import QtQuick.tooling 1.2 // This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library. // It is used for QML tooling purposes only. // // This file was auto-generated by: // 'qmlplugindump -nonrelocatable QtDeviceUtilities.BluetoothSettings 1.0' Module { dependencies: [] Component { name: "BluetoothDevice" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["QtDeviceUtilities.BluetoothSettings/BtDevice 1.0"] isCreatable: false isSingleton: true exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Property { name: "scanning"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "powered"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "deviceModel"; type: "QObject"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true } Method { name: "deviceStateChanged" Parameter { name: "state"; type: "QBluetoothLocalDevice::HostMode" } } Method { name: "scanFinished" } Method { name: "pairingDisplayConfirmation" Parameter { name: "address"; type: "QBluetoothAddress" } Parameter { name: "pin"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "pairingDisplayPinCode" Parameter { name: "address"; type: "QBluetoothAddress" } Parameter { name: "pin"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "pairingFinished" Parameter { name: "address"; type: "QBluetoothAddress" } Parameter { name: "pairing"; type: "QBluetoothLocalDevice::Pairing" } } Method { name: "deviceConnected" Parameter { name: "address"; type: "QBluetoothAddress" } } Method { name: "deviceDisconnected" Parameter { name: "address"; type: "QBluetoothAddress" } } Method { name: "requestPairing" Parameter { name: "address"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "requestConnect" Parameter { name: "address"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "requestDisconnect" Parameter { name: "address"; type: "string" } } } Component { name: "BtDeviceItem" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["QtDeviceUtilities.BluetoothSettings/BtDeviceItem 1.0"] isCreatable: false exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Enum { name: "DeviceType" values: { "Phone": 0, "Computer": 1, "Mouse": 2, "Keyboard": 3, "Headphones": 4, "Microphone": 5, "Camera": 6, "Camcorder": 7, "Clock": 8, "HealthDevice": 9, "GenericDevice": 1000 } } Property { name: "address"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "name"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "connected"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "type"; type: "DeviceType"; isReadonly: true } } }