// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only import QtQuick 2.0 Item { id: textinputelementtest anchors.fill: parent property string testtext: "" Rectangle { id: textinputelementbackground color: "green"; height: 50; width: parent.width *.8; border.color: "gray"; opacity: 0.7; radius: 5 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.bottom: secondarybackground.top anchors.bottomMargin: 10 TextInput { id: textinputelement font.pointSize: 12; width: parent.width; text: ""; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter anchors.centerIn: parent Behavior on font.pointSize { NumberAnimation { duration: 1000 } } Behavior on color { ColorAnimation { duration: 1000 } } } } Rectangle { id: secondarybackground color: "lightgray"; border.color: "gray"; opacity: 0.7; radius: 5; height: 50; width: parent.width *.8 anchors { bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: 15; horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } TextInput { id: secondary property string ignoretext: "Nothing to see here" font.pointSize: 12; text: ""; opacity: text == ignoretext ? .3 : 1; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter anchors.centerIn: parent; width: parent.width } } Rectangle { id: shadowrect color: "lightgray"; height: 50; width: parent.width *.8; border.color: "gray"; opacity: 0; radius: 5 anchors.horizontalCenter: textinputelementbackground.horizontalCenter; anchors.verticalCenter: textinputelementbackground.verticalCenter; Text { id: shadowtext font.pointSize: 12; width: parent.width; text: ""; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter anchors.centerIn: parent } } transitions: Transition { AnchorAnimation { targets: shadowrect; duration: 1000 } } SequentialAnimation { id: copypaste ScriptAction { script: { secondary.text = ""; shadowtext.text = textinputelement.selectedText; textinputelement.copy(); } } NumberAnimation { target: shadowrect; property: "opacity"; to: 0.5; duration: 100 } PauseAnimation { duration: 1000 } ScriptAction { script: { secondary.paste(); } } NumberAnimation { target: shadowrect; property: "opacity"; to: 0; duration: 100 } NumberAnimation { target: shadowrect; property: "x"; to: textinputelementbackground.x; duration: 0 } } BugPanel { id: bugpanel } SystemTestHelp { id: helpbubble; visible: statenum != 0 anchors { top: parent.top; horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; topMargin: 50 } } states: [ State { name: "start"; when: statenum == 1 StateChangeScript { script: { textinputelement.text = "Hello, my name is TextInput" secondary.text = "Nothing to see here"; } } PropertyChanges { target: textinputelementtest testtext: "This is a TextInput element. At present it should be saying hello.\n"+ "Next, it will select the TextInput portion of the displayed text" } }, State { name: "highlight"; when: statenum == 2 StateChangeScript { script: textinputelement.select(18, 27); } PropertyChanges { target: textinputelementtest testtext: "TextInput should now be highlighted.\nNext, copy this to the other TextInput." } }, State { name: "copypaste"; when: statenum == 3 PropertyChanges { target: copypaste; running: true } AnchorChanges { target: shadowrect; anchors.verticalCenter: secondarybackground.verticalCenter } PropertyChanges { target: textinputelementtest testtext: "The second TextInput should now be showing the selected text of the top TextInput.\n"+ "Next, let's change the way the entered text is displayed." } }, State { name: "passwordmode"; when: statenum == 4 StateChangeScript { script: textinputelement.deselect(); } PropertyChanges { target: textinputelement; echoMode: TextInput.Password } PropertyChanges { target: textinputelementtest testtext: "The TextInput should now be showing asterisks (*) for every character in the top TextInput - all "+ textinputelement.text.length+" of them.\n"+ "Next, let's return to the start." } } ] }