path: root/examples/location/places/places.qml
diff options
authorMichal Klocek <>2015-04-30 11:43:44 +0200
committerAlex Blasche <>2015-05-27 12:23:28 +0000
commita5d615f5b49b29f91f979b4b338f7febbe445ebf (patch)
treec36c0d873259e0bbf8e0bb8849e6882de196e942 /examples/location/places/places.qml
parent208a3723a02cda6ad1a99736c90bdc538c22a39a (diff)
Rewrite 'places' example to use qtquickcontrols
This is a squash commit of: * add qtquickcontrols window to 'places' example * add MenuBar to 'places' example * replace Slider in 'places' example * add stackView and MessageForm to 'places' example * replace SearchBox in 'places' example * replace SearchCenter dialog in 'places' example * replace SearchBoundingBox dialog in 'places' example * replace SearchBoundingCircle dialog in 'places' example * tune up categoryDelegate in 'places' example * tune up SearchResultDelegate in 'places' example * tune up PlacesDelegate in 'places' example * replace OptionsDialog in 'places' example * remove 'common' controls from location * clean up filenames in 'places' example * update MapComponent in 'places' example * code style formating of places.qml * remove backgroundRect from 'places' example * tune up EditorialPage in 'places' example * tune up ImageView in 'places' example * tune up ReviewPage in 'places' example * tune up SuggestionView in 'places' example * update imports version numbers in 'places' example * change searchBox and busyIndicator * update design in 'places' example Change-Id: I680c8b88f26689cb9728ee61617f7d2d3aa2a172 Reviewed-by: Alex Blasche <>
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/location/places/places.qml')
1 files changed, 362 insertions, 424 deletions
diff --git a/examples/location/places/places.qml b/examples/location/places/places.qml
index 814fcd21..f5586268 100644
--- a/examples/location/places/places.qml
+++ b/examples/location/places/places.qml
@@ -38,234 +38,308 @@
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import QtPositioning 5.2
-import QtLocation 5.3
-import QtLocation.examples 5.0
-import "content/places"
-Item {
- id: page
- width: (parent && parent.width > 0) ? parent.width : 360
- height: (parent && parent.height > 0) ? parent.height : 640
- property variant map
- property variant startLocation
- property variant searchRegion:
+import QtQuick 2.5
+import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
+import QtPositioning 5.5
+import QtLocation 5.5
+import "items"
+ApplicationWindow {
+ id: appWindow
+ property Map map
+ property variant parameters
+ property variant searchLocation: map ? : QtPositioning.coordinate()
+ property variant searchRegion:
property variant searchRegionItem
property Plugin favoritesPlugin
- Binding {
- target: page
- property: "startLocation"
- value: map ? : QtPositioning.coordinate()
- }
+ function getPlugins() {
+ var plugin = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; Plugin {}', appWindow);
+ var myArray = new Array;
+ for (var i = 0; i < plugin.availableServiceProviders.length; i++) {
+ var tempPlugin = Qt.createQmlObject ('import QtLocation 5.3; Plugin {name: "' + plugin.availableServiceProviders[i]+ '"}', appWindow)
- Rectangle {
- id: backgroundRect
- anchors.fill: parent
- color: "lightgrey"
- z: 2
+ if (tempPlugin.supportsPlaces() && tempPlugin.supportsMapping() )
+ myArray.push(
+ }
+ myArray.sort()
+ return myArray;
- //=====================Menu=====================
- Menu {
- id:mainMenu
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- z: backgroundRect.z + 3
- Component.onCompleted: {
- addItem("Provider");
- addItem("Search");
+ function initializeProviders(pluginParameters)
+ {
+ var parameters = new Array()
+ for (var prop in pluginParameters) {
+ var parameter = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; PluginParameter{ name: "'+ prop + '"; value: "' + pluginParameters[prop]+'"}',appWindow)
+ parameters.push(parameter)
+ appWindow.parameters = parameters
+ var plugins = getPlugins()
