path: root/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativecamera.cpp
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authorDmytro Poplavskiy <>2011-08-25 14:05:10 +1000
committerQt by Nokia <>2011-09-12 03:27:29 +0200
commit1913f164dcb59b31d9a7be93311390410437eabb (patch)
tree8b572e21ceb60475e0fffd2fb6f4178620524b49 /src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativecamera.cpp
parent47a5dd4371bfc6774790cc900e287f5def12406a (diff)
QML Camera element redesign.
Grouped camera properties in a similar way to C++ QCamera API. Added support for video recording. Change-Id: I8667dc90878b3e20eda5523ba562f5687bd0932b Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Qt Sanity Bot <> Reviewed-by: derick hawcroft <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativecamera.cpp')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 821 deletions
diff --git a/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativecamera.cpp b/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativecamera.cpp
index a6b619c92..b8fab3661 100644
--- a/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativecamera.cpp
+++ b/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativecamera.cpp
@@ -42,176 +42,32 @@
#include "qdeclarativecamera_p.h"
#include "qdeclarativecamerapreviewprovider_p.h"
+#include "qdeclarativecameraexposure_p.h"
+#include "qdeclarativecameraflash_p.h"
+#include "qdeclarativecamerafocus_p.h"
+#include "qdeclarativecameraimageprocessing_p.h"
#include <qmediaplayercontrol.h>
#include <qmediaservice.h>
-#include <private/qpaintervideosurface_p.h>
#include <qvideorenderercontrol.h>
#include <QtDeclarative/qdeclarativeinfo.h>
#include <QtCore/QTimer>
#include <QtGui/qevent.h>
-class FocusZoneItem : public QGraphicsItem {
- FocusZoneItem(const QCameraFocusZone & zone, const QColor &color, QGraphicsItem *parent = 0)
- :QGraphicsItem(parent),m_zone(zone), m_color(color)
- {}
- virtual ~FocusZoneItem() {}
- void paint(QPainter *painter,
- const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
- QWidget *widget = 0)
- {
- Q_UNUSED(widget);
- Q_UNUSED(option);
- painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(m_color), 2.5));
- QRectF r = boundingRect();
- QPointF dw(r.width()/10, 0);
- QPointF dh(0, r.width()/10);
- painter->drawLine(r.topLeft(), r.topLeft()+dw);
- painter->drawLine(r.topLeft(), r.topLeft()+dh);
- painter->drawLine(r.topRight(), r.topRight()-dw);
- painter->drawLine(r.topRight(), r.topRight()+dh);
- painter->drawLine(r.bottomLeft(), r.bottomLeft()+dw);
- painter->drawLine(r.bottomLeft(), r.bottomLeft()-dh);
- painter->drawLine(r.bottomRight(), r.bottomRight()-dw);
- painter->drawLine(r.bottomRight(), r.bottomRight()-dh);
- }
- QRectF boundingRect() const {
- if (!parentItem())
- return QRectF();
- QRectF p = parentItem()->boundingRect();
- QRectF zone = m_zone.area();
- return QRectF(p.left() + zone.left()*p.width(),
- +*p.height(),
- p.width()*zone.width(),
- p.height()*zone.height());
- }
- QCameraFocusZone m_zone;
- QColor m_color;
-void QDeclarativeCamera::_q_nativeSizeChanged(const QSizeF &size)
- setImplicitWidth(size.width());
- setImplicitHeight(size.height());
void QDeclarativeCamera::_q_error(int errorCode, const QString &errorString)
emit error(Error(errorCode), errorString);
emit errorChanged();
-void QDeclarativeCamera::_q_imageCaptured(int id, const QImage &preview)
