path: root/examples/knx/doc/knxeditor.qdoc
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diff --git a/examples/knx/doc/knxeditor.qdoc b/examples/knx/doc/knxeditor.qdoc
index 11e2906..f72d4e1 100644
--- a/examples/knx/doc/knxeditor.qdoc
+++ b/examples/knx/doc/knxeditor.qdoc
@@ -29,12 +29,231 @@
\example knxeditor
\title KNX Editor Example
\ingroup qtknx-examples
- \brief A simple KNX client.
- \e {KNX Editor} shows how to discover a KNX netIP server, configure a
- connection, and construct a frame.
+ \brief A KNX client for handling KNX local device management and
+ tunneling.
- The output shows the traffic moving over the connection between the client
- and the server.
+ \image editor-main.png "KNX editor"
+ The KNX Editor user interface contains a \uicontrol Communication group,
+ tabs for different KNX functionalities, and an \uicontrol Output panel.
+ To get started, users select one of the network interfaces on their
+ machine in the \uicontrol {Local IP Address} field, and then select
+ \uicontrol Scan to find any neighbouring KNX routers.
+ Once the client discovers KNX routers, information about them is displayed
+ in the \uicontrol Output panel. Users must select a router to enable the
+ tab views.
+ In the \uicontrol {Local Device Management} tab, users can customize
+ the KNX frame and some parameters. They can choose the local management
+ service type request to send and attach data values to it. The request
+ is sent after the users select \uicontrol Connect. The received response
+ is displayed in the tab. The following image shows an M_PropRead.req
+ request that was sent and the response that was received.
+ \image editor-devman.jpg "local device management tab"
+ The \uicontrol Tunneling tab allows establishing a KNXnet/IP tunnel
+ connection to a KNX router. The tunnel is established by selecting
+ \uicontrol Connect. It is then possible to send data link layer service
+ requests and customize the parameters contained in the requests. The
+ following image shows an example of sending an L_Data.req request.
+ \image tunnel-tab.jpg
+ The \uicontrol {Tunneling Features} tab requires a KNX router that supports
+ tunneling version 2. It allows accessing information such as the device
+ descriptor of the host device and other properties. It is an extension
+ that enables users to access the required management information over their
+ authorized tunneling connection only.
+ The \uicontrol Output panel shows the traffic moving over the connection
+ between the client and the server.
+ The application consists of four classes:
+ \list
+ \li \c MainWindow is a \l QMainWindow that renders the general layout of
+ the application.
+ \li \c LocalDeviceManagement is a \l QWidget connected to the
+ \uicontrol {Local Device Management} tab.
+ \li \c Tunneling is a \l QWidget asociated with the
+ \uicontrol Tunneling tab.
+ \li \c TunnelingFeatures is a \l QWidget linked to the
+ \uicontrol {Tunneling Features} tab.
+ \endlist
+ Each of the above classes stores a reference to the class definition
+ generated by \c qmake for every designer UI file. Through that reference,
+ the above classes can interact with the graphical components of the
+ application.
+ \section1 Main Window Class Definition and Implementation
+ \quotefromfile knxeditor/mainwindow.h
+ \skipto class MainWindow :
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ The \c MainWindow class uses a \l QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent instance
+ that allows discovering KNXnet/IP servers by sending a search request
+ in the network that the client is connected to. It also saves an
+ instance of QKnxNetIpServerInfo for storing information about the
+ current KNXnet/IP server (router) selected by the user.
+ The \c QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent is initiated when the \uicontrol Scan
+ button is clicked. Here is the code snippet doing it:
+ \quotefromfile knxeditor/mainwindow.cpp
+ \skipto MainWindow::MainWindow
+ \printuntil {
+ \dots
+ \skipto QPushButton::clicked
+ \printuntil );
+ \dots
+ There are signal handlers installed for every signal emitted by the
+ discovery agent. Here is an example of one of the setups capturing the
+ \l QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::deviceDiscovered signal emitted when
+ a server is found:
+ \quotefromfile knxeditor/mainwindow.cpp
+ \skipto MainWindow::MainWindow
+ \printuntil {
+ \dots
+ \skipto QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::deviceDiscovered
+ \printuntil );
+ \dots
+ In this last example, when \l
+ QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::deviceDiscovered is triggered, the
+ function \c MainWindow::showServerAndServices() is called. It displays
+ information about the routers in the \uicontrol Output panel.