+ mainMenu.providerMenu.createMenu(plugins)
+ for (var i = 0; i<plugins.length; i++) {
+ if (plugins[i] === "osm")
+ mainMenu.selectProvider(plugins[i])
+ }
+ }
- onClicked: page.state = page.state == "" ? button : "";
+ function createMap(provider) {
+ var plugin;
+ if (parameters && parameters.length>0)
+ plugin = Qt.createQmlObject ('import QtLocation 5.3; Plugin{ name:"' + provider + '"; parameters: appWindow.parameters}', appWindow)
+ else
+ plugin = Qt.createQmlObject ('import QtLocation 5.3; Plugin{ name:"' + provider + '"}', appWindow)
+ if (map)
+ map.destroy();
+ map = mapComponent.createObject(page);
+ map.plugin = plugin;
+ map.zoomLevel = (map.maximumZoomLevel - map.minimumZoomLevel)/2
+ categoryModel.plugin = plugin;
+ categoryModel.update();
+ placeSearchModel.plugin = plugin;
+ suggestionModel.plugin = plugin;
- Menu {
- id: providerMenu
- z: backgroundRect.z + 2
- y: page.height
- horizontalOrientation: false
- exclusive: true
- Component.onCompleted: {
- var plugins = getPlacesPlugins()
- for (var i = 0; i<plugins.length; i++) {
- addItem(plugins[i]);
- // default to osm plugin
- if (plugins[i] === "osm")
- exclusiveButton = plugins[i];
+ title: qsTr("Places")
+ width: 360
+ height: 640
+ visible: true
+ menuBar: mainMenu
+ toolBar: searchBar
+ MainMenu {
+ id: mainMenu
+ onSelectProvider: {
+ stackView.pop(page)
+ for (var i = 0; i < providerMenu.items.length; i++) {
+ providerMenu.items[i].checked = providerMenu.items[i].text === providerName
- // otherwise default to first
- if (exclusiveButton === "")
- exclusiveButton = plugins[0];
+ createMap(providerName)
+ if (map.error === Map.NoError) {
+ settingsMenu.createMenu(map);
+ } else {
+ settingsMenu.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ onSelectSetting: {
+ stackView.pop({tem:page,immediate: true})
+ switch (setting) {
+ case "searchCenter":
+ stackView.push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("forms/SearchCenter.qml") ,
+ properties: { "coordinate":}})
+ stackView.currentItem.changeSearchCenter.connect(stackView.changeSearchCenter)
+ stackView.currentItem.closeForm.connect(stackView.closeForm)
+ break
+ case "searchBoundingBox":
+ stackView.push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("forms/SearchBoundingBox.qml") ,
+ properties: { "searchRegion": searchRegion}})
+ stackView.currentItem.changeSearchBoundingBox.connect(stackView.changeSearchBoundingBox)
+ stackView.currentItem.closeForm.connect(stackView.closeForm)
+ break
+ case "searchBoundingCircle":
+ stackView.push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("forms/SearchBoundingCircle.qml") ,
+ properties: { "searchRegion": searchRegion}})
+ stackView.currentItem.changeSearchBoundingCircle.connect(stackView.changeSearchBoundingCircle)
+ stackView.currentItem.closeForm.connect(stackView.closeForm)
+ break
+ case "SearchOptions":
+ stackView.push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("forms/SearchOptions.qml") ,
+ properties: { "plugin": map.plugin,
+ "model": placeSearchModel}})
+ stackView.currentItem.changeSearchSettings.connect(stackView.changeSearchSettings)
+ stackView.currentItem.closeForm.connect(stackView.closeForm)
+ break
+ default:
+ console.log("Unsupported setting !")
+ }
- onClicked: page.state = ""
- onExclusiveButtonChanged: = exclusiveButton;
- Menu {
- id: searchMenu
- z: backgroundRect.z + 2
- y: page.height
- horizontalOrientation: false
- Component.onCompleted: {
- addItem("Search Center");
- addItem("Search Bounding Box");
- addItem("Search Bounding Circle");
- addItem("Search Options");
+ SearchBar {
+ id: searchBar
+ width: appWindow.width
+ searchBarVisbile: stackView.depth > 1 &&
+ stackView.currentItem &&
+ stackView.currentItem.objectName != "suggestionView" ? false : true
+ onShowCategories: {
+ if (map && map.plugin) {
+ stackView.pop({tem:page,immediate: true})
+ stackView.enterCategory()
+ }
+ }
+ onGoBack: stackView.pop()
+ onSearchTextChanged: {
+ if (searchText.length >= 3) {
+ if (suggestionModel != null) {
