SUMMARY This directory contains OTA device integration examples. The source code has been fetched from each board's corresponding yocto meta layers. EXAMPLE 1 - nitrogen6x/ (Boundary Devices i.MX6) On Boundary Devices boards default 'bootcmd' contains: bootcmd = for dtype in ${bootdevs}; do if itest.s "xusb" == "x${dtype}" ; then usb start ; fi; for disk in 0 1 ; do ${dtype} dev ${disk} ; for fs in fat ext2 ; do ${fs}load ${dtype} ${disk}:1 10008000 /6x_bootscript&& source 10008000 ; done ; done ; done; setenv stdout serial,vga ; echo ; echo 6x_bootscript not found ; echo ; echo serial console at 115200, 8N1 ; echo ; echo details at ; setenv stdin serial,usbkbd From 'bootcmd' command we see that an additional boot script is imported - 6x_bootscript. By examining the 6x_bootscript we see that a board by default imports uEnv.txt file, if it exists. Therefore, to enable OSTree on the board we can modify default boot script in the following way: Note: To work with the 6x_bootscript you can simply make a copy of it, open the copy with 'vim' editor and manually remove the u-boot header. Replace: if ${fs}load ${dtype} ${disk}:1 12000000 ${bootdir}$dtbname ; then With: if ${fs}load ${dtype} ${disk}:1 12000000 ${bootdir}/$dtbname ; then Replace: if ${fs}load ${dtype} ${disk}:1 10800000 ${bootdir}uImage ; then if itest.s x$havedtb == x ; then bootm 10800000 ; else bootm 10800000 - 12000000 fi fi With: # Use kernel_image and ramdisk_image values that were imported from the # uEnv.txt, generated by OSTree. ${fs}load ${dtype} ${disk}:1 10800000 ${kernel_image} setenv ramdisk_addr 0x40000000 ${fs}load ${dtype} ${disk}:1 ${ramdisk_addr} ${ramdisk_image} bootm 10800000 ${ramdisk_addr} 12000000 EXAMPLE 2 - beaglebone/ (BeagleBone Black) Tested on a device with u-boot version U-Boot 2013.04-dirty (Jun 19 2013 - 09:57:14). On beaglebone default 'bootcmd' contains: bootcmd= gpio set 53; i2c mw 0x24 1 0x3e; run findfdt; mmc dev 0; if mmc rescan ; then echo micro SD card found; setenv mmcdev 0; else echo No micro SD card found, setting mmcdev to 1; setenv mmcdev 1; fi; setenv bootpart ${mmcdev}:2; mmc dev ${mmcdev}; if mmc rescan; then gpio set 54; echo SD/MMC found on device ${mmcdev}; if run loadbootenv; then echo Loaded environment from ${bootenv}; run importbootenv; fi; if test -n $uenvcmd; then echo Running uenvcmd ...; run uenvcmd; fi; gpio set 55; if run loaduimage; then gpio set 56; run loadfdt; run mmcboot; fi; fi; From 'bootcmd' command we see that beaglebone uses 'loadbootenv' to import an additional environment. To see what 'loadbootenv' command contains, execute the following from u-boot console: printenv loadbootenv loadbootenv=load mmc ${mmcdev} ${loadaddr} ${bootenv} printenv bootenv bootenv=uEnv.txt Now we know that it sources uEnv.txt. To enable OSTree on this board we will add our custom commands in the uEnv.txt file. Default uEnv.txt contains: optargs=consoleblank=0 vt.global_cursor_default=0 quiet # extra options to support older u-boot (2013) bootfile=zImage loadaddr=0x80200000 loaduimage=load mmc ${bootpart} ${loadaddr} ${bootdir}/${bootfile} mmcboot=echo Booting from mmc ...; run mmcargs; bootz ${loadaddr} - ${fdtaddr} After our changes it contains: # OSTree will insert its environment on top of uEnv.txt file. bootpart=0:1 optargs=consoleblank=0 vt.global_cursor_default=0 quiet mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk0p2 loaduimage=load mmc ${bootpart} ${loadaddr} ${kernel_image} loadfdt=load mmc ${bootpart} ${fdtaddr} ${bootdir}/${fdtfile} loadramdisk=load