#!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 use strict; use warnings; use v5.10; =head1 NAME testconfig_enforcer - set Qt CI test configurations enforcing when appropriate =head1 SYNOPSIS # from a daily cron job, or similar... ./testconfig_enforcer.pl --testconfig-path [path to local qtqa/testconfig] Check the latest test results on testresults.qt.io, cross-reference with the settings in the testconfig repository, and push a commit removing any appropriate `forcesuccess' or `*insignificant*' properties. =head2 OPTIONS =over =item --testconfig-path PATH Path to a local clone of the qtqa/testconfig repository. This must exist prior to running the script. =item --no-update If set, do not attempt to update the local testconfig clone to the newest version. =item --dry-run If set, use `--dry-run' when performing the git push to gerrit; in other words, the commit is not actually pushed. A `git log' in the local testconfig repository will show what would have been pushed. =item --reviewer [ --reviewer ... ] =item -r [ -r ... ] Add the named reviewer(s) to the change in gerrit. Reviewers may be specified by email address or username. =item --random Randomly remove some properties regardless of the test results. For testing purposes only (i.e. to make it likely that the script will decide to do something, since the stable state is always that there is nothing to do). =item --author-only When creating the git commit, only set the git author field to this script's identity; don't set the git committer field. Use this if pushing to gerrit fails due to missing "forge identity" permissions. =item --man Show extended documentation (man page). =back =head1 DESCRIPTION When introducing new test configurations into the Qt Project CI system, the standard practice is to first introduce the configurations in a non-enforcing mode, then progressively set configurations enforcing for each project as they are verified passing. The latter can be partially automated by this script, which performs roughly the following steps: =over =item * updates the qtqa/testconfig repository to the latest version =item * enumerates all properties under qtqa/testconfig which represent a non-enforcing (or partially non-enforcing) test configuration - e.g. forcesuccess, qt.tests.insignificant =item * for each non-enforcing test configuration, the latest successful test log is downloaded from testresults.qt.io and scanned; if the log indicates that the test configuration would pass if it were enforcing, the appropriate files are removed from the local copy of qtqa/testconfig =item * local changes to qtqa/testconfig are committed and pushed to gerrit for review =back The script attempts to re-use the same Change-Id for each commit until that commit is accepted; for example, if run daily and nobody reviews the generated commits for three days, there will be one change with three patch sets rather than three changes. =cut package QtQA::QtTestconfigEnforcer; use Const::Fast; use English qw(-no_match_vars); use File::Basename; use File::Find::Rule; use File::chdir; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray); use LWP::UserAgent::Determined; use Memoize; use Pod::Usage; use Text::Wrap; use autodie; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib/perl5"; use QtQA::Gerrit; const my $CI_BASE_URL => 'http://testresults.qt.io/ci'; const my $BOT_NAME => 'Qt Testconfig Enforcer Bot'; const my @UNDESIRABLES => qw( forcesuccess qt.tests.insignificant qt.qtqa-tests.insignificant ); const my $MAGIC_REMOVE_PATTERN => qr{This may indicate it is safe to remove ["']?([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]+)["']?\.}; const my $GERRIT_SERVER => 'codereview.qt-project.org'; const my $GERRIT_PORT => 29418; const my $GERRIT_PROJECT => 'qtqa/testconfig'; const my $GERRIT_URL => "ssh://$GERRIT_SERVER:$GERRIT_PORT/$GERRIT_PROJECT"; const my $GERRIT_SRC_REF => 'refs/heads/master'; const my $GERRIT_DEST_REF => 'refs/for/master'; my $RAND = 0; # system(), but die on failure sub exe { my (@cmd) = @_; system( @cmd ); if ($? != 0) { die "@cmd exited with status $?"; } } # Returns all files which need to be checked for deletion sub find_files_to_check { return File::Find::Rule ->file( ) ->name( @UNDESIRABLES ) ->in( 'projects' ); } # Given a property filename, returns a tuple of # ($project, $stage, $property) sub parse_filename { my ($file) = @_; return unless $file =~ m{ projects/ ([^/]+) /stages/ ([^/]+) /(?:properties/)? ([^/]+) \z }xms; return ($1, $2, $3); } # Returns the URL of the latest successful build of a given project and stage sub latest_log_url { my ($project, $stage) = @_; return "$CI_BASE_URL/$project/latest-success/$stage/log.txt.gz"; } # Return content of the given $url, or an empty string if the resource # doesn't exist (e.g. a test configuration which has never been executed) sub get_content_from_url { my ($url) = @_; my $browser = LWP::UserAgent::Determined->new( ); my $response = $browser->get( $url ); if ($response->is_success) { return $response->decoded_content; } elsif ($response->code( ) == 404) { # Treat 404 non-fatal, it generally means the stage hasn't been run yet. return q{}; } elsif ($response->code( ) == 403) { return q{}; } die $response->decoded_content; } # Returns a set of all testconfig properties (basename only) which appear # to be safely removable according to the log at $url. # The returned set may include 'forcesuccess', although that is technically # not a property. sub removable_properties { my ($url) = @_; my $data = get_content_from_url( $url ); my %out; while ($data =~ m{$MAGIC_REMOVE_PATTERN}g) { ++$out{ $1 }; } return %out; } # memoize to avoid needlessly fetching and scanning the log multiple times memoize( 'removable_properties' ); # Calculates if the given property $file should be removed. # If so, returns the URL used as evidence for removal of the file; otherwise, # returns nothing. # May fetch logs from testresults. sub should_remove { my ($file) = @_; my ($project, $stage, $key) = parse_filename( $file ); if (!$key) { # some uncheckable special case. return; } my $url = latest_log_url( $project, $stage ); # for test purposes if ($RAND && int(rand(5)) == 1) { return $url; } my %removable = removable_properties( $url ); if ($removable{ $key }) { return $url; } return; } # Given a list of files @to_check, checks them all and returns # a hash of the form: # ( # "url1" => [ "file1", "file2", ...], # "url2" => [ "file3", ... ], # ... # ) # ... where the returned filenames represent property files to be removed, # and the returned URLs contain the evidence used to decide that they should # be removed. sub find_files_to_remove { my (@to_check) = @_; my %logs; foreach my $file (@to_check) { { local $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1; print "$file ... "; } if (my ($url) = should_remove( $file )) { print "can be removed :)\n"; push @{ $logs{ $url } }, $file; } else { print "needs to stay for now :(\n"; } } return %logs; } # Given output from find_files_to_remove, # creates a git commit which removes said files, # with a reasonable commit message. # # Returns a ($change_id, $sha1) tuple for the generated commit # (which is guaranteed to be at HEAD when the function returns). sub create_git_commit { my (%to_remove) = @_; my %projects; my @all_files = map { @{$_} } values %to_remove; foreach my $file (@all_files) { exe( qw(git rm -f), $file ); my ($project) = parse_filename( $file ); # "QtBase_master_Integration" => "QtBase" ($project) = split(/_/, $project); ++$projects{ $project }; } my @projects = sort keys %projects; # We say 'some configs' if there's more than one file removed. # If there's only one file removed, we try to get it directly in the summary, # e.g. # # QtBase: set win32-msvc2010 enforcing # my $some_configs = 'some configs'; my $these_are = 'These are'; my $they_stay = 'they stay'; if (@all_files == 1) { my (undef, $stage) = parse_filename( $all_files[0] ); $some_configs = $stage; $some_configs =~ s/_/ /g; $these_are = 'This is'; $they_stay = 'it stays'; } local $LIST_SEPARATOR = ', '; my $message_summary = "@projects: set $some_configs enforcing"; my $message_body = "$these_are passing. Make sure $they_stay that way."; if (length( $message_summary ) > 75) { # If we can't reasonably fit all affected projects into the oneline summary, # put them in the body instead. $message_summary = 'Set various configurations enforcing'; local $Text::Wrap::columns = 75; $message_body = wrap( q{}, q{}, "These configs on @projects are passing. Make sure they stay that way." ); } my $change_id = QtQA::Gerrit::next_change_id( ); $message_body .= "\n\nChange-Id: $change_id"; { no autodie qw(open); # autodie open doesn't support |- by default open( my $fh, '|-', qw(git commit -F -) ) || die "open git commit: $!"; print $fh "$message_summary\n\n$message_body"; close( $fh ) || die "close git commit: $! ($?)"; } my $sha1 = qx(git rev-parse HEAD); chomp $sha1; return ($change_id, $sha1); } # Add a message to the commit $sha1 in gerrit. # The message will advise the approver(s) to check all relevant logs # (according to the values in %removed) before accepting the change. # # This is important because some test configurations which were passing # at the time the commit was generated might become failing by the time # the commit is reviewed. sub add_gerrit_message { my ($sha1, %removed) = @_; my $message = "Before submitting, please check these logs:"; while (my ($url, $files_ref) = each %removed) { local $LIST_SEPARATOR = ', '; my @properties = map { basename($_) } @{ $files_ref }; $message .= "\n\n* $url (@properties)"; } my $cv = AE::cv(); QtQA::Gerrit::review( $sha1, url => $GERRIT_URL, message => $message, project => $GERRIT_PROJECT, on_success => sub { $cv->send() }, on_error => sub { $cv->croak(@_) }, ); $cv->recv(); return; } sub new { my ($self, @args) = @_; my $out = bless { update => 1, }, $self; GetOptionsFromArray( \@args, 'h|help|?' => sub { pod2usage(1) }, 'man' => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 2) }, 'testconfig-path=s' => \$out->{ testconfig_path }, 'author-only' => \$out->{ author_only }, 'update!' => \$out->{ update }, 'dry-run' => \$out->{ dry_run }, 'r|reviewer=s@' => \$out->{ reviewers }, 'random' => \$RAND, ) || die; if (!$out->{ testconfig_path }) { die 'missing mandatory --testconfig-path argument'; } return $out; } sub run { my ($self) = @_; local $CWD = $self->{ testconfig_path }; local %ENV = QtQA::Gerrit::git_environment( bot_name => $BOT_NAME, author_only => $self->{ author_only }, ); if ($self->{ update }) { exe( qw(git fetch), $GERRIT_URL, $GERRIT_SRC_REF ); exe( qw(git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD) ); } my @to_check = find_files_to_check( ); my %to_remove = find_files_to_remove( @to_check ); if (!%to_remove) { print "Nothing to be done.\n"; return; } my ($change_id, $sha1) = create_git_commit( %to_remove ); my @git_push = ( qw(git push --verbose), $self->{ dry_run } ? '--dry-run' : (), ); if (my @reviewers = @{ $self->{ reviewers } || [] }) { push @git_push, "--receive-pack=git receive-pack ".join(' ', map { "--reviewer=$_" } @reviewers); } push @git_push, ( $GERRIT_URL, "HEAD:$GERRIT_DEST_REF", ); { local $LIST_SEPARATOR = '] ['; print "Running: [@git_push]\n"; } exe( @git_push ); if (!$self->{ dry_run }) { add_gerrit_message( $sha1, %to_remove ); } return; } QtQA::QtTestconfigEnforcer->new( @ARGV )->run( ) unless caller; 1;