+ suggestionModel.searchTerm = searchText;
+ suggestionModel.update();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ onDoSearch: {
+ if (searchText.length > 0)
+ placeSearchModel.searchForText(searchText);
+ onShowMap: stackView.pop(page)
- onClicked: page.state = button
- //=====================Dialogs=====================
- InputDialog {
- id: searchCenterDialog
- z: backgroundRect.z + 4
- title: "Search center"
- Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 500 } }
- Component.onCompleted: prepareDialog()
- function prepareDialog() {
- setModel([
- ["Latitude", ? String( : ""],
- ["Longitude", ? String( : ""]
- ]);
+ StackView {
+ id: stackView
+ function showMessage(title,message,backPage)
+ {
+ push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("forms/Message.qml") ,
+ properties: {
+ "title" : title,
+ "message" : message,
+ "backPage" : backPage
+ }})
+ currentItem.closeForm.connect(closeMessage)
- onCancelButtonClicked: page.state = ""
- onGoButtonClicked: {
- var c = QtPositioning.coordinate(parseFloat(dialogModel.get(0).inputText),
- parseFloat(dialogModel.get(1).inputText));
+ function closeMessage(backPage)
+ {
+ pop(backPage)
+ }
- = c;
+ function closeForm()
+ {
+ pop(page)
+ }
- searchRegion = Qt.binding(function() { return });
+ function enterCategory(index)
+ {
+ push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("views/CategoryView.qml") ,
+ properties: { "categoryModel": categoryModel,
+ "rootIndex" : index
+ }})
+ currentItem.enterCategory.connect(stackView.enterCategory)
+ currentItem.searchCategory.connect(placeSearchModel.searchForCategory)
+ }
- if (searchRegionItem) {
- map.removeMapItem(searchRegionItem);
- searchRegionItem.destroy();
+ function showSuggestions()
+ {
+ if (currentItem.objectName != "suggestionView") {
+ stackView.pop(page)
+ push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("views/SuggestionView.qml") ,
+ properties: { "suggestionModel": suggestionModel }
+ })
+ currentItem.objectName = "suggestionView"
+ currentItem.suggestionSelected.connect(searchBar.showSearch)
+ currentItem.suggestionSelected.connect(placeSearchModel.searchForText)
- page.state = "";
- }
- InputDialog {
- id: searchBoxDialog
- z: backgroundRect.z + 4
- title: "Search Bounding Box"
+ function showPlaces()
+ {
+ if (currentItem.objectName != "searchResultView") {
+ stackView.pop({tem:page,immediate: true})
+ push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("views/SearchResultView.qml") ,
+ properties: { "placeSearchModel": placeSearchModel }
+ })
+ currentItem.showPlaceDetails.connect(showPlaceDatails)
+ currentItem.showMap.connect(searchBar.showMap)
+ currentItem.objectName = "searchResultView"
+ }
+ }
- Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 500 } }
+ function showPlaceDatails(place, distance)
+ {
+ push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("forms/PlaceDetails.qml") ,
+ properties: { "place": place,
+ "distanceToPlace": distance }
+ })
+ currentItem.searchForSimilar.connect(searchForSimilar)
+ currentItem.showReviews.connect(showReviews)
+ currentItem.showEditorials.connect(showEditorials)
+ currentItem.showImages.connect(showImages)
+ }
- Component.onCompleted: prepareDialog()
+ function showEditorials(place)
+ {
+ push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("views/EditorialView.qml") ,
+ properties: { "place": place }
+ })
+ currentItem.showEditorial.connect(showEditorial)
+ }
- function prepareDialog() {
- setModel([
- ["Latitude", ? String( : ""],
- ["Longitude", ? String( : ""],
- ["Width(deg)", searchRegion.width ? String(searchRegion.width) : "" ],
- ["Height(deg)", searchRegion.height ? String(searchRegion.height) : "" ]
- ]);
+ function showReviews(place)
+ {
+ push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("views/ReviewView.qml") ,
+ properties: { "place": place }
+ })
+ currentItem.showReview.connect(showReview)
- onCancelButtonClicked: page.state = ""
- onGoButtonClicked: {
