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diff --git a/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativeaudio.cpp b/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativeaudio.cpp
index 6efdb1afa..347a49f99 100644
--- a/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativeaudio.cpp
+++ b/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativeaudio.cpp
@@ -57,67 +57,6 @@
- \qmlclass MediaPlayer
- \brief The MediaPlayer type allows you to add media playback to a scene.
- \inqmlmodule QtMultimedia 5
- \ingroup multimedia_qml
- \ingroup multimedia_audio_qml
- \ingroup multimedia_video_qml
- MediaPlayer is part of the \b{QtMultimedia 5.0} module.
- \qml
- import QtQuick 2.0
- import QtMultimedia 5.0
- Text {
- text: "Click Me!";
- font.pointSize: 24;
- width: 150; height: 50;
- MediaPlayer {
- id: playMusic
- source: "music.wav"
- }
- MouseArea {
- id: playArea
- anchors.fill: parent
- onPressed: { }
- }
- }
- \endqml
- You can use MediaPlayer by itself to play audio content (like \l Audio),
- or you can use it in conjunction with a \l VideoOutput for rendering video.
- \qml
- import QtQuick 2.0
- import QtMultimedia 5.0
- Item {
- MediaPlayer {
- id: mediaplayer
- source: "groovy_video.mp4"
- }
- VideoOutput {
- anchors: parent.fill
- source: mediaplayer
- }
- MouseArea {
- id: playArea
- anchors.fill: parent
- onPressed:;
- }
- }
- \endqml
- \sa VideoOutput
\qmlclass Audio QDeclarativeAudio
\brief The Audio type allows you to add audio playback to a scene.
@@ -151,12 +90,6 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
\sa Video
- \internal
- \class QDeclarativeAudio
- \brief The QDeclarativeAudio class provides an audio item that you can add to a QQuickView.
void QDeclarativeAudio::_q_error(QMediaPlayer::Error errorCode)
m_error = errorCode;
@@ -1169,6 +1102,680 @@ void QDeclarativeAudio::_q_statusChanged()
\sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Writer}
+///////////// MediaPlayer Docs /////////////
+ \qmlclass MediaPlayer
+ \brief The MediaPlayer type allows you to add media playback to a scene.
+ \inqmlmodule QtMultimedia 5
+ \ingroup multimedia_qml
+ \ingroup multimedia_audio_qml
+ \ingroup multimedia_video_qml
+ MediaPlayer is part of the \b{QtMultimedia 5.0} module.
+ \qml
+ import QtQuick 2.0
+ import QtMultimedia 5.0
+ Text {
+ text: "Click Me!";
+ font.pointSize: 24;
+ width: 150; height: 50;
+ MediaPlayer {
+ id: playMusic
+ source: "music.wav"
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: playArea
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onPressed: { }
+ }
+ }
+ \endqml
+ You can use MediaPlayer by itself to play audio content (like \l Audio),
+ or you can use it in conjunction with a \l VideoOutput for rendering video.
+ \qml
+ import QtQuick 2.0
+ import QtMultimedia 5.0
+ Item {
+ MediaPlayer {
+ id: mediaplayer
+ source: "groovy_video.mp4"
+ }
+ VideoOutput {
+ anchors: parent.fill
+ source: mediaplayer
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: playArea
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onPressed:;
+ }
+ }
+ \endqml
+ \sa VideoOutput
+ \qmlproperty enumeration QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::availability
+ Returns the availability state of the media player.
+ This is one of:
+ \table
+ \header \li Value \li Description
+ \row \li Available
+ \li The media player is available to use.
+ \row \li Busy
+ \li The media player is usually available, but some other
+ process is utilizing the hardware necessary to play media.
+ \row \li Unavailable
+ \li There are no supported media playback facilities.
+ \row \li ResourceMissing
+ \li There is one or more resources missing, so the media player cannot
+ be used. It may be possible to try again at a later time.
+ \endtable
+ */
+ \qmlproperty enumeration QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::availability
+ Returns the availability state of the media player.
+ This is one of:
+ \table
+ \header \li Value \li Description
+ \row \li Available
+ \li The media player is available to use.
+ \row \li Busy
+ \li The media player is usually available, but some other
+ process is utilizing the hardware necessary to play media.
+ \row \li Unavailable
+ \li There are no supported media playback facilities.
+ \row \li ResourceMissing
+ \li There is one or more resources missing, so the media player cannot
+ be used. It may be possible to try again at a later time.
+ \endtable
+ */
+ \qmlmethod QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::play()
+ Starts playback of the media.
+ Sets the \l playbackState property to PlayingState.
+ \qmlmethod QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::pause()
+ Pauses playback of the media.
+ Sets the \l playbackState property to PausedState.
+ \qmlmethod QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::stop()
+ Stops playback of the media.
+ Sets the \l playbackState property to StoppedState.
+ \qmlproperty url QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::source
+ This property holds the source URL of the media.
+ \qmlproperty bool QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::autoLoad
+ This property indicates if loading of media should begin immediately.
+ Defaults to true, if false media will not be loaded until playback is started.
+ \qmlsignal QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::playbackStateChanged()
+ This handler is called when the \l playbackState property is altered.
+ \qmlsignal QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::paused()
+ This handler is called when playback is paused.
+ \qmlsignal QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::stopped()
+ This handler is called when playback is stopped.
+ \qmlsignal QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::playing()
+ This handler is called when playback is started or resumed.
+ \qmlproperty enumeration QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::status
+ This property holds the status of media loading. It can be one of:
+ \list
+ \li NoMedia - no media has been set.
+ \li Loading - the media is currently being loaded.
+ \li Loaded - the media has been loaded.
+ \li Buffering - the media is buffering data.
+ \li Stalled - playback has been interrupted while the media is buffering data.
+ \li Buffered - the media has buffered data.
+ \li EndOfMedia - the media has played to the end.
+ \li InvalidMedia - the media cannot be played.
+ \li UnknownStatus - the status of the media is unknown.
+ \endlist
+ \qmlproperty enumeration QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::playbackState
+ This property holds the state of media playback. It can be one of:
+ \list
+ \li PlayingState - the media is currently playing.
+ \li PausedState - playback of the media has been suspended.
+ \li StoppedState - playback of the media is yet to begin.
+ \endlist
+ \qmlproperty bool QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::autoPlay
+ This property controls whether the media will begin to play on start up.
+ Defaults to false, if set true the value of autoLoad will be overwritten to true.
+ \qmlproperty int QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::duration
+ This property holds the duration of the media in milliseconds.
+ If the media doesn't have a fixed duration (a live stream for example) this will be 0.
+ \qmlproperty int QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::position
+ This property holds the current playback position in milliseconds.
+ If the \l seekable property is true, this property can be set to seek to a new position.
+ \qmlproperty real QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::volume
+ This property holds the volume of the audio output, from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (maximum volume).
+ Defaults to 1.0.
+ \qmlproperty bool QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::muted
+ This property holds whether the audio output is muted.
+ Defaults to false.
+ \qmlproperty bool QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::hasAudio
+ This property holds whether the media contains audio.
+ \qmlproperty bool QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::hasVideo
+ This property holds whether the media contains video.
+ \qmlproperty real QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::bufferProgress
+ This property holds how much of the data buffer is currently filled, from 0.0 (empty) to 1.0
+ (full).
+ \qmlproperty bool QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::seekable
+ This property holds whether position of the audio can be changed.
+ If true; setting a \l position value will cause playback to seek to the new position.
+ \qmlproperty real QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::playbackRate
+ This property holds the rate at which audio is played at as a multiple of the normal rate.
+ Defaults to 1.0.
+ \qmlproperty enumeration QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::error
+ This property holds the error state of the audio. It can be one of:
+ \table
+ \header \li Value \li Description
+ \row \li NoError
+ \li There is no current error.
+ \row \li ResourceError
+ \li The audio cannot be played due to a problem allocating resources.
+ \row \li FormatError
+ \li The audio format is not supported.
+ \row \li NetworkError
+ \li The audio cannot be played due to network issues.
+ \row \li AccessDenied
+ \li The audio cannot be played due to insufficient permissions.
+ \row \li ServiceMissing
+ \li The audio cannot be played because the media service could not be
+ instantiated.
+ \endtable
+ \qmlproperty string QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::errorString
+ This property holds a string describing the current error condition in more detail.
+ \qmlsignal QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::error(error, errorString)
+ This handler is called when an \l {QMediaPlayer::Error}{error} has
+ occurred. The errorString parameter may contain more detailed
+ information about the error.
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.title
+ This property holds the tile of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Title}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.subTitle
+ This property holds the sub-title of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::SubTitle}
+ \qmlproperty variant
+ This property holds the author of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Author}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.comment
+ This property holds a user comment about the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Comment}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.description
+ This property holds a description of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Description}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.category
+ This property holds the category of the media
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Category}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.genre
+ This property holds the genre of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Genre}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.year
+ This property holds the year of release of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Year}
+ \qmlproperty variant
+ This property holds the date of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Date}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.userRating
+ This property holds a user rating of the media in the range of 0 to 100.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::UserRating}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.keywords
+ This property holds a list of keywords describing the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Keywords}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.language
+ This property holds the language of the media, as an ISO 639-2 code.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Language}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.publisher
+ This property holds the publisher of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Publisher}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.copyright
+ This property holds the media's copyright notice.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Copyright}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.parentalRating
+ This property holds the parental rating of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::ParentalRating}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.ratingOrganization
+ This property holds the name of the rating organization responsible for the
+ parental rating of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::RatingOrganization}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.size
+ This property property holds the size of the media in bytes.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Size}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.mediaType
+ This property holds the type of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::MediaType}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.audioBitRate
+ This property holds the bit rate of the media's audio stream in bits per
+ second.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::AudioBitRate}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.audioCodec
+ This property holds the encoding of the media audio stream.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::AudioCodec}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.averageLevel
+ This property holds the average volume level of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::AverageLevel}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.channelCount
+ This property holds the number of channels in the media's audio stream.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::ChannelCount}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.peakValue
+ This property holds the peak volume of media's audio stream.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::PeakValue}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.sampleRate
+ This property holds the sample rate of the media's audio stream in hertz.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::SampleRate}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.albumTitle
+ This property holds the title of the album the media belongs to.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::AlbumTitle}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.albumArtist
+ This property holds the name of the principal artist of the album the media
+ belongs to.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::AlbumArtist}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.contributingArtist
+ This property holds the names of artists contributing to the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::ContributingArtist}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.composer
+ This property holds the composer of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Composer}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.conductor
+ This property holds the conductor of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Conductor}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.lyrics
+ This property holds the lyrics to the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Lyrics}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.mood
+ This property holds the mood of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Mood}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.trackNumber
+ This property holds the track number of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::TrackNumber}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.trackCount
+ This property holds the number of tracks on the album containing the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::TrackNumber}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.coverArtUrlSmall
+ This property holds the URL of a small cover art image.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::CoverArtUrlSmall}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.coverArtUrlLarge
+ This property holds the URL of a large cover art image.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::CoverArtUrlLarge}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.resolution
+ This property holds the dimension of an image or video.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Resolution}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.pixelAspectRatio
+ This property holds the pixel aspect ratio of an image or video.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::PixelAspectRatio}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.videoFrameRate
+ This property holds the frame rate of the media's video stream.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::VideoFrameRate}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.videoBitRate
+ This property holds the bit rate of the media's video stream in bits per
+ second.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::VideoBitRate}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.videoCodec
+ This property holds the encoding of the media's video stream.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::VideoCodec}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.posterUrl
+ This property holds the URL of a poster image.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::PosterUrl}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.chapterNumber
+ This property holds the chapter number of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::ChapterNumber}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.director
+ This property holds the director of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Director}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.leadPerformer
+ This property holds the lead performer in the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::LeadPerformer}
+ \qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia5::MediaPlayer::metaData.writer
+ This property holds the writer of the media.
+ \sa {QtMultimedia::MetaData::Writer}
#include "moc_qdeclarativeaudio_p.cpp"
diff --git a/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativecameraflash.cpp b/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativecameraflash.cpp
index 1be875642..fd5379400 100644
--- a/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativecameraflash.cpp
+++ b/src/imports/multimedia/qdeclarativecameraflash.cpp
@@ -76,12 +76,6 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
- \class QDeclarativeCameraFlash
- \internal
- \brief The CameraFlash provides interface for flash related camera settings.
Construct a declarative camera flash object using \a parent object.
QDeclarativeCameraFlash::QDeclarativeCameraFlash(QCamera *camera, QObject *parent) :
@@ -96,7 +90,7 @@ QDeclarativeCameraFlash::~QDeclarativeCameraFlash()
- \qmlproperty bool QtMultimedia5::QDeclarativeCameraFlash::ready
+ \qmlproperty bool QtMultimedia5::CameraFlash::ready
\property bool QDeclarativeCameraFlash::ready
Indicates flash is charged.
@@ -107,7 +101,7 @@ bool QDeclarativeCameraFlash::isFlashReady() const
- \qmlproperty enumeration QtMultimedia5::CameraExposure::flashMode
+ \qmlproperty enumeration QtMultimedia5::CameraFlash::flashMode
\property QDeclarativeCameraFlash::flashMode
@@ -141,13 +135,13 @@ void QDeclarativeCameraFlash::setFlashMode(int mode)
- \qmlsignal QtMultimedia5::CameraExposure::flashModeChanged(int)
+ \qmlsignal QtMultimedia5::CameraFlash::flashModeChanged(int)
This signal is emitted when the \c flashMode property is changed.
The corresponding handler is \c onFlashModeChanged.
- \qmlsignal QtMultimedia5::CameraExposure::flashReady(bool)
+ \qmlsignal QtMultimedia5::CameraFlash::flashReady(bool)
This signal is emitted when QCameraExposure indicates that
the flash is ready to use.
The corresponsing handler is \c onFlashReadyChanged.