+ At this point, users can select one of the available routers to establish
+ a connection, and send the different types of frames using the different
+ features available in the tabs:
+ \quotefromfile knxeditor/mainwindow.cpp
+ \skipto MainWindow::MainWindow
+ \printuntil {
+ \dots
+ \skipto QKnxNetIpServerDiscoveryAgent::finished
+ \printuntil });
+ \dots
+ \skipto /^\}/
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ \skipto void MainWindow::newServerSelected
+ \printuntil auto info
+ \dots
+ \skipto info.endpoint
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ The \c MainWindow::newServerSelected method saves the selected server in
+ the \c MainWindow instance.
+ \section1 Local Device Management Class Definition and Implementation
+ \quotefromfile knxeditor/localdevicemanagement.h
+ \skipto class LocalDeviceManagement :
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ Local device management uses an instance of \l QKnxNetIpDeviceManagement
+ for the opening and handling of a device management connection to a
+ KNXnet/IP router. The tunnel is created when the \uicontrol Connect button
+ is clicked.
+ \quotefromfile knxeditor/localdevicemanagement.cpp
+ \skipto LocalDeviceManagement::LocalDeviceManagement
+ \printuntil {
+ \dots
+ \skipto QPushButton::clicked
+ \printuntil });
+ \dots
+ \skipto /^\}/
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ The \l QKnxNetIpDeviceManagement instance is instructed to connect
+ to the server host that was previously selected.
+ Once the \l QKnxNetIpDeviceManagement::connected signal is triggered, the
+ \uicontrol {Send Request} button gets enabled and the client can begin
+ sending customized device management service requests. The code snippet
+ below shows the handler set up for the \c clicked signal of the
+ \uicontrol {Send Request} button (\c deviceManagementSendRequest):
+ \quotefromfile knxeditor/localdevicemanagement.cpp
+ \skipto LocalDeviceManagement::LocalDeviceManagement
+ \printuntil {
+ \dots
+ \skipto QKnxNetIpDeviceManagement::connected
+ \printuntil });
+ \dots
+ \skipto deviceManagementSendRequest, &QPushButton::clicked
+ \printuntil });
+ \dots
+ \skipto /^\}/
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ \section1 Tunneling Class Definition and Implementation
+ \quotefromfile knxeditor/tunneling.h
+ \skipto class Tunneling :
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ The \c Tunneling class holds a \l QKnxNetIpTunnel that enables the opening
+ and handling of a KNXnet/IP client connection to a KNXnet/IP server. Once
+ the class is instantiated, the client establishes the connection when the
+ \uicontrol Connect button is clicked:
+ \quotefromfile knxeditor/tunneling.cpp
+ \skipto Tunneling::Tunneling
+ \printuntil {
+ \dots
+ \skipto QPushButton::clicked
+ \printuntil });
+ \dots
+ \skipto /^\}/
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ The received KNX frames are decoded and handled here:
+ \quotefromfile knxeditor/tunneling.cpp
+ \skipto Tunneling::Tunneling
+ \printuntil {
+ \dots
+ \skipto QKnxNetIpTunnel::frameReceived
+ \printuntil });
+ \dots
+ \skipto /^\}/
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ \section1 TunnelingFeatures Class Definition and Implementation
+ \quotefromfile knxeditor/tunnelingfeatures.h
+ \skipto class TunnelingFeatures :
+ \printuntil /^\}/
+ Similarly to the \c Tunneling class, the \c TunnelingFeatures class uses a
+ \l QKnxNetIpTunnel for opening and handling a KNXnet/IP client connection.
+ However, it makes use of some additional methods for sending the tunneling
+ feature version 2 frames: \l QKnxNetIpTunnel::sendTunnelingFeatureGet and
+ \l QKnxNetIpTunnel::sendTunnelingFeatureSet. Here is the handler for
+ the \c clicked singal of the \uicontrol {Send Message} button
+ (\c tunnelingSend):
+ \quotefromfile knxeditor/tunnelingfeatures.cpp
+ \skipto tunnelingSend, &QPushButton::clicked
+ \printuntil });
+ \section1 The Main Function
+ The KNX editor \c main() function does not have any special handling. It
+ looks like the main function for any Qt app:
+ \quotefromfile knxeditor/main.cpp
+ \skipto #include
+ \printuntil /^\}/