mmc ${bootpart} ${rdaddr} ${ramdisk_image} mmcargs=setenv bootargs $bootargs console=${console} ${optargs} root=${mmcroot} rootfstype=${mmcrootfstype} mmcboot=run loadramdisk; echo Booting from mmc ....; run mmcargs; bootz ${loadaddr} ${rdaddr} ${fdtaddr} When writing custom uEnv.txt, we can assume that OSTree's environment (kernel_image and etc) is already defined. OSTree merges its environment variables at the top of uEnv.txt file. You can see an example of this when running 'qt-ostree' with the following arguments: ./qt-ostree --create-ota-sysroot \ --uboot-env-file uEnv.txt \ (your custom uEnv.txt) --sysroot-image-path $SYSROOT_IMAGE_PATH \ --initramfs $INITRAMFS Examine the generated $WORKDIR/sysroot/boot/uEnv.txt file. EXAMPLE 3 - colibri-vf/ (Toradex Colibri VF) On this board default 'bootcmd' does not source any external environment. There are several options what we can do: 1) Update environment directly on the board. setenv loadbootenv 'load mmc 0 ${loadaddr} uEnv.txt' setenv importbootenv 'echo Importing environment from mmc ...; env import -t $loadaddr $filesize' setenv bootcmd 'if run loadbootenv; then echo Loaded environment from uEnv.txt; run importbootenv; fi; run sdboot; run ubiboot; run nfsboot' saveenv Where our uEnv.txt contains: # OSTree will insert its environment on top of uEnv.txt file. bootpart=0:1 ramdisk_addr_r=0x86000000 loaduimage=load mmc ${bootpart} ${kernel_addr_r} ${kernel_image} loadfdt=load mmc ${bootpart} ${fdt_addr_r} ${bootdir}/${soc}-colibri-${fdt_board}.dtb loadramdisk=load mmc ${bootpart} ${ramdisk_addr_r} ${ramdisk_image} sdboot=run setup; setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${defargs} ${sdargs} ${mtdparts} ${setupargs} ${vidargs}; echo Booting from MMC/SD card...; run loaduimage && run loadfdt && run loadramdisk && bootz ${kernel_addr_r} ${ramdisk_addr_r} ${fdt_addr_r} 2) Update u-boot configuration for the board. This can be done by editing include/configs/colibri_vf.h in the u-boot repository. #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND #define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS EXAMPLE 4 - imx6qsabresd/ (Freescale SABRE SD i.MX6) On this board default 'bootcmd' runs 'loadbootscript' to load an additional environment. loadbootscript=fatload mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${loadaddr} ${script}; We see that assumption is that boot files are on FAT partition (fatload). This won't work because we require a file system with symbolic link support. By default we format boot partition as ext2, so we need to change the boot script accordingly: setenv loadbootscript 'ext2load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${loadaddr} ${script}' saveenv Find the name of the boot script: printenv script script=boot.scr Add OSTree support by creating boot.scr file with the following contents: ext2load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${loadaddr} uEnv.txt echo Importing environment from mmc ... env import -t $loadaddr $filesize setenv ramdisk_addr 0x24000000 ext2load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${loadaddr} ${kernel_image} ext2load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${fdt_addr} ${bootdir}/${fdt_file} ext2load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${ramdisk_addr} ${ramdisk_image} echo Booting from mmc ... run videoargs setenv bootargs ${bootargs} console=${console},${baudrate} video=${video} consoleblank=0 vt.global_cursor_default=0 root=${mmcroot} bootz ${loadaddr} ${ramdisk_addr} ${fdt_addr}