path: root/examples
diff options
authorKarsten Heimrich <>2018-07-27 07:48:06 +0200
committerKarsten Heimrich <>2018-07-27 09:06:50 +0000
commit0d5279f5838ebdd2e9cc3402fb30ad54b307cde7 (patch)
tree4c95d2c2f6accab3bfe599a7a46d38d6c2b1d826 /examples
parentb1956f2ac5d935540ea5272133ff855876b58f5d (diff)
Implement additional functionality to send extended search requests
Add some code to print the extended information returned by devices supporting tunneling version 2. Change-Id: I90305d4212a019b65616c15e3be7bada33d09d20 Reviewed-by: Andrew O'Doherty <> Reviewed-by: Karsten Heimrich <>
Diffstat (limited to 'examples')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/examples/knx/discoverer/main.cpp b/examples/knx/discoverer/main.cpp
index 37f59d1..5106866 100644
--- a/examples/knx/discoverer/main.cpp
+++ b/examples/knx/discoverer/main.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,11 @@
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtCore/QCommandLineParser>
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
+#include <QtKnx/QKnxNetIpExtendedDeviceDibProxy>
#include <QtKnx/QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent>
+#include <QtKnx/QKnxNetIpSrpBuilder>
#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkInterface>
static QString familieToString(QKnxNetIp::ServiceFamily id)
@@ -103,9 +107,21 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ { "n", "nat" }, "Use Network Address Translation to traverse across network routers." },
{ { "u", "unicast" }, "Force unicast response. (defaults to multicast response)" },
{ { "a", "localAddress" }, "The local IP address a response shall be sent to. "
- "Implies <unicast>", "localAddress", "" },
+ "Implies <unicast>", "localAddress", "" },
{ { "p", "localPort" }, "The local UDP port a response shall be sent to (defaults to "
- "system assigned). Implies <unicast>", "localPort", "0"}
+ "system assigned). Implies <unicast>.", "localPort", "0" },
+ { { "m", "searchMode" }, "Specifies the mode used to send search request. Possible "
+ "values: (default, extended, both).", "searchMode", "default" },
+ { "filterProg", "Limit search responses to devices in programming mode. Implies "
+ "search mode extended or both." },
+ { "filterMAC", "Limit search responses to the given MAC address. Implies search "
+ "mode extended or both.", "MAC" },
+ { "filterService", "Limit search responses to devices supporting the given "
+ "KNXnet/IP service family in at least the given version (e.g. 0202). Implies "
+ "search mode extended or both.", "Service" },
+ { "descriptionType", "Force returning DIBs inside the search responses to "
+ "to at least of the given set of IDs. (e.g. 010208). Implies search mode "
+ "extended or both.", "Type" }
@@ -118,6 +134,55 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (parser.isSet("unicast"))
+ auto value = parser.value("searchMode");
+ if (parser.isSet("searchMode") && value != "default") {
+ if (value == "extended") {
+ agent.setDiscoveryMode(QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode::CoreV2);
+ } else if (value == "both") {
+ agent.setDiscoveryMode(QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode::CoreV1
+ | QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode::CoreV2);
+ } else {
+ qInfo().noquote() << "Wrong argument for option <searchMode>:" << value;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (parser.isSet("filterProg")) {
+ agent.setDiscoveryMode(agent.discoveryMode()
+ | QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode::CoreV2);
+ agent.setExtendedSearchParameters({ SrpBuilders::ProgrammingMode().create() });
+ }
+ if (parser.isSet("filterMAC")) {
+ agent.setDiscoveryMode(agent.discoveryMode()
+ | QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode::CoreV2);
+ agent.setExtendedSearchParameters(QVector<QKnxNetIpSrp>({
+ SrpBuilders::MacAddress()
+ .setMac(QKnxByteArray::fromHex(parser.value("filterMAC").toLatin1()))
+ .create()
+ }) + agent.extendedSearchParameters());
+ }
+ if (parser.isSet("filterService")) {
+ auto value = parser.value("filterService");
+ if (value.size() == 4) {
+ bool okLeft = false, okRight = false;
+ quint8 left = value.left(2).toUShort(&okLeft, 16);
+ quint8 right = value.mid(2).toUShort(&okRight, 16);
+ if (!okLeft || !okRight) return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ agent.setDiscoveryMode(agent.discoveryMode()
+ | QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::DiscoveryMode::CoreV2);
+ agent.setExtendedSearchParameters(QVector<QKnxNetIpSrp>({
+ SrpBuilders::SupportedFamily()
+ .setMandatory()
+ .setServiceInfos({ { QKnxNetIp::ServiceFamily(left), right } })
+ .create()
+ }) + agent.extendedSearchParameters());
+ }
+ }
QObject::connect(&agent, &QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::finished, &discoverer,
@@ -148,6 +213,24 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
qInfo().noquote() << QString::fromLatin1(" KNXnet/IP %1, Version: %2")
+ const auto dib = server.extendedHardware();
+ QKnxNetIpExtendedDeviceDibProxy hardware(dib);
+ if (hardware.isValid()) {
+ qInfo() << " Extended hardware information:";
+ qInfo().noquote() << QString::fromLatin1(" Mask version: %1").arg(hardware
+ .deviceDescriptorType0(), 4, 16, QLatin1Char('0'));
+ qInfo().noquote() << QString::fromLatin1(" Max. local APDU length: %1")
+ .arg(hardware.maximumLocalApduLength());
+ auto status = server.mediumStatus();
+ if (status == QKnx::MediumStatus::CommunicationPossible)
+ qInfo() << " Medium status: Communication possible";
+ else if (status == QKnx::MediumStatus::CommunicationImpossible)
+ qInfo() << " Medium status: Communication impossible";
+ else
+ qInfo() << " Medium status: Unknown";
+ }
qInfo() << "";
} else {