- m_capturedImagePreview = preview;
- QString previewId = QString("preview_%1").arg(id);
- QDeclarativeCameraPreviewProvider::registerPreview(previewId, preview);
- emit imageCaptured(QLatin1String("image://camera/")+previewId);
-void QDeclarativeCamera::_q_imageSaved(int id, const QString &fileName)
- Q_UNUSED(id);
- m_capturedImagePath = fileName;
- emit imageSaved(fileName);
void QDeclarativeCamera::_q_updateState(QCamera::State state)
emit cameraStateChanged(QDeclarativeCamera::State(state));
-void QDeclarativeCamera::_q_updateLockStatus(QCamera::LockType type,
- QCamera::LockStatus status,
- QCamera::LockChangeReason reason)
- if (type == QCamera::LockFocus) {
- if (status == QCamera::Unlocked && reason == QCamera::LockFailed) {
- //display failed focus points in red for 1 second
- m_focusFailedTime = QTime::currentTime();
- QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(_q_updateFocusZones()));
- } else {
- m_focusFailedTime = QTime();
- }
- _q_updateFocusZones();
- }
-void QDeclarativeCamera::_q_updateFocusZones()
- qDeleteAll(m_focusZones);
- m_focusZones.clear();
- foreach(const QCameraFocusZone &zone, m_camera->focus()->focusZones()) {
- QColor c;
- QCamera::LockStatus lockStatus = m_camera->lockStatus(QCamera::LockFocus);
- if (lockStatus == QCamera::Unlocked) {
- //display failed focus points in red for 1 second
- if (zone.status() == QCameraFocusZone::Selected &&
- m_focusFailedTime.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) < 500) {
- c = Qt::red;
- }
- } else {
- switch (zone.status()) {
- case QCameraFocusZone::Focused:
- c = Qt::green;
- break;
- case QCameraFocusZone::Selected:
- c = lockStatus == QCamera::Searching ? Qt::yellow : Qt::black;
- break;
- default:
- c= QColor::Invalid;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (c.isValid())
- m_focusZones.append(new FocusZoneItem(zone, c, m_viewfinderItem));
- }
-void QDeclarativeCamera::_q_updateImageSettings()
- if (m_imageSettingsChanged) {
- m_imageSettingsChanged = false;
- m_capture->setEncodingSettings(m_imageSettings);
- }
-void QDeclarativeCamera::_q_applyPendingState()
- if (!m_isStateSet) {
- m_isStateSet = true;
- setCameraState(m_pendingState);
- }
-void QDeclarativeCamera::_q_captureFailed(int id, QCameraImageCapture::Error error, const QString &message)
- Q_UNUSED(id);
- Q_UNUSED(error);
- emit captureFailed(message);
\qmlclass Camera QDeclarativeCamera
\since 4.7
@@ -226,16 +82,29 @@ void QDeclarativeCamera::_q_captureFailed(int id, QCameraImageCapture::Error err
import QtMultimediaKit 1.1
Camera {
- focus : visible // to receive focus and capture key events when visible
+ id: camera
+ imageProcessing.whiteBalanceMode: CameraImageProcessing.WhiteBalanceFlash
+ exposure {
+ exposureCompensation: -1.0
+ exposureMode: Camera.ExposurePortrait
+ }
- flashMode: Camera.FlashRedEyeReduction
- whiteBalanceMode: Camera.WhiteBalanceFlash
- exposureCompensation: -1.0
+ flash.mode: Camera.FlashRedEyeReduction
onImageCaptured : {
photoPreview.source = preview // Show the preview in an Image element
+ }
+ VideoOutput {
+ source: camera
+ focus : visible // to receive focus and capture key events when visible
+ }
+ Image {
+ id: photoPreview
@@ -251,66 +120,45 @@ void QDeclarativeCamera::_q_captureFailed(int id, QCameraImageCapture::Error err
Construct a declarative camera object using \a parent object.