- var c = QtPositioning.coordinate(parseFloat(dialogModel.get(0).inputText),
- parseFloat(dialogModel.get(1).inputText));
- var r = QtPositioning.rectangle(c, parseFloat(dialogModel.get(2).inputText),
- parseFloat(dialogModel.get(3).inputText));
+ function showImages(place)
+ {
+ push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("views/ImageView.qml") ,
+ properties: { "place": place }
+ })
+ }
- = c;
+ function showEditorial(editorial)
+ {
+ push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("views/EditorialPage.qml") ,
+ properties: { "editorial": editorial }
+ })
+ }
- searchRegion = r;
+ function showReview(review)
+ {
+ push({ item: Qt.resolvedUrl("views/ReviewPage.qml") ,
+ properties: { "review": review }
+ })
+ }
+ function changeSearchCenter(coordinate)
+ {
+ stackView.pop(page)
+ = coordinate;
if (searchRegionItem) {
- searchRegionItem = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; MapRectangle { color: "red"; opacity: 0.4 }', page, "MapRectangle");
- searchRegionItem.topLeft = r.topLeft;
- searchRegionItem.bottomRight = r.bottomRight;
- map.addMapItem(searchRegionItem);
- page.state = "";
- }
- InputDialog {
- id: searchCircleDialog
- z: backgroundRect.z + 4
- title: "Search Bounding Circle"
- Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 500 } }
- Component.onCompleted: prepareDialog()
- function prepareDialog() {
- setModel([
- ["Latitude", ? String( : ""],
- ["Longitude", ? String( : ""],
- ["Radius(m)", searchRegion.radius ? String(searchRegion.radius) : "" ]
- ]);
- }
- onCancelButtonClicked: page.state = ""
- onGoButtonClicked: {
- var c = QtPositioning.coordinate(parseFloat(dialogModel.get(0).inputText),
- parseFloat(dialogModel.get(1).inputText));
- var circle =, parseFloat(dialogModel.get(2).inputText));
- = c;
- searchRegion = circle;
+ function changeSearchBoundingBox(coordinate,widthDeg,heightDeg)
+ {
+ stackView.pop(page)
+ = coordinate
+ searchRegion = QtPositioning.rectangle(, widthDeg, heightDeg)
if (searchRegionItem) {
- searchRegionItem = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; MapCircle { color: "red"; opacity: 0.4 }', page, "MapRectangle");
- =;
- searchRegionItem.radius = circle.radius;
+ searchRegionItem = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; MapRectangle { color: "#46a2da"; border.color: "#190a33"; border.width: 2; opacity: 0.25 }', page, "MapRectangle");
+ searchRegionItem.topLeft = searchRegion.topLeft;
+ searchRegionItem.bottomRight = searchRegion.bottomRight;
- page.state = "";
- }
- OptionsDialog {
- id: optionsDialog
- z: backgroundRect.z + 4
- Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 500 } }
+ function changeSearchBoundingCircle(coordinate,radius)
+ {
+ stackView.pop(page)
+ = coordinate;
+ searchRegion =, radius)
- Component.onCompleted: prepareDialog()
- function prepareDialog() {
- if (placeSearchModel.favoritesPlugin !== null)
- isFavoritesEnabled = true;
- else
- isFavoritesEnabled = false;
- locales = placesPlugin.locales.join(Qt.locale().groupSeparator);
+ if (searchRegionItem) {
+ map.removeMapItem(searchRegionItem);
+ searchRegionItem.destroy();
+ }
+ searchRegionItem = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; MapCircle { color: "#46a2da"; border.color: "#190a33"; border.width: 2; opacity: 0.25 }', page, "MapRectangle");
+ =;
+ searchRegionItem.radius = searchRegion.radius;
+ map.addMapItem(searchRegionItem);
- onCancelButtonClicked: page.state = ""
- onGoButtonClicked: {
+ function changeSearchSettings(orderByDistance, orderByName, locales)
+ {
+ stackView.pop(page)
/*if (isFavoritesEnabled) {
if (favoritesPlugin == null)
favoritesPlugin = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; Plugin { name: "places_jsondb" }', page);
@@ -279,187 +353,124 @@ Item {
placeSearchModel.relevanceHint = orderByDistance ? PlaceSearchModel.DistanceHint :
orderByName ? PlaceSearchModel.LexicalPlaceNameHint :
- placesPlugin.locales = locales.split(Qt.locale().groupSeparator);
- categoryModel.update();
- page.state = "";
- }
- }
- //! [PlaceSearchModel model]
- PlaceSearchModel {
- id: placeSearchModel
- plugin: placesPlugin
- searchArea: searchRegion
- function searchForCategory(category) {
- searchTerm = "";
- categories = category;
- recommendationId = "";
- searchArea = searchRegion
- limit = -1;
- update();
- }
- function searchForText(text) {
- searchTerm = text;
- categories = null;
- recommendationId = "";
- searchArea = searchRegion
- limit = -1;
- update();
+ map.plugin.locales = locales.split(Qt.locale().groupSeparator);
- function searchForRecommendations(placeId) {
- searchTerm = "";
- categories = null;
- recommendationId = placeId;
- searchArea = null;
- limit = -1;
- update();
+ //! [PlaceRecommendationModel search]
+ function searchForSimilar(place) {
+ stackView.pop(page)
+ searchBar.showSearch(
+ placeSearchModel.searchForRecommendations(place.placeId);
+ //! [PlaceRecommendationModel search]
- onStatusChanged: {
- switch (status) {
- case PlaceSearchModel.Ready:
- searchResultView.showSearchResults();
- break;
- case PlaceSearchModel.Error:
- console.log(errorString());
- }
- }
- }
- //! [PlaceSearchModel model]
- //! [CategoryModel model]
- CategoryModel {
- id: categoryModel
- plugin: placesPlugin
- hierarchical: true
- }
- //! [CategoryModel model]
- SearchBox {
- id: searchBox
- width: parent.width
- expandedHeight: parent.height
- z: backgroundRect.z + 3
- }
- Plugin {
- id: placesPlugin
- parameters: pluginParametersFromMap(pluginParameters)
- onNameChanged: {
- createMap(placesPlugin);
- categoryModel.update();
- }
- }
- Item {
- id: searchResultTab
- z: backgroundRect.z + 2
- height: parent.height - searchBox.baseHeight - mainMenu.height
- width: parent.width
- x: 0
- y: mainMenu.height - height + catchImage.width
- opacity: 0
- property bool open: false
- Behavior on y { PropertyAnimation { duration: 300; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } }
- Behavior on opacity { PropertyAnimation { duration: 300 } }
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ focus: true
+ initialItem: Item {
+ id: page
+ //! [PlaceSearchModel model]
+ PlaceSearchModel {
+ id: placeSearchModel
+ searchArea: searchRegion
+ function searchForCategory(category) {
+ searchTerm = "";
+ categories = category;
+ recommendationId = "";
+ searchArea = searchRegion
+ limit = -1;
+ update();
+ }
- Image {
- id: catchImage
+ function searchForText(text) {
+ searchTerm = text;
+ categories = null;
+ recommendationId = "";
+ searchArea = searchRegion
+ limit = -1;
+ update();
+ }
- source: "resources/catch.png"
- rotation: 90
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- anchors.bottomMargin: (width - height) / 2
+ function searchForRecommendations(placeId) {
+ searchTerm = "";
+ categories = null;
+ recommendationId = placeId;
+ searchArea = null;
+ limit = -1;
+ update();
+ }
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: = !;
+ onStatusChanged: {
+ switch (status) {
+ case PlaceSearchModel.Ready:
+ if (count > 0)
+ stackView.showPlaces()
+ else
+ stackView.showMessage(qsTr("Search Place Error"),qsTr("Place not found !"))
+ break;
+ case PlaceSearchModel.Error:
+ stackView.showMessage(qsTr("Search Place Error"),errorString())
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: searchResultTabPage
+ //! [PlaceSearchModel model]
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height - catchImage.width
- color: "#ECECEC"
- radius: 5
+ //! [PlaceSearchSuggestionModel model]
+ PlaceSearchSuggestionModel {
+ id: suggestionModel
+ searchArea: searchRegion
- SearchResultView {
- id: searchResultView
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: 10
+ onStatusChanged: {
+ if (status == PlaceSearchSuggestionModel.Ready)
+ stackView.showSuggestions()
+ }
- }
+ //! [PlaceSearchSuggestionModel model]
- states: [
- State {
- name: ""
- when: placeSearchModel.count == 0
- PropertyChanges { target: searchResultTab; open: false }
- },
- State {
- name: "Close"
- when: (placeSearchModel.count > 0) && !
