// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 import QtQuick 2.15 import "content" Rectangle { id: root width: 600; height: 480; color: "#f0f0f0" property int globalGesturePolicy : TapHandler.DragThreshold Flickable { id: flick anchors.fill: parent contentHeight: 600 contentWidth: 1000 objectName: "Flick" Repeater { model: flick.contentHeight/200 Rectangle { width: flick.contentWidth height: 101 x: 0 y: index * 200 border.color: "#808080" border.width: 1 color: "transparent" } } Repeater { model: flick.contentWidth/200 Rectangle { width: 101 height: flick.contentHeight x: index * 200 y: 0 border.color: "#808080" border.width: 1 color: "transparent" } } TextBox { x: 0; y: 0 width: 100; height: 100 label: "DragHandler" objectName: "dragSquircle1" DragHandler { dragThreshold: ckZeroDragThreshold1.checked ? 0 : undefined } CheckBox { id: ckZeroDragThreshold1 label: " Zero threshold" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter y: 20 checked: false } } TextBox { x: 100; y: 0 width: 100; height: 100 label: "TapHandler" color: queryColor(tap1.pressed) TapHandler { id: tap1 gesturePolicy: root.globalGesturePolicy } } TextBox { x: 200; y: 0 width: 100; height: 100 label: "TapHandler\nDragHandler" color: queryColor(tap2.pressed) TapHandler { id: tap2 gesturePolicy: root.globalGesturePolicy } DragHandler { dragThreshold: ckZeroDragThreshold2.checked ? 0 : undefined } CheckBox { id: ckZeroDragThreshold2 label: " Zero threshold" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter y: 32 checked: false } } TextBox { x: 300; y: 0 width: 100; height: 100 label: "DragHandler\nTapHandler" color: queryColor(tap3.pressed) DragHandler { dragThreshold: ckZeroDragThreshold3.checked ? 0 : undefined } CheckBox { id: ckZeroDragThreshold3 label: " Zero threshold" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter y: 32 checked: false } TapHandler { id: tap3 gesturePolicy: root.globalGesturePolicy } } TextBox { x: 400; y: 0 width: 100; height: 100 label: "DragHandler" DragHandler { dragThreshold: ckZeroDragThreshold4.checked ? 0 : undefined } CheckBox { id: ckZeroDragThreshold4 label: " Zero threshold" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter y: 20 checked: false } TextBox { label: "TapHandler" x: (parent.width - width)/2 y: 60 color: queryColor(tap4.pressed) TapHandler { id: tap4 gesturePolicy: root.globalGesturePolicy } } } TextBox { objectName: "dragSquircle5" x: 500; y: 0 width: 100; height: 100 label: "TapHandler" color: queryColor(tap5.pressed) CheckBox { id: ckGreedyDrag x: 10 anchors.bottom: dragRect5.top label: " Greedy ↓" checked: true } CheckBox { id: ckZeroDragThreshold5 label: " Zero threshold" x: 10 anchors.bottom: ckGreedyDrag.top checked: false } TapHandler { id: tap5 gesturePolicy: root.globalGesturePolicy } TextBox { id: dragRect5 objectName: "dragRect5" label: "DragHandler" x: (parent.width - width)/2 y: 60 DragHandler { grabPermissions: ckGreedyDrag ? DragHandler.CanTakeOverFromAnything : DragHandler.CanTakeOverFromItems | DragHandler.CanTakeOverFromHandlersOfDifferentType | DragHandler.ApprovesTakeOverByAnything dragThreshold: ckZeroDragThreshold5.checked ? 0 : undefined } } } TextBox { x: 0; y: 100 width: 100; height: 100 label: "No MouseArea" TextBox { objectName: "dragRect01" label: "DragHandler" x: (parent.width - width)/2 y: 60 DragHandler { dragThreshold: ckZeroDragThreshold6.checked ? 0 : undefined } } CheckBox { id: ckZeroDragThreshold6 label: " Zero threshold" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter y: 20 checked: false } } TextBox { id: r2 label: "MouseArea" x: 100; y: 100 width: 100; height: 100 MouseArea { id: ma enabled: ckEnabled.checked drag.target: ckDrag.checked ? r2 : undefined drag.threshold: ckExtendDragThreshold.checked ? 50 : undefined anchors.fill: parent } Column { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 10 x: 10 CheckBox { id: ckEnabled label: " Enabled" checked: true } CheckBox { id: ckDrag label: " Drag" checked: true } CheckBox { id: ckExtendDragThreshold label: " Extend threshold" checked: false } } } TextBox { objectName: "dragSquircle9" x: 200; y: 100 width: 100; height: 100 label: "DragHandler" color: queryColor(drag9.active) CheckBox { id: ckGreedyDrag9 x: 10 y: 20 label: " Greedy" checked: true } CheckBox { id: ckZeroDragThreshold9 label: " Zero threshold" x: 10 anchors.bottom: ckGreedyDragR9.top checked: false } CheckBox { id: ckGreedyDragR9 x: 10 anchors.bottom: dragRect9.top label: " Greedy ↓" checked: false } DragHandler { id: drag9 objectName: "drag9" grabPermissions: ckGreedyDrag9.checked ? DragHandler.CanTakeOverFromAnything : DragHandler.CanTakeOverFromItems | DragHandler.CanTakeOverFromHandlersOfDifferentType | DragHandler.ApprovesTakeOverByAnything dragThreshold: ckZeroDragThreshold9.checked ? 0 : undefined } TextBox { id: dragRect9 objectName: "dragRect9" label: "DragHandler" x: (parent.width - width)/2 y: 65 DragHandler { objectName: "dragRect9" grabPermissions: ckGreedyDragR9.checked ? DragHandler.CanTakeOverFromAnything : DragHandler.CanTakeOverFromItems | DragHandler.CanTakeOverFromHandlersOfDifferentType | DragHandler.ApprovesTakeOverByAnything dragThreshold: ckZeroDragThreshold9.checked ? 0 : undefined } } } } }