchFixedString | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive, index: 1 }, { tag: "coco (MatchStartsWith)", term: "coco", flags: Qt.MatchStartsWith, index: 2 }, { tag: "coco (MatchStartsWith|MatchCaseSensitive)", term: "coco", flags: Qt.StartsWith | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive, index: -1 }, { tag: "MUFFIN (MatchEndsWith)", term: "MUFFIN", flags: Qt.MatchEndsWith, index: 4 }, { tag: "MUFFIN (MatchEndsWith|MatchCaseSensitive)", term: "MUFFIN", flags: Qt.MatchEndsWith | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive, index: -1 }, { tag: "Con (MatchContains)", term: "Con", flags: Qt.MatchContains, index: 2 }, { tag: "Con (MatchContains|MatchCaseSensitive)", term: "Con", flags: Qt.MatchContains | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive, index: -1 }, ] } function test_find(data) { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase) verify(control) control.model = ["Banana", "banana", "Coconut", "Apple", "Cocomuffin"] compare(control.find(data.term, data.flags), data.index) } function test_valueRole_data() { return [ { tag: "ListModel", model: fruitmodel }, { tag: "ObjectArray", model: fruitarray } ] } function test_valueRole(data) { var control = createTemporaryObject(emptyBox, testCase, { model: data.model, valueRole: "color" }) verify(control) compare(control.count, 3) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentValue, "red") control.valueRole = "name" compare(control.currentValue, "Apple") control.currentIndex = 1 compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(control.currentValue, "Orange") control.valueRole = "color" compare(control.currentValue, "orange") control.model = null compare(control.currentIndex, -1) // An invalid QVariant is represented as undefined. compare(control.currentValue, undefined) control.valueRole = "" compare(control.currentValue, undefined) } function test_valueAt() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { model: fruitmodel, textRole: "name", valueRole: "color" }) verify(control) compare(control.valueAt(0), "red") compare(control.valueAt(1), "orange") compare(control.valueAt(2), "yellow") compare(control.valueAt(-1), undefined) compare(control.valueAt(5), undefined) } function test_indexOfValue_data() { return [ { tag: "red", expectedIndex: 0 }, { tag: "orange", expectedIndex: 1 }, { tag: "yellow", expectedIndex: 2 }, { tag: "brown", expectedIndex: -1 }, ] } function test_indexOfValue(data) { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { model: fruitmodel, textRole: "name", valueRole: "color" }) verify(control) compare(control.indexOfValue(data.tag), data.expectedIndex) } function test_currentValueAfterModelChanged() { let fruitModel = createTemporaryObject(fruitModelComponent, testCase) verify(fruitModel) let control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { model: fruitModel, textRole: "name", valueRole: "color", currentIndex: 1 }) verify(control) compare(control.currentText, "Orange") compare(control.currentValue, "orange") // Remove "Apple"; the current item should now be "Banana", so currentValue should be "yellow". fruitModel.remove(0) compare(control.currentText, "Banana") compare(control.currentValue, "yellow") } function test_currentValueAfterNewModelSet() { let control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { model: fruitmodel, textRole: "name", valueRole: "color", currentIndex: 0 }) verify(control) compare(control.currentText, "Apple") compare(control.currentValue, "red") // Swap the model out entirely. Since the currentIndex was 0 and // is reset to 0 when a new model is set, it remains 0. let birdModel = createTemporaryObject(birdModelComponent, testCase) verify(birdModel) control.model = birdModel compare(control.currentText, "Galah") compare(control.currentValue, "pink") } function test_arrowKeys() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { model: fruitmodel, textRole: "name", valueRole: "color" }) verify(control) var activatedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "activated"}) verify(activatedSpy.valid) var highlightedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "highlighted"}) verify(highlightedSpy.valid) var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"}) verify(openedSpy.valid) var closedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "closed"}) verify(closedSpy.valid) control.forceActiveFocus() verify(control.activeFocus) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) keyClick(Qt.Key_Down) compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0) compare(activatedSpy.count, 1) compare(activatedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 1) activatedSpy.clear() keyClick(Qt.Key_Down) compare(control.currentIndex, 2) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0) compare(activatedSpy.count, 1) compare(activatedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 2) activatedSpy.clear() keyClick(Qt.Key_Down) compare(control.currentIndex, 2) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) keyClick(Qt.Key_Up) compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0) compare(activatedSpy.count, 1) compare(activatedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 1) activatedSpy.clear() keyClick(Qt.Key_Up) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0) compare(activatedSpy.count, 1) compare(activatedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 0) activatedSpy.clear() keyClick(Qt.Key_Up) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) // show popup keyClick(Qt.Key_Space) openedSpy.wait() compare(openedSpy.count, 1) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0) keyClick(Qt.Key_Down) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 1) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 1) compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 1) highlightedSpy.clear() keyClick(Qt.Key_Down) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 2) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 1) compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 2) highlightedSpy.clear() keyClick(Qt.Key_Down) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 2) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0) keyClick(Qt.Key_Up) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 1) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 1) compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 1) highlightedSpy.clear() keyClick(Qt.Key_Up) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 1) compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 0) highlightedSpy.clear() keyClick(Qt.Key_Up) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0) keyClick(Qt.Key_Down) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 1) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 1) compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 1) highlightedSpy.clear() // hide popup keyClick(Qt.Key_Space) closedSpy.wait() compare(closedSpy.count, 1) compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) } function test_keys_space_enter_escape_data() { // Not testing Key_Enter + Key_Enter and Key_Return + Key_Return because // QGnomeTheme uses Key_Enter and Key_Return for pressing buttons/comboboxes // and the CI uses the QGnomeTheme platform theme. return [ { tag: "space-space", key1: Qt.Key_Space, key2: Qt.Key_Space, showPopup: true, showPress: true, hidePopup: true, hidePress: true }, { tag: "space-enter", key1: Qt.Key_Space, key2: Qt.Key_Enter, showPopup: true, showPress: true, hidePopup: true, hidePress: true }, { tag: "space-return", key1: Qt.Key_Space, key2: Qt.Key_Return, showPopup: true, showPress: true, hidePopup: true, hidePress: true }, { tag: "space-escape", key1: Qt.Key_Space, key2: Qt.Key_Escape, showPopup: true, showPress: true, hidePopup: true, hidePress: false }, { tag: "space-0", key1: Qt.Key_Space, key2: Qt.Key_0, showPopup: true, showPress: true, hidePopup: false, hidePress: false }, { tag: "escape-escape", key1: Qt.Key_Escape, key2: Qt.Key_Escape, showPopup: false, showPress: false, hidePopup: true, hidePress: false } ] } function test_keys_space_enter_escape(data) { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 3}) verify(control) var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"}) verify(openedSpy.valid) control.forceActiveFocus() verify(control.activeFocus) compare(control.pressed, false) compare(control.popup.visible, false) // show popup keyPress(data.key1) compare(control.pressed, data.showPress) compare(control.popup.visible, false) keyRelease(data.key1) compare(control.pressed, false) compare(control.popup.visible, data.showPopup) if (data.showPopup) openedSpy.wait() // hide popup keyPress(data.key2) compare(control.pressed, data.hidePress) keyRelease(data.key2) compare(control.pressed, false) tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", !data.hidePopup) } function test_keys_home_end() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 5}) verify(control) control.forceActiveFocus() verify(control.activeFocus) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) var activatedCount = 0 var activatedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "activated"}) verify(activatedSpy.valid) var highlightedCount = 0 var highlightedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "highlighted"}) verify(highlightedSpy.valid) var currentIndexCount = 0 var currentIndexSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "currentIndexChanged"}) verify(currentIndexSpy.valid) var highlightedIndexCount = 0 var highlightedIndexSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "highlightedIndexChanged"}) verify(highlightedIndexSpy.valid) // end (popup closed) keyClick(Qt.Key_End) compare(control.currentIndex, 4) compare(currentIndexSpy.count, ++currentIndexCount) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, highlightedIndexCount) compare(activatedSpy.count, ++activatedCount) compare(activatedSpy.signalArguments[activatedCount-1][0], 4) compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount) // repeat (no changes/signals) keyClick(Qt.Key_End) compare(currentIndexSpy.count, currentIndexCount) compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, highlightedIndexCount) compare(activatedSpy.count, activatedCount) compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount) // home (popup closed) keyClick(Qt.Key_Home) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(currentIndexSpy.count, ++currentIndexCount) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, highlightedIndexCount) compare(activatedSpy.count, ++activatedCount) compare(activatedSpy.signalArguments[activatedCount-1][0], 0) compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount) // repeat (no changes/signals) keyClick(Qt.Key_Home) compare(currentIndexSpy.count, currentIndexCount) compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, highlightedIndexCount) compare(activatedSpy.count, activatedCount) compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount) control.popup.open() compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0) compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, ++highlightedIndexCount) compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount) // end (popup open) keyClick(Qt.Key_End) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(currentIndexSpy.count, currentIndexCount) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 4) compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, ++highlightedIndexCount) compare(activatedSpy.count, activatedCount) compare(highlightedSpy.count, ++highlightedCount) compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[highlightedCount-1][0], 4) // repeat (no changes/signals) keyClick(Qt.Key_End) compare(currentIndexSpy.count, currentIndexCount) compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, highlightedIndexCount) compare(activatedSpy.count, activatedCount) compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount) // home (popup open) keyClick(Qt.Key_Home) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(currentIndexSpy.count, currentIndexCount) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0) compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, ++highlightedIndexCount) compare(activatedSpy.count, activatedCount) compare(highlightedSpy.count, ++highlightedCount) compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[highlightedCount-1][0], 0) // repeat (no changes/signals) keyClick(Qt.Key_Home) compare(currentIndexSpy.count, currentIndexCount) compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, highlightedIndexCount) compare(activatedSpy.count, activatedCount) compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount) } function test_keySearch() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: ["Banana", "Coco", "Coconut", "Apple", "Cocomuffin"]}) verify(control) control.forceActiveFocus() verify(control.activeFocus) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentText, "Banana") compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) keyPress(Qt.Key_C) compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(control.currentText, "Coco") compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) // no match keyPress(Qt.Key_N) compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(control.currentText, "Coco") compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) keyPress(Qt.Key_C) compare(control.currentIndex, 2) compare(control.currentText, "Coconut") compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) keyPress(Qt.Key_C) compare(control.currentIndex, 4) compare(control.currentText, "Cocomuffin") compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) // wrap keyPress(Qt.Key_C) compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(control.currentText, "Coco") compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) keyPress(Qt.Key_A) compare(control.currentIndex, 3) compare(control.currentText, "Apple") compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) keyPress(Qt.Key_B) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentText, "Banana") compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) // popup control.popup.open() tryCompare(control.popup, "opened", true) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0) keyClick(Qt.Key_C) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 1) // "Coco" compare(control.currentIndex, 0) // no match keyClick(Qt.Key_N) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 1) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) keyClick(Qt.Key_C) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 2) // "Coconut" compare(control.currentIndex, 