include(../spectrum.pri) static: error(This application cannot be statically linked to the fftreal library) TEMPLATE = app TARGET = spectrum QT += multimedia SOURCES += main.cpp \ engine.cpp \ frequencyspectrum.cpp \ levelmeter.cpp \ mainwidget.cpp \ progressbar.cpp \ settingsdialog.cpp \ spectrograph.cpp \ spectrumanalyser.cpp \ tonegenerator.cpp \ tonegeneratordialog.cpp \ utils.cpp \ waveform.cpp \ wavfile.cpp HEADERS += engine.h \ frequencyspectrum.h \ levelmeter.h \ mainwidget.h \ progressbar.h \ settingsdialog.h \ spectrograph.h \ spectrum.h \ spectrumanalyser.h \ tonegenerator.h \ tonegeneratordialog.h \ utils.h \ waveform.h \ wavfile.h fftreal_dir = ../3rdparty/fftreal INCLUDEPATH += $${fftreal_dir} RESOURCES = spectrum.qrc # Dynamic linkage against FFTReal DLL !contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_FFT) { macx { # Link to fftreal framework LIBS += -F$${fftreal_dir} LIBS += -framework fftreal } else { LIBS += -L..$${spectrum_build_dir} LIBS += -lfftreal } } # Install sources.files = $$SOURCES $$HEADERS $$RESOURCES sources.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]/qtmultimedia/spectrum/app images.files += images/record.png images/settings.png images.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]/qtmultimedia/spectrum/app/images INSTALLS += sources images # Deployment DESTDIR = ..$${spectrum_build_dir} macx { !contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_FFT) { # Relocate fftreal.framework into bundle framework_dir = ../ framework_name = fftreal.framework/Versions/1/fftreal QMAKE_POST_LINK = \ mkdir -p $${framework_dir} &&\ rm -rf $${framework_dir}/fftreal.framework &&\ cp -R $${fftreal_dir}/fftreal.framework $${framework_dir} &&\ install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/$${framework_name} \ $${framework_dir}/$${framework_name} &&\ install_name_tool -change $${framework_name} \ @executable_path/../Frameworks/$${framework_name} \ ../ } } else { linux-g++*: { # Provide relative path from application to fftreal library QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--rpath=\\\$\$ORIGIN } } QT+=widgets