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\sa {Deploying Translations}
- \page deployment-android.html
- \title Deploying an Application on Android
- This article gives a technical description of the steps required to take
- any given Qt application and deploy it to an Android device (or market place).
- It is recommended that you use Qt Creator or the Makefile created by qmake to
- create the application bundle. The following information will give you a technical
- insight into the structure of the resulting Android application which is not normally
- required just to write an application.
- All the steps described here are handled automatically by the build script and
- the \l {androiddeployqt}{androiddeployqt deployment tool}, which are run by Qt Creator
- for you.
- \note If you prefer building Android packages from the command line, you may use the "aab"
- or "apk" build targets in the Makefile directly:
- \code
- % make aab
- \endcode
- or
- \code
- % make apk
- \endcode
- \tableofcontents
- \section1 The Application Bundle
- Applications on Android can be packaged in two ways: Either as Application Package (APK)
- or Android App Bundle (AAB). Both are ZIP files which follow a predefined directory
- structure. The difference between the two is that APK files can be downloaded to
- and executed on a device. AAB, on the other hand, is intended to be interpreted by the
- Google Play store and is used to generate APK files.
- For testing the application locally, the APK format is the most appropriate, as this can
- be uploaded directly to the device and run. For distribution to the Google Play store, it is
- recommended that you use AAB instead, which has a similar layout. The added convenience
- of AAB is that you can include all target ABIs in the same bundle without increasing the
- size of the actual package downloaded by your users. When using AAB, the Google Play store
- generates optimized APK packages for the devices issuing the download request and
- automatically sign them with your publisher key.
- Read \l{}{the Android documentation} if you
- want to know more about the AAB format.
- In either case, the files must be copied into a special directory structure first, before
- bundling them in a single ZIP file
- This contains one or more binary \c .so files with the code for your application, as
- well as any dependencies, such as Qt's libraries and plugins. In addition, it includes
- \c .jar files containing compiled Java code, assets, resources, and some \c .xml
- files that are used to describe the contents of the bundle.
- \section1 Package Template
- A template for the other sources of an APK package is contained in \c{$QTDIR/src/android/templates}.
- The first step of making a package manually is to copy these files into an empty directory. In this
- guide, we'll refer to this build directory as \c{$BUILD_TARGET}.
- We also need to make sure the application binary is copied into the package. This can be
- achieved by using the following command after running qmake on your application's project file:
- \code
- \endcode
- It will copy the application binary and any other installation requirements into the packaging
- directory.
- The packaging directory will now consist of the following parts:
- \section2 AndroidManifest.xml
- The \c{AndroidManifest.xml} file gives detailed meta-information about your application. This
- information is used for several things. It is used by the target device to decide which features
- to enable, the default orientation of the application, and so on. In addition, it's used by the
- market place for information on the version code, device support, package name, and lots more.
- For more information about general capabilities of and requirements for the
- \c{AndroidManifest.xml} file, please refer to the
- \l{}{Android documentation on this topic}.
- The default manifest contains some special parameters used by Qt to set up the application for
- running. When you are creating your own Android manifest, you must make sure that it contains these
- parameters. The \c androiddeployqt tool replaces content in the template with the correct
- values.
- \section2 Java Code
- Under \c{$BUILD_TARGET/src} are the files comprising the Java code of the Android application.
- The regular Android application launcher is a Java process, so Qt applications have a
- Java-based entry point. The code in here will load the required Qt libraries, based on the
- meta-information given in other files in the template.
- After loading the libraries, the Java code will call into the application's native \c{main()}
- function on a new thread and the application will launch. At this point, the Java code in
- the template is used to delegate events from Android into Qt.
- One thing to note about the files in this directory is that they can contain code specific
- to certain Android versions. Based on the minimum required Android API level of your
- application it might be necessary to remove some of this code. This is done automatically
- by \c androiddeployqt and Qt Creator during packaging.
- For example, lets say the code contains the following:
- \code
- @Override
- public void onActivityReenter(int resultCode, Intent data)
- {
- // Do something
- return super.onActivityReenter(resultCode, data);
- }
- \endcode
- If your minimum Android API level is 20 or lower, the code is removed before
- building, since it's not a supported API on Android API level 20. However, if your minimum API
- level is 21 or higher, it is left in.
- \section2 Resources
- Under the \c{res/} folder in the \c{$BUILD_TARGET} are Android resources that can be accessed
- from the \c{AndroidManifest.xml} and Java code of your application. A typical example of
- resources which should be placed here are the icon files used by the application launcher to
- represent your application.
- In Qt, some translations used for the Ministro service and some files with meta-information
- are in the default resources of the application.
- \section3 res/values/libs.xml
- One of the files containing meta information about the deployment of the application is
- \c{libs.xml}. It consists of the following values:
- \list
- \li \c{qt_sources}: The URL of one or more Ministro repositories that contain the
- necessary Qt libraries. This is used when the Ministro deployment mechanism is active. Read the
- \l{}{Ministro documentation} for more
- information about such repositories.
- \li \c{bundled_libs}: Libraries in the package's library folder which should be loaded on start-up.
- Library names should be specified without the \c lib prefix and \c{.so} suffix.
- \li \c{qt_libs}: Qt libraries which should be loaded on start-up. When bundled deployment is
- used, these are expected to be found inside the \c{APK}'s library folder. When Ministro
- deployment is in use, they are requested from the Ministro service on the device. And when
- debugging deployment is in use, they are loaded from the \c{/data/local/tmp/qt} directory on the
- target device.
- \endlist
- \section3 res/values/strings.xml
- The \c{strings.xml} file contains some strings used by the \c{AndroidManifest.xml} and by the
- deployment mechanisms, as well as some strings used when loading the Ministro service.
- In particular, the application name and the name of the application binary can be specified
- here. There are also strings that contain additional libraries that should be loaded and
- \c JAR files which should be included in the class path. The latter is only used for deployment
- with Ministro or debug deployment.
- \section2 Libraries
- Under \c libs in the package directory, it's possible to place libraries that should be included
- in the application bundle. \c JAR libraries should be placed directly under \c{libs/}, while
- shared libraries should be put in a subdirectory suitably named after the target ABI
- of the libraries.
- \section1 Building the Android Application Package
- The project can be built using the gradle tool. If an APK intended for release is built, then
- it should be signed and aligned using \c jarsigner and \c zipalign.
- \section1 androiddeployqt
- Building an application package is complex, so Qt comes with a tool which handles the work for
- you. The steps described in this document so far are handled automatically by the tool.
- In addition, there are Makefile build targets for building the package from the
- command line. There is also automated support in Qt Creator for generating both \c APK and \c AAB
- packages.
- \section2 Required Steps Before Running androiddeployqt
- Before running the tool manually, you need to run \c qmake and \c make on your project. Running
- \c qmake creates the \c Makefile, and it will also generate a \c JSON file containing important
- settings used by \c androiddeployqt.
- You should then install the application binary (and any other requirements) into the library
- folder of the \c bundle. If \c{$BUILD_TARGET} is your build directory (the first time you do this,
- the directory should be empty at this point), then you can install the binary with the following
- command:
- \code
- \endcode
- \section2 Command Line Arguments
- The only required command line argument when running the tool is \c{--output}. This should
- be set to \c{$BUILD_TARGET}, that is: the build directory where you installed your application
- binary.
- Other command line arguments are optional but useful. Here's a quick overview. More information
- is available by passing the \c{--help} argument to androiddeployqt.
- \list
- \li \c{--aab}: Generate an Android Application Bundle, rather than an APK. Note that this
- invalidates some of the other arguments, such as --install.
