include($QT_INSTALL_DOCS/global/qt-module-defaults.qdocconf) project = QtDeviceUtilities description = Qt Device Utilities $QT_VERSION version = $QT_VERSION macro.maintitle = "\\title Qt Device Utilities $QT_VERSION" includepaths += -I . \ -I ../networksettings # pass a custom module header to Clang moduleheader = QtDeviceUtilitiesDoc sourcedirs += src \ ../networksettingsqml \ ../networksettings headerdirs += ../networksettings exampledirs += ../../examples imagedirs += images depends = qtcore qtdoc qtgui qtqml qtquick qtquickcontrols qtwidgets qhp.projects = QtDeviceUtilities qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.file = qtdeviceutilities.qhp qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.namespace = io.qt.qtdeviceutilities.$QT_VERSION_TAG qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.virtualFolder = qtdeviceutilities qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.indexTitle = Qt Device Utilities $QT_VERSION qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.indexRoot = qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects = classes qmltypes examples qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.classes.title = C++ Classes qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.classes.indexTitle = Qt Device Utilities C++ Classes qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.classes.selectors = class fake:headerfile qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.classes.sortPages = true qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.qmltypes.title = QML Types qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.qmltypes.indexTitle = Qt Device Utilities QML Types qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.qmltypes.selectors = qmlclass qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.qmltypes.sortPages = true qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.examples.title = Examples qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.examples.indexTitle = Qt Device Utilities Examples qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.examples.selectors = doc:example qhp.QtDeviceUtilities.subprojects.examples.sortPages = true macro.B2Q = "Boot to Qt" macro.SDK = "Qt for Device Creation" macro.QAS = "Qt Automotive Suite" macro.B2QA = "\\e {Boot to Qt for embedded Android}" macro.B2QL = "\\e {Boot to Qt for embedded Linux}" macro.QtDU = "Qt Device Utilities" # Keep Device Creation as the landing page navigation.landingpage = "Qt for Device Creation" navigation.qmltypespage = "Qt Device Utilities QML Types" navigation.cppclassespage = "Qt Device Utilities C++ Classes" Cpp.ignoredirectives += Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY Cpp.ignoretokens += Q_DEL_EXPORT