-QDeclarativeCamera::QDeclarativeCamera(QDeclarativeItem *parent) :
- QDeclarativeItem(parent),
+QDeclarativeCamera::QDeclarativeCamera(QObject *parent) :
+ QObject(parent),
- m_viewfinderItem(0),
- m_imageSettingsChanged(false),
- m_isStateSet(false),
- m_isValid(true)
+ m_componentComplete(false)
m_camera = new QCamera(this);
- m_viewfinderItem = new QGraphicsVideoItem(this);
- m_camera->setViewfinder(m_viewfinderItem);
- m_exposure = m_camera->exposure();
- m_focus = m_camera->focus();
- connect(m_viewfinderItem, SIGNAL(nativeSizeChanged(QSizeF)),
- this, SLOT(_q_nativeSizeChanged(QSizeF)));
+ m_imageCapture = new QDeclarativeCameraCapture(m_camera, this);
+ m_videoRecorder = new QDeclarativeCameraRecorder(m_camera, this);
+ m_exposure = new QDeclarativeCameraExposure(m_camera, this);
+ m_flash = new QDeclarativeCameraFlash(m_camera, this);
+ m_focus = new QDeclarativeCameraFocus(m_camera, this);
+ m_imageProcessing = new QDeclarativeCameraImageProcessing(m_camera, this);
+ connect(m_camera, SIGNAL(captureModeChanged(QCamera::CaptureMode)), this, SIGNAL(captureModeChanged()));
connect(m_camera, SIGNAL(lockStatusChanged(QCamera::LockStatus,QCamera::LockChangeReason)), this, SIGNAL(lockStatusChanged()));
connect(m_camera, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QCamera::State)), this, SLOT(_q_updateState(QCamera::State)));
- m_capture = new QCameraImageCapture(m_camera, this);
- connect(m_capture, SIGNAL(imageCaptured(int,QImage)), this, SLOT(_q_imageCaptured(int, QImage)));
- connect(m_capture, SIGNAL(imageSaved(int,QString)), this, SLOT(_q_imageSaved(int, QString)));
- connect(m_capture, SIGNAL(error(int,QCameraImageCapture::Error,QString)),
- this, SLOT(_q_captureFailed(int,QCameraImageCapture::Error,QString)));
- connect(m_focus, SIGNAL(focusZonesChanged()), this, SLOT(_q_updateFocusZones()));
- connect(m_camera, SIGNAL(lockStatusChanged(QCamera::LockType,QCamera::LockStatus,QCamera::LockChangeReason)),
- this, SLOT(_q_updateLockStatus(QCamera::LockType,QCamera::LockStatus,QCamera::LockChangeReason)));
- connect(m_exposure, SIGNAL(isoSensitivityChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(isoSensitivityChanged(int)));
- connect(m_exposure, SIGNAL(apertureChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(apertureChanged(qreal)));
- connect(m_exposure, SIGNAL(shutterSpeedChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(shutterSpeedChanged(qreal)));
- //connect(m_exposure, SIGNAL(exposureCompensationChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(exposureCompensationChanged(qreal)));
- connect(m_focus, SIGNAL(opticalZoomChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(opticalZoomChanged(qreal)));
- connect(m_focus, SIGNAL(digitalZoomChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(digitalZoomChanged(qreal)));
- connect(m_focus, SIGNAL(maximumOpticalZoomChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(maximumOpticalZoomChanged(qreal)));
- connect(m_focus, SIGNAL(maximumDigitalZoomChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(maximumDigitalZoomChanged(qreal)));
- //delayed start to evoid stopping the cammera immediately if
- //stop() is called after constructor,
- //or to set the rest of camera settings before starting the camera
- QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "_q_applyPendingState", Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ connect(m_camera->focus(), SIGNAL(opticalZoomChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(opticalZoomChanged(qreal)));
+ connect(m_camera->focus(), SIGNAL(digitalZoomChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(digitalZoomChanged(qreal)));
+ connect(m_camera->focus(), SIGNAL(maximumOpticalZoomChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(maximumOpticalZoomChanged(qreal)));
+ connect(m_camera->focus(), SIGNAL(maximumDigitalZoomChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(maximumDigitalZoomChanged(qreal)));
/*! Destructor, clean up memory */
- if (m_isValid) {
- m_camera->unload();
+ m_camera->unload();
- delete m_viewfinderItem;
- delete m_capture;
- delete m_camera;
- }
+void QDeclarativeCamera::classBegin()
+void QDeclarativeCamera::componentComplete()
+ m_componentComplete = true;
+ setCameraState(m_pendingState);
@@ -319,9 +167,6 @@ QDeclarativeCamera::~QDeclarativeCamera()
QDeclarativeCamera::Error QDeclarativeCamera::error() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return QDeclarativeCamera::CameraError;
return QDeclarativeCamera::Error(m_camera->error());
@@ -330,50 +175,24 @@ QDeclarativeCamera::Error QDeclarativeCamera::error() const
A description of the current error, if any.
- \property QDeclarativeCamera::errorString
- A description of the current error, if any.
QString QDeclarativeCamera::errorString() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return QString();
return m_camera->errorString();
- \qmlproperty enumeration Camera::cameraState
- The current state of the camera object.
