path: root/src/3rdparty/libwebp/README
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+ __ __ ____ ____ ____
+ / \\/ \/ _ \/ _ )/ _ \
+ \ / __/ _ \ __/
+ \__\__/\____/\_____/__/ ____ ___
+ / _/ / \ \ / _ \/ _/
+ / \_/ / / \ \ __/ \__
+ \____/____/\_____/_____/____/v0.4.0
+WebP codec: library to encode and decode images in WebP format. This package
+contains the library that can be used in other programs to add WebP support,
+as well as the command line tools 'cwebp' and 'dwebp'.
+Latest sources are available from
+It is released under the same license as the WebM project.
+See or the
+file "COPYING" file for details. An additional intellectual
+property rights grant can be found in the file PATENTS.
+Windows build:
+By running:
+ nmake /f CFG=release-static RTLIBCFG=static OBJDIR=output
+the directory output\release-static\(x64|x86)\bin will contain the tools
+cwebp.exe and dwebp.exe. The directory output\release-static\(x64|x86)\lib will
+contain the libwebp static library.
+The target architecture (x86/x64) is detected by from the Visual
+Studio compiler (cl.exe) available in the system path.
+Unix build using makefile.unix:
+On platforms with GNU tools installed (gcc and make), running
+ make -f makefile.unix
+will build the binaries examples/cwebp and examples/dwebp, along
+with the static library src/libwebp.a. No system-wide installation
+is supplied, as this is a simple alternative to the full installation
+system based on the autoconf tools (see below).
+Please refer to makefile.unix for additional details and customizations.
+Using autoconf tools:
+When building from git sources, you will need to run to generate the
+configure script.
+make install
+should be all you need to have the following files
+Note: A decode-only library, libwebpdecoder, is available using the
+'--enable-libwebpdecoder' flag. The encode library is built separately and can
+be installed independently using a minor modification in the corresponding configure files (see comments there). See './configure --help' for
+more options.
+SWIG bindings:
+To generate language bindings from swig/libwebp.swig at least swig-1.3
+( is required.
+Currently the following functions are mapped:
+ WebPGetDecoderVersion
+ WebPGetInfo
+ WebPDecodeRGBA
+ WebPDecodeARGB
+ WebPDecodeBGRA
+ WebPDecodeBGR
+ WebPDecodeRGB
+ WebPGetEncoderVersion
+ WebPEncodeRGBA
+ WebPEncodeBGRA
+ WebPEncodeRGB
+ WebPEncodeBGR
+ WebPEncodeLosslessRGBA
+ WebPEncodeLosslessBGRA
+ WebPEncodeLosslessRGB
+ WebPEncodeLosslessBGR
+See swig/README for more detailed build instructions.
+Java bindings:
+To build the swig-generated JNI wrapper code at least JDK-1.5 (or equivalent)
+is necessary for enum support. The output is intended to be a shared object /
+DLL that can be loaded via System.loadLibrary("webp_jni").
+Python bindings:
+To build the swig-generated Python extension code at least Python 2.6 is
+required. Python < 2.6 may build with some minor changes to libwebp.swig or the
+generated code, but is untested.
+Encoding tool:
+The examples/ directory contains tools for encoding (cwebp) and
+decoding (dwebp) images.
+The easiest use should look like:
+ cwebp input.png -q 80 -o output.webp
+which will convert the input file to a WebP file using a quality factor of 80
+on a 0->100 scale (0 being the lowest quality, 100 being the best. Default
+value is 75).
+You might want to try the -lossless flag too, which will compress the source
+(in RGBA format) without any loss. The -q quality parameter will in this case
+control the amount of processing time spent trying to make the output file as
+small as possible.
+A longer list of options is available using the -longhelp command line flag:
+> cwebp -longhelp
+ cwebp [-preset <...>] [options] in_file [-o out_file]
+If input size (-s) for an image is not specified, it is assumed to be a PNG,
+JPEG or TIFF file.
+ -h / -help ............ short help
+ -H / -longhelp ........ long help
+ -q <float> ............. quality factor (0:small..100:big)
+ -alpha_q <int> ......... Transparency-compression quality (0..100).
+ -preset <string> ....... Preset setting, one of:
+ default, photo, picture,
+ drawing, icon, text
+ -preset must come first, as it overwrites other parameters.
