// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause import QtQuick import QtMultimedia import QtQuick.Layouts FocusScope { id : captureControls property CaptureSession captureSession property bool previewAvailable : false property int buttonsmargin: 8 property int buttonsPanelWidth property int buttonsPanelPortraitHeight property int buttonsWidth signal previewSelected signal videoModeSelected Rectangle { id: buttonPaneShadow color: Qt.rgba(0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 1) GridLayout { id: buttonsColumn anchors.margins: buttonsmargin flow: captureControls.state === "MobilePortrait" ? GridLayout.LeftToRight : GridLayout.TopToBottom CameraButton { text: "Capture" implicitWidth: buttonsWidth visible: captureSession.imageCapture.readyForCapture onClicked: captureSession.imageCapture.captureToFile("") } CameraPropertyButton { id : wbModesButton implicitWidth: buttonsWidth state: captureControls.state value: Camera.WhiteBalanceAuto model: ListModel { ListElement { icon: "images/camera_auto_mode.png" value: Camera.WhiteBalanceAuto text: "Auto" } ListElement { icon: "images/camera_white_balance_sunny.png" value: Camera.WhiteBalanceSunlight text: "Sunlight" } ListElement { icon: "images/camera_white_balance_cloudy.png" value: Camera.WhiteBalanceCloudy text: "Cloudy" } ListElement { icon: "images/camera_white_balance_incandescent.png" value: Camera.WhiteBalanceTungsten text: "Tungsten" } ListElement { icon: "images/camera_white_balance_flourescent.png" value: Camera.WhiteBalanceFluorescent text: "Fluorescent" } } onValueChanged: captureControls.captureSession.camera.whiteBalanceMode = wbModesButton.value } Item { implicitWidth: buttonsWidth height: 70 CameraButton { text: "View" anchors.fill: parent onClicked:state = captureControls.previewSelected() visible: captureControls.previewAvailable } } } GridLayout { id: bottomColumn anchors.margins: buttonsmargin flow: captureControls.state === "MobilePortrait" ? GridLayout.LeftToRight : GridLayout.TopToBottom CameraListButton { implicitWidth: buttonsWidth state: captureControls.state onValueChanged: captureSession.camera.cameraDevice = value } CameraButton { text: "Switch to Video" implicitWidth: buttonsWidth onClicked: captureControls.videoModeSelected() } CameraButton { id: quitButton implicitWidth: buttonsWidth text: "Quit" onClicked: Qt.quit() } } } ZoomControl { x : 0 y : captureControls.state === "MobilePortrait" ? -buttonPaneShadow.height : 0 width : 100 height: parent.height currentZoom: camera.zoomFactor maximumZoom: camera.maximumZoomFactor onZoomTo: camera.zoomFactor = value } states: [ State { name: "MobilePortrait" PropertyChanges { target: buttonPaneShadow width: parent.width height: captureControls.buttonsPanelPortraitHeight } PropertyChanges { target: buttonsColumn height: captureControls.buttonsPanelPortraitHeight / 2 - buttonsmargin } PropertyChanges { target: bottomColumn height: captureControls.buttonsPanelPortraitHeight / 2 - buttonsmargin } AnchorChanges { target: buttonPaneShadow anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right } AnchorChanges { target: buttonsColumn anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: parent.top } AnchorChanges { target: bottomColumn anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right } }, State { name: "MobileLandscape" PropertyChanges { target: buttonPaneShadow width: buttonsPanelWidth height: parent.height } PropertyChanges { target: buttonsColumn height: parent.height width: buttonPaneShadow.width / 2 } PropertyChanges { target: bottomColumn height: parent.height width: buttonPaneShadow.width / 2 } AnchorChanges { target: buttonPaneShadow anchors.top: parent.top anchors.right: parent.right } AnchorChanges { target: buttonsColumn anchors.top: parent.top anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left } AnchorChanges { target: bottomColumn anchors.top: parent.top anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right } }, State { name: "Other" PropertyChanges { target: buttonPaneShadow width: bottomColumn.width + 16 height: parent.height } AnchorChanges { target: buttonPaneShadow anchors.top: parent.top anchors.right: parent.right } AnchorChanges { target: buttonsColumn anchors.top: parent.top anchors.right: parent.right } AnchorChanges { target: bottomColumn anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right } } ] }