diff options
authorKamil Hajdukiewicz <kaj@spyro-soft.com>2023-12-09 17:21:08 +0100
committerQt Cherry-pick Bot <cherrypick_bot@qt-project.org>2023-12-20 13:46:00 +0000
commit787b57cb794506c213425053b2181ee11b803b1f (patch)
parent776c3c81969515af5ac3f2ba6b39bb420a562805 (diff)
3D Virtual Assistant Example
Introduce new example that presents interactive 3D virtual assistant model. The model animations are created using Timelines and Keyframes. Change-Id: I21853f2c071b0482d183df05f874a68f10a84173 Reviewed-by: Christian Strømme <christian.stromme@qt.io> (cherry picked from commit 89e00ddbd09f1fec9e981df7de66ad48d7a409e5) Reviewed-by: Qt Cherry-pick Bot <cherrypick_bot@qt-project.org> (cherry picked from commit 6875634f1223c4dcbf512959629699e635a302a9)
-rw-r--r--examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/meshes/plane.meshbin0 -> 92468 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/body.meshbin0 -> 4855184 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/mesh_107.meshbin0 -> 52196 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/mesh_108.meshbin0 -> 42836 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/mesh_109.meshbin0 -> 52196 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/colosseum_4k.hdrbin0 -> 5952799 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/doc/images/VirtualAssistantHome.pngbin0 -> 1443191 bytes
37 files changed, 7046 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LICENSES/CC0-1.0.txt b/LICENSES/CC0-1.0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e259d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LICENSES/CC0-1.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+Creative Commons Legal Code
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+ party to this document and has no duty or obligation with respect to
+ this CC0 or use of the Work.
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/quick3d/CMakeLists.txt
index e4709a8c..a5ccb781 100644
--- a/examples/quick3d/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/examples/quick3d/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -33,3 +33,5 @@ qt_internal_add_example(lodhelper)
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89453396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21.1)
+project(QtVirtualAssistant LANGUAGES CXX)
+find_package(Qt6 6.5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Qml Quick)
+qt_standard_project_setup(REQUIRES 6.5)
+qt_add_executable(QtVirtualAssistant src/main.cpp)
+qt_add_resources(QtVirtualAssistant "configuration"
+ PREFIX "/"
+ qtquickcontrols2.conf
+target_link_libraries(QtVirtualAssistant PRIVATE
+install(TARGETS QtVirtualAssistant
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/Main.qml b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/Main.qml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41486fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/Main.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import content
+App {
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/VirtualAssistant.qmlproject b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/VirtualAssistant.qmlproject
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..405c6aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/VirtualAssistant.qmlproject
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import QmlProject
+Project {
+ mainFile: "content/App.qml"
+ mainUiFile: "content/Screen01.ui.qml"
+ /* Include .qml, .js, and image files from current directory and subdirectories */
+ QmlFiles {
+ directory: "content"
+ }
+ QmlFiles {
+ directory: "imports"
+ }
+ JavaScriptFiles {
+ directory: "content"
+ }
+ JavaScriptFiles {
+ directory: "imports"
+ }
+ ImageFiles {
+ directory: "content"
+ }
+ ImageFiles {
+ directory: "asset_imports"
+ }
+ Files {
+ filter: "*.conf"
+ files: ["qtquickcontrols2.conf"]
+ }
+ Files {
+ filter: "qmldir"
+ directory: "."
+ }
+ Files {
+ filter: "*.ttf;*.otf"
+ }
+ Files {
+ filter: "*.wav;*.mp3"
+ }
+ Files {
+ filter: "*.mp4"
+ }
+ Files {
+ filter: "*.glsl;*.glslv;*.glslf;*.vsh;*.fsh;*.vert;*.frag"
+ }
+ Files {
+ filter: "*.qsb"
+ }
+ Files {
+ filter: "*.mesh"
+ directory: "asset_imports"
+ }
+ Files {
+ filter: "*.qml"
+ directory: "asset_imports"
+ }
+ Environment {
+ QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_CONF: "qtquickcontrols2.conf"
+ QT_LOGGING_RULES: "qt.qml.connections=false"
+ /* Useful for debugging
+ QSG_VISUALIZE=overdraw
+ */
+ }
+ qt6Project: true
+ /* List of plugin directories passed to QML runtime */
+ importPaths: [ "imports", "asset_imports" ]
+ /* Required for deployment */
+ targetDirectory: "/opt/VirtualAssistant"
+ qdsVersion: "4.3"
+ quickVersion: "6.5"
+ /* If any modules the project imports require widgets (e.g. QtCharts), widgetApp must be true */
+ widgetApp: true
+ /* args: Specifies command line arguments for qsb tool to generate shaders.
+ files: Specifies target files for qsb tool. If path is included, it must be relative to this file.
+ Wildcard '*' can be used in the file name part of the path.
+ e.g. files: [ "content/shaders/*.vert", "*.frag" ] */
+ ShaderTool {
+ args: "-s --glsl \"100 es,120,150\" --hlsl 50 --msl 12"
+ files: [ "content/shaders/*" ]
+ }
+ multilanguageSupport: true
+ supportedLanguages: ["en"]
+ primaryLanguage: "en"
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ab8a5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..345c84aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac59f027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+qt_add_library(RobotHeart STATIC)
+ URI "Quick3DAssets.RobotHeart"
+ RobotHeart.qml
+ meshes/plane.mesh
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/RobotHeart.hints b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/RobotHeart.hints
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ef26ba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/RobotHeart.hints
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+visibleInNavigator: true
+canBeDroppedInFormEditor: false
+canBeDroppedInView3D: true
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/RobotHeart.qml b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/RobotHeart.qml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7695a60f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/RobotHeart.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick3D
+import QtQuick.Timeline
+Node {
+ id: node
+ property alias heartTimeline: heartTimeline
+ property alias heartAnimation: heartAnimation
+ scale.x: 0.4
+ scale.y: 0.4
+ scale.z: 0.4
+ // Resources
+ Skin {
+ id: skin
+ joints: base
+ inverseBindPoses: Qt.matrix4x4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ }
+ // Nodes:
+ Node {
+ id: heart_Arm
+ Model {
+ id: plane
+ source: "meshes/plane.mesh"
+ skin: skin
+ materials: heartMaterial_material
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: base
+ }
+ }
+ // Animations:
+ Timeline {
+ id: heartTimeline
+ startFrame: 0
+ endFrame