# JIRA bot to close issues Listen to gerrit events and close corresponding JIRA tasks when there is a fixes tag in the commit message. ## Prerequisites and building You need to have [pipenv](https://pipenv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) installed. Run `make` to install dependencies. ## Connecting to a JIRA account using OAuth * Generate a private/public rsa certificate pair (`jiracloser.pem`, `jiracloser.pub`) * See for example https://www.madboa.com/geek/openssl/#key-rsa * Log in to JIRA as admin. * Find "Integrations" -> "Application Links" * Enter a random URL (e.g. https://www.qt.io) and click "Create new link" * Fill out the fields, it does not really matter: * Name: Gerrit Issue Bot * Type: Generic * Service Provider Name: Qt JIRA bot (anything goes) * Consumer key: jira-gerrit-bot-oauth-consumer * Shared Secret: 8aG2#dwV24$e9J43@s8b * Request Token URL: https://www.qt.io * Access token URL: https://www.qt.io * Authorize URL: https://www.qt.io * Create incoming link: yes * Next page (this is important, can be edited later under incoming authentication) * Consumer key: jira-gerrit-oauth * Consumer Name: Gerrit Issue Closer * Public Key: content of `jiracloser.pub` * You can delete the outgoing auth after this excercise * Log in to JIRA with the bot user. * In a terminal run: `make oauth` * The script puts out a URL, which must be *opened as the bot user* * Click Allow * Press enter in the terminal * Copy the `oauth_token` and `oauth_token_secret` into config.ini. ## Running the bot `make run` ## Running tests Run `make test` which runs a style check, type checking and the automated tests. Please make sure that all of them pass before contributing. It's also possible to generate coverage information (`make coverage` will open a a browser).