cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15.0) include(.cmake.conf) project(QtDeviceUtilities VERSION "${QT_REPO_MODULE_VERSION}" DESCRIPTION "Qt Device Utilities Libraries" HOMEPAGE_URL "" LANGUAGES CXX C ) find_package(Qt6 ${PROJECT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS BuildInternals) find_package(Qt6 ${PROJECT_VERSION} CONFIG OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS Quick DBus) macro(assertTargets) foreach(qtTarget IN ITEMS ${ARGN}) if(NOT TARGET Qt::${qtTarget}) message(NOTICE "Skipping the build as the condition \"TARGET Qt::${qtTarget}\" is not met.") return() endif() endforeach() endmacro() assertTargets(Quick DBus) if(NOT LINUX) message(NOTICE "Skipping the build as the condition \"LINUX\" is not met.") return() endif() if(WASM) message(NOTICE "Skipping the build as the condition \"NOT WASM\" is not met.") return() endif() qt_build_repo()