- \table
- \header \o Value \o Description
- \row \o UnloadedState
- \o The initial camera state, with camera not loaded,
- the camera capabilities except of supported capture modes
- are unknown.
- While the supported settings are unknown in this state,
- it's allowed to set the camera capture settings like codec,
- resolution, or frame rate.
- \row \o LoadedState
- \o The camera is loaded and ready to be configured.
+QDeclarativeCamera::CaptureMode QDeclarativeCamera::captureMode() const
+ return QDeclarativeCamera::CaptureMode(m_camera->captureMode());
- In the Idle state it's allowed to query camera capabilities,
- set capture resolution, codecs, etc.
+void QDeclarativeCamera::setCaptureMode(QDeclarativeCamera::CaptureMode mode)
+ m_camera->setCaptureMode(QCamera::CaptureMode(mode));
- The viewfinder is not active in the loaded state.
- \row \o ActiveState
- \o In the active state as soon as camera is started
- the viewfinder displays video frames and the
- camera is ready for capture.
- \endtable
- \property QDeclarativeCamera::cameraState
+ \qmlproperty enumeration Camera::cameraState
The current state of the camera object.
@@ -400,6 +219,8 @@ QString QDeclarativeCamera::errorString() const
the viewfinder displays video frames and the
camera is ready for capture.
+ The default camera state is ActiveState.
\enum QDeclarativeCamera::State
@@ -421,25 +242,16 @@ QString QDeclarativeCamera::errorString() const
In the active state as soon as camera is started
the viewfinder displays video frames and the
camera is ready for capture.
- The default camera state is ActiveState.
QDeclarativeCamera::State QDeclarativeCamera::cameraState() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return QDeclarativeCamera::UnloadedState;
- return m_isStateSet ? QDeclarativeCamera::State(m_camera->state()) : m_pendingState;
+ return m_componentComplete ? QDeclarativeCamera::State(m_camera->state()) : m_pendingState;
void QDeclarativeCamera::setCameraState(QDeclarativeCamera::State state)
- if (!m_isValid)
- return;
- if (!m_isStateSet) {
+ if (!m_componentComplete) {
m_pendingState = state;
@@ -465,8 +277,7 @@ void QDeclarativeCamera::setCameraState(QDeclarativeCamera::State state)
void QDeclarativeCamera::start()
- if (m_isValid)
- m_camera->start();
+ setCameraState(QDeclarativeCamera::ActiveState);
@@ -477,8 +288,7 @@ void QDeclarativeCamera::start()
void QDeclarativeCamera::stop()
- if (m_isValid)
- m_camera->stop();
+ setCameraState(QDeclarativeCamera::LoadedState);
@@ -556,9 +366,6 @@ void QDeclarativeCamera::stop()
QDeclarativeCamera::LockStatus QDeclarativeCamera::lockStatus() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return QDeclarativeCamera::Unlocked;
return QDeclarativeCamera::LockStatus(m_camera->lockStatus());
@@ -572,8 +379,7 @@ QDeclarativeCamera::LockStatus QDeclarativeCamera::lockStatus() const
void QDeclarativeCamera::searchAndLock()
- if (m_isValid)
- m_camera->searchAndLock();
+ m_camera->searchAndLock();
@@ -587,533 +393,63 @@ void QDeclarativeCamera::searchAndLock()
void QDeclarativeCamera::unlock()
- if (m_isValid)
- m_camera->unlock();
- \qmlmethod Camera::captureImage()
- \fn QDeclarativeCamera::captureImage()
- Start image capture. The \l onImageCaptured() and \l onImageSaved() signals will
- be emitted when the capture is complete.
-void QDeclarativeCamera::captureImage()
- if (m_isValid)
- m_capture->capture();
-// XXX this doesn't seem to be used
- \fn QDeclarativeCamera::capturedImagePreview() const
-QImage QDeclarativeCamera::capturedImagePreview() const
- return m_capturedImagePreview;
- \qmlproperty string Camera::capturedImagePath
- The path to the captured image.
- \property QDeclarativeCamera::capturedImagePath
- The path to the captured image.
-QString QDeclarativeCamera::capturedImagePath() const
- return m_capturedImagePath;
- Paint method.