- PropertyChanges { target: searchResultTab; opacity: 1 }
- },
- State {
- name: "Open"
- when: (placeSearchModel.count > 0) &&
- PropertyChanges { target: searchResultTab; y: mainMenu.height; opacity: 1 }
+ //! [CategoryModel model]
+ CategoryModel {
+ id: categoryModel
+ hierarchical: true
- ]
- }
- Component {
- id: mapComponent
- MapComponent {
- z: backgroundRect.z + 1
- anchors {
- top: searchBox.bottom
- bottom:
- left: page.left
- right: page.right
- }
- MapItemView {
- model: placeSearchModel
- delegate: MapQuickItem {
- coordinate: model.type === PlaceSearchModel.PlaceResult ? place.location.coordinate : QtPositioning.coordinate()
- visible: model.type === PlaceSearchModel.PlaceResult
+ //! [CategoryModel model]
+ Component {
+ id: mapComponent
+ MapComponent {
+ width: page.width
+ height: page.height
+ onErrorChanged: {
+ if (map.error != Map.NoError) {
+ var title = qsTr("ProviderError");
+ var message = map.errorString + "<br/><br/><b>" + qsTr("Try to select other provider") + "</b>";
+ if (map.error == Map.MissingRequiredParameterError)
+ message += "<br/>" + qsTr("or see") + " \'mapviewer --help\' "
+ + qsTr("how to pass plugin parameters.");
+ stackView.showMessage(title,message);
+ }
+ }
- anchorPoint.x: image.width * 0.28
- anchorPoint.y: image.height
+ MapItemView {
+ model: placeSearchModel
+ delegate: MapQuickItem {
+ coordinate: model.type === PlaceSearchModel.PlaceResult ? place.location.coordinate : QtPositioning.coordinate()
- sourceItem: Image {
- id: image
+ visible: model.type === PlaceSearchModel.PlaceResult
- source: "resources/marker.png"
+ anchorPoint.x: image.width * 0.28
+ anchorPoint.y: image.height
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: {
- searchResultView.showPlaceDetails({
- distance: model.distance,
- place:,
- });
- searchResultTab.state = "Open";
+ sourceItem: Image {
+ id: image
+ source: "resources/marker.png"
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: stackView.showPlaceDatails(,model.distance)
+ }
@@ -468,89 +479,16 @@ Item {
- function createMap(placesPlugin) {
- var mapPlugin;
- if (placesPlugin.supportsMapping()) {
- mapPlugin = placesPlugin;
- } else {
- mapPlugin = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; Plugin { required.mapping: Plugin.AnyMappingFeatures;' +
- 'parameters: pluginParametersFromMap(pluginParameters) }', page);
- }
- if (map)
- map.destroy();
- map = mapComponent.createObject(page);
- map.plugin = mapPlugin;
- }
- function getPlacesPlugins() {
- var plugin = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; Plugin {}', page);
- var myArray = new Array;
- for (var i = 0; i < plugin.availableServiceProviders.length; i++) {
- var tempPlugin = Qt.createQmlObject ('import QtLocation 5.3; Plugin {name: "' + plugin.availableServiceProviders[i]+ '"}', page)
- if (tempPlugin.supportsPlaces())
- myArray.push(
- }
- return myArray;
+ Rectangle {
+ color: "white"
+ opacity: busyIndicator.running ? 0.8 : 0
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation{} }
- function pluginParametersFromMap(pluginParameters) {
- var parameters = new Array()
- for (var prop in pluginParameters){
- var parameter = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtLocation 5.3; PluginParameter{ name: "'+ prop + '"; value: "' + pluginParameters[prop]+'"}',page)
- parameters.push(parameter)
- }
- return parameters
- //createMap(placesPlugin)
+ BusyIndicator {
+ id: busyIndicator
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ running: placeSearchModel.status == PlaceSearchModel.Loading ||
+ categoryModel.status === CategoryModel.Loading
- //=====================States of page=====================
- states: [
- State {
- name: "Provider"
- PropertyChanges { target: providerMenu; y: page.height - providerMenu.height - mainMenu.height }
- },
- State {
- name: "Search"
- PropertyChanges { target: searchMenu; y: page.height - searchMenu.height - mainMenu.height }
- },
- State {
- name: "Search Center"
- PropertyChanges { target: searchCenterDialog; opacity: 1 }
- StateChangeScript { script: searchCenterDialog.prepareDialog() }
- },
- State {
- name: "Search Bounding Box"
- PropertyChanges { target: searchBoxDialog; opacity: 1 }
- StateChangeScript { script: searchBoxDialog.prepareDialog() }
- },
- State {
- name: "Search Bounding Circle"
- PropertyChanges { target: searchCircleDialog; opacity: 1 }
- StateChangeScript { script: searchCircleDialog.prepareDialog() }
- },
- State {
- name: "Search Options"
- PropertyChanges { target: optionsDialog; opacity: 1 }
- StateChangeScript { script: optionsDialog.prepareDialog() }
- }
- ]
- //=====================State-transition animations for page=====================
- transitions: [
- Transition {
- to: ""
- NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity,y,x,rotation" ; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.Linear }
- },
- Transition {
- to: "Provider"
- NumberAnimation { properties: "y" ; duration: 300; easing.type: Easing.Linear }
- },
- Transition {
- to: "Search"
- NumberAnimation { properties: "y" ; duration: 300; easing.type: Easing.Linear }
- }
- ]