path: root/tests/auto/unit/qvideosurfaceformat
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/unit/qvideosurfaceformat')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/unit/qvideosurfaceformat/tst_qvideosurfaceformat.cpp b/tests/auto/unit/qvideosurfaceformat/tst_qvideosurfaceformat.cpp
index a0771454c..35e76b7e8 100644
--- a/tests/auto/unit/qvideosurfaceformat/tst_qvideosurfaceformat.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/unit/qvideosurfaceformat/tst_qvideosurfaceformat.cpp
@@ -93,8 +93,6 @@ private slots:
void assignAllParameters ();
void propertyEdgeCases();
- void debugOperator();
- void debugOperator_data();
@@ -918,108 +916,6 @@ void tst_QVideoSurfaceFormat::propertyEdgeCases()
QCOMPARE(original.pixelAspectRatio(), QSize(53, 45));
-#define ADDDEBUGTEST(format, w, h, r) \
- QTest::newRow(#format "-" #w "x" #h "@" #r) \
- << QVideoFrame::Format_ ##format \
- << "Format_" #format \
- << QSize(w, h) \
- << r;
-void tst_QVideoSurfaceFormat::debugOperator_data()
- // This is not too exhaustive
- QTest::addColumn<QVideoFrame::PixelFormat>("format");
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("formatString");
- QTest::addColumn<QSize>("frameSize");
- QTest::addColumn<int>("frameRate"); // could be double, but formatting is unstable
- ADDDEBUGTEST(Invalid, 100, 200, 3);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(ARGB32,101, 201, 4);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(ARGB32_Premultiplied, 100, 202, 5);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(RGB32, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(RGB24, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(RGB565, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(RGB555, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(ARGB8565_Premultiplied, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(BGRA32, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(BGRA32_Premultiplied, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(BGR32, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(BGR24, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(BGR565, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(BGR555, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(BGRA5658_Premultiplied, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(AYUV444, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(AYUV444, 8, 16, 31);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(AYUV444_Premultiplied, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(YUV444, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(YUV420P, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(YV12, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(UYVY, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(YUYV, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(NV12, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(NV12, 80, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(NV21, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(IMC1, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(IMC2, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(IMC3, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(IMC3, 8, 160, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(IMC4, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(Y8, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(Y16, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(Jpeg, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(CameraRaw, 8, 16, 30);
- ADDDEBUGTEST(AdobeDng, 8, 16, 30);
- // User is special
- QTest::newRow("User-0x0@0)")
- << QVideoFrame::Format_User
- << "UserType(1000)"
- << QSize()
- << 0;
-void tst_QVideoSurfaceFormat::debugOperator()
- QFETCH(QVideoFrame::PixelFormat, format);
- QFETCH(QString, formatString);
- QFETCH(QSize, frameSize);
- QFETCH(int, frameRate);
- QString templateOutput = QString("QVideoSurfaceFormat(%1, QSize(%2, %3) , viewport=QRect(0,1 800x600) , pixelAspectRatio=QSize(320, 200) "
- ", handleType=GLTextureHandle, yCbCrColorSpace=YCbCr_BT709)\n"
- " handleType = QVariant(QAbstractVideoBuffer::HandleType, ) \n"
- " pixelFormat = QVariant(QVideoFrame::PixelFormat, ) \n"
- " frameSize = QVariant(QSize, QSize(%4, %5) ) \n"
- " frameWidth = QVariant(int, %6) \n"
- " viewport = QVariant(QRect, QRect(0,1 800x600) ) \n"
- " scanLineDirection = QVariant(QVideoSurfaceFormat::Direction, ) \n"
- " frameRate = QVariant(%7, %8) \n"
- " pixelAspectRatio = QVariant(QSize, QSize(320, 200) ) \n"
- " sizeHint = QVariant(QSize, QSize(1280, 600) ) \n"
- " yCbCrColorSpace = QVariant(QVideoSurfaceFormat::YCbCrColorSpace, ) ")
- .arg(formatString)
- .arg(frameSize.width())
- .arg(frameSize.height())
- .arg(frameSize.width())
- .arg(frameSize.height())
- .arg(frameSize.width())
- .arg(sizeof(qreal) == sizeof(double) ? "double" : "float")
- .arg(frameRate);
- QVideoSurfaceFormat vsf(frameSize, format, QAbstractVideoBuffer::GLTextureHandle);
- vsf.setViewport(QRect(0,1, 800, 600));
- vsf.setPixelAspectRatio(QSize(320, 200));
- vsf.setYCbCrColorSpace(QVideoSurfaceFormat::YCbCr_BT709);
- vsf.setFrameRate(frameRate);
- QTest::ignoreMessage(QtDebugMsg, templateOutput.toLatin1().constData());
- qDebug() << vsf;