-void QDeclarativeCamera::paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)
- Change viewfinder size to \a newGeometry and returning the \a oldGeometry
-void QDeclarativeCamera::geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
- m_viewfinderItem->setSize(newGeometry.size());
- _q_updateFocusZones();
- QDeclarativeItem::geometryChanged(newGeometry, oldGeometry);
-void QDeclarativeCamera::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * event)
- if (!m_isValid || event->isAutoRepeat())
- return;
- switch (event->key()) {
- case Qt::Key_CameraFocus:
- m_camera->searchAndLock();
- event->accept();
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Camera:
- if (m_camera->captureMode() == QCamera::CaptureStillImage)
- captureImage();
- //else
- // m_recorder->record();
- event->accept();
- break;
- default:
- QDeclarativeItem::keyPressEvent(event);
- }
- Handle the release of a key in \a event and take action if needed.
-void QDeclarativeCamera::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent * event)
- if (!m_isValid || event->isAutoRepeat())
- return;
- switch (event->key()) {
- case Qt::Key_CameraFocus:
- m_camera->unlock();
- event->accept();
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Camera:
- //if (m_camera->captureMode() == QCamera::CaptureVideo)
- // m_recorder->stop();
- event->accept();
- break;
- default:
- QDeclarativeItem::keyReleaseEvent(event);
- }
- \qmlproperty enumeration Camera::flashMode
- \table
- \header \o Value \o Description
- \row \o FlashOff \o Flash is Off.
- \row \o FlashOn \o Flash is On.
- \row \o FlashAuto \o Automatic flash.
- \row \o FlashRedEyeReduction \o Red eye reduction flash.
- \row \o FlashFill \o Use flash to fillin shadows.
- \row \o FlashTorch \o Constant light source, useful for focusing and video capture.
- \row \o FlashSlowSyncFrontCurtain
- \o Use the flash in conjunction with a slow shutter speed.
- This mode allows better exposure of distant objects and/or motion blur effect.
- \row \o FlashSlowSyncRearCurtain
- \o The similar mode to FlashSlowSyncFrontCurtain but flash is fired at the end of exposure.
- \row \o FlashManual \o Flash power is manually set.
- \endtable
- \property QDeclarativeCamera::flashMode
- \table
- \header \o Value \o Description
- \row \o FlashOff \o Flash is Off.
- \row \o FlashOn \o Flash is On.
- \row \o FlashAuto \o Automatic flash.
- \row \o FlashRedEyeReduction \o Red eye reduction flash.
- \row \o FlashFill \o Use flash to fillin shadows.
- \row \o FlashTorch \o Constant light source, useful for focusing and video capture.
- \row \o FlashSlowSyncFrontCurtain
- \o Use the flash in conjunction with a slow shutter speed.
- This mode allows better exposure of distant objects and/or motion blur effect.
- \row \o FlashSlowSyncRearCurtain
- \o The similar mode to FlashSlowSyncFrontCurtain but flash is fired at the end of exposure.
- \row \o FlashManual \o Flash power is manually set.
- \endtable
- \enum QDeclarativeCamera::FlashMode
- \value FlashOff Flash is Off.
- \value FlashOn Flash is On.
- \value FlashAuto Automatic flash.
- \value FlashRedEyeReduction Red eye reduction flash.
- \value FlashFill Use flash to fillin shadows.
- \value FlashTorch Constant light source, useful for focusing and video capture.
- \value FlashSlowSyncFrontCurtain
- Use the flash in conjunction with a slow shutter speed.
- This mode allows better exposure of distant objects and/or motion blur effect.
- \value FlashSlowSyncRearCurtain
- The similar mode to FlashSlowSyncFrontCurtain but flash is fired at the end of exposure.
- \value FlashManual Flash power is manually set.
-int QDeclarativeCamera::flashMode() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return 0;
- return m_exposure->flashMode();
-void QDeclarativeCamera::setFlashMode(int mode)
- if (m_isValid && m_exposure->flashMode() != mode) {
- m_exposure->setFlashMode(QCameraExposure::FlashModes(mode));
- emit flashModeChanged(mode);
- }
- \qmlproperty real Camera::exposureCompensation
- Adjustment for the automatically calculated exposure. The value is
- in EV units.
- */
- \property QDeclarativeCamera::exposureCompensation
- Adjustment for the automatically calculated exposure. The value is
- in EV units.
- */
-qreal QDeclarativeCamera::exposureCompensation() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return 0.0;
- return m_exposure->exposureCompensation();
-void QDeclarativeCamera::setExposureCompensation(qreal ev)
- if (m_isValid)
- m_exposure->setExposureCompensation(ev);
- \qmlproperty real Camera::isoSensitivity
- The sensor's ISO sensitivity.
- */
- \property QDeclarativeCamera::iso
- The sensor's ISO sensitivity.
- */
-int QDeclarativeCamera::isoSensitivity() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return 0;
- return m_exposure->isoSensitivity();
-void QDeclarativeCamera::setManualIsoSensitivity(int iso)
- if (!m_isValid)
- return;
- m_exposure->setManualIsoSensitivity(iso);
- \qmlproperty real Camera::shutterSpeed
- The camera's shutter speed, in seconds.
- \property QDeclarativeCamera::shutterSpeed
- The camera's shutter speed, in seconds.
-qreal QDeclarativeCamera::shutterSpeed() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return 0.0;
- return m_exposure->shutterSpeed();
- \qmlproperty real Camera::aperture
- The lens aperture as an F number (the ratio of the focal length to effective aperture diameter).
- \property QDeclarativeCamera::aperture
- The lens aperture as an F number (the ratio of the focal length to effective aperture diameter).
-qreal QDeclarativeCamera::aperture() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return 0.0;
- return m_exposure->aperture();
- \qmlproperty enumeration Camera::exposureMode
- \table
- \header \o Value \o Description
- \row \o ExposureManual \o Manual mode.
- \row \o ExposureAuto \o Automatic mode.
- \row \o ExposureNight \o Night mode.
- \row \o ExposureBacklight \o Backlight exposure mode.
- \row \o ExposureSpotlight \o Spotlight exposure mode.
- \row \o ExposureSports \o Spots exposure mode.
- \row \o ExposureSnow \o Snow exposure mode.
- \row \o ExposureBeach \o Beach exposure mode.
- \row \o ExposureLargeAperture \o Use larger aperture with small depth of field.
- \row \o ExposureSmallAperture \o Use smaller aperture.
- \row \o ExposurePortrait \o Portrait exposure mode.
- \row \o ExposureModeVendor \o The base value for device specific exposure modes.
- \endtable
- \enum QDeclarativeCamera::ExposureMode
- \value ExposureManual Manual mode.
- \value ExposureAuto Automatic mode.
- \value ExposureNight Night mode.
- \value ExposureBacklight Backlight exposure mode.
- \value ExposureSpotlight Spotlight exposure mode.
- \value ExposureSports Spots exposure mode.
- \value ExposureSnow Snow exposure mode.
- \value ExposureBeach Beach exposure mode.
- \value ExposureLargeAperture Use larger aperture with small depth of field.
- \value ExposureSmallAperture Use smaller aperture.
- \value ExposurePortrait Portrait exposure mode.
- \value ExposureModeVendor The base value for device specific exposure modes.
- \property QDeclarativeCamera::exposureMode
- Camera exposure modes.
-QDeclarativeCamera::ExposureMode QDeclarativeCamera::exposureMode() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return QDeclarativeCamera::ExposureAuto;
- return ExposureMode(m_exposure->exposureMode());
-void QDeclarativeCamera::setExposureMode(QDeclarativeCamera::ExposureMode mode)
- if (!m_isValid)
- return;
- if (exposureMode() != mode) {
- m_exposure->setExposureMode(QCameraExposure::ExposureMode(mode));
- emit exposureModeChanged(exposureMode());
- }
- \qmlproperty size Camera::captureResolution
- The resolution to capture the image at. If empty, the system will pick
- a good size.
- \property QDeclarativeCamera::captureResolution
- The resolution to capture the image at. If empty, the system will pick
- a good size.