0) keyClick(Qt.Key_C) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 4) // "Cocomuffin" compare(control.currentIndex, 0) // wrap keyClick(Qt.Key_C) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 1) // "Coco" compare(control.currentIndex, 0) keyClick(Qt.Key_B) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0) // "Banana" compare(control.currentIndex, 0) keyClick(Qt.Key_A) compare(control.highlightedIndex, 3) // "Apple" compare(control.currentIndex, 0) verify(control.popup.visible) // accept keyClick(Qt.Key_Return) tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false) compare(control.currentIndex, 3) compare(control.currentText, "Apple") compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) } function test_popup() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 3}) verify(control) // show below mousePress(control) compare(control.pressed, true) compare(control.popup.visible, false) mouseRelease(control) compare(control.pressed, false) compare(control.popup.visible, true) verify(control.popup.contentItem.y >= control.y) // hide mouseClick(control) compare(control.pressed, false) tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false) // show above control.y = control.Window.height - control.height mousePress(control) compare(control.pressed, true) compare(control.popup.visible, false) mouseRelease(control) compare(control.pressed, false) compare(control.popup.visible, true) verify(control.popup.contentItem.y < control.y) // Account for when a transition of a scale from 0.9-1.0 that it is placed above right away and not below // first just because there is room at the 0.9 scale if (control.popup.enter !== null) { // hide mouseClick(control) compare(control.pressed, false) tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false) control.y = control.Window.height - (control.popup.contentItem.height * 0.99) var popupYSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control.popup, signalName: "yChanged"}) verify(popupYSpy.valid) mousePress(control) compare(control.pressed, true) compare(control.popup.visible, false) mouseRelease(control) compare(control.pressed, false) compare(control.popup.visible, true) tryCompare(control.popup.enter, "running", false) verify(control.popup.contentItem.y < control.y) verify(popupYSpy.count === 1) } var leftLayoutMargin = control.background.layoutMargins === undefined ? 0 : control.popup.layoutMargins.left // follow the control outside the horizontal window bounds control.x = -control.width / 2 compare(control.x, -control.width / 2) compare(control.popup.contentItem.parent.x, -control.width / 2 + leftLayoutMargin) control.x = testCase.width - control.width / 2 compare(control.x, testCase.width - control.width / 2) compare(control.popup.contentItem.parent.x, testCase.width - control.width / 2 + leftLayoutMargin) // close the popup when hidden (QTBUG-67684) control.popup.open() tryCompare(control.popup, "opened", true) control.visible = false tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false) } Component { id: reopenCombo Window { property alias innerCombo: innerCombo visible: true width: 300 height: 300 ComboBox { id: innerCombo model: 10 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } } } // This test checks that when reopening the combobox that it is still appears at the same y position as // previously function test_reopen_popup() { var control = createTemporaryObject(reopenCombo, testCase) verify(control) var y = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { tryCompare(control.innerCombo.popup, "visible", false) control.innerCombo.y = control.height - (control.innerCombo.popup.contentItem.height * 0.99) var popupYSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control.innerCombo.popup, signalName: "yChanged"}) verify(popupYSpy.valid) mousePress(control.innerCombo) compare(control.innerCombo.pressed, true) compare(control.innerCombo.popup.visible, false) mouseRelease(control.innerCombo) compare(control.innerCombo.pressed, false) compare(control.innerCombo.popup.visible, true) if (control.innerCombo.popup.enter) tryCompare(control.innerCombo.popup.enter, "running", false) // Check on the second opening that it has the same y position as before if (i !== 0) { // y should not have changed again verify(popupYSpy.count === 0) verify(y === control.innerCombo.popup.y) } else { // In some cases on the initial show, y changes more than once verify(popupYSpy.count >= 1) y = control.innerCombo.popup.y mouseClick(control.innerCombo) compare(control.innerCombo.pressed, false) tryCompare(control.innerCombo.popup, "visible", false) } } } function test_mouse() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 3, hoverEnabled: false}) verify(control) var activatedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "activated"}) verify(activatedSpy.valid) mouseClick(control) compare(control.popup.visible, true) var content = control.popup.contentItem waitForRendering(content) // press - move - release outside - not activated - not closed mousePress(content) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) mouseMove(content, content.width * 2) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) mouseRelease(content, content.width * 2) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) compare(control.popup.visible, true) // press - move - release inside - activated - closed mousePress(content) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) mouseMove(content, content.width / 2 + 1, content.height / 2 + 1) compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) mouseRelease(content) compare(activatedSpy.count, 1) tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false) } function test_touch() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 3}) verify(control) var touch = touchEvent(control) var activatedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "activated"}) verify(activatedSpy.valid) var highlightedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "highlighted"}) verify(highlightedSpy.valid) touch.press(0, control).commit() touch.release(0, control).commit() compare(control.popup.visible, true) var content = control.popup.contentItem waitForRendering(content) // press - move - release outside - not activated - not closed touch.press(0, control).commit() compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0) touch.move(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height / 2).commit() compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0) touch.release(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height / 2).commit() compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0) compare(control.popup.visible, true) // press - move - release inside - activated - closed touch.press(0, content).commit() compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0) touch.move(0, content, content.width / 2 + 1, content.height / 2 + 1).commit() compare(activatedSpy.count, 0) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0) touch.release(0, content).commit() compare(activatedSpy.count, 1) compare(highlightedSpy.count, 1) tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false) } function test_down() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 3}) verify(control) // some styles position the popup over the combo button. move it out // of the way to avoid stealing mouse presses. we want to test the // combinations of the button being pressed and the popup being visible. control.popup.y = control.height var downSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "downChanged"}) verify(downSpy.valid) var pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressedChanged"}) verify(pressedSpy.valid) mousePress(control) compare(control.popup.visible, false) compare(control.pressed, true) compare(control.down, true) compare(downSpy.count, 1) compare(pressedSpy.count, 1) mouseRelease(control) compare(control.popup.visible, true) compare(control.pressed, false) compare(control.down, true) compare(downSpy.count, 3) compare(pressedSpy.count, 2) compare(control.popup.y, control.height) control.down = false compare(control.down, false) compare(downSpy.count, 4) mousePress(control) compare(control.popup.visible, true) compare(control.pressed, true) compare(control.down, false) // explicit false compare(downSpy.count, 4) compare(pressedSpy.count, 3) control.down = undefined compare(control.down, true) compare(downSpy.count, 5) mouseRelease(control) tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false) compare(control.pressed, false) compare(control.down, false) compare(downSpy.count, 6) compare(pressedSpy.count, 4) control.popup.open() compare(control.popup.visible, true) compare(control.pressed, false) compare(control.down, true) compare(downSpy.count, 7) compare(pressedSpy.count, 4) control.popup.close() tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false) compare(control.pressed, false) compare(control.down, false) compare(downSpy.count, 8) compare(pressedSpy.count, 4) } function test_focus() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 3}) verify(control) var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"}) verify(openedSpy.valid) var closedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "closed"}) verify(openedSpy.valid) // click - gain focus - show popup mouseClick(control) verify(control.activeFocus) openedSpy.wait() compare(openedSpy.count, 1) compare(control.popup.visible, true) // lose focus - hide popup control.focus = false verify(!control.activeFocus) closedSpy.wait() compare(closedSpy.count, 1) compare(control.popup.visible, false) } function test_baseline() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase) verify(control) compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset) } Component { id: displayBox ComboBox { textRole: "key" model: ListModel { ListElement { key: "First"; value: 123 } ListElement { key: "Second"; value: 456 } ListElement { key: "Third"; value: 789 } } } } function test_displayText() { var control = createTemporaryObject(displayBox, testCase) verify(control) compare(control.displayText, "First") control.currentIndex = 1 compare(control.displayText, "Second") control.textRole = "value" compare(control.displayText, "456") control.displayText = "Display" compare(control.displayText, "Display") control.currentIndex = 2 compare(control.displayText, "Display") control.displayText = undefined compare(control.displayText, "789") } Component { id: component Pane { id: panel property alias button: _button; property alias combobox: _combobox; font.pixelSize: 30 Column { Button { id: _button text: "Button" font.pixelSize: 20 } ComboBox { id: _combobox model: ["ComboBox", "With"] delegate: ItemDelegate { width: _combobox.width text: _combobox.textRole ? (Array.isArray(_combobox.model) ? modelData[_combobox.textRole] : model[_combobox.textRole]) : modelData objectName: "delegate" autoExclusive: true checked: _combobox.currentIndex === index highlighted: _combobox.highlightedIndex === index } } } } } function getChild(control, objname, idx) { var index = idx for (var i = index+1; i < control.children.length; i++) { if (control.children[i].objectName === objname) { index = i break } } return index } function test_font() { // QTBUG_50984, QTBUG-51696 var control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase) verify(control) verify(control.button) verify(control.combobox) var expectedComboBoxFontPixelSize = 30 compare(control.font.pixelSize, 30) compare(control.button.font.pixelSize, 20) compare(control.combobox.font.pixelSize, expectedComboBoxFontPixelSize) // verify(control.combobox.popup) // var popup = control.combobox.popup // popup.open() // verify(popup.contentItem) // var listview = popup.contentItem // verify(listview.contentItem) // waitForRendering(listview) // var idx1 = getChild(listview.contentItem, "delegate", -1) // compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, 25) // var idx2 = getChild(listview.contentItem, "delegate", idx1) // compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, 25) // compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, 25) // compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, 25) control.font.pixelSize = control.font.pixelSize + 10 expectedComboBoxFontPixelSize += 10 compare(control.combobox.font.pixelSize, expectedComboBoxFontPixelSize) // waitForRendering(listview) // compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, 25) // compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, 25) control.combobox.font.pixelSize = control.combobox.font.pixelSize + 5 compare(control.combobox.font.pixelSize, 45) // waitForRendering(listview) // idx1 = getChild(listview.contentItem, "delegate", -1) // compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, 25) // idx2 = getChild(listview.contentItem, "delegate", idx1) // compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, 25) } function test_wheel() { var ma = createTemporaryObject(mouseArea, testCase, {width: 100, height: 100}) verify(ma) var control = comboBox.createObject(ma, {model: 2, wheelEnabled: true}) verify(control) var delta = 120 var spy = signalSpy.createObject(ma, {target: ma, signalName: "wheel"}) verify(spy.valid) mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -delta, -delta) compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(spy.count, 0) // no propagation // reached bounds -> no change mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -delta, -delta) compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(spy.count, 0) // no propagation mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, delta, delta) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(spy.count, 0) // no propagation // reached bounds -> no change mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, delta, delta) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(spy.count, 0) // no propagation } function test_activation_data() { return [ { tag: "open:enter", key: Qt.Key_Enter, open: true }, { tag: "open:return", key: Qt.Key_Return, open: true }, { tag: "closed:enter", key: Qt.Key_Enter, open: false }, { tag: "closed:return", key: Qt.Key_Return, open: false } ] } // QTBUG-51645 function test_activation(data) { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {currentIndex: 1, model: ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana"]}) verify(control) control.forceActiveFocus() verify(control.activeFocus) if (data.open) { var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"}) verify(openedSpy.valid) keyClick(Qt.Key_Space) openedSpy.wait() compare(openedSpy.count, 