// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause /* This is a UI file (.ui.qml) that is intended to be edited in Qt Design Studio only. It is supposed to be strictly declarative and only uses a subset of QML. If you edit this file manually, you might introduce QML code that is not supported by Qt Design Studio. Check out https://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-quick-ui-forms.html for details on .ui.qml files. */ import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Layouts import ToDoList Page { id: root property alias backButton: navBar.backButton topPadding: 12 header: NavBar { id: navBar titleText: qsTr("Max Tasks") previousPageTitle: qsTr("Settings") acceptButton.visible: false } ColumnLayout { width: parent.width Label { id: maxTasksText color: Constants.secondaryColor horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter wrapMode: Text.Wrap text: qsTr("Choose the maximum amount of tasks.") font.pixelSize: AppSettings.fontSize Layout.fillWidth: true } SpinBox { id: maxTasksSpinbox editable: true from: 5 value: AppSettings.maxTasksCount to: 50 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter Layout.topMargin: 10 onValueChanged: AppSettings.maxTasksCount = maxTasksSpinbox.value } } }