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2 files changed, 530 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/doc/qtivi/qtivi.pro b/src/doc/qtivi/qtivi.pro
index 5d746fd..6f9843b 100644
--- a/src/doc/qtivi/qtivi.pro
+++ b/src/doc/qtivi/qtivi.pro
@@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ DISTFILES += \
$$PWD/*.qdocconf \
$$PWD/online/*.qdocconf \
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+ $$PWD/src/ivigenerator/*.qdoc \
$$PWD/images/*.jpg \
diff --git a/src/ivicore/qivipendingreply.cpp b/src/ivicore/qivipendingreply.cpp
index 5e2a043..da3cc27 100644
--- a/src/ivicore/qivipendingreply.cpp
+++ b/src/ivicore/qivipendingreply.cpp
@@ -72,19 +72,6 @@ static QIviPendingReplyRegistrator _registrator;
// TODO make it reentrant
-// TODO Add documentation
-//* QSharedPointer<WatcherBase> d
-//* WatcherBase has signals without argumments
-//* WatcherBase has slots which calls the js callback functions
-//* Value stored in WatcherBase
-//* Do we need to pass the value in the signals ?
-//* PendingReply needs a way to set the result
-//* automatic type registration for basic types
-//* Check the type is still correct when using the QVariant success functions
-//* specialization for QVariant
-//* call success/failed when reply already ready and functors are set later.
-//* not for slots, use the old way instead
QIviPendingReplyWatcherPrivate::QIviPendingReplyWatcherPrivate(int userType, QIviPendingReplyWatcher *parent)
: QObjectPrivate()
, q_ptr(parent)
@@ -133,6 +120,266 @@ void QIviPendingReplyWatcherPrivate::callFailedCallback()
+ \class QIviPendingReplyWatcher
+ \inmodule QtIviCore
+ \brief The QIviPendingReplyWatcher provides signals for QIviPendingReply
+ The QIviPendingReplyWatcher holds all data of a QIviPendingReply and is implicitly shared
+ between copies of the same QIviPendingReply instance. At the same time the watcher provides
+ signals for when a result is ready or an error happened.
+ A QIviPendingReplyWatcher cannot be instantiated on its own. It is always created from a
+ QIviPendingReply internally.
+ \class QIviPendingReplyBase
+ \inmodule QtIviCore
+ \brief The QIviPendingReplyBase is the base class for QIviPendingReply
+ QIviPendingReplyBase is the base class for QIviPendingReply and provides QVariant based
+ functions and properties for the usage from QML.
+ Usually you don't have to use this class, but instead always use the typesafe QIviPendingReply
+ template class.
+ \qmltype PendingReply
+ \qmlabstract
+ \instantiates QIviPendingReply
+ \inqmlmodule QtIvi
+ \brief A object representing an asynchronous results
+ A PendingReply is a way for providing asynchronous results. It can be used as a
+ return value for asynchronous functions.
+ The QML API is very similar to
+ \l{https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/primers/promises}{JavaScript Promises}.
+ This documentation shows how to use the PendingReply from within QML and how to execute code
+ once the asynchronous result is ready.
+ \note It is not supported to create a PendingReply from QML. The object is supposed to be
+ created from C++ and returned to QML as a result. For more information on how to use it from
+ C++ see the \l {QIviPendingReply}{QIviPendingReply documentation}.
+ When a PendingReply is created from C++ it doesn't have a result set yet and the
+ \l{PendingReply::}{resultAvailable} property is \c false. A result for the pending reply can
+ only be set once and it either indicates a failed(setFailed) or a successful(setSuccess) call.
+ This can be checked using the \l{PendingReply::}{success} property. The actual result is
+ available from the \l{PendingReply::}{value} property, which returns undefined if no result is
+ available or the reply failed.
+ \section1 Using a PendingReply
+ As explained above, the PendingReply is supposed to be used as a return value for asynchronous
+ operations done in C++. To inform about when a reply result is available there are two ways:
+ \section2 The \e then method
+ Similar to a JavaScript Promise the PendingReply is then-able, which means it provides a \e then
+ method. This method can be used to add callbacks which are executed when the reply succeeds or
+ fails.
+ \qml
+ import QtQuick 2.0
+ import QtIvi 1.0
+ Text {
+ id: root
+ text: "not ready"
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ var asyncReply = TestObject.asyncFunction();
+ asyncReply.then(function(value) {
+ root.text = "reply ready: " + value
+ },
+ function() {
+ root.text = "reply failed"
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ \endqml
+ This simple QML snippet calls the C++ function TestObject::asyncFunction() which returns a
+ PendingReply. See the \l{QIviPendingReply}{C++ part} on how to write such a function and use
+ the PendingReply from C++.
+ The then method is used to register two callbacks. The first callback is the result callback
+ and takes the reply value as an argument. This will update the text element accordingly. The
+ second argument is the failed callback, which doesn't take an argument as there is no valid
+ reply value.
+ If the failed state is not of interest it is also possible to not add any callback for it e.g.
+ \qml
+ asyncReply.then(function(value) {
+ root.text = "reply ready: " + value
+ })
+ \endqml
+ In a similar way only the failed callback can be registered by passing \e undefined to the
+ function as the first argument:
+ \qml
+ asyncReply.then(undefined,
+ function() {
+ root.text = "reply failed"
+ })
+ \endqml
+ \section3 Synchronous results
+ When a PendingReply object is used in an API the corresponding function cannot provide the
+ result immediately. But especially for input validation the function can return an error state
+ right away. For this the PendingReply object offers the properties
+ \l{PendingReply::}{resultAvailable} and \l{PendingReply::}{success} to check for this when the
+ object is given for QML.
+ Checking this for every PendingReply use in QML can be tedious and produces a lot of
+ boiler-plate code. Because of this the PendingReply works similar to a JavaScript Promise and
+ will execute the callbacks although the result is already available.
+ \section2 Signals and Slots
+ Although the then method is the recommended way from QML, the PendingReply also provides
+ signals. To make the PendingReply as lightweight as possible it is using Q_GADGET and cannot
+ provide signals directly, but provides it through the QIviPendingReplyWatcher class. The
+ QIviPendingReplyWatcher can be accessed using the \l{PendingReply::}{watcher} property.
+ \note The QIviPendingReplyWatcher is owned by the PendingReply. Saving the watcher outside of
+ of the PendingReply is not safe as it is destroyed once all copies of this PendingReply object
+ are destroyed.
+ \class QIviPendingReply
+ \inmodule QtIviCore
+ \brief Template class for providing asynchronous results
+ A QIviPendingReply is a template class for providing asynchronous results. It can be used as a
+ return value for asynchronous functions, similar to QFuture.
+ In contrast to QFuture, QIviPendingReply works also in QML and is especially made for this. The
+ data stored in a QIviPendingReply is implicitly shared between all copies of this reply object.
+ This keeps the memory and performance footprint low.
+ The QML API is very similar to
+ \l{https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/primers/promises}{JavaScript Promises}, at
+ the same time the C++ API provides support for Qt's signals and slots.
+ The QIviPendingReply holds a result of a specific type. The type needs to have a default
+ constructor and a copy constructor. By default the most Qt basic types are supported. New types
+ can be added by using the qIviRegisterPendingReplyType function.
+ When a QIviPendingReply is created it does not have a valid result set yet. This can be checked
+ by using the resultAvailable property. A result for a reply can be set by using the setFailed
+ or setSuccess functions. Setting the result with this function can only be done once and cannot
+ be changed later. Whether a QIviPendingReply has succeeded can be determined by the success
+ property.
+ \section1 Writing a function returning a QIviPendingReply
+ When writing a function returning a QIviPendingReply, it is often needed to do some input
+ validation and return before actual doing something. Without using a QIviPendingReply one would
+ write a function as follows:
+ \code
+ QString displayName(const QUuid &id)
+ {
+ if (id.isNull)
+ return QString();
+ //do something and wait until the result is ready (synchronous)
+ asyncAPI.getDisplayName(id);
+ asyncAPI.waitForFinished(&displayNameChanged);
+ return asyncAPI.displayName();
+ }
+ \endcode
+ This function is using an asynchronous API e.g. provided by an IPC. getDisplayName(id) starts
+ the task and once a result is ready the displayNameChanged signal is emitted and the actual
+ value can be read using the displayName() function. The provided function is using a
+ waitForFinished() method to actual wait for the signal to be emitted and return the value and
+ make this API synchronous.
+ When moving this code to using QIviPendingReply the validation check needs to be fixed to
+ return a valid QIviPendingReply. To make it more convenient to return a failed reply, the
+ QIviPendingReply::createFailedReply() function be used.
+ Rewriting the above function to be fully asynchronous using a QIviPendingReply it would look
+ like this:
+ \code
+ QIviPendingReply<QString> displayName(const QUuid &id)
+ {
+ if (id.isNull)
+ return QIviPendingReply<QString>::createFailedReply();
+ QIviPendingReply<QString> reply
+ //connect to the change signal and set the result to the async reply when ready
+ connect(asyncAPI, &displayNameChanged, this, [reply, asyncAPI]() mutable {
+ reply.setSuccess(asyncAPI.displayName());
+ });
+ //start getting the name
+ asyncAPI.getDisplayName(id);
+ return reply;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Now a new QIviPendingReply is created right away and passed to the lamda used in the connect
+ statement. The actual task is started afterwards and the reply object is returned. Once the
+ async API emits the displayNameChanged signal the lamda is executed the QIviPendingReply is
+ marked as successful and the value set to the displayName().
+ \note All copies of a QIviPendingReply use implicit sharing. This data is freed once all copies
+ of the pending replies are deleted.
+ \section1 Using functions returning a QIviPendingReply
+ When using a function which returns a QIviPendingReply, the first thing to do is to check
+ whether a result is already available using the isResultAvailable property and act accordingly.
+ Afterwards you can start to connect the signals provided by the QIviPendingReplyWatcher.
+ \section2 Signals and Slots
+ In order to keep the memory footprint low, the QIviPendingReply doesn't provide signals
+ directly, as it doesn't need to derive from QObject, but uses the Q_GADGET macro instead. To
+ get notified once a result is ready, the QIviPendingReplyWatcher can be used instead. The
+ watcher can be retrieved using the watcher property.
+ Here an example on how this would work when using the API described above:
+ \code
+ QUuid uuid = createUuid();
+ QIviPendingReply<QString> reply = displayName(uuid);
+ if (reply.isResultAvailable()) {
+ if (reply.isSuccessfull())
+ useDisplayName(reply.value());
+ else
+ qWarning("getting the displayName failed");
+ } else {
+ connect(reply.watcher(), &QIviPendingReplyWatcher::valueChanged, this, [this, reply]() {
+ if (reply.isSuccessfull())
+ useDisplayName(reply.value());
+ else
+ qWarning("getting the displayName failed");
+ });
+ }
+ \endcode
+ As described above, the pending reply is checked first for whether a result is already available
+ and if not, the signals from the watcher are used to react to the valueChanged signal.
+ \note The QIviPendingReplyWatcher returned is owned by the QIviPendingReply and all its
+ copies. If all copies of the QIviPendingReply get deleted its QIviPendingReplyWatcher gets
+ deleted as well.
+ For usage in QML see the QML documentation.
QIviPendingReplyWatcher::QIviPendingReplyWatcher(int userType)
: QObject(*new QIviPendingReplyWatcherPrivate(userType, this))
@@ -142,32 +389,65 @@ QIviPendingReplyWatcher::~QIviPendingReplyWatcher()
-//document default value
-//note about having no changed signal (gadget) and use of watcher which has one
+ \property QIviPendingReplyWatcher::value
+ \brief Holds the current value of the QIviPendingReply
+ If no result is available yet or the reply failed, a default constructed QVariant() is returned.
+ Otherwise a QVariant holding the result is returned.
QVariant QIviPendingReplyWatcher::value() const
Q_D(const QIviPendingReplyWatcher);
return d->m_data;
+ \property QIviPendingReplyWatcher::valid
+ \brief Holds whether the watcher is valid
+ A watcher can be invalid if a QIviPendingReplyBase is manually created not using the template
+ class QIviPendingReply.
bool QIviPendingReplyWatcher::isValid() const
Q_D(const QIviPendingReplyWatcher);
return d->m_type == -1 ? false : true;
+ \property QIviPendingReplyWatcher::resultAvailable
+ \brief Holds whether a result has been set
+ This property is \c true once a result has been set by using setSuccess() or setFailed().
bool QIviPendingReplyWatcher::isResultAvailable() const
Q_D(const QIviPendingReplyWatcher);
return d->m_resultAvailable;
+ \property QIviPendingReplyWatcher::success
+ \brief Holds whether the reply succeeded
+ This property is \c true if the reply has a valid result set by calling setSuccess().
bool QIviPendingReplyWatcher::isSuccessful() const
Q_D(const QIviPendingReplyWatcher);
return d->m_success;
+ Sets the result of the reply to \a value and marks the reply as succeeded.
+ The given value needs to be of the same type than the reply or convertible to that type.
+ \note a result can only be set once and cannot be changed again later.
+ \sa setFailed
void QIviPendingReplyWatcher::setSuccess(const QVariant &value)
@@ -216,6 +496,13 @@ void QIviPendingReplyWatcher::setSuccess(const QVariant &value)
+ Marks the reply as failed.
+ \note a result can only be set once and cannot be changed again later.
+ \sa setSuccess
void QIviPendingReplyWatcher::setFailed()
@@ -225,16 +512,25 @@ void QIviPendingReplyWatcher::setFailed()
d->m_resultAvailable = true;
- //TODO does it really make sense to emit it again ?
+ //emitting valueChanged is intended here as it makes it easier to react to successful and failed
+ //replies in the same slot.
emit valueChanged(d->m_data);
emit replyFailed();
-//Also document that this function needs to be called from a JSEngine(QMLEngine) only
-//document that multple callbacks are not supported, use the Javascript promise instead
-//check result when using from C++
+ Sets the JavaScript callbacks to be called once a result is delivered. If the reply succeeded
+ the \a success callback is called, otherwise the \a failed callback.
+ The \a success callback can take the reply value as an argument.
+ The provided values need to be \l {QJSValue::isCallable}{callable} and constructed from a
+ QJSEngine. Passing QJSValue objects created by C++ will result in an error.
+ Calling this function multiple times will override the existing callbacks.
void QIviPendingReplyWatcher::then(const QJSValue &success, const QJSValue &failed)
if (!success.isUndefined() && !success.isCallable()) {
@@ -283,12 +579,40 @@ QIviPendingReplyBase::~QIviPendingReplyBase()
-//Note: this pointer will only be valid as long a there is a PendingReply object left.
+ \qmlproperty QIviPendingReplyWatcher* PendingReply::watcher
+ \brief Holds the watcher for the PendingReply
+ \note The QIviPendingReplyWatcher returned is owned by the PendingReply and all its copies. If
+ all copies of the PendingReply get deleted its QIviPendingReplyWatcher gets deleted as well.
+ */
+ \property QIviPendingReplyBase::watcher
+ \brief Holds the watcher for the QIviPendingReply
+ \note The QIviPendingReplyWatcher returned is owned by the QIviPendingReply and all its
+ copies. If all copies of the QIviPendingReply get deleted its QIviPendingReplyWatcher gets
+ deleted as well.
+ */
QIviPendingReplyWatcher *QIviPendingReplyBase::watcher() const
return m_watcher.data();
+ \qmlproperty var PendingReply::value
+ \brief Holds the current value of the PendingReply
+ If no result is available yet or the reply failed, a default constructed QVariant() is returned.
+ Otherwise a QVariant holding the result is returned.
+ */
+ \property QIviPendingReplyBase::value
+ \brief Holds the current value of the QIviPendingReply
+ If no result is available yet or the reply failed, a default constructed QVariant() is returned.
+ Otherwise a QVariant holding the result is returned.
QVariant QIviPendingReplyBase::value() const
if (m_watcher)
@@ -296,6 +620,20 @@ QVariant QIviPendingReplyBase::value() const
return QVariant();
+ \qmlproperty bool PendingReply::valid
+ \brief Holds whether the PendingReply is valid
+ A watcher can be invalid if a PendingReply is manually created not using the template
+ class QIviPendingReply.
+ \property QIviPendingReplyBase::valid
+ \brief Holds whether the QIviPendingReplyBase is valid
+ A watcher can be invalid if a QIviPendingReplyBase is manually created not using the template
+ class QIviPendingReply.
bool QIviPendingReplyBase::isValid() const
if (m_watcher)
@@ -303,6 +641,18 @@ bool QIviPendingReplyBase::isValid() const
return false;
+ \qmlproperty bool PendingReply::resultAvailable
+ \brief Holds whether a result has been set
+ This property is \c true once a result has been set by using setSuccess() or setFailed().
+ \property QIviPendingReplyBase::resultAvailable
+ \brief Holds whether a result has been set
+ This property is \c true once a result has been set by using setSuccess() or setFailed().
bool QIviPendingReplyBase::isResultAvailable() const
if (m_watcher)
@@ -310,6 +660,18 @@ bool QIviPendingReplyBase::isResultAvailable() const
return false;
+ \qmlproperty bool PendingReply::success
+ \brief Holds whether the reply succeeded
+ This property is \c true if the reply has a valid result set by calling setSuccess().
+ \property QIviPendingReplyBase::success
+ \brief Holds whether the reply succeeded
+ This property is \c true if the reply has a valid result set by calling setSuccess().
bool QIviPendingReplyBase::isSuccessful() const
if (m_watcher)
@@ -317,6 +679,29 @@ bool QIviPendingReplyBase::isSuccessful() const
return false;
+ \qmlmethod PendingReply::then(success, failed)
+ Sets the JavaScript callbacks to be called once a result is delivered. If the reply succeeded
+ the \a success callback is called, otherwise the \a failed callback.
+ The \a success callback can take the reply value as an argument.
+ See \l{PendingReply#The then method}{The \e then method} for example usage.
+ Calling this function multiple times will override the existing callbacks.
+ Sets the JavaScript callbacks to be called once a result is delivered. If the reply succeeded
+ the \a success callback is called, otherwise the \a failed callback.
+ The \a success callback can take the reply value as an argument.
+ The provided values need to be \l {QJSValue::isCallable}{callable} and constructed from a
+ QJSEngine. Passing QJSValue objects created by C++ will result in an error.
+ Calling this function multiple times will override the existing callbacks.
void QIviPendingReplyBase::then(const QJSValue &success, const QJSValue &failed)
if (m_watcher)
@@ -324,6 +709,26 @@ void QIviPendingReplyBase::then(const QJSValue &success, const QJSValue &failed)
+ \qmlmethod PendingReply::setSuccess(var value)
+ Sets the result of the reply to \a value and marks the reply as succeeded.
+ The given value needs to be of the same type as the reply or be convertible to that type.
+ \note a result can only be set once and cannot be changed again later.
+ \sa setFailed
+ Sets the result of the reply to \a value and marks the reply as succeeded.
+ The given value needs to be of the same type as the reply or be convertible to that type.
+ \note a result can only be set once and cannot be changed again later.
+ \sa setFailed
void QIviPendingReplyBase::setSuccess(const QVariant &value)
if (m_watcher)
@@ -331,6 +736,22 @@ void QIviPendingReplyBase::setSuccess(const QVariant &value)
+ \qmlmethod PendingReply::setFailed()
+ Marks the reply as failed.
+ \note a result can only be set once and cannot be changed again later.
+ \sa setSuccess
+ Marks the reply as failed.
+ \note a result can only be set once and cannot be changed again later.
+ \sa setSuccess
void QIviPendingReplyBase::setFailed()
if (m_watcher)
@@ -338,6 +759,13 @@ void QIviPendingReplyBase::setFailed()
+ \internal
+ Sets the result of the reply to \a value and marks the reply as succeeded, but without checking
+ if the QVariant can be converted. This is used by the template class as we convert it to a
+ QVariant before anyway and can be sure the type is correct.
void QIviPendingReplyBase::setSuccessNoCheck(const QVariant &value)
if (m_watcher)
@@ -345,4 +773,85 @@ void QIviPendingReplyBase::setSuccessNoCheck(const QVariant &value)
+ \fn QIviPendingReplyWatcher::replyFailed()
+ Emitted when the reply is marked as failed.
+ \sa setFailed
+ \fn QIviPendingReplyWatcher::replySuccess()
+ Emitted when the reply is marked as successful.
+ \sa setSuccess
+ \fn QIviPendingReplyWatcher::valueChanged(const QVariant &value)
+ Emitted when the result for the reply is ready. This signal is called when the reply is
+ successful as well as when it is failed. The \value argument holds the result and is a default
+ constructed QVariant in the failed case.
+ \sa setSuccess setFailed
+ \fn QIviPendingReply::createFailedReply()
+ Creates a reply object which is marked as failed. This is convenient in error cases inside
+ functions returning a reply e.g.
+ \code
+ QIviPendingReply<QString> doSomething(int value)
+ {
+ if (value <= 0) {
+ qWarning("The value needs to be bigger than 0");
+ return QIviPendingReply<QString>::createFailedReply()
+ }
+ QIviPendingReply<QString> reply;
+ ...
+ return reply;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ \fn QIviPendingReply::reply() const
+ Returns the result of the reply. If no result has been set yet or when the reply is marked as
+ failed, a default constructed value is returned.
+ \sa setSuccess setFailed
+ \fn QIviPendingReply::setSuccess(const T &value)
+ Sets the result of the reply to \a value and marks the reply as succeeded.
+ \note a result can only be set once and cannot be changed again later.
+ \sa setFailed
+ \fn qIviRegisterPendingReplyType(const char *typeName)
+ \relates QIviPendingReply
+ Registers the type name \a typeName for the type \c{T} for usage inside a QIviPendingReply. Any
+ class or struct that has a public default constructor, a public copy constructor and a public
+ destructor can be registered.
+ This function requires that \c{T} is a fully defined type at the point where the function is
+ called. For pointer types, it also requires that the pointed-to type is fully defined. Use
+ Q_DECLARE_OPAQUE_POINTER() to be able to register pointers to forward declared types.
+ Please see qRegisterMetaType for more information.