1) } compare(control.popup.visible, data.open) compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(control.currentText, "Orange") compare(control.displayText, "Orange") keyClick(data.key) compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(control.currentText, "Orange") compare(control.displayText, "Orange") } Component { id: asyncLoader Loader { active: false asynchronous: true sourceComponent: ComboBox { model: ["First", "Second", "Third"] } } } // QTBUG-51972 function test_async() { var loader = createTemporaryObject(asyncLoader, testCase) verify(loader) loader.active = true tryCompare(loader, "status", Loader.Ready) verify(loader.item) compare(loader.item.currentText, "First") compare(loader.item.displayText, "First") } // QTBUG-52615 function test_currentIndex() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {currentIndex: -1, model: 3}) verify(control) compare(control.currentIndex, -1) } ListModel { id: resetmodel ListElement { text: "First" } ListElement { text: "Second" } ListElement { text: "Third" } } // QTBUG-54573 function test_modelReset() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: resetmodel}) verify(control) control.popup.open() var listview = control.popup.contentItem verify(listview) tryCompare(listview.contentItem.children, "length", resetmodel.count + 1) // + highlight item resetmodel.clear() resetmodel.append({text: "Fourth"}) resetmodel.append({text: "Fifth"}) tryCompare(listview.contentItem.children, "length", resetmodel.count + 1) // + highlight item } // QTBUG-55118 function test_currentText() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: listmodel}) verify(control) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentText, "First") listmodel.setProperty(0, "text", "1st") compare(control.currentText, "1st") control.currentIndex = 1 compare(control.currentText, "Second") listmodel.setProperty(0, "text", "First") compare(control.currentText, "Second") } // QTBUG-55030 function test_highlightRange() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 100}) verify(control) control.currentIndex = 50 compare(control.currentIndex, 50) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"}) verify(openedSpy.valid) control.popup.open() compare(control.highlightedIndex, 50) tryCompare(openedSpy, "count", 1) var listview = control.popup.contentItem verify(listview) var first = listview.itemAt(0, listview.contentY) verify(first) compare(first.text, "50") var closedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "closed"}) verify(closedSpy.valid) control.popup.close() tryCompare(closedSpy, "count", 1) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) control.currentIndex = 99 compare(control.currentIndex, 99) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) control.popup.open() compare(control.highlightedIndex, 99) tryCompare(openedSpy, "count", 2) tryVerify(function() { return listview.height > 0 }) var last = listview.itemAt(0, listview.contentY + listview.height - 1) verify(last) compare(last.text, "99") openedSpy.target = null closedSpy.target = null } function test_mouseHighlight() { if ((Qt.platform.pluginName === "offscreen") || (Qt.platform.pluginName === "minimal")) skip("Mouse highlight not functional on offscreen/minimal platforms") var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 20}) verify(control) compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1) var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"}) verify(openedSpy.valid) control.popup.open() compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0) tryCompare(openedSpy, "count", 1) var listview = control.popup.contentItem verify(listview) waitForRendering(listview) // hover-highlight through all visible list items one by one var hoverIndex = -1 var prevHoverItem = null for (var y = 0; y < listview.height; ++y) { var hoverItem = listview.itemAt(0, listview.contentY + y) if (!hoverItem || !hoverItem.visible || hoverItem === prevHoverItem) continue mouseMove(hoverItem, 0, 0) tryCompare(control, "highlightedIndex", ++hoverIndex) prevHoverItem = hoverItem } mouseMove(listview, listview.width / 2, listview.height / 2) // wheel-highlight the rest of the items var delta = 120 var prevWheelItem = null while (!listview.atYEnd) { var prevContentY = listview.contentY mouseWheel(listview, listview.width / 2, listview.height / 2, -delta, -delta) tryCompare(listview, "moving", false) verify(listview.contentY > prevContentY) var wheelItem = listview.itemAt(listview.width / 2, listview.contentY + listview.height / 2) if (!wheelItem || !wheelItem.visible || wheelItem === prevWheelItem) continue tryCompare(control, "highlightedIndex", parseInt(wheelItem.text)) prevWheelItem = wheelItem } } RegularExpressionValidator { id: regExpValidator regularExpression: /(red|blue|green)?/ } function test_validator() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {editable: true, validator: regExpValidator}) control.editText = "blu" compare(control.acceptableInput, false) control.editText = "blue" compare(control.acceptableInput, true) control.editText = "bluee" compare(control.acceptableInput, false) control.editText = "" compare(control.acceptableInput, true) control.editText = "" control.contentItem.forceActiveFocus() keyPress(Qt.Key_A) compare(control.editText, "") keyPress(Qt.Key_A) compare(control.editText, "") keyPress(Qt.Key_R) compare(control.editText, "r") keyPress(Qt.Key_A) compare(control.editText, "r") compare(control.acceptableInput, false) keyPress(Qt.Key_E) compare(control.editText, "re") compare(control.acceptableInput, false) keyPress(Qt.Key_D) compare(control.editText, "red") compare(control.acceptableInput, true) } Component { id: appendFindBox ComboBox { editable: true model: ListModel { ListElement { text:"first" } } onAccepted: { if (find(editText) === -1) model.append({text: editText}) } } } function test_append_find() { var control = createTemporaryObject(appendFindBox, testCase) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentText, "first") control.contentItem.forceActiveFocus() compare(control.activeFocus, true) control.selectAll() keyPress(Qt.Key_T) keyPress(Qt.Key_H) keyPress(Qt.Key_I) keyPress(Qt.Key_R) keyPress(Qt.Key_D) compare(control.count, 1) compare(control.currentText, "first") compare(control.editText, "third") keyPress(Qt.Key_Enter) compare(control.count, 2) compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(control.currentText, "third") } function test_editable() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {editable: true, model: ["Banana", "Coco", "Coconut", "Apple", "Cocomuffin"]}) verify(control) control.contentItem.forceActiveFocus() verify(control.activeFocus) var acceptCount = 0 var acceptSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "accepted"}) verify(acceptSpy.valid) compare(control.editText, "Banana") compare(control.currentText, "Banana") compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(acceptSpy.count, 0) control.editText = "" keyPress(Qt.Key_C) compare(control.editText, "coco") compare(control.currentText, "Banana") compare(control.currentIndex, 0) keyPress(Qt.Key_Right) keyPress(Qt.Key_N) compare(control.editText, "coconut") compare(control.currentText, "Banana") compare(control.currentIndex, 0) keyPress(Qt.Key_Enter) // Accept compare(control.editText, "Coconut") compare(control.currentText, "Coconut") compare(control.currentIndex, 2) compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount) keyPress(Qt.Key_Backspace) keyPress(Qt.Key_Backspace) keyPress(Qt.Key_Backspace) keyPress(Qt.Key_M) compare(control.editText, "Cocomuffin") compare(control.currentText, "Coconut") compare(control.currentIndex, 2) keyPress(Qt.Key_Enter) // Accept compare(control.editText, "Cocomuffin") compare(control.currentText, "Cocomuffin") compare(control.currentIndex, 4) compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount) keyPress(Qt.Key_Return) // Accept compare(control.editText, "Cocomuffin") compare(control.currentText, "Cocomuffin") compare(control.currentIndex, 4) compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount) control.editText = "" compare(control.editText, "") compare(control.currentText, "Cocomuffin") compare(control.currentIndex, 4) keyPress(Qt.Key_A) compare(control.editText, "apple") compare(control.currentText, "Cocomuffin") compare(control.currentIndex, 4) keyPress(Qt.Key_Return) // Accept compare(control.editText, "Apple") compare(control.currentText, "Apple") compare(control.currentIndex, 3) compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount) control.editText = "" keyPress(Qt.Key_A) keyPress(Qt.Key_B) compare(control.editText, "ab") compare(control.currentText, "Apple") compare(control.currentIndex, 3) keyPress(Qt.Key_Return) // Accept compare(control.editText, "ab") compare(control.currentText, "") compare(control.currentIndex, -1) compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount) control.editText = "" compare(control.editText, "") compare(control.currentText, "") compare(control.currentIndex, -1) keyPress(Qt.Key_C) keyPress(Qt.Key_Return) // Accept compare(control.editText, "Coco") compare(control.currentText, "Coco") compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount) keyPress(Qt.Key_Down) compare(control.editText, "Coconut") compare(control.currentText, "Coconut") compare(control.currentIndex, 2) keyPress(Qt.Key_Up) compare(control.editText, "Coco") compare(control.currentText, "Coco") compare(control.currentIndex, 1) control.editText = "" compare(control.editText, "") compare(control.currentText, "Coco") compare(control.currentIndex, 1) keyPress(Qt.Key_C) keyPress(Qt.Key_O) keyPress(Qt.Key_C) // autocompletes "coco" keyPress(Qt.Key_Backspace) keyPress(Qt.Key_Return) // Accept "coc" compare(control.editText, "coc") compare(control.currentText, "") compare(control.currentIndex, -1) compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount) control.editText = "" compare(control.editText, "") compare(control.currentText, "") compare(control.currentIndex, -1) keyPress(Qt.Key_C) keyPress(Qt.Key_O) keyPress(Qt.Key_C) // autocompletes "coc" keyPress(Qt.Key_Space) keyPress(Qt.Key_Return) // Accept "coc " compare(control.editText, "coc ") compare(control.currentText, "") compare(control.currentIndex, -1) compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount) } Component { id: keysAttachedBox ComboBox { editable: true property bool gotit: false Keys.onPressed: function (event) { if (!gotit && event.key === Qt.Key_B) { gotit = true event.accepted = true } } } } function test_keys_attached() { var control = createTemporaryObject(keysAttachedBox, testCase) verify(control) control.contentItem.forceActiveFocus() verify(control.activeFocus) verify(!control.gotit) compare(control.editText, "") keyPress(Qt.Key_A) verify(control.activeFocus) verify(!control.gotit) compare(control.editText, "a") keyPress(Qt.Key_B) verify(control.activeFocus) verify(control.gotit) compare(control.editText, "a") keyPress(Qt.Key_B) verify(control.activeFocus) verify(control.gotit) compare(control.editText, "ab") } function test_minusOneIndexResetsSelection_QTBUG_35794_data() { return [ { tag: "editable", editable: true }, { tag: "non-editable", editable: false } ] } function test_minusOneIndexResetsSelection_QTBUG_35794(data) { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {editable: data.editable, model: ["A", "B", "C"]}) verify(control) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentText, "A") control.currentIndex = -1 compare(control.currentIndex, -1) compare(control.currentText, "") control.currentIndex = 1 compare(control.currentIndex, 1) compare(control.currentText, "B") } function test_minusOneToZeroSelection_QTBUG_38036() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: ["A", "B", "C"]}) verify(control) compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentText, "A") control.currentIndex = -1 compare(control.currentIndex, -1) compare(control.currentText, "") control.currentIndex = 0 compare(control.currentIndex, 0) compare(control.currentText, "A") } function test_emptyPopupAfterModelCleared() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { model: 1 }) verify(control) compare(control.popup.implicitHeight, 0) // Ensure that it's open so that the popup's implicitHeight changes when we increase the model count. control.popup.open() tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", true) // Add lots of items to the model. The popup should take up the entire height of the window. control.model = 100 compare(control.popup.height, control.Window.height - control.popup.topMargin - control.popup.bottomMargin) control.popup.close() // Clearing the model should result in a zero height. control.model = 0 control.popup.open() tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", true) compare(control.popup.height, control.popup.topPadding + control.popup.bottomPadding) } Component { id: keysMonitor Item { property int pressedKeys: 0 property int releasedKeys: 0 property int lastPressedKey: 0 property int lastReleasedKey: 0 property alias comboBox: comboBox width: 200 height: 200 Keys.onPressed: (event) => { ++pressedKeys; lastPressedKey = event.key } Keys.onReleased: (event) => { ++releasedKeys; lastReleasedKey = event.key } ComboBox { id: comboBox } } } function test_keyClose_data() { return [ { tag: "Escape", key: Qt.Key_Escape }, { tag: "Back", key: Qt.Key_Back } ] } function test_keyClose(data) { var container = createTemporaryObject(keysMonitor, testCase) verify(container) var control = comboBox.createObject(container) verify(control) control.forceActiveFocus() verify(control.activeFocus) var pressedKeys = 0 var releasedKeys = 0 // popup not visible -> propagates keyPress(data.key) compare(container.pressedKeys, ++pressedKeys) compare(container.lastPressedKey, data.key) keyRelease(data.key) compare(container.releasedKeys, ++releasedKeys) compare(container.lastReleasedKey, data.key) verify(control.activeFocus) // popup visible -> handled -> does not propagate control.popup.open() tryCompare(control.popup, "opened", true) keyPress(data.key) compare(container.pressedKeys, pressedKeys) keyRelease(data.key) compare(container.releasedKeys, releasedKeys) tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false) verify(control.activeFocus) // popup not visible -> propagates keyPress(data.key) compare(container.pressedKeys, ++pressedKeys) compare(container.lastPressedKey, data.key) keyRelease(data.key) compare(container.releasedKeys, ++releasedKeys) compare(container.lastReleasedKey, data.key) } function test_popupFocus_QTBUG_74661() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase) verify(control) var popup = createTemporaryObject(customPopup, testCase) verify(popup) control.popup = popup var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: popup, signalName: "opened"}) verify(openedSpy.valid) var closedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: popup, signalName: "closed"}) verify(closedSpy.valid) control.forceActiveFocus() verify(control.activeFocus) // show popup keyClick(Qt.Key_Space) openedSpy.wait() compare(openedSpy.count, 1) popup.contentItem.forceActiveFocus() verify(popup.contentItem.activeFocus) // type something in the text field keyClick(Qt.Key_Space) keyClick(Qt.Key_H) keyClick(Qt.Key_I) compare(popup.contentItem.text, " hi") compare(closedSpy.count, 0) // hide popup keyClick(Qt.Key_Escape) closedSpy.wait() compare(closedSpy.count, 1) } function test_comboBoxWithShaderEffect() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBoxWithShaderEffect, testCase, {model: 9}) verify(control) waitForRendering(control) control.forceActiveFocus() var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"}) verify(openedSpy.valid) var closedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "closed"}) verify(closedSpy.valid) control.popup.open() openedSpy.wait() compare(openedSpy.count, 1) control.popup.close() closedSpy.wait() compare(closedSpy.count, 1) } function test_comboBoxSelectTextByMouse() { let control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { editable: true, selectTextByMouse: true, model: [ "Some text" ], width: parent.width }) verify(control) waitForRendering(control) control.forceActiveFocus() // Position the text cursor at the beginning of the text. mouseClick(control, control.leftPadding, control.height / 2) // Select all of the text. mousePress(control, control.leftPadding, control.height / 2) mouseMove(control, control.leftPadding + control.contentItem.width, control.height / 2) mouseRelease(control, control.leftPadding + control.contentItem.width, control.height / 2) compare(control.contentItem.selectedText, "Some text") } // QTBUG-78885: When the edit text is changed on an editable ComboBox, // and then that ComboBox loses focus, its currentIndex should change // to the index of the edit text (assuming a match is found). function test_currentIndexChangeOnLostFocus() { if (Qt.styleHints.tabFocusBehavior !== Qt.TabFocusAllControls) skip("This platform only allows tab focus for text controls") let theModel = [] for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) theModel.push("Item " + (i + 1)) let comboBox1 = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { objectName: "comboBox1", editable: true, model: theModel }) verify(comboBox1) compare(comboBox1.currentIndex, 0) let comboBox2 = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { objectName: "comboBox2" }) verify(comboBox2) // Give the first ComboBox focus and type in 0 to select "Item 10" (default is "Item 1"). waitForRendering(comboBox1) comboBox1.contentItem.forceActiveFocus() verify(comboBox1.activeFocus) keyClick(Qt.Key_0) compare(comboBox1.editText, "Item 10") let currentIndexSpy = signalSpy.createObject(comboBox1, { target: comboBox1, signalName: "currentIndexChanged" }) verify(currentIndexSpy.valid) // Give focus to the other ComboBox so that the first one loses it. // The first ComboBox's currentIndex should change to that of "Item 10". keyClick(Qt.Key_Tab) verify(comboBox2.activeFocus) compare(comboBox1.currentIndex, 9) compare(currentIndexSpy.count, 1) // Give focus back to the first ComboBox, and try the same thing except // with non-existing text; the currentIndex should not change. comboBox1.contentItem.forceActiveFocus() verify(comboBox1.activeFocus) keySequence(StandardKey.SelectAll) compare(comboBox1.contentItem.selectedText, "Item 10") keyClick(Qt.Key_N) keyClick(Qt.Key_O) keyClick(Qt.Key_P) keyClick(Qt.Key_E) compare(comboBox1.editText, "nope") compare(comboBox1.currentIndex, 9) compare(currentIndexSpy.count, 1) } Component { id: appFontTextFieldComponent TextField { objectName: "appFontTextField" font: Qt.application.font // We don't want the background's implicit width to interfere with our tests, // which are about implicit width of the contentItem of ComboBox, which is by default TextField. background: null } } Component { id: appFontContentItemComboBoxComponent ComboBox { // Override the contentItem so that the font doesn't vary between styles. contentItem: TextField { objectName: "appFontContentItemTextField" // We do this just to be extra sure that the font never comes from the control, // as we want it to match that of the TextField in the appFontTextFieldComponent. font: Qt.application.font background: null } } } Component { id: twoItemListModelComponent ListModel { ListElement { display: "Short" } ListElement { display: "Kinda long" } } } function appendedToModel(model, item) { if (Array.isArray(model)) { let newModel = model newModel.push(item) return newModel } if (model.hasOwnProperty("append")) { model.append({ display: item }) // To account for the fact that changes to a JS array are not seen by the QML engine, // we need to reassign the entire model and hence return it. For simplicity in the // calling code, we do it for the ListModel code path too. It should be a no-op. return model } console.warn("appendedToModel: unrecognised model") return undefined } function removedFromModel(model, index, count) { if (Array.isArray(model)) { let newModel = model newModel.splice(index, count) return newModel } if (model.hasOwnProperty("remove")) { model.remove(index, count) return model } console.warn("removedFromModel: unrecognised model") return undefined } // We don't use a data-driven test for the policy because the checks vary a lot based on which enum we're testing. function test_implicitContentWidthPolicy_ContentItemImplicitWidth() { // Set ContentItemImplicitWidth and ensure that implicitContentWidth is as wide as the current item // by comparing it against the implicitWidth of an identical TextField let control = createTemporaryObject(appFontContentItemComboBoxComponent, testCase, { model: ["Short", "Kinda long"], implicitContentWidthPolicy: ComboBox.ContentItemImplicitWidth }) verify(control) compare(control.implicitContentWidthPolicy, ComboBox.ContentItemImplicitWidth) let textField = createTemporaryObject(appFontTextFieldComponent, testCase) verify(textField) // Don't set any text on textField because we're not accounting for the widest // text here, so we want to compare it against an empty TextField. compare(control.implicitContentWidth, textField.implicitWidth) textField.font.pixelSize *= 2 control.font.pixelSize *= 2 compare(control.implicitContentWidth, textField.implicitWidth) } function test_implicitContentWidthPolicy_WidestText_data() { return [ { tag: "Array", model: ["Short", "Kinda long"] }, { tag: "ListModel", model: twoItemListModelComponent.createObject(testCase) }, ] } function test_implicitContentWidthPolicy_WidestText(data) { let control = createTemporaryObject(appFontContentItemComboBoxComponent, testCase, { model: data.model, implicitContentWidthPolicy: ComboBox.WidestText }) verify(control) compare(control.implicitContentWidthPolicy, ComboBox.WidestText) let textField = createTemporaryObject(appFontTextFieldComponent, testCase) verify(textField) textField.text = "Kinda long" // Note that we don't need to change the current index here, as the implicitContentWidth // is set to the implicitWidth of the TextField within the ComboBox as if it had the largest // text from the model set on it. // We use Math.ceil because TextInput uses qCeil