// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only import QtQuick import Qt.labs.animation Item { id: root objectName: "viewport" default property alias data: __contentItem.data property alias velocity: anim.velocity property alias contentX: __contentItem.x // sign is reversed compared to Flickable.contentX property alias contentY: __contentItem.y // sign is reversed compared to Flickable.contentY property alias contentWidth: __contentItem.width property alias contentHeight: __contentItem.height signal flickStarted signal flickEnded Item { id: __contentItem objectName: "__contentItem" width: childrenRect.width height: childrenRect.height BoundaryRule on x { id: xbr minimum: root.width - __contentItem.width maximum: 0 minimumOvershoot: 100 maximumOvershoot: 100 overshootFilter: BoundaryRule.Peak } BoundaryRule on y { id: ybr minimum: root.height - __contentItem.height maximum: 0 minimumOvershoot: 100 maximumOvershoot: 100 overshootFilter: BoundaryRule.Peak } DragHandler { id: dragHandler onActiveChanged: if (active) { anim.stop() root.flickStarted() } else { var vel = centroid.velocity if (xbr.returnToBounds()) vel.x = 0 if (ybr.returnToBounds()) vel.y = 0 if (vel.x !== 0 || vel.y !== 0) anim.restart(vel) else root.flickEnded() } } WheelHandler { rotationScale: 15 property: "x" orientation: Qt.Horizontal acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.TouchPad onActiveChanged: // emitting signals in both instances is redundant but hard to avoid // when the touchpad is flicking along both axes if (active) { anim.stop() root.flickStarted() } else { xbr.returnToBounds() root.flickEnded() } } WheelHandler { rotationScale: 15 property: "y" orientation: Qt.Vertical acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.TouchPad onActiveChanged: if (active) { anim.stop() root.flickStarted() } else { ybr.returnToBounds() root.flickEnded() } } MomentumAnimation { id: anim target: __contentItem onStarted: root.flickStarted() onStopped: { xbr.returnToBounds() ybr.returnToBounds() root.flickEnded() } } } }