// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \page whatsnew60.html \title What's New in Qt 6.0 \brief Lists the new features in Qt 6.0. \ingroup whatsnewqt6 \section1 Build System Changes in Qt 6 Building Qt from sources now requires CMake and Ninja. See \l{Build System Changes in Qt 6} for more details on this and other changes in configure. \section1 Changes to Supported Modules Qt 6.0 is streamlined compared to Qt 5 and some modules are no longer in the default installation of Qt 6.0. Because of the modularized structure of Qt, new modules or previous Qt 5 modules may appear in future releases of Qt 6. For more information, visit the \l{All Modules} page. The \l{Changes to Qt Modules in Qt 6} has a list of API changes. \section1 New Modules in Qt 6.0 The following are new modules in Qt 6.0. \list \li \l{Qt 5 Core Compatibility APIs} \li \l{Qt 5 Compatibility APIs: Graphical Effects} \li \l[QtShaderTools]{Qt Shader Tools} - for graphics and compute shaders \endlist \section1 Removed Modules in Qt 6.0 The following are Qt 5 modules that are not in Qt 6.0. They may be re-introduced in a future release of Qt 6. \table 80% \header \li Module \li qmake \li Comments \row \li Qt Android Extras \li \c androidextras \li See \l {Changes to Qt Extras Modules} \row \li Qt Bluetooth \li \c bluetooth \li \row \li Qt Charts \li \c charts \li \row \li Qt Data Visualization \li \c datavisualization \li \row \li Qt Graphical Effects \li \li Available through \l{Qt 5 Compatibility APIs: Graphical Effects} \row \li Qt Location \li \c location \li \row \li Qt Mac Extras \li \c macextras \li See \l {Changes to Qt Extras Modules} \row \li Qt Multimedia \li \c multimedia \li \row \li Qt Multimedia Widgets \li \c multimediawidgets \row \li Qt NFC \li \c nfc \li \row \li Qt Positioning \li \c positioning \li \row \li Qt Purchasing \li \c purchasing \li \row \li Qt Quick Extras \li \li Merged into \l{Qt Quick Controls} \row \li Qt Remote Objects \li \c remoteobjects \li \row \li Qt Script \li \c qtscript \li \row \li Qt SCXML \li \c scxml \li \row \li Qt Script Tools \li \c scripttools \li \row \li Qt Sensors \li \c sensors \li \row \li Qt Serial Bus \li \c serialbus \li \row \li Qt Serial Port \li \c serialport \li \row \li Qt Speech \li \c texttospeech \li \row \li Qt WebChannel \li \c webchannel \li \row \li Qt WebEngine \li \c webenginecore \li \row \li Qt WebSockets \li \c websockets \li \row \li Qt WebView \li \c webview \li \row \li Qt Windows Extras \li \c winextras \li See \l {Changes to Qt Extras Modules} \row \li Qt X11 Extras \li \c x11extras \li See \l {Changes to Qt Extras Modules} \row \li Qt XML Patterns \li \c xmlpatterns \li \endtable \section1 List of API Changes These pages contain an overview of API changes in Qt 6.0: \list \li \l {New Classes and Functions in Qt 6.0} \li \l {Obsolete Classes} \endlist */ /*! \page newclasses60.html \title New Classes and Functions in Qt 6.0 \ingroup whatsnewqt6 \brief A list of new APIs in Qt 6.0. The section provides a comprehensive list of all new classes and functions introduced in Qt 6.0. \sincelist 6.0 */