project = QtDeviceUtilities description = Qt Device Utilities version = 5.6.2 sourcedirs += ../src \ ../../imports/wifi \ ../../imports/utils \ ../../wifi headerdirs += ../../wifi exampledirs += ../../../examples imagedirs += ../images indexes = $QT_INSTALL_DOCS/qtquick/qtquick.index \ $QT_INSTALL_DOCS/qtqml/qtqml.index \ $QT_INSTALL_DOCS/qtdoc/qtdoc.index \ $QT_INSTALL_DOCS/qtgui/qtgui.index \ $QT_INSTALL_DOCS/qtcore/qtcore.index \ $QT_INSTALL_DOCS/qtquickcontrols/qtquickcontrols.index qhp.projects = QtDeviceUtilities qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.file = qtdeviceutilities.qhp qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.namespace = io.qt.qtdeviceutilities.562 qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.virtualFolder = qtdeviceutilities qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.indexTitle = Qt for Device Creation: Add-On Modules qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.indexRoot = qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects = modules qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.modules.title = Modules qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.modules.indexTitle = Qt for Device Creation: Add-On Modules qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.modules.selectors = qmlmodule module qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.modules.sortPages = true macro.B2Q = "Boot to Qt" macro.SDK = "Qt for Device Creation" macro.QAS = "Qt Automotive Suite" macro.B2QA = "\\e {Boot to Qt for embedded Android}" macro.B2QL = "\\e {Boot to Qt for embedded Linux}" # Keep Device Creation as the landing page navigation.landingpage = "Qt for Device Creation" navigation.qmltypespage = "Qt for Device Creation: Add-On Modules" Cpp.ignoredirectives += Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY