# Generated from core.pro. ##################################################################### ## qtivicoreplugin Plugin: ##################################################################### qt_internal_add_qml_module(qtivicoreplugin URI "QtIvi" VERSION "1.0" CLASSNAME QtIviCorePlugin SKIP_TYPE_REGISTRATION SOURCES plugin.cpp PUBLIC_LIBRARIES Qt::IviCore ) #### Keys ignored in scope 1:.:.:core.pro:: # CXX_MODULE = "qml" # OTHER_FILES = "$$qml_files" # QML_IMPORT_VERSION = "1.0" # TARGETPATH = "QtIvi" # qml_files = "$$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/qmldir" ## Scopes: ##################################################################### #### Keys ignored in scope 2:.:.:core.pro:NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING AND NOT force_independent AND ( NOT debug_and_release OR NOT build_all OR CONFIG(release,debug OR release) ) AND TARGET Qt::Quick: # QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS = "first" # first.depends = "qmltypes" # first.target = "first"