- \li \c{--input <file name>}: This allows you to specify the \c JSON file generated by \c qmake.
- By default, \c androiddeployqt will try to guess the file name based on the current working
- directory.
- \li \c{--deployment <mechanism>}: Specify this to pick a different deployment mechanism than the
- default.
- \li \c{--install}: Specify this to install the finished package on the target device or
- emulator. Note that if a previous version of the package is already installed, it will be
- uninstalled first, removing any data it might have stored locally.
- \li \c{--device <ID>}: Specify the ID of the target device or emulator as reported by the \c adb
- tool. If an ID is specified, it will be passed to all calls to \c adb. If it is unspecified, no
- particular device or emulator will be requested by \c adb, causing it to pick a default instead.
- \li \c{--android-platform <platform>}: The SDK platform used for building the Java code of the
- application. By default, the latest available platform is used.
- \li \c{--release}: Specify this to create a release package instead of a debug package. With no
- other arguments, release packages are unsigned and cannot be installed to any device before
- they have been signed by a private key.
- \li \c{--sign <url> <alias>}: Sign the resulting package. Specifying this also implies
- \c{--release}. The URL of the keystore file and the alias of the key have to be specified. In
- addition, there are a number of options that can be specified which are passed through to the
- \c jarsigner tool. Pass \c{--help} to \c androiddeployqt for more information about these.
- \li \c{--jdk <path>}: Specify the path to the Java Development Kit. This is only required for
- signing packages, as it is only used for finding the \c jarsigner tool. If it is unspecified,
- then \c androiddeployqt will attempt to detect \c jarsigner, either using the \c{JAVA_HOME}
- environment variable, or on the \c PATH.
- \li \c{--verbose}: Specify this to output more information about what \c androiddeployqt is
- doing.
- \endlist
- \section1 Dependencies Detection
- Qt comes with a number of plugins which are loaded at run-time when they are needed. These
- can handle anything from connecting to SQL databases to loading specific image formats.
- Detecting plugin dependencies is impossible as the plugins are loaded at run-time, but
- androiddeployqt tries to guess such dependencies based on the Qt dependencies
- of your application. If the plugin has any Qt dependencies which are not also dependencies of
- your application, it will not be included by default. For instance, in order to ensure that
- the SVG image format plugin is included, you will need to add \c{QT += svg} to your \c .pro file
- so that the \l{Qt SVG} module becomes a dependency of your application.
- If you are wondering why a particular plugin is not included automatically, you can run androiddeployqt
- with the \c --verbose option to get the list of missing dependencies for each excluded plugin. You
- can achieve the same in Qt Creator by ticking the \gui{Verbose output} check box in the
- \gui{Deployment configurations}. This is located in the \gui{Run} tab of your \gui{Projects}
- settings.
- It's also possible to manually specify the dependencies of your application. See the documentation
- for the \c{ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES} qmake variable below.
- \section1 Android-specific qmake Variables
- Unless the project has special requirements such as third party libraries, it should be
- possible to run \c androiddeployqt on it with no modifications and get a working Qt for Android
- application as a result.
- However, there are a set of \c qmake variables that can be used to tailor your package. At some
- point during development, you will most likely want to look into these variables, as they will
- e.g. allow you to set the name of your application as it appears in the application menu on
- devices.
- Here is a list of some variables that are particularly interesting when making Android
- applications:
- \list
- \li \c{ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES}: By default, \c androiddeployqt will detect the
- dependencies of your application. But since run-time usage of plugins cannot be detected, there
- could be false positives, as your application will depend on any plugins that are \e potential
- dependencies. If you want to minimize the size of your \c APK, it's possible to override the
- automatic detection using the \c{ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES} variable. This should contain
- a list of all Qt files which need to be included, with paths relative to the Qt install root.
- Note that only the Qt files specified here will be included. Failing to include the correct
- files can result in crashes. It's also important to make sure the files are listed in the
- correct loading order. This variable provides a way to override the automatic detection
- entirely, so if a library is listed before its dependencies, it will fail to load on
- some devices.
- \li \c{ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR}: This variable can be used to specify a directory where
- additions and modifications can be made to the default Android package template. The
- \c androiddeployqt tool will copy the application template from Qt into the build directory, and
- then it will copy the contents of the \c{ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR} on top of this, overwriting
- any existing files. The update step where parts of the source files are modified automatically
- to reflect your other settings is then run on the resulting merged package. If you, for
- instance, want to make a custom \c{AndroidManifest.xml} for your application, then place this
- directly into the folder specified in this variable. You can also add custom Java files in
- \note When adding custom versions of the build files (like strings.xml, libs.xml,
- AndroidManifest.xml, etc.) to your project, make sure you copy them from the package template,
- which is located in \c{$QT/src/android/java}. You should never copy any files from the build
- directory, as these files have been altered to match the current build settings.
- \li \c{ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS}: A list of external libraries that will be copied into your application's
- library folder and loaded on start-up. This can be used, for instance, to enable OpenSSL
- in your application. Simply set the paths to the required \c{} and \c{}
- libraries here and OpenSSL should be enabled automatically.
- \li \c{ANDROID_EXTRA_PLUGINS}: This variable can be used to specify different resources that your
- project has to bundle but cannot be delivered through the assets system, such as qml plugins. When
- using this variable, \c androiddeployqt will make sure everything is packaged and deployed properly.
- \endlist
- \section1 Deployment in Qt Creator
- Qt Creator will run the \c androiddeployqt tool for you, and provides easy and intuitive user
- interfaces to specify many of the options. For more information, see
- \l{Qt Creator: Deploying Applications to Android Devices}{the Qt Creator documentation}.
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-** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
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-\page android.html
-\title Qt for Android
-\brief Provides information about Android support in Qt.
-\ingroup supportedplatform
-Qt for Android enables you to run Qt 5 applications on Android devices.
-All Qt modules (essential and add-on) are supported except Qt \WebEngine,
-Qt Serial Port, and the platform-specific ones (Qt Mac Extras,
-Qt Windows Extras, and Qt X11 Extras).
-The following configurations are supported:
-\include supported-platforms.qdocinc android
-The following list summarizes what you can do with Qt for Android:
- \li Run \l{Qt Widgets}{Widget} and
- \l{QML Applications}{QML} applications on the device
- or emulator.
- \li Support for native \l{Android Style}{Android style} with
- Qt Quick Controls.
- \li Handle \l{Qt Multimedia}{Multimedia} content in your Qt Quick 2
- applications.
- \li Get \l{Qt Sensors}{sensor} readings and react to the changes.
- \li Retrieve current position data using satellite and network
- information.
- \li Connect and exchange data with \l{Qt Bluetooth}{Bluetooth}
- and \l{Qt NFC}{NFC}-enabled devices.
- \li Integrate Java code into your application using
- \l{Qt Android Extras}.
- \li Develop secure applications using OpenSSL library.
- \li Create \l{Android Services}
- \li Create and deploy Application Package using Qt Creator.
-The following topics provide more details about how to use Qt for Android:
- \li \l{Getting Started with Qt for Android}{Getting Started}
- \li \l{Qt for Android - Building from Source}
- \li \l{Porting to Android}{Porting a Qt Application}
- \li \l{Qt for Android Examples}{Examples}
- \li \l{Adding OpenSSL Support for Android}
- \li \l{Android Services}{Creating Android Services}
- \li \l{Third-party Android Libraries}{Including third-party Android libraries in an application}
- \li \l{Qt Creator: Deploying Applications to Android Devices}{Deploying to the Device}
- \li \l{Publishing to Google Play}
- \li \l{Platform and Compiler Notes - Android}{Platform Notes}
- \li \l{Android GNU C++ run-time licensing}
- \page android-3rdparty-libs.html
- \title Third-party Android Libraries
- \brief Provides instructions to include third-party Android libraries in an application.
- This guide describes how to include a Java-based third-party library in your application package.
- There are many Java libraries which provide APIs that may be useful to your application.
- One example is the \c{Google Play Services} add-on provided in the Android SDK. We will use this library
- as an example in this guide, but the same approach may be taken to include other libraries, provided
- that they have been made to be included as library projects in an Android application.
- \section1 Prerequisites
- This guide assumes that the \l{androiddeployqt} tool is used for constructing the deployment package.
- When using Qt Creator for building and deploying, androiddeployqt is used behind the scenes, so this also
- applies to development with Qt Creator. Explaining how to access the Java APIs after they have been
- included in the application is not in the scope of this guide.
- \section1 Including the Library in the Source
- The very first thing we need to do is to copy the actual library project into the source of our
- project. We want the contents of the library project to be copied without modifications into the
- packaging directory, so we need to place it into the \c{Android Package Source Directory}. This
- can be any directory which is pointed to by the \l{qmake} variable \c{ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR}.
- If you are using Qt Creator, you can quickly set up the directory structure by clicking on the
- \gui{Create AndroidManifest.xml} button in the \gui{Deployment} settings of your project. This
- will create an \c{Android Package Source Directory} and place the \c{AndroidManifest.xml} file
- inside it. Copy the library project directory into this directory.
- For example, once it has been installed via the \c{Android SDK Maintenance} application,
- the \c{Google Play Services} library project is located under the path
- \c{$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib}. If
- the \c{Android Package Source Directory} of our project is \c{$PROJECT_ROOT/android}, then we
- can copy the \c{google-play-services_lib} directory in there, creating
- \c{$PROJECT_ROOT/android/google-play-services_lib}.
- \section1 Adding the Library to the Project Dependencies
- Once the library code has been copied into the project, we need to tell the Android build system
- about it. This is done in the \c{} file. Create a file called \c{}
- inside the \c{Android Package Source Directory} and add a line to it which assigns the relative
- path of the library project to the property \c{android.library.reference.1}. If you want to include
- multiple library projects, increment the counter at the end of the property name for each.
- In our example, we would create \c{$PROJECT_ROOT/android/} and add the
- following contents:
- \badcode
- android.library.reference.1=google-play-services_lib/
- \endcode
- \section1 Deployment
- And that's it: Provided that the path referenced in the \c{} file is located
- under the \c{Android Package Source Directory}, the deployment tool will copy it into the
- packaging directory and perform the necessary steps to include it in your \c{APK} or \c{AAB}.
- You can now add Java code to your application which accesses the APIs provided by the library
- project.
-\page android-getting-started.html
-\title Getting Started with Qt for Android
-\brief Provides instructions to install and configure your development environment.
-\section1 Installing the Prerequisites
-In order to use \l{Qt for Android}, you need the following:
-\li \l{}{The Android SDK Tools}
- \note If your Qt version is earlier than v5.9, use the SDK tools package
- v25.2.5 or earlier.
-\li \l{}{The Android NDK}
- \list
- \li Qt 5.11 and below
- \list
- \li NDK r10e
- \li GCC toolchain
- \endlist
- \li Qt 5.12.0 to 5.12.5
- and Qt 5.13.0 to 5.13.1
- \list
- \li NDK r19c
- \li \e android-clang
- \endlist
- \li Qt 5.14+, Qt 5.13.2+
- and Qt 5.12.6+
- \list
- \li NDK r20b or r21
- \li \e android-clang
- \li \note Qt 5.14.0 and 5.14.1 with NDK r21 have a bug fixed at \l{}{QTBUG-81461}.
- \endlist
- \endlist
-\li \l{}{Java SE Development Kit} (JDK) v6 or later. You can also use \l{}{OpenJDK} on Linux.
-After installing these tools, update the Android SDK by installing the API
-and build tools packages required for development. You can install these packages
-either through Android Studio or using the command line tools package you installed
-earlier. For more details, refer to the
-\l{}{Android Studio}
-\note Make sure to unpack the Android SDK and NDK to a writeable location that Qt Creator
-can access later. Otherwise, Qt Creator won't be able to use \c sdkmanager or find all
-components even if they were installed manually.
-\section2 Updating the Android SDK
-The command line tools provided by the Android SDK Tools package also enables updating
-the SDK, but without a GUI. For example, the following command on Ubuntu updates the SDK
-by installing the latest \c build-tools, \c platform-tools, \c emulator, and \c patcher
-./bin/sdkmanager --update
-To install a specific package, use \c sdkmanager from
-\c{<ANDROID_SDK_ROOT>/tools/bin}. For example, the following command installs the
-\c android-10 platforms package on Ubuntu:
-./sdkmanager "platforms;android-10"
-For more details, refer to the
-\section1 Configuring Your Development Host
-\section2 Windows
-The default USB driver on Windows does not allow debugging using
-Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool. You must install the additional USB driver
-provided by the \e extras Android SDK package. Use the following command from
-the Windows command prompt to install the extras package:
-sdkmanager.bat "extras;google;usb_driver"
-After the package installation is complete, install the driver from
-\c{<ANDROID_SDK_ROOT>/extras/google/usb_driver}. Try running a few basic
-\l{}{adb} commands now
-and check whether your Android device responds to it.
-\section2 64-bit Linux
-If you're developing on a 64-bit Linux machine, you must install the
-following dependencies in order to run 32-bit executables like \c adb, which
-allows Qt Creator to find devices to deploy to:
-sudo apt-get install libstdc++6:i386 libgcc1:i386 zlib1g:i386 libncurses5:i386
-To run the emulator, the following dependencies are also necessary:
-sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2debian:i386
-\section2 Qt Creator IDE
-The Qt Creator IDE that came with the Qt 5 installation on your development
-host, must be configured to enable developing applications for Android. Launch
-Qt Creator and select \uicontrol Tools > \uicontrol Options >
-\uicontrol Devices > \uicontrol Android to add the Android NDK and SDK paths.
-For more details, refer to \l{Qt Creator: Connecting Android Devices}{Qt Creator Manual}.
-\section1 Testing Your Setup
-Now you can test your development setup by running the examples that came
-with the Qt 5 installation. You can browse these examples in
-Qt Creator \uicontrol Welcome mode. Use the \c android filter in the search
-field to list all the examples tested on Android.
-To develop a simple application from scratch, see \l{Creating a Mobile Application}.
-\page porting-to-android.html
-\title Porting to Android
-\brief Provides instructions to port your existing Qt application to Android.
-In this section, we are going to port an existing Qt Application to
-\l{Qt for Android}{Android} and deploy it to the device.
-Most Qt applications should be portable to Android with ease, unless they
-depend on a specific hardware or software feature not supported by Android.
-If your application is not using any such feature, deployment is probably the
-only step that demands some changes to your application.
-\include porting-notes.qdocinc using resources
-The other approach is to deploy the resources into the package's \c{assets}
-directory. It is the best option if you want to achieve better
-interoperability with the Android APIs. You can access all resources in the
-directory using the "assets:" prefix. Unlike qrc, this approach is not a
-cross-platform solution.
-The following step-by-step instructions guide you to port an existing Qt Quick
-application to Android using the qrc approach:
-\list 1
- \li Open the existing project in Qt Creator and configure it
- with "Android for ARM" kit. For more information, see
- \l{Qt Creator: Configuring Projects}
- \li Identify all the resources used by your application and add them to one
- or more qrc files.
- Qt Creator updates your qmake project file with the "RESOURCES"
- variable listing the qrc files you added.
- \li To load or refer to the resources in the qrc file from your C++ code,
- use the "qrc:" scheme followed by the absolute URL. For example, to
- load the \c{main.qml} file from \c{resources.qrc}, you can use the
- following C++ code:
- \code
- QQuickView viewer;
- viewer.setSource(QUrl("qrc:/qml/main.qml"));
- \endcode
- \note QML documents can refer to the contents in qrc files using the
- relative path to the document. Such references do not require the
- "\c{qrc:}" or "\c{:/}" prefix.
- \li Save the changes to your project and run the application.
-\note Qt Quick Controls in the application will use native
-\l{Android Style}{Android style} if the target device is running
-Android 3.0 (API 11) or later. The application should function normally on
-devices with Android versions earlier than v3.0, but without native style for
-Qt Creator deploys your application on the Android device, if the
-device is detected by the PC. Otherwise, it tries to run the application on an
-AVD (Android Virtual Device). You will be prompted to create one if there are no
-AVDs found.
-\page android-openssl-support.html
-\title Adding OpenSSL Support for Android
-\brief Provides instructions to package OpenSSL libraries with your Qt application for Android.
-The Qt installation package comes with OpenSSL support but the OpenSSL libraries
-are not part of the package due to legal restrictions in some countries. If your
-application depends on OpenSSL, consider packaging the SSL libraries with your
-Application Package (APK) as the target device may or may not have them. You
-can use the \l{QSslSocket::supportsSsl()} static function to check for SSL
-support on the target.
-The following instructions guide you to build and add the OpenSSL libraries to
-the APK:
-\list 1
- \li Download the latest OpenSSL 1.1.x sources from \l{}.
- \li Extract the sources to a folder and navigate to that folder using
- the CLI.
- \note If your development platform is Windows, you need \c msys with
- \c perl v5.14 or later to build OpenSSL.
- \li Add android llvm toolchain to your path:
- \badcode
- export PATH="<android_ndk_path>/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/<host>/bin":$PATH
- \endcode
- \li Configure the OpenSSL sources to build for Android using
- the following command:
- \badcode
- ./Configure shared android-<arch> -D__ANDROID_API__=21
- \endcode
- \note You must consider enabling/disabling the SSL features based on the
- legal restrictions in the region where your application is available.
- See the \l{OpenSSL Configure Options}{SSL configure options} for details about
- the configurable features.
- \li Run \c{make SHLIB_VERSION_NUMBER= build_libs} to
- build \c libcrypto and \c libssl shared libraries that are not versioned,
- but with a \e _1_1 suffix. If you want to use a different suffix, then you must
- set the \c ANDROID_OPENSSL_SUFFIX environment variable before you access the
- Qt Network API. Without a suffix, Android 5 (API 21) will load the system
- libraries \e and \e, which are OpenSSL 1.0, rather than
- your libraries.
- \note Android does not load versioned libraries.
- \li Open your Qt project using Qt Creator and update the "Build Android APK"
- settings to add \e libcrypto and \e libssl as additional libraries for
- your project.
- \li Run your application to see it running on the device.
-\note here \l{} you can find a script which
-can be used to compile openssl for all android abis and also latest prebuilt libs.
-Qt Creator builds your application and creates an application package (APK)
-with the OpenSSL libraries bundled in it. Once the APK is ready, it uses \c adb
-to deploy the APK on the target you chose and launch the application.
-\page android-publishing-to-googleplay.html
-\title Publishing to Google Play
-\brief Provides instructions to prepare your application for publishing.
-\l{Qt for Android} provides a complete solution to develop, build, and package
-your applications for Android. Most of these tasks, especially packaging and
-deployment are handled by Qt Creator providing rich developer experience.
-Every time you run the application using Qt Creator, an Android Application
-Package (APK) is created and deployed onto the target (device or emulator) you
-choose. With some minor changes to how the \e .apk is created, you can publish
-your application on Google Play and monetize. The following
-step-by-step instructions guide you to create an \e{.apk} that can go live
-on Google Play:
-\list 1
- \li Open your application project using Qt Creator v3.0 or later and change
- its \uicontrol Build settings to build release version.
- \li Select \uicontrol {Create Templates} under \uicontrol Build settings to
- create the template files such as \e AndroidManifest.xml and other
- resources.
- \note You can edit the \e AndroidManifest.xml in \uicontrol General or
- \uicontrol {XML Source} mode.
- \li Check for the following in \e AndroidManifest.xml:
- \list
- \li \uicontrol{Minimum required SDK} is set to API 9 or later.
- \note Qt Quick Controls with native \l{Android Style}{Android style}
- require API 11 (Android v3.0) or later.
- \li Add \uicontrol{Application name} and \uicontrol{Application icon}.
- \li \uicontrol Permissions list has all the required permissions.
- \li \uicontrol Features list has the software or hardware features that your
- application depends on. For example, NFC.
- \endlist
- \note Qt adds the default permissions and features based on the module
- dependencies of your application. If you do not want these default permissions
- and features, remove the \c{<!-- %%INSERT_PERMISSIONS -->} and
- \c{<!-- %%INSERT_FEATURES -->} comments from \e AndroidManifest.xml. For
- information on the manifest XML format, see \l{Android: App Manifest}.
- \li Set up a \uicontrol keystore to sign the \e .apk. You can create a new
- keystore if you do not have one. For more details, see
- \l{Android APK}{QtCreator: Specifying Settings for Packages}.
- \li Select \uicontrol{Open package location after build} and run your
- application to build the \e .apk. Qt Creator builds the \e .apk and opens the
- folder containing the \e .apk.
- \li Log in to the \l{Google Play Developer Console} and upload the \e .apk
- file, few screen captures of the application, and a description.
-Now your application is available to other Android device users via
-Google Play. You can also choose to publish the application to a smaller
-group, so that you can test and improve the application before publishing it to
-a larger audience.
-See \l{Deploying an Application on Android} for more information about how the
-packaging is done and how you can influence it.
-\page android-services.html
-\title Android Services
-\brief Provides information about Android Services support in Qt.
-Starting with Qt 5.7, you can create Android services using Qt. A service
-is a component that runs in background, so, it has no user interface. It is
-useful to perform long-term operations such as logging GPS, waiting for social
-media notifications, and so on. A service will continue to run even if the
-application that started it exits.
-To create a service, do the following steps:
-\list 1
- \li Uncomment the service part of your \c AndroidManifest.xml.
- \li Make sure the \c service tag contains an \c android:process=":some_name"
- attribute. It is needed to force the \c service to run in a separate
- process than the \c activity.
- \li If you're using the same application (.so file) for activity and also
- for service, you need to use \c \c meta-data to
- pass some arguments to your \c main function in order to know which one
- is which.
- \li To enable background running, uncomment \c
- \c meta-data and set it to true (\c android:value="true" ).
-Qt loads the \c .so file defined in \c \c meta-data,
-and calls the \c main function with all the arguments set in
-\c \c meta-data.
-See \l{}{Android Services}
-documentation for more information.
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+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
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+ \page android-3rdparty-libs.html
+ \title Third-party Android Libraries
+ \brief Provides instructions to include third-party Android libraries in an application.
+ This guide describes how to include a Java-based third-party library in your application package.
+ There are many Java libraries which provide APIs that may be useful to your application.
+ One example is the \c{Google Play Services} add-on provided in the Android SDK. We will use this library
+ as an example in this guide, but the same approach may be taken to include other libraries, provided
+ that they have been made to be included as library projects in an Android application.
+ \section1 Prerequisites
+ This guide assumes that the \l{androiddeployqt} tool is used for constructing the deployment package.
+ When using Qt Creator for building and deploying, androiddeployqt is used behind the scenes, so this also
+ applies to development with Qt Creator. Explaining how to access the Java APIs after they have been
+ included in the application is not in the scope of this guide.
+ \section1 Including the Library in the Source
+ The very first thing we need to do is to copy the actual library project into the source of our
+ project. We want the contents of the library project to be copied without modifications into the
+ packaging directory, so we need to place it into the \c{Android Package Source Directory}. This
+ can be any directory which is pointed to by the \l{qmake} variable \c{ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR}.
+ If you are using Qt Creator, you can quickly set up the directory structure by clicking on the
+ \gui{Create AndroidManifest.xml} button in the \gui{Deployment} settings of your project. This
+ will create an \c{Android Package Source Directory} and place the \c{AndroidManifest.xml} file
+ inside it. Copy the library project directory into this directory.
+ For example, once it has been installed via the \c{Android SDK Maintenance} application,
+ the \c{Google Play Services} library project is located under the path
+ \c{$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib}. If
+ the \c{Android Package Source Directory} of our project is \c{$PROJECT_ROOT/android}, then we
+ can copy the \c{google-play-services_lib} directory in there, creating
+ \c{$PROJECT_ROOT/android/google-play-services_lib}.
+ \section1 Adding the Library to the Project Dependencies
+ Once the library code has been copied into the project, we need to tell the Android build system
+ about it. This is done in the \c{} file. Create a file called \c{}
+ inside the \c{Android Package Source Directory} and add a line to it which assigns the relative
+ path of the library project to the property \c{android.library.reference.1}. If you want to include
+ multiple library projects, increment the counter at the end of the property name for each.
+ In our example, we would create \c{$PROJECT_ROOT/android/} and add the
+ following contents:
+ \badcode
+ android.library.reference.1=google-play-services_lib/
+ \endcode
+ \section1 Deployment
+ And that's it: Provided that the path referenced in the \c{} file is located
+ under the \c{Android Package Source Directory}, the deployment tool will copy it into the
+ packaging directory and perform the necessary steps to include it in your \c{APK} or \c{AAB}.
+ You can now add Java code to your application which accesses the APIs provided by the library
+ project.
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+** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
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+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
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+ \page deployment-android.html
+ \title Deploying an Application on Android
+ This article gives a technical description of the steps required to take
+ any given Qt application and deploy it to an Android device (or market place).
+ It is recommended that you use Qt Creator or the Makefile created by qmake to
+ create the application bundle. The following information will give you a technical
+ insight into the structure of the resulting Android application which is not normally
+ required just to write an application.
+ All the steps described here are handled automatically by the build script and
+ the \l {androiddeployqt}{androiddeployqt deployment tool}, which are run by Qt Creator
+ for you.
+ \note If you prefer building Android packages from the command line, you may use the "aab"
+ or "apk" build targets in the Makefile directly:
+ \code
+ % make aab
+ \endcode
+ or
+ \code
+ % make apk
+ \endcode
+ \tableofcontents
+ \section1 The Application Bundle
+ Applications on Android can be packaged in two ways: Either as Application Package (APK)
+ or Android App Bundle (AAB). Both are ZIP files which follow a predefined directory
+ structure. The difference between the two is that APK files can be downloaded to
+ and executed on a device. AAB, on the other hand, is intended to be interpreted by the
+ Google Play store and is used to generate APK files.
+ For testing the application locally, the APK format is the most appropriate, as this can
+ be uploaded directly to the device and run. For distribution to the Google Play store, it is
+ recommended that you use AAB instead, which has a similar layout. The added convenience
+ of AAB is that you can include all target ABIs in the same bundle without increasing the
+ size of the actual package downloaded by your users. When using AAB, the Google Play store
+ generates optimized APK packages for the devices issuing the download request and
+ automatically sign them with your publisher key.
+ Read \l{}{the Android documentation} if you
+ want to know more about the AAB format.
+ In either case, the files must be copied into a special directory structure first, before
+ bundling them in a single ZIP file
+ This contains one or more binary \c .so files with the code for your application, as
+ well as any dependencies, such as Qt's libraries and plugins. In addition, it includes
+ \c .jar files containing compiled Java code, assets, resources, and some \c .xml
+ files that are used to describe the contents of the bundle.
+ \section1 Package Template
+ A template for the other sources of an APK package is contained in \c{$QTDIR/src/android/templates}.
+ The first step of making a package manually is to copy these files into an empty directory. In this
+ guide, we'll refer to this build directory as \c{$BUILD_TARGET}.
+ We also need to make sure the application binary is copied into the package. This can be
+ achieved by using the following command after running qmake on your application's project file:
+ \code
+ \endcode
+ It will copy the application binary and any other installation requirements into the packaging
+ directory.
+ The packaging directory will now consist of the following parts:
+ \section2 AndroidManifest.xml
+ The \c{AndroidManifest.xml} file gives detailed meta-information about your application. This
+ information is used for several things. It is used by the target device to decide which features
+ to enable, the default orientation of the application, and so on. In addition, it's used by the
+ market place for information on the version code, device support, package name, and lots more.
+ For more information about general capabilities of and requirements for the
+ \c{AndroidManifest.xml} file, please refer to the
+ \l{}{Android documentation on this topic}.
+ The default manifest contains some special parameters used by Qt to set up the application for
+ running. When you are creating your own Android manifest, you must make sure that it contains these
+ parameters. The \c androiddeployqt tool replaces content in the template with the correct
+ values.
+ \section2 Java Code
+ Under \c{$BUILD_TARGET/src} are the files comprising the Java code of the Android application.
+ The regular Android application launcher is a Java process, so Qt applications have a
+ Java-based entry point. The code in here will load the required Qt libraries, based on the
+ meta-information given in other files in the template.
+ After loading the libraries, the Java code will call into the application's native \c{main()}
+ function on a new thread and the application will launch. At this point, the Java code in
+ the template is used to delegate events from Android into Qt.
+ One thing to note about the files in this directory is that they can contain code specific
+ to certain Android versions. Based on the minimum required Android API level of your
+ application it might be necessary to remove some of this code. This is done automatically
+ by \c androiddeployqt and Qt Creator during packaging.
+ For example, lets say the code contains the following:
+ \code
+ @Override
+ public void onActivityReenter(int resultCode, Intent data)
+ {
+ // Do something
+ return super.onActivityReenter(resultCode, data);
+ }
+ \endcode
+ If your minimum Android API level is 20 or lower, the code is removed before
+ building, since it's not a supported API on Android API level 20. However, if your minimum API
+ level is 21 or higher, it is left in.
+ \section2 Resources
+ Under the \c{res/} folder in the \c{$BUILD_TARGET} are Android resources that can be accessed
+ from the \c{AndroidManifest.xml} and Java code of your application. A typical example of
+ resources which should be placed here are the icon files used by the application launcher to
+ represent your application.
+ In Qt, some translations used for the Ministro service and some files with meta-information
+ are in the default resources of the application.
+ \section3 res/values/libs.xml
+ One of the files containing meta information about the deployment of the application is
+ \c{libs.xml}. It consists of the following values:
+ \list
+ \li \c{qt_sources}: The URL of one or more Ministro repositories that contain the
+ necessary Qt libraries. This is used when the Ministro deployment mechanism is active. Read the
+ \l{}{Ministro documentation} for more
+ information about such repositories.
+ \li \c{bundled_libs}: Libraries in the package's library folder which should be loaded on start-up.
+ Library names should be specified without the \c lib prefix and \c{.so} suffix.
+ \li \c{qt_libs}: Qt libraries which should be loaded on start-up. When bundled deployment is
+ used, these are expected to be found inside the \c{APK}'s library folder. When Ministro
+ deployment is in use, they are requested from the Ministro service on the device. And when
+ debugging deployment is in use, they are loaded from the \c{/data/local/tmp/qt} directory on the
+ target device.
+ \endlist
+ \section3 res/values/strings.xml
+ The \c{strings.xml} file contains some strings used by the \c{AndroidManifest.xml} and by the
+ deployment mechanisms, as well as some strings used when loading the Ministro service.
+ In particular, the application name and the name of the application binary can be specified
+ here. There are also strings that contain additional libraries that should be loaded and
+ \c JAR files which should be included in the class path. The latter is only used for deployment
+ with Ministro or debug deployment.
+ \section2 Libraries
+ Under \c libs in the package directory, it's possible to place libraries that should be included
+ in the application bundle. \c JAR libraries should be placed directly under \c{libs/}, while
+ shared libraries should be put in a subdirectory suitably named after the target ABI
+ of the libraries.
+ \section1 Building the Android Application Package
+ The project can be built using the gradle tool. If an APK intended for release is built, then
+ it should be signed and aligned using \c jarsigner and \c zipalign.
+ \section1 androiddeployqt
+ Building an application package is complex, so Qt comes with a tool which handles the work for
+ you. The steps described in this document so far are handled automatically by the tool.
+ In addition, there are Makefile build targets for building the package from the
+ command line. There is also automated support in Qt Creator for generating both \c APK and \c AAB
+ packages.
+ \section2 Required Steps Before Running androiddeployqt
+ Before running the tool manually, you need to run \c qmake and \c make on your project. Running
+ \c qmake creates the \c Makefile, and it will also generate a \c JSON file containing important
+ settings used by \c androiddeployqt.
+ You should then install the application binary (and any other requirements) into the library
+ folder of the \c bundle. If \c{$BUILD_TARGET} is your build directory (the first time you do this,
+ the directory should be empty at this point), then you can install the binary with the following
+ command:
+ \code
+ \endcode
+ \section2 Command Line Arguments
+ The only required command line argument when running the tool is \c{--output}. This should
+ be set to \c{$BUILD_TARGET}, that is: the build directory where you installed your application
+ binary.
+ Other command line arguments are optional but useful. Here's a quick overview. More information
+ is available by passing the \c{--help} argument to androiddeployqt.
+ \list
+ \li \c{--aab}: Generate an Android Application Bundle, rather than an APK. Note that this
+ invalidates some of the other arguments, such as --install.
+ \li \c{--input <file name>}: This allows you to specify the \c JSON file generated by \c qmake.
+ By default, \c androiddeployqt will try to guess the file name based on the current working
+ directory.
+ \li \c{--deployment <mechanism>}: Specify this to pick a different deployment mechanism than the
+ default.
+ \li \c{--install}: Specify this to install the finished package on the target device or
+ emulator. Note that if a previous version of the package is already installed, it will be
+ uninstalled first, removing any data it might have stored locally.
+ \li \c{--device <ID>}: Specify the ID of the target device or emulator as reported by the \c adb
+ tool. If an ID is specified, it will be passed to all calls to \c adb. If it is unspecified, no
+ particular device or emulator will be requested by \c adb, causing it to pick a default instead.
+ \li \c{--android-platform <platform>}: The SDK platform used for building the Java code of the
+ application. By default, the latest available platform is used.
+ \li \c{--release}: Specify this to create a release package instead of a debug package. With no
+ other arguments, release packages are unsigned and cannot be installed to any device before
+ they have been signed by a private key.
+ \li \c{--sign <url> <alias>}: Sign the resulting package. Specifying this also implies
+ \c{--release}. The URL of the keystore file and the alias of the key have to be specified. In
+ addition, there are a number of options that can be specified which are passed through to the
+ \c jarsigner tool. Pass \c{--help} to \c androiddeployqt for more information about these.
+ \li \c{--jdk <path>}: Specify the path to the Java Development Kit. This is only required for
+ signing packages, as it is only used for finding the \c jarsigner tool. If it is unspecified,
+ then \c androiddeployqt will attempt to detect \c jarsigner, either using the \c{JAVA_HOME}
+ environment variable, or on the \c PATH.
+ \li \c{--verbose}: Specify this to output more information about what \c androiddeployqt is
+ doing.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Dependencies Detection
+ Qt comes with a number of plugins which are loaded at run-time when they are needed. These
+ can handle anything from connecting to SQL databases to loading specific image formats.
+ Detecting plugin dependencies is impossible as the plugins are loaded at run-time, but
+ androiddeployqt tries to guess such dependencies based on the Qt dependencies
+ of your application. If the plugin has any Qt dependencies which are not also dependencies of
+ your application, it will not be included by default. For instance, in order to ensure that
+ the SVG image format plugin is included, you will need to add \c{QT += svg} to your \c .pro file
+ so that the \l{Qt SVG} module becomes a dependency of your application.
+ If you are wondering why a particular plugin is not included automatically, you can run androiddeployqt
+ with the \c --verbose option to get the list of missing dependencies for each excluded plugin. You
+ can achieve the same in Qt Creator by ticking the \gui{Verbose output} check box in the
+ \gui{Deployment configurations}. This is located in the \gui{Run} tab of your \gui{Projects}
+ settings.
+ It's also possible to manually specify the dependencies of your application. See the documentation
+ for the \c{ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES} qmake variable below.
+ \section1 Android-specific qmake Variables
+ Unless the project has special requirements such as third party libraries, it should be
+ possible to run \c androiddeployqt on it with no modifications and get a working Qt for Android
+ application as a result.
+ However, there are a set of \c qmake variables that can be used to tailor your package. At some
+ point during development, you will most likely want to look into these variables, as they will
+ e.g. allow you to set the name of your application as it appears in the application menu on
+ devices.
+ Here is a list of some variables that are particularly interesting when making Android
+ applications:
+ \list
+ \li \c{ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES}: By default, \c androiddeployqt will detect the
+ dependencies of your application. But since run-time usage of plugins cannot be detected, there
+ could be false positives, as your application will depend on any plugins that are \e potential
+ dependencies. If you want to minimize the size of your \c APK, it's possible to override the
+ automatic detection using the \c{ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES} variable. This should contain
+ a list of all Qt files which need to be included, with paths relative to the Qt install root.
+ Note that only the Qt files specified here will be included. Failing to include the correct
+ files can result in crashes. It's also important to make sure the files are listed in the
+ correct loading order. This variable provides a way to override the automatic detection
+ entirely, so if a library is listed before its dependencies, it will fail to load on
+ some devices.
+ \li \c{ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR}: This variable can be used to specify a directory where
+ additions and modifications can be made to the default Android package template. The
+ \c androiddeployqt tool will copy the application template from Qt into the build directory, and
+ then it will copy the contents of the \c{ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR} on top of this, overwriting
+ any existing files. The update step where parts of the source files are modified automatically
+ to reflect your other settings is then run on the resulting merged package. If you, for
+ instance, want to make a custom \c{AndroidManifest.xml} for your application, then place this
+ directly into the folder specified in this variable. You can also add custom Java files in
+ \note When adding custom versions of the build files (like strings.xml, libs.xml,
+ AndroidManifest.xml, etc.) to your project, make sure you copy them from the package template,
+ which is located in \c{$QT/src/android/java}. You should never copy any files from the build
+ directory, as these files have been altered to match the current build settings.
+ \li \c{ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS}: A list of external libraries that will be copied into your application's
+ library folder and loaded on start-up. This can be used, for instance, to enable OpenSSL
+ in your application. Simply set the paths to the required \c{} and \c{}
+ libraries here and OpenSSL should be enabled automatically.
+ \li \c{ANDROID_EXTRA_PLUGINS}: This variable can be used to specify different resources that your
+ project has to bundle but cannot be delivered through the assets system, such as qml plugins. When
+ using this variable, \c androiddeployqt will make sure everything is packaged and deployed properly.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Deployment in Qt Creator
+ Qt Creator will run the \c androiddeployqt tool for you, and provides easy and intuitive user
+ interfaces to specify many of the options. For more information, see
+ \l{Qt Creator: Deploying Applications to Android Devices}{the Qt Creator documentation}.
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+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure
+** the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 requirements
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+\page android-openssl-support.html
+\title Adding OpenSSL Support for Android
+\brief Provides instructions to package OpenSSL libraries with your Qt application for Android.
+The Qt installation package comes with OpenSSL support but the OpenSSL libraries
+are not part of the package due to legal restrictions in some countries. If your
+application depends on OpenSSL, consider packaging the SSL libraries with your
+Application Package (APK) as the target device may or may not have them. You
+can use the \l{QSslSocket::supportsSsl()} static function to check for SSL
+support on the target.
+The following instructions guide you to build and add the OpenSSL libraries to
+the APK:
+\list 1
+ \li Download the latest OpenSSL 1.1.x sources from \l{}.
+ \li Extract the sources to a folder and navigate to that folder using
+ the CLI.
+ \note If your development platform is Windows, you need \c msys with
+ \c perl v5.14 or later to build OpenSSL.
+ \li Add android llvm toolchain to your path:
+ \badcode
+ export PATH="<android_ndk_path>/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/<host>/bin":$PATH
+ \endcode
+ \li Configure the OpenSSL sources to build for Android using
+ the following command:
+ \badcode
+ ./Configure shared android-<arch> -D__ANDROID_API__=21
+ \endcode
+ \note You must consider enabling/disabling the SSL features based on the
+ legal restrictions in the region where your application is available.
+ See the \l{OpenSSL Configure Options}{SSL configure options} for details about
+ the configurable features.
+ \li Run \c{make SHLIB_VERSION_NUMBER= build_libs} to
+ build \c libcrypto and \c libssl shared libraries that are not versioned,
+ but with a \e _1_1 suffix. If you want to use a different suffix, then you must
+ set the \c ANDROID_OPENSSL_SUFFIX environment variable before you access the
+ Qt Network API. Without a suffix, Android 5 (API 21) will load the system
+ libraries \e and \e, which are OpenSSL 1.0, rather than
+ your libraries.
+ \note Android does not load versioned libraries.
+ \li Open your Qt project using Qt Creator and update the "Build Android APK"
+ settings to add \e libcrypto and \e libssl as additional libraries for
+ your project.
+ \li Run your application to see it running on the device.
+\note here \l{} you can find a script which
+can be used to compile openssl for all android abis and also latest prebuilt libs.
+Qt Creator builds your application and creates an application package (APK)
+with the OpenSSL libraries bundled in it. Once the APK is ready, it uses \c adb
+to deploy the APK on the target you chose and launch the application.
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+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure
+** the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 requirements
+** will be met:
+\page android-publishing-to-googleplay.html
+\title Publishing to Google Play
+\brief Provides instructions to prepare your application for publishing.
+\l{Qt for Android} provides a complete solution to develop, build, and package
+your applications for Android. Most of these tasks, especially packaging and
+deployment are handled by Qt Creator providing rich developer experience.
+Every time you run the application using Qt Creator, an Android Application
+Package (APK) is created and deployed onto the target (device or emulator) you
+choose. With some minor changes to how the \e .apk is created, you can publish
+your application on Google Play and monetize. The following
+step-by-step instructions guide you to create an \e{.apk} that can go live
+on Google Play:
+\list 1
+ \li Open your application project using Qt Creator v3.0 or later and change
+ its \uicontrol Build settings to build release version.
+ \li Select \uicontrol {Create Templates} under \uicontrol Build settings to
+ create the template files such as \e AndroidManifest.xml and other
+ resources.
+ \note You can edit the \e AndroidManifest.xml in \uicontrol General or
+ \uicontrol {XML Source} mode.
+ \li Check for the following in \e AndroidManifest.xml:
+ \list
+ \li \uicontrol{Minimum required SDK} is set to API 9 or later.
+ \note Qt Quick Controls with the \l{Material Style}{Material Style}
+ require API 11 (Android v3.0) or later.
+ \li Add \uicontrol{Application name} and \uicontrol{Application icon}.
+ \li \uicontrol Permissions list has all the required permissions.
+ \li \uicontrol Features list has the software or hardware features that your
+ application depends on. For example, NFC.
+ \endlist
+ \note Qt adds the default permissions and features based on the module
+ dependencies of your application. If you do not want these default permissions
+ and features, remove the \c{<!-- %%INSERT_PERMISSIONS -->} and
+ \c{<!-- %%INSERT_FEATURES -->} comments from \e AndroidManifest.xml. For
+ information on the manifest XML format, see \l{Android: App Manifest}.
+ \li Set up a \uicontrol keystore to sign the \e .apk. You can create a new
+ keystore if you do not have one. For more details, see
+ \l{Android APK}{QtCreator: Specifying Settings for Packages}.
+ \li Select \uicontrol{Open package location after build} and run your
+ application to build the \e .apk. Qt Creator builds the \e .apk and opens the
+ folder containing the \e .apk.
+ \li Log in to the \l{Google Play Developer Console} and upload the \e .apk
+ file, few screen captures of the application, and a description.
+Now your application is available to other Android device users via
+Google Play. You can also choose to publish the application to a smaller
+group, so that you can test and improve the application before publishing it to
+a larger audience.
+See \l{Deploying an Application on Android} for more information about how the
+packaging is done and how you can influence it.
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+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure
+** the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 requirements
+** will be met:
+\page android-services.html
+\title Android Services
+\brief Provides information about Android Services support in Qt.
+Starting with Qt 5.7, you can create Android services using Qt. A service
+is a component that runs in background, so, it has no user interface. It is
+useful to perform long-term operations such as logging GPS, waiting for social
+media notifications, and so on. A service will continue to run even if the
+application that started it exits.
+To create a service, do the following steps:
+\list 1
+ \li Uncomment the service part of your \c AndroidManifest.xml.
+ \li Make sure the \c service tag contains an \c android:process=":some_name"
+ attribute. It is needed to force the \c service to run in a separate
+ process than the \c activity.
+ \li If you're using the same application (.so file) for activity and also
+ for service, you need to use \c \c meta-data to
+ pass some arguments to your \c main function in order to know which one
+ is which.
+ \li To enable background running, uncomment \c
+ \c meta-data and set it to true (\c android:value="true" ).
+Qt loads the \c .so file defined in \c \c meta-data,
+and calls the \c main function with all the arguments set in
+\c \c meta-data.
+See \l{}{Android Services}
+documentation for more information.
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+** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
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+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure
+** the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 requirements
+** will be met:
+\page android.html
+\title Qt for Android
+\brief Provides information about Android support in Qt.
+\ingroup supportedplatform
+Qt for Android enables you to run Qt 5 applications on Android devices.
+All Qt modules (essential and add-on) are supported except Qt \WebEngine,
+Qt Serial Port, and the platform-specific ones (Qt Mac Extras,
+Qt Windows Extras, and Qt X11 Extras).
+The following configurations are supported:
+\include supported-platforms.qdocinc android
+The following list summarizes what you can do with Qt for Android:
+ \li Run \l{Qt Widgets}{Widget} and
+ \l{QML Applications}{QML} applications on the device
+ or emulator.
+ \li Support for native \l{Android Style}{Android style} with
+ Qt Quick Controls.
+ \li Handle \l{Qt Multimedia}{Multimedia} content in your Qt Quick 2
+ applications.
+ \li Get \l{Qt Sensors}{sensor} readings and react to the changes.
+ \li Retrieve current position data using satellite and network
+ information.
+ \li Connect and exchange data with \l{Qt Bluetooth}{Bluetooth}
+ and \l{Qt NFC}{NFC}-enabled devices.
+ \li Integrate Java code into your application using
+ \l{Qt Android Extras}.
+ \li Develop secure applications using OpenSSL library.
+ \li Create \l{Android Services}
+ \li Create and deploy Application Package using Qt Creator.
+The following topics provide more details about how to use Qt for Android:
+ \li \l{Getting Started with Qt for Android}{Getting Started}
+ \li \l{Qt for Android - Building from Source}
+ \li \l{Porting to Android}{Porting a Qt Application}
+ \li \l{Qt for Android Examples}{Examples}
+ \li \l{Adding OpenSSL Support for Android}
+ \li \l{Android Services}{Creating Android Services}
+ \li \l{Third-party Android Libraries}{Including third-party Android libraries in an application}
+ \li \l{Qt Creator: Deploying Applications to Android Devices}{Deploying to the Device}
+ \li \l{Publishing to Google Play}
+ \li \l{Platform and Compiler Notes - Android}{Platform Notes}
+ \li \l{Android GNU C++ run-time licensing}
+\page android-getting-started.html
+\title Getting Started with Qt for Android
+\brief Provides instructions to install and configure your development environment.
+\section1 Installing the Prerequisites
+In order to use \l{Qt for Android}, you need the following:
+\li \l{}{The Android SDK Tools}
+ \note If your Qt version is earlier than v5.9, use the SDK tools package
+ v25.2.5 or earlier.
+\li \l{}{The Android NDK}
+ \list
+ \li Qt 5.11 and below
+ \list
+ \li NDK r10e
+ \li GCC toolchain
+ \endlist
+ \li Qt 5.12.0 to 5.12.5
+ and Qt 5.13.0 to 5.13.1
+ \list
+ \li NDK r19c
+ \li \e android-clang
+ \endlist
+ \li Qt 5.14+, Qt 5.13.2+
+ and Qt 5.12.6+
+ \list
+ \li NDK r20b or r21
+ \li \e android-clang
+ \li \note Qt 5.14.0 and 5.14.1 with NDK r21 have a bug fixed at \l{}{QTBUG-81461}.
+ \endlist
+ \endlist
+\li \l{}{Java SE Development Kit} (JDK) v6 or later. You can also use \l{}{OpenJDK} on Linux.
+After installing these tools, update the Android SDK by installing the API
+and build tools packages required for development. You can install these packages
+either through Android Studio or using the command line tools package you installed
+earlier. For more details, refer to the
+\l{}{Android Studio}
+\note Make sure to unpack the Android SDK and NDK to a writeable location that Qt Creator
+can access later. Otherwise, Qt Creator won't be able to use \c sdkmanager or find all
+components even if they were installed manually.
+\section2 Updating the Android SDK
+The command line tools provided by the Android SDK Tools package also enables updating
+the SDK, but without a GUI. For example, the following command on Ubuntu updates the SDK
+by installing the latest \c build-tools, \c platform-tools, \c emulator, and \c patcher
+./bin/sdkmanager --update
+To install a specific package, use \c sdkmanager from
+\c{<ANDROID_SDK_ROOT>/tools/bin}. For example, the following command installs the
+\c android-10 platforms package on Ubuntu:
+./sdkmanager "platforms;android-10"
+For more details, refer to the
+\section1 Configuring Your Development Host
+\section2 Windows
+The default USB driver on Windows does not allow debugging using
+Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool. You must install the additional USB driver
+provided by the \e extras Android SDK package. Use the following command from
+the Windows command prompt to install the extras package:
+sdkmanager.bat "extras;google;usb_driver"
+After the package installation is complete, install the driver from
+\c{<ANDROID_SDK_ROOT>/extras/google/usb_driver}. Try running a few basic
+\l{}{adb} commands now
+and check whether your Android device responds to it.
+\section2 64-bit Linux
+If you're developing on a 64-bit Linux machine, you must install the
+following dependencies in order to run 32-bit executables like \c adb, which
+allows Qt Creator to find devices to deploy to:
+sudo apt-get install libstdc++6:i386 libgcc1:i386 zlib1g:i386 libncurses5:i386
+To run the emulator, the following dependencies are also necessary:
+sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2debian:i386
+\section2 Qt Creator IDE
+The Qt Creator IDE that came with the Qt 5 installation on your development
+host, must be configured to enable developing applications for Android. Launch
+Qt Creator and select \uicontrol Tools > \uicontrol Options >
+\uicontrol Devices > \uicontrol Android to add the Android NDK and SDK paths.
+For more details, refer to \l{Qt Creator: Connecting Android Devices}{Qt Creator Manual}.
+\section1 Testing Your Setup
+Now you can test your development setup by running the examples that came
+with the Qt 5 installation. You can browse these examples in
+Qt Creator \uicontrol Welcome mode. Use the \c android filter in the search
+field to list all the examples tested on Android.
+To develop a simple application from scratch, see \l{Creating a Mobile Application}.
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+** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
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+** GNU Free Documentation License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure
+** the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 requirements
+** will be met:
+\page porting-to-android.html
+\title Porting to Android
+\brief Provides instructions to port your existing Qt application to Android.
+In this section, we are going to port an existing Qt Application to
+\l{Qt for Android}{Android} and deploy it to the device.
+Most Qt applications should be portable to Android with ease, unless they
+depend on a specific hardware or software feature not supported by Android.
+If your application is not using any such feature, deployment is probably the
+only step that demands some changes to your application.
+\include porting-notes.qdocinc using resources
+The other approach is to deploy the resources into the package's \c{assets}
+directory. It is the best option if you want to achieve better
+interoperability with the Android APIs. You can access all resources in the
+directory using the "assets:" prefix. Unlike qrc, this approach is not a
+cross-platform solution.
+The following step-by-step instructions guide you to port an existing Qt Quick
+application to Android using the qrc approach:
+\list 1
+ \li Open the existing project in Qt Creator and configure it
+ with "Android for ARM" kit. For more information, see
+ \l{Qt Creator: Configuring Projects}
+ \li Identify all the resources used by your application and add them to one
+ or more qrc files.
+ Qt Creator updates your qmake project file with the "RESOURCES"
+ variable listing the qrc files you added.
+ \li To load or refer to the resources in the qrc file from your C++ code,
+ use the "qrc:" scheme followed by the absolute URL. For example, to
+ load the \c{main.qml} file from \c{resources.qrc}, you can use the
+ following C++ code:
+ \code
+ QQuickView viewer;
+ viewer.setSource(QUrl("qrc:/qml/main.qml"));
+ \endcode
+ \note QML documents can refer to the contents in qrc files using the
+ relative path to the document. Such references do not require the
+ "\c{qrc:}" or "\c{:/}" prefix.
+ \li Save the changes to your project and run the application.
+\note Qt Quick Controls in the application will use native
+\l{Android Style}{Android style} if the target device is running
+Android 3.0 (API 11) or later. The application should function normally on
+devices with Android versions earlier than v3.0, but without native style for
+Qt Creator deploys your application on the Android device, if the
+device is detected by the PC. Otherwise, it tries to run the application on an
+AVD (Android Virtual Device). You will be prompted to create one if there are no
+AVDs found.