General information about XMI->Qt mapping: ------------------------------------------ 1) xmi2qt.xq XQuery and script generate an intermediate XML file (.qtxmi) containing a more qt-ish description of the metamodel 2) QtUml and QtMof modules provide a flat (merged) implementation of OMG's UML L3 (level 3) and MOF LM (metamodeling level), respectively. xmi2qt.xq can currently handle nested namespaces pretty well but according to Qt namespace rules the use of a single (non-nested) namespace is preferable. So, if Qt is built with a defined namespace, QtUml and QtMof classes will end up in a ::QtUml and ::QtMof namespaces, respectively. Otherwise, they all go into the global namespace Current xmi2qt.xq limitations: ------------------------------ - It doesn't detect the need for a virtual inheritance - It doesn't detect concrete classes with a non-direct QObjet-based parent and, therefore, erroneously generate a second QObject inheritance and a wrong initialization list in constructor - It can suffer from performance issues XMI->Qt Mapping Rules: ---------------------- 01) OMG's 'UML' namespace in UML.xmi was renamed to 'QtUml' 02) OMG's 'MOF' namespace in MOF.xmi was renamed to 'QtMof' 03) All class names were preserved and prepended with 'Q' prefix 04) Only concrete classes inherit from QObject. The reason for that is to minimize the number of situations where multiple inheritance from QObject-based classes is needed. Currently only QAssociationClass presents that issue (still to be solved) 05) Concrete classes define Q_PROPERTY's for their own and inherited attributes. That makes documentation a little bit buggy (still to be solved) 06) All attribute names were preserved except the following: 4.1) 'namespace': renamed to 'namespace_' 4.2) 'class': renamed to 'class_' 4.3) 'default': renamed to 'default_' 4.4) 'template': renamed to 'template_' 4.5) for multi-valued attributes their names were converted to a plural form (see exceptions in xmi2qt.xq -> qtxmi:modifiedFunctionName) 07) All enumerations were defined in an "fake" (non-instantiable) 'QtUml' object. Enumeration literals were prepended with namespace's name (with 'Kind' prefix removed) 08) OMG's primitive types were mapped as the following: 10.1) Boolean -> bool 10.2) Integer -> qint32 10.3) Real -> qreal 10.4) String -> QString 09) Attributes mapping rules: 9.0) Attributes with @isDerived = 'true' and @isDerivedUnion = 'false' are handled as operations (since there is no automatic way to generate code) 9.1) Typing mapping rules: 9.1.1) All single-valued primitive typed or enumeration attributes were mapped to the corresponding mapped (see 08) primitive type or enumeration Ex1: Boolean single-valued 'isAbstract' attribute -> bool isAbstract Ex2: enumeration single-valued 'visibility' attribute -> QtUml::VisibilityKind visibility 9.1.2) All single-valued object attributes were mapped to a pointer to the corresponding attribute class Ex: object single-valued 'context' attribute -> QClassifier *context 9.1.3) All multi-valued primitive typed or enumeration attributes were mapped to a pointer to a collection (see 10) of corresponding mapped primitive type of enumeration Ex: primitive typed multi-valued 'body' attribute -> QList *bodies 9.1.4) All multi-valued object attributes were mapped to a pointer to a collection (see 10) of pointers to the corresponding attribute class Ex: object multi-valued 'feature' attribute -> QSet *features 9.2) Accessors mapping rules: 9.2.1) Single-valued primitive typed of enumeration attributes generate the following accessors: Ex1: bool isAbstract() const; void setAbstract(bool isAbstract); // if not read-only Ex2: QtUml::VisibilityKind visibility() const; void setVisibility(QtUml::VisibilityKind visibility); // if not read-only 9.2.2) Single-valued object attributes generate the following accessors: Ex: QClassifier *context() const; void setContext(const QClassifier *context); // if not read-only 9.2.3) Multi-valued primitive typed of enumeration attributes generate the following accessors: Ex: const QList *bodies() const; void addBody(QString body); // if not read-only void removeBody(QString body); // if not read-only 9.2.4) Multi-valued object attributes generate the following accessors: Ex: const QSet *features() const; void addFeature(const QFeature *feature); // is not read-only void removeFeature(const QFeature *feature); // is not read-only RATIONALE : exposing only the const API allows the implementation of subsetting UML semantics in add/remove/set functions 10) Operation mapping rules: 10.1) All typing mapping rules for attributes apply here for operation parameters 10.2) Primitive typed or enumeration parameters with direction = 'inout' or 'out' are passed by reference 10.3) Object parameters with direction = 'inout' or 'out' are passed as non-const pointers 10.4) Parameters with direction = 'return' follow above attribute typing mapping rules 10.5) Operation constness comes from 'isQuery' operation attribute 11) Mapping rules for containers: |-----------|----------|----------------|------------------------| | isOrdered | isUnique | OMG Collection | Qt Collection | |-----------|----------|----------------|------------------------| | false | true | Set | QSet | | true | true | OrderedSet | QList + verification | | false | false | Bag | QList (order is extra) | | true | false | Sequence | QList | |-----------|----------|----------------|------------------------| Testing dimensions for attributes/parameters: --------------------------------------------- - Multiplicity (multi-valued, single-valued) - Type (primitive, enumeration, class) - Mutability (read-write, read-only) - Derivedness (not derived, derived, derivedUnion) - Role (attribute, inparam, outparam, inoutparam, returnparam) Full factorial would require 180 test cases. Derivedness should be tested in provided OMG xmi files, not QtUml/QtMof implementation Testing table for attribute accessors generation: ------------------------------------------------- |----------|--------------|-----------|----------------------| | ReadOnly | Multi-Valued | Type | Model Attribute | |----------|--------------|-----------|----------------------| | | | Primitive | Class-isAbstract | | No | No | Enum | Transition-kind | | | | Class | Connector-type | |----------|--------------|-----------|----------------------| | | | Primitive | Extension-isRequired | | Yes | No | Enum | Connector-kind | | | | Class | Action-context | |----------|--------------|-----------|----------------------| | | | Primitive | OpaqueAction-body | | No | Yes | Enum | --- | | | | Class | UseCase-subject | |----------|--------------|-----------|----------------------| | | | Primitive | --- | | Yes | Yes | Enum | --- | | | | Class | Port-provided | |----------|--------------|-----------|----------------------|