# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) include(.cmake.conf) project(QtOpcUa VERSION "${QT_REPO_MODULE_VERSION}" DESCRIPTION "Qt OpcUa Libraries" HOMEPAGE_URL "https://qt.io/" LANGUAGES CXX C ) find_package(Qt6 ${PROJECT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS BuildInternals Core Network) find_package(Qt6 ${PROJECT_VERSION} CONFIG OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS Gui Quick QuickTest Widgets) qt_internal_project_setup() # Needed for qt_opcua_disable_optimizations_in_current_dir. include(src/opcua/Qt6OpcUaMacros.cmake) if(QNX) message(NOTICE "Skipping the build as the condition \"NOT QNX\" is not met.") return() endif() if(WASM) message(NOTICE "Skipping the build as the condition \"NOT WASM\" is not met.") return() endif() qt_build_repo()