+ -m <int> ............... compression method (0=fast, 6=slowest)
+ -segments <int> ........ number of segments to use (1..4)
+ -size <int> ............ Target size (in bytes)
+ -psnr <float> .......... Target PSNR (in dB. typically: 42)
+ -s <int> <int> ......... Input size (width x height) for YUV
+ -sns <int> ............. Spatial Noise Shaping (0:off, 100:max)
+ -f <int> ............... filter strength (0=off..100)
+ -sharpness <int> ....... filter sharpness (0:most .. 7:least sharp)
+ -strong ................ use strong filter instead of simple (default).
+ -nostrong .............. use simple filter instead of strong.
+ -partition_limit <int> . limit quality to fit the 512k limit on
+ the first partition (0=no degradation ... 100=full)
+ -pass <int> ............ analysis pass number (1..10)
+ -crop <x> <y> <w> <h> .. crop picture with the given rectangle
+ -resize <w> <h> ........ resize picture (after any cropping)
+ -mt .................... use multi-threading if available
+ -low_memory ............ reduce memory usage (slower encoding)
+ -map <int> ............. print map of extra info.
+ -print_psnr ............ prints averaged PSNR distortion.
+ -print_ssim ............ prints averaged SSIM distortion.
+ -print_lsim ............ prints local-similarity distortion.
+ -d <file.pgm> .......... dump the compressed output (PGM file).
+ -alpha_method <int> .... Transparency-compression method (0..1)
+ -alpha_filter <string> . predictive filtering for alpha plane.
+ One of: none, fast (default) or best.
+ -alpha_cleanup ......... Clean RGB values in transparent area.
+ -blend_alpha <hex> ..... Blend colors against background color
+ expressed as RGB values written in
+ hexadecimal, e.g. 0xc0e0d0 for red=0xc0
+ green=0xe0 and blue=0xd0.
+ -noalpha ............... discard any transparency information.
+ -lossless .............. Encode image losslessly.
+ -hint <string> ......... Specify image characteristics hint.
+ One of: photo, picture or graph
+ -metadata <string> ..... comma separated list of metadata to
+ copy from the input to the output if present.
+ Valid values: all, none (default), exif, icc, xmp
+ -short ................. condense printed message
+ -quiet ................. don't print anything.
+ -version ............... print version number and exit.
+ -noasm ................. disable all assembly optimizations.
+ -v ..................... verbose, e.g. print encoding/decoding times
+ -progress .............. report encoding progress
+Experimental Options:
+ -jpeg_like ............. Roughly match expected JPEG size.
+ -af .................... auto-adjust filter strength.
+ -pre <int> ............. pre-processing filter
+The main options you might want to try in order to further tune the
+visual quality are:
+ -preset
+ -sns
+ -f
+ -m
+ * 'preset' will set up a default encoding configuration targeting a
+ particular type of input. It should appear first in the list of options,
+ so that subsequent options can take effect on top of this preset.
+ Default value is 'default'.
+ * 'sns' will progressively turn on (when going from 0 to 100) some additional
+ visual optimizations (like: segmentation map re-enforcement). This option
+ will balance the bit allocation differently. It tries to take bits from the
+ "easy" parts of the picture and use them in the "difficult" ones instead.
+ Usually, raising the sns value (at fixed -q value) leads to larger files,
+ but with better quality.
+ Typical value is around '75'.
+ * 'f' option directly links to the filtering strength used by the codec's
+ in-loop processing. The higher the value, the smoother the
+ highly-compressed area will look. This is particularly useful when aiming
+ at very small files. Typical values are around 20-30. Note that using the
+ option -strong/-nostrong will change the type of filtering. Use "-f 0" to
+ turn filtering off.
+ * 'm' controls the trade-off between encoding speed and quality. Default is 4.
+ You can try -m 5 or -m 6 to explore more (time-consuming) encoding
+ possibilities. A lower value will result in faster encoding at the expense
+ of quality.
+Decoding tool:
+There is a decoding sample in examples/dwebp.c which will take
+a .webp file and decode it to a PNG image file (amongst other formats).
+This is simply to demonstrate the use of the API. You can verify the
+file test.webp decodes to exactly the same as test_ref.ppm by using:
+ cd examples
+ ./dwebp test.webp -ppm -o test.ppm
+ diff test.ppm test_ref.ppm
+The full list of options is available using -h:
+> dwebp -h
+Usage: dwebp in_file [options] [-o out_file]
+Decodes the WebP image file to PNG format [Default]
+Use following options to convert into alternate image formats:
+ -pam ......... save the raw RGBA samples as a color PAM
+ -ppm ......... save the raw RGB samples as a color PPM
+ -bmp ......... save as uncompressed BMP format
+ -tiff ........ save as uncompressed TIFF format
+ -pgm ......... save the raw YUV samples as a grayscale PGM
+ file with IMC4 layout
+ -yuv ......... save the raw YUV samples in flat layout
+ Other options are:
+ -version .... print version number and exit.
+ -nofancy ..... don't use the fancy YUV420 upscaler.
+ -nofilter .... disable in-loop filtering.
+ -nodither .... disable dithering.
+ -dither <d> .. dithering strength (in 0..100)
+ -mt .......... use multi-threading
+ -crop <x> <y> <w> <h> ... crop output with the given rectangle
+ -scale <w> <h> .......... scale the output (*after* any cropping)
+ -alpha ....... only save the alpha plane.
+ -incremental . use incremental decoding (useful for tests)
+ -h ....... this help message.
+ -v ....... verbose (e.g. print encoding/decoding times)
+ -noasm ....... disable all assembly optimizations.
+Visualization tool:
+There's a little self-serve visualization tool called 'vwebp' under the
+examples/ directory. It uses OpenGL to open a simple drawing window and show
+a decoded WebP file. It's not yet integrated in the automake build system, but
+you can try to manually compile it using the recommendations below.
+Usage: vwebp in_file [options]
+Decodes the WebP image file and visualize it using OpenGL
+Options are:
+ -version .... print version number and exit.
+ -noicc ....... don't use the icc profile if present.
+ -nofancy ..... don't use the fancy YUV420 upscaler.
+ -nofilter .... disable in-loop filtering.
+ -dither <int> dithering strength (0..100). Default=50.
+ -mt .......... use multi-threading.
+ -info ........ print info.
+ -h ....... this help message.
+Keyboard shortcuts:
+ 'c' ................ toggle use of color profile.
+ 'i' ................ overlay file information.
+ 'q' / 'Q' / ESC .... quit.
+1) OpenGL & OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT)
+ Linux:
+ $ sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev
+ Mac + XCode:
+ - These libraries should be available in the OpenGL / GLUT frameworks.
+ Windows:
+2) (Optional) qcms (Quick Color Management System)
+ i. Download qcms from Mozilla / Chromium:
+ ii. Build and archive the source files as libqcms.a / qcms.lib
+ iii. Update makefile.unix /
+ a) Define WEBP_HAVE_QCMS
+ b) Update include / library paths to reference the qcms directory.
+Build using makefile.unix /
+$ make -f makefile.unix examples/vwebp
+> nmake /f CFG=release-static \
+ ../obj/x64/release-static/bin/vwebp.exe
+Animated GIF conversion:
+Animated GIF files can be converted to WebP files with animation using the
+gif2webp utility available under examples/. The files can then be viewed using
+ gif2webp [options] gif_file -o webp_file
+ -h / -help ............ this help
+ -lossy ................. Encode image using lossy compression.
+ -mixed ................. For each frame in the image, pick lossy
+ or lossless compression heuristically.
+ -q <float> ............. quality factor (0:small..100:big)
+ -m <int> ............... compression method (0=fast, 6=slowest)
+ -kmin <int> ............ Min distance between key frames
+ -kmax <int> ............ Max distance between key frames
+ -f <int> ............... filter strength (0=off..100)
+ -metadata <string> ..... comma separated list of metadata to
+ copy from the input to the output if present.
+ Valid values: all, none, icc, xmp (default)
+ -mt .................... use multi-threading if available
+ -version ............... print version number and exit.
+ -v ..................... verbose.
+ -quiet ................. don't print anything.
+With the libgif development files installed, gif2webp can be built using
+$ make -f makefile.unix examples/gif2webp
+or using autoconf:
+$ ./configure --enable-everything
+$ make
+Encoding API:
+The main encoding functions are available in the header src/webp/encode.h
+The ready-to-use ones are:
+size_t WebPEncodeRGB(const uint8_t* rgb, int width, int height, int stride,
+ float quality_factor, uint8_t** output);
+size_t WebPEncodeBGR(const uint8_t* bgr, int width, int height, int stride,
+ float quality_factor, uint8_t** output);
+size_t WebPEncodeRGBA(const uint8_t* rgba, int width, int height, int stride,
+ float quality_factor, uint8_t** output);
+size_t WebPEncodeBGRA(const uint8_t* bgra, int width, int height, int stride,
+ float quality_factor, uint8_t** output);
+They will convert raw RGB samples to a WebP data. The only control supplied
+is the quality factor.
+There are some variants for using the lossless format:
+size_t WebPEncodeLosslessRGB(const uint8_t* rgb, int width, int height,
+ int stride, uint8_t** output);
+size_t WebPEncodeLosslessBGR(const uint8_t* bgr, int width, int height,
+ int stride, uint8_t** output);
+size_t WebPEncodeLosslessRGBA(const uint8_t* rgba, int width, int height,
+ int stride, uint8_t** output);
+size_t WebPEncodeLosslessBGRA(const uint8_t* bgra, int width, int height,
+ int stride, uint8_t** output);
+Of course in this case, no quality factor is needed since the compression
+occurs without loss of the input values, at the expense of larger output sizes.
+Advanced encoding API:
+A more advanced API is based on the WebPConfig and WebPPicture structures.
+WebPConfig contains the encoding settings and is not tied to a particular
+WebPPicture contains input data, on which some WebPConfig will be used for
+The encoding flow looks like:
+-------------------------------------- BEGIN PSEUDO EXAMPLE
+#include <webp/encode.h>
+ // Setup a config, starting form a preset and tuning some additional
+ // parameters
+ WebPConfig config;
+ if (!WebPConfigPreset(&config, WEBP_PRESET_PHOTO, quality_factor))
+ return 0; // version error
+ }
+ // ... additional tuning
+ config.sns_strength = 90;
+ config.filter_sharpness = 6;
+ config_error = WebPValidateConfig(&config); // not mandatory, but useful
+ // Setup the input data
+ WebPPicture pic;
+ if (!WebPPictureInit(&pic)) {
+ return 0; // version error
+ }
+ pic.width = width;
+ pic.height = height;
+ // allocated picture of dimension width x height
+ if (!WebPPictureAllocate(&pic)) {
+ return 0; // memory error
+ }
+ // at this point, 'pic' has been initialized as a container,
+ // and can receive the Y/U/V samples.
+ // Alternatively, one could use ready-made import functions like
+ // WebPPictureImportRGB(), which will take care of memory allocation.
+ // In any case, past this point, one will have to call
+ // WebPPictureFree(&pic) to reclaim memory.
+ // Set up a byte-output write method. WebPMemoryWriter, for instance.
+ WebPMemoryWriter wrt;
+ pic.writer = MyFileWriter;
+ pic.custom_ptr = my_opaque_structure_to_make_MyFileWriter_work;
+ // initialize 'wrt' here...
+ // Compress!
+ int ok = WebPEncode(&config, &pic); // ok = 0 => error occurred!
+ WebPPictureFree(&pic); // must be called independently of the 'ok' result.
+ // output data should have been handled by the writer at that point.
+-------------------------------------- END PSEUDO EXAMPLE
+Decoding API:
+This is mainly just one function to call:
+#include "webp/decode.h"
+uint8_t* WebPDecodeRGB(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
+ int* width, int* height);
+Please have a look at the file src/webp/decode.h for the details.
+There are variants for decoding in BGR/RGBA/ARGB/BGRA order, along with
+decoding to raw Y'CbCr samples. One can also decode the image directly into a
+pre-allocated buffer.
+To detect a WebP file and gather the picture's dimensions, the function:
+ int WebPGetInfo(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
+ int* width, int* height);
+is supplied. No decoding is involved when using it.
+Incremental decoding API:
+In the case when data is being progressively transmitted, pictures can still
+be incrementally decoded using a slightly more complicated API. Decoder state
+is stored into an instance of the WebPIDecoder object. This object can be
+created with the purpose of decoding either RGB or Y'CbCr samples.
+For instance:
+ WebPDecBuffer buffer;
+ WebPInitDecBuffer(&buffer);
+ buffer.colorspace = MODE_BGR;
+ ...
+ WebPIDecoder* idec = WebPINewDecoder(&buffer);
+As data is made progressively available, this incremental-decoder object
+can be used to decode the picture further. There are two (mutually exclusive)
+ways to pass freshly arrived data:
+either by appending the fresh bytes:
+ WebPIAppend(idec, fresh_data, size_of_fresh_data);
+or by just mentioning the new size of the transmitted data:
+ WebPIUpdate(idec, buffer, size_of_transmitted_buffer);
+Note that 'buffer' can be modified between each call to WebPIUpdate, in
+particular when the buffer is resized to accommodate larger data.
+These functions will return the decoding status: either VP8_STATUS_SUSPENDED if
+decoding is not finished yet or VP8_STATUS_OK when decoding is done. Any other
+status is an error condition.
+The 'idec' object must always be released (even upon an error condition) by
+calling: WebPDelete(idec).
+To retrieve partially decoded picture samples, one must use the corresponding
+method: WebPIDecGetRGB or WebPIDecGetYUVA.
+It will return the last displayable pixel row.
+Lastly, note that decoding can also be performed into a pre-allocated pixel
+buffer. This buffer must be passed when creating a WebPIDecoder, calling
+WebPINewRGB() or WebPINewYUVA().
+Please have a look at the src/webp/decode.h header for further details.
+Advanced Decoding API:
+WebP decoding supports an advanced API which provides on-the-fly cropping and
+rescaling, something of great usefulness on memory-constrained environments like
+mobile phones. Basically, the memory usage will scale with the output's size,
+not the input's, when one only needs a quick preview or a zoomed in portion of
+an otherwise too-large picture. Some CPU can be saved too, incidentally.
+-------------------------------------- BEGIN PSEUDO EXAMPLE
+ // A) Init a configuration object
+ WebPDecoderConfig config;
+ CHECK(WebPInitDecoderConfig(&config));
+ // B) optional: retrieve the bitstream's features.
+ CHECK(WebPGetFeatures(data, data_size, &config.input) == VP8_STATUS_OK);
+ // C) Adjust 'config' options, if needed
+ config.options.no_fancy_upsampling = 1;
+ config.options.use_scaling = 1;
+ config.options.scaled_width = scaledWidth();
+ config.options.scaled_height = scaledHeight();
+ // etc.
+ // D) Specify 'config' output options for specifying output colorspace.
+ // Optionally the external image decode buffer can also be specified.
+ config.output.colorspace = MODE_BGRA;
+ // Optionally, the config.output can be pointed to an external buffer as
+ // well for decoding the image. This externally supplied memory buffer
+ // should be big enough to store the decoded picture.
+ config.output.u.RGBA.rgba = (uint8_t*) memory_buffer;
+ config.output.u.RGBA.stride = scanline_stride;
+ config.output.u.RGBA.size = total_size_of_the_memory_buffer;
+ config.output.is_external_memory = 1;
+ // E) Decode the WebP image. There are two variants w.r.t decoding image.
+ // The first one (E.1) decodes the full image and the second one (E.2) is
+ // used to incrementally decode the image using small input buffers.
+ // Any one of these steps can be used to decode the WebP image.
+ // E.1) Decode full image.
+ CHECK(WebPDecode(data, data_size, &config) == VP8_STATUS_OK);
+ // E.2) Decode image incrementally.
+ WebPIDecoder* const idec = WebPIDecode(NULL, NULL, &config);
+ CHECK(idec != NULL);
+ while (bytes_remaining > 0) {
+ VP8StatusCode status = WebPIAppend(idec, input, bytes_read);
+ if (status == VP8_STATUS_OK || status == VP8_STATUS_SUSPENDED) {
+ bytes_remaining -= bytes_read;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ WebPIDelete(idec);
+ // F) Decoded image is now in config.output (and config.output.u.RGBA).
+ // It can be saved, displayed or otherwise processed.
+ // G) Reclaim memory allocated in config's object. It's safe to call
+ // this function even if the memory is external and wasn't allocated
+ // by WebPDecode().
+ WebPFreeDecBuffer(&config.output);
+-------------------------------------- END PSEUDO EXAMPLE
+Please report all bugs to our issue tracker:
+Patches welcome! See this page to get started: