INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD message("VideoOutput: using common implementation") contains(surfaces_s60_enabled, yes) { message("VideoOutput: graphics surface rendering supported") DEFINES += VIDEOOUTPUT_GRAPHICS_SURFACES } else { message("VideoOutput: no graphics surface rendering support - DSA only") } exists($$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/QtGui/private/qwidget_p.h) { DEFINES += PRIVATE_QTGUI_HEADERS_AVAILABLE message("VideoOutput: private QtGui headers are available") } else { message("VideoOutput: private QtGui headers not available - video and viewfinder may not be rendered correctly") } HEADERS += $$PWD/s60videodisplay.h \ $$PWD/s60videooutpututils.h \ $$PWD/s60videowidget.h \ $$PWD/s60videowidgetcontrol.h \ $$PWD/s60videowidgetdisplay.h \ $$PWD/s60videowindowcontrol.h \ $$PWD/s60videowindowdisplay.h SOURCES += $$PWD/s60videodisplay.cpp \ $$PWD/s60videooutpututils.cpp \ $$PWD/s60videowidget.cpp \ $$PWD/s60videowidgetcontrol.cpp \ $$PWD/s60videowidgetdisplay.cpp \ $$PWD/s60videowindowcontrol.cpp \ $$PWD/s60videowindowdisplay.cpp LIBS *= -lcone LIBS *= -lws32