internally, whereas the implicitWidth // binding for TextField does not. compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth)) // Add a longer item; it should affect the implicit content width. let modifiedModel = appendedToModel(data.model, "Moderately long") control.model = modifiedModel textField.text = "Moderately long" compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth)) // Remove the last two items; it should use the only remaining item's width. modifiedModel = removedFromModel(data.model, 1, 2) control.model = modifiedModel compare(control.count, 1) compare(control.currentText, "Short") textField.text = "Short" compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth)) // Changes in font should result in the implicitContentWidth being updated. textField.font.pixelSize *= 2 // We have to change the contentItem's font size manually since we break the // style's binding to the control's font when we set Qt.application.font to it. control.contentItem.font.pixelSize *= 2 control.font.pixelSize *= 2 compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth)) } function test_implicitContentWidthPolicy_WidestTextWhenCompleted_data() { return test_implicitContentWidthPolicy_WidestText_data() } function test_implicitContentWidthPolicy_WidestTextWhenCompleted(data) { let control = createTemporaryObject(appFontContentItemComboBoxComponent, testCase, { model: data.model, implicitContentWidthPolicy: ComboBox.WidestTextWhenCompleted }) verify(control) compare(control.implicitContentWidthPolicy, ComboBox.WidestTextWhenCompleted) let textField = createTemporaryObject(appFontTextFieldComponent, testCase) verify(textField) textField.text = "Kinda long" compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth)) // Add a longer item; it should not affect the implicit content width // since we've already accounted for it once. let modifiedModel = appendedToModel(data.model, "Moderately long") control.model = modifiedModel compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth)) // Remove the last two items; it should still not affect the implicit content width. modifiedModel = removedFromModel(data.model, 1, 2) control.model = modifiedModel compare(control.count, 1) compare(control.currentText, "Short") compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth)) // Changes in font should not result in the implicitContentWidth being updated. let oldTextFieldImplicitWidth = textField.implicitWidth // Changes in font should result in the implicitContentWidth being updated. textField.font.pixelSize *= 2 control.contentItem.font.pixelSize *= 2 control.font.pixelSize *= 2 compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(oldTextFieldImplicitWidth)) } // QTBUG-61021: text line should not be focused by default // It causes (e.g. on Android) showing virtual keyboard when it is not needed function test_doNotFocusTextLineByDefault() { var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase) // Focus not set after creating combobox verify(!control.activeFocus) verify(!control.contentItem.focus) // After setting focus on combobox, text line should not be focused control.forceActiveFocus() verify(control.activeFocus) verify(!control.contentItem.focus) // Text line is focused after intentional setting focus on it control.contentItem.forceActiveFocus() verify(control.activeFocus) verify(control.contentItem.focus) } Component { id: intValidatorComponent IntValidator { bottom: 0 top: 255 } } function test_acceptableInput_QTBUG_94307() { let items = [ { text: "A" }, { text: "2" }, { text: "3" } ] let control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: items, editable: true}) verify(control) verify(control.acceptableInput) compare(control.displayText, "A") let acceptableInputSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "acceptableInputChanged"}) verify(acceptableInputSpy.valid) let intValidator = intValidatorComponent.createObject(testCase) verify(intValidator) control.validator = intValidator compare(acceptableInputSpy.count, 1) compare(control.displayText, "A") compare(control.acceptableInput, false) control.currentIndex = 1 compare(acceptableInputSpy.count, 2) compare(control.displayText, "2") compare(control.acceptableInput, true) } function test_selectionCleared() { const model = [ { text: "Apple" }, { text: "Banana" }, { text: "Coconut" } ] let control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { model: model, editable: true }) verify(control) compare(control.displayText, "Apple") compare(control.editText, "Apple") compare(control.currentIndex, 0) // Give the TextField focus and select the text. let textField = control.contentItem textField.forceActiveFocus() textField.selectAll() compare(textField.selectedText, "Apple") // Type "B" so that Banana is selected. keyPress(Qt.Key_Shift) keyClick(Qt.Key_B) keyRelease(Qt.Key_Shift) compare(control.displayText, "Apple") expectFail("", "QTBUG-102950") compare(control.editText, "Banana") compare(textField.selectedText, "anana") compare(control.currentIndex, 0) // Select Banana by pressing enter. keyClick(Qt.Key_Return) compare(control.displayText, "Banana") compare(control.editText, "Banana") compare(textField.selectedText, "") compare(control.currentIndex, 1) } // QTBUG-109721 - verify that an eaten press event for the space key // doesn't open the popup when the key is released. Component { id: comboboxEatsSpace ComboBox { id: nonEditableComboBox editable: false model: ["NonEditable", "Delta", "Echo", "Foxtrot"] Keys.onSpacePressed: (event) => event.accept } } function test_spacePressEaten() { let control = createTemporaryObject(comboboxEatsSpace, testCase) verify(control) control.forceActiveFocus() var visibleChangedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "visibleChanged"}) verify(visibleChangedSpy.valid) // press doesn't open keyPress(Qt.Key_Space) verify(!control.pressed) compare(visibleChangedSpy.count, 0) // neither does release keyRelease(Qt.Key_Space) compare(visibleChangedSpy.count, 0) } Component { id: listOfGadgets QtObject { property list rects: [Qt.rect(1, 2, 3, 4), Qt.rect(5, 6, 7, 8)] } } function test_listOfGadgetsWithRole() { let model = listOfGadgets.createObject(testCase); let control = createTemporaryObject( comboBox, testCase, {model: model.rects, textRole: "width"}); verify(control); compare(control.currentIndex, 0); compare(control.displayText, "3"); control.currentIndex = 1; compare(control.displayText, "7"); } function test_contextObject() { // We use the default delegate with required properties and pass // an array of objects as model. This should work despite // ComboBox setting itself as model object for the delegate. let control = createTemporaryObject( comboBox, testCase, {model: fruitarray, textRole: "color"}); verify(control); compare(control.popup.contentItem.itemAtIndex(0).text, "red"); // Now we pass an AbstractItemModel with 2 roles. Since we use required properties // the model object should still have the anonymous property, and it should be a // QQmlDMAbstractItemModelData. control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { model: fruitmodel }); verify(control); for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) ignoreWarning(/ComboBox\.qml\:[0-9]+\:[0-9]+\: Unable to assign QQmlDMAbstractItemModelData to QString/); compare(control.popup.contentItem.itemAtIndex(0).text, ""); } }