In order to build the QtModeling add-on inside Qt official repository the following steps should be applied. Apparently a complete clean, init-repository, configure and make is needed. 1) FOR INTEGRATED BUILD 1.1) Clone qt5 repository 1.2) In qt5 root directory add qtmodeling as a submodule: git submodule add ../qtmodeling.git 1.3) Remove all contents in qtmodeling directory 1.4) Add 'qtmodeling' in %GERRIT_REPOS and @DEFAULT_REPOS sections in init-repository script 1.5) Add the following line in addModule(qtmodeling, qtbase, qtdeclarative qtscript) 1.6) The previous files (.gitmodules, init-repository,, and the empty qtmodeling directory) should be committed in qt5 super-repository when qtmodeling is ready to be released 1.7) Init the repository: perl init-repository --module-subset=qtbase,qtdeclarative,qtscript,qtdoc,qtmodeling 1.8) Configure Qt5: ./configure -developer-build -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests -confirm-license 1.9) Build Qt5: make -j <#core+1> 2) FOR INTEGRATED DOCUMENTATION GENERATION (from 2.1) Add the following lines in the add-on modules table described in qtdoc/doc/src/qtmodules.qdoc: \row \li \l{Qt Modeling} \li All \li \li Classes for software (meta)modeling features in Qt. 2.2) Add 'qtmodeling' to the 'depends' variable in qtdoc/doc/config/qtdoc.qdocconf file 2.3) Add 'qtmodeling' to the 'depends' variable in qtbase/qmake/doc/qmake.qdocconf file 2.4) Add the following row in the appropriate location in qtbase/qmake/doc/src/qmake-manual.qdoc: \row \li modeling \li \l{Qt Modeling} Note: you should include the above lines in steps 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 for EACH qt5 module in qtmodeling (modeling, modelingwidgets, mof, uml, duse, saduseprofile, and so on) 2.5) The previous files should be committed in qtbase and qtdoc repositories when qtmodeling is ready to be released