-QSize QDeclarativeCamera::captureResolution() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return QSize();
- return m_imageSettings.resolution();
-void QDeclarativeCamera::setCaptureResolution(const QSize &resolution)
- if (m_isValid && m_imageSettings.resolution() != resolution) {
- m_imageSettings.setResolution(resolution);
- if (!m_imageSettingsChanged) {
- m_imageSettingsChanged = true;
- QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "_q_updateImageSettings", Qt::QueuedConnection);
- }
- emit captureResolutionChanged(resolution);
- }
+ m_camera->unlock();
\qmlproperty real Camera::maximumOpticalZoom
- The maximum optical zoom factor, or 1.0 if optical zoom is not supported.
\property QDeclarativeCamera::maximumOpticalZoom
The maximum optical zoom factor, or 1.0 if optical zoom is not supported.
qreal QDeclarativeCamera::maximumOpticalZoom() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return 0.0;
- return m_focus->maximumOpticalZoom();
+ return m_camera->focus()->maximumOpticalZoom();
\qmlproperty real Camera::maximumDigitalZoom
- The maximum digital zoom factor, or 1.0 if digital zoom is not supported.
\property QDeclarativeCamera::maximumDigitalZoom
The maximum digital zoom factor, or 1.0 if digital zoom is not supported.
qreal QDeclarativeCamera::maximumDigitalZoom() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return 0.0;
- return m_focus->maximumDigitalZoom();
+ return m_camera->focus()->maximumDigitalZoom();
\qmlproperty real Camera::opticalZoom
- The current optical zoom factor.
\property QDeclarativeCamera::opticalZoom
The current optical zoom factor.
qreal QDeclarativeCamera::opticalZoom() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return 0.0;
- return m_focus->opticalZoom();
+ return m_camera->focus()->opticalZoom();
void QDeclarativeCamera::setOpticalZoom(qreal value)
- if (m_isValid)
- m_focus->zoomTo(value, digitalZoom());
+ m_camera->focus()->zoomTo(value, digitalZoom());
\qmlproperty real Camera::digitalZoom
- The current digital zoom factor.
\property QDeclarativeCamera::digitalZoom
The current digital zoom factor.
qreal QDeclarativeCamera::digitalZoom() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return 0.0;
- return m_focus->digitalZoom();
+ return m_camera->focus()->digitalZoom();
void QDeclarativeCamera::setDigitalZoom(qreal value)
- if (m_isValid)
- m_focus->zoomTo(opticalZoom(), value);
+ m_camera->focus()->zoomTo(opticalZoom(), value);
- \enum QDeclarativeCamera::WhiteBalanceMode
- \value WhiteBalanceManual Manual white balance. In this mode the manual white balance property value is used.
- \value WhiteBalanceAuto Auto white balance mode.
- \value WhiteBalanceSunlight Sunlight white balance mode.
- \value WhiteBalanceCloudy Cloudy white balance mode.
- \value WhiteBalanceShade Shade white balance mode.
- \value WhiteBalanceTungsten Tungsten white balance mode.
- \value WhiteBalanceFluorescent Fluorescent white balance mode.
- \value WhiteBalanceIncandescent Incandescent white balance mode.
- \value WhiteBalanceFlash Flash white balance mode.
- \value WhiteBalanceSunset Sunset white balance mode.
- \value WhiteBalanceVendor Vendor defined white balance mode.
- \qmlproperty enumeration Camera::whiteBalanceMode
- \table
- \header \o Value \o Description
- \row \o WhiteBalanceManual \o Manual white balance. In this mode the manual white balance property value is used.
- \row \o WhiteBalanceAuto \o Auto white balance mode.
- \row \o WhiteBalanceSunlight \o Sunlight white balance mode.
- \row \o WhiteBalanceCloudy \o Cloudy white balance mode.
- \row \o WhiteBalanceShade \o Shade white balance mode.
- \row \o WhiteBalanceTungsten \o Tungsten white balance mode.
- \row \o WhiteBalanceFluorescent \o Fluorescent white balance mode.
- \row \o WhiteBalanceIncandescent \o Incandescent white balance mode.
- \row \o WhiteBalanceFlash \o Flash white balance mode.
- \row \o WhiteBalanceSunset \o Sunset white balance mode.
- \row \o WhiteBalanceVendor \o Vendor defined white balance mode.
