/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc ** All rights reserved. ** For any questions to Digia, please use the contact form at ** http://qt.digia.com/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Enterprise Embedded. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use ** the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Code values come from android/system/netd/ResponseCode.h static const int InterfaceChange = 600; static const char UNIQUE_HOSTNAME[] = "net.hostname"; static bool QT_CONNECTIVITY_DEBUG = !qgetenv("QT_CONNECTIVITY_DEBUG").isEmpty(); static bool QT_USE_EXPIRED_LEASE = !qgetenv("QT_USE_EXPIRED_LEASE").isEmpty(); // sanity check a renewal time, lower value than // this might indicate a badly configured DHCP server static int MIN_RENEWAL_TIME_SECS = 300; // 5 min #define ETH_INTERFACE "eth0" // this function is defined in android/system/core/libnetutils/dhcp_utils.c extern "C" { int dhcp_do_request_renew(const char *ifname, const char *ipaddr, const char *gateway, uint32_t *prefixLength, const char *dns1, const char *dns2, const char *server, uint32_t *lease, const char *vendorInfo); } class LeaseTimer; class QConnectivityDaemon : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: QConnectivityDaemon(); protected: void setHostnamePropery(const char *interface) const; void sendCommand(const char *command) const; void handleInterfaceChange(const QList &message); bool startDhcp(bool renew, const char *interface); void stopDhcp(const char *interface); bool ethernetSupported() const; protected slots: void initNetdConnection(); void handleNetdEvent(); void handleRequest(); void handleNewConnection(); void sendReply(QLocalSocket *requester, const QByteArray &reply) const; void updateLease(); void handleError(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError /*socketError*/) const; bool isEmulator() const; private: friend class LeaseTimer; QLocalSocket *m_netdSocket; // currently used to listen for requests from Qt Wifi library, // in future can be used also for Bluetooth and etc. QLocalServer *m_serverSocket; bool m_linkUp; LeaseTimer *m_leaseTimer; }; class LeaseTimer : public QTimer { Q_OBJECT public: LeaseTimer(QConnectivityDaemon *daemon) : m_daemon(daemon) {} void setInterface(const QByteArray &interface) { if (m_ifc.isEmpty()) { m_ifc = interface; } else { // for example when user switches from eth0 to wlan0, we // stop DHCP on the previous interface if (m_ifc != interface) { m_daemon->stopDhcp(m_ifc.constData()); m_ifc = interface; } } } QByteArray interface() const { return m_ifc; } private: QConnectivityDaemon *m_daemon; QByteArray m_ifc; }; QConnectivityDaemon::QConnectivityDaemon() : m_netdSocket(0), m_serverSocket(0), m_linkUp(false), m_leaseTimer(0) { qDebug() << "starting QConnectivityDaemon..."; if (isEmulator()) { // ### TODO - init Internet setup on emulator } else { initNetdConnection(); m_leaseTimer = new LeaseTimer(this); m_leaseTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(m_leaseTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateLease())); int serverFd = socket_local_server("qconnectivity", ANDROID_SOCKET_NAMESPACE_RESERVED, SOCK_STREAM); if (serverFd != -1) { m_serverSocket = new QLocalServer(this); if (m_serverSocket->listen(serverFd)) connect(m_serverSocket, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(handleNewConnection())); else qWarning() << "QConnectivityDaemon: not able to listen on the server socket..."; } else { qWarning() << "QConnectivityDaemon: failed to open qconnectivity server socket"; } } } bool QConnectivityDaemon::isEmulator() const { bool isEmulator = false; QString content; QFile conf("/system/bin/appcontroller.conf"); if (conf.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream stream(&conf); content = stream.readAll(); isEmulator = content.contains("platform=emulator"); } else { qWarning() << "Failed to read appcontroller.conf"; } conf.close(); return isEmulator; } void QConnectivityDaemon::initNetdConnection() { static int attemptCount = 12; if (ethernetSupported()) { int netdFd = socket_local_client("netd", ANDROID_SOCKET_NAMESPACE_RESERVED, SOCK_STREAM); if (netdFd != -1) { qDebug() << "QConnectivityDaemon: connected to netd socket"; m_netdSocket = new QLocalSocket(this); m_netdSocket->setSocketDescriptor(netdFd); connect(m_netdSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(handleNetdEvent())); connect(m_netdSocket, SIGNAL(error(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError)), this, SLOT(handleError(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError))); // down-up sequence generates "linkstate" events, which we can use to setup // our daemon on initial startup or on daemon restarts stopDhcp(ETH_INTERFACE); sendCommand("0 interface setcfg " ETH_INTERFACE " down"); sendCommand("0 interface setcfg " ETH_INTERFACE " up"); } else { qWarning() << "QConnectivityDaemon: failed to connect to netd socket"; if (--attemptCount != 0) QTimer::singleShot(2000, this, SLOT(initNetdConnection())); } } } void QConnectivityDaemon::setHostnamePropery(const char *interface) const { // Setup our unique device name (used as a host name argument for dhcpcd call in // dhcp_do_request). On Android device name is set in ConnectivityService.java and // the id is generated with the help of SecureRandom.java class. We will use Mac // address as a unique hostname. char prop_value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get(UNIQUE_HOSTNAME, prop_value, NULL); if ((prop_value[0] == '\0')) { char hwaddr[6]; memset(hwaddr, 0, sizeof(hwaddr)); ifc_init(); if (ifc_get_hwaddr(interface, (void *)hwaddr) == 0) { QByteArray macAddress(hwaddr, sizeof(hwaddr)); property_set(UNIQUE_HOSTNAME, macAddress.toHex().prepend("b2qt-").constData()); } else { qWarning() << "QConnectivityDaemon: failed to get MAC address"; } ifc_close(); } } void QConnectivityDaemon::sendCommand(const char *command) const { qDebug() << "QConnectivityDaemon: sending command - " << command; // netd expects "\0" terminated commands... m_netdSocket->write(command, qstrlen(command) + 1); m_netdSocket->flush(); } void QConnectivityDaemon::handleInterfaceChange(const QList &message) { // Format: "Code Iface linkstate " if (message.size() < 5) { qWarning() << "QConnectivityDaemon: broken command"; return; } if (message.at(2) == "linkstate" && message.at(3) == ETH_INTERFACE) { if (message.at(4) == "up") { // ethernet cable has been plugged in if (!m_linkUp) { m_linkUp = true; startDhcp(false, ETH_INTERFACE); } } else { // .. plugged out if (m_linkUp) { m_linkUp = false; stopDhcp(ETH_INTERFACE); } } } } bool QConnectivityDaemon::startDhcp(bool renew, const char *interface) { qDebug() << "QConnectivityDaemon: startDhcp [ renew" << renew << "] " << "interface: " << interface; setHostnamePropery(interface); int result = 0; char ipaddr[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; quint32 prefixLength = 0; char gateway[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; char dns1[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; char dns2[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; char server[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; quint32 lease = 0; char vendorInfo[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; if (renew) { result = dhcp_do_request_renew(interface, ipaddr, gateway, &prefixLength, dns1, dns2, server, &lease, vendorInfo); } else { // stop any existing DHCP daemon before starting new dhcp_stop(interface); // this uses "ctl.start.*" mechanism to start "dhcpcd" daemon as defined by // the device init.rc. Android starts dhcpcd with argument -B which means that // we are responsible for renewing a lease before it expires ifc_clear_addresses(interface); result = dhcp_do_request(interface, ipaddr, gateway, &prefixLength, dns1, dns2, server, &lease, vendorInfo); } bool success = (result == 0) ? true : false; if (success) { qDebug() << "\nipaddr: " << ipaddr << "\nprefixLength: " << prefixLength << "\ngateway: " << gateway << "\ndns1: " << dns1 << "\ndns2: " << dns2; if (!renew) { in_addr _ipaddr, _gateway, _dns1, _dns2; inet_aton(ipaddr, &_ipaddr); inet_aton(gateway, &_gateway); inet_aton(dns1, &_dns1); inet_aton(dns2, &_dns2); ifc_configure(interface, _ipaddr.s_addr, prefixLength, _gateway.s_addr, _dns1.s_addr, _dns2.s_addr); property_set("net.dns1", dns1); property_set("net.dns2", dns2); } if (lease >= 0) { if (lease < MIN_RENEWAL_TIME_SECS) { qWarning() << "QConnectivityDaemon: DHCP server proposes lease time " << lease << "seconds. We will use" << MIN_RENEWAL_TIME_SECS << " seconds instead."; lease = MIN_RENEWAL_TIME_SECS; } // update lease when 48% of lease time has elapsed if (m_leaseTimer->isActive()) m_leaseTimer->stop(); m_leaseTimer->setInterface(interface); m_leaseTimer->start(lease * 480); } } else { qWarning("QConnectivityDaemon: DHCP request failed - %s", dhcp_get_errmsg()); if (renew) { // If it fails to renew a lease (faulty server, proxy?) we re-connect. // Some users might prefer to use expired lease over having interrupt // in network connection if (QT_USE_EXPIRED_LEASE) return true; qDebug() << "QConnectivityDaemon: attempting to re-connect..."; stopDhcp(interface); startDhcp(false, interface); } } return success; } void QConnectivityDaemon::stopDhcp(const char *interface) { qDebug() << "QConnectivityDaemon: stopDhcp: " << interface; ifc_clear_addresses(interface); dhcp_stop(interface); if (m_leaseTimer->isActive()) m_leaseTimer->stop(); } bool QConnectivityDaemon::ethernetSupported() const { // standard linux kernel path return QDir().exists("/sys/class/net/" ETH_INTERFACE); } void QConnectivityDaemon::handleNetdEvent() { QByteArray data = m_netdSocket->readAll(); if (QT_CONNECTIVITY_DEBUG) qDebug() << "QConnectivityDaemon: netd event: " << data; if (data.endsWith('\0')) data.chop(1); QList message = data.split(' '); int code = message.at(0).toInt(); switch (code) { case InterfaceChange: handleInterfaceChange(message); break; default: break; } } void QConnectivityDaemon::handleRequest() { // Format: "interface " QLocalSocket *requester = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if (requester->canReadLine()) { QByteArray request = requester->readLine(requester->bytesAvailable()); qDebug() << "QConnectivityDaemon: received a request: " << request; QList cmd = request.split(' '); if (cmd.size() < 2) return; QByteArray interface = cmd.at(0); if (cmd.at(1) == "connect") { QByteArray reply; if (startDhcp(false, interface.constData())) reply = "success"; else reply = "failed"; sendReply(requester, reply); } else { stopDhcp(interface.constData()); } } } void QConnectivityDaemon::handleNewConnection() { QLocalSocket *requester = m_serverSocket->nextPendingConnection(); connect(requester, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(handleRequest())); connect(requester, SIGNAL(disconnected()), requester, SLOT(deleteLater())); } void QConnectivityDaemon::sendReply(QLocalSocket *requester, const QByteArray &reply) const { QByteArray r = reply; r.append("\n"); requester->write(r.constData(), r.length()); requester->flush(); requester->disconnectFromServer(); } void QConnectivityDaemon::updateLease() { qDebug() << "QConnectivityDaemon: updating lease"; startDhcp(true, m_leaseTimer->interface().constData()); } void QConnectivityDaemon::handleError(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError /*socketError*/) const { qWarning() << "QConnectivityDaemon: QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError"; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QConnectivityDaemon connectivityDaemon; return a.exec(); } #include "main.moc"