- \endtable
- \sa manualWhiteBalance
- \property QDeclarativeCamera::whiteBalanceMode
- \sa WhiteBalanceMode
-QDeclarativeCamera::WhiteBalanceMode QDeclarativeCamera::whiteBalanceMode() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return QDeclarativeCamera::WhiteBalanceAuto;
- return WhiteBalanceMode(m_camera->imageProcessing()->whiteBalanceMode());
-void QDeclarativeCamera::setWhiteBalanceMode(QDeclarativeCamera::WhiteBalanceMode mode) const
- if (m_isValid && whiteBalanceMode() != mode) {
- m_camera->imageProcessing()->setWhiteBalanceMode(QCameraImageProcessing::WhiteBalanceMode(mode));
- emit whiteBalanceModeChanged(whiteBalanceMode());
- }
- \qmlproperty int Camera::manualWhiteBalance
- The color temperature used when in manual white balance mode (WhiteBalanceManual).
- \sa whiteBalanceMode
- \property QDeclarativeCamera::manualWhiteBalance
- The color temperature used when in manual white balance mode (WhiteBalanceManual).
- \sa whiteBalanceMode
-int QDeclarativeCamera::manualWhiteBalance() const
- if (!m_isValid)
- return 0;
- return m_camera->imageProcessing()->manualWhiteBalance();
-void QDeclarativeCamera::setManualWhiteBalance(int colorTemp) const
- if (m_isValid && manualWhiteBalance() != colorTemp) {
- m_camera->imageProcessing()->setManualWhiteBalance(colorTemp);
- emit manualWhiteBalanceChanged(manualWhiteBalance());
- }
\qmlsignal Camera::onError(error, errorString)
@@ -1131,66 +467,6 @@ void QDeclarativeCamera::setManualWhiteBalance(int colorTemp) const
\row \o NotSupportedFeatureError \o The feature is not supported.
- \qmlsignal Camera::onError(error, errorString)
- This handler is called when an error occurs. The enumeration value \a error is one of the
- values defined below, and a descriptive string value is available in \a errorString.
- \enum QDeclarativeCamera::Error
- \value NoError No errors have occurred.
- \value CameraError An error has occurred.
- \value InvalidRequestError System resource doesn't support requested functionality.
- \value ServiceMissingError No camera service available.
- \value NotSupportedFeatureError The feature is not supported.
- \qmlsignal Camera::onCaptureFailed(message)
- This handler is called when an error occurs during capture. A descriptive message is available in \a message.
- \fn QDeclarativeCamera::captureFailed(const QString &message)
- This handler is called when an error occurs during capture. A descriptive message is available in \a message.
- \qmlsignal Camera::onImageCaptured(preview)
- This handler is called when an image has been captured but not yet saved to the filesystem. The \a preview
- parameter can be used as the URL supplied to an Image element.
- \sa onImageSaved
- \fn QDeclarativeCamera::imageCaptured(const QString &preview)
- This handler is called when an image has been captured but not yet saved to the filesystem. The \a preview
- parameter can be used as the URL supplied to an Image element.
- \sa imageSaved()
- \qmlsignal Camera::onImageSaved(path)
- This handler is called after the image has been written to the filesystem. The \a path is a local file path, not a URL.
- \sa onImageCaptured
- \fn QDeclarativeCamera::imageSaved(const QString &path)
- This handler is called after the image has been written to the filesystem. The \a path is a local file path, not a URL.
- \sa imageCaptured()
\fn void QDeclarativeCamera::lockStatusChanged()
@@ -1288,34 +564,6 @@ void QDeclarativeCamera::setManualWhiteBalance(int colorTemp) const
- \fn void QDeclarativeCamera::exposureModeChanged(QDeclarativeCamera::ExposureMode)
- \qmlsignal Camera::exposureModeChanged(Camera::ExposureMode)
- \fn void QDeclarativeCamera::flashModeChanged(int)
- \qmlsignal Camera::flashModeChanged(int)
- \fn void QDeclarativeCamera::whiteBalanceModeChanged(QDeclarativeCamera::WhiteBalanceMode) const
- \qmlsignal Camera::whiteBalanceModeChanged(Camera::WhiteBalanceMode)
- \fn void QDeclarativeCamera::manualWhiteBalanceChanged(int) const
- \qmlsignal Camera::manualWhiteBalanceChanged(int)
\fn void QDeclarativeCamera::captureResolutionChanged(const QSize &)
\qmlsignal Camera::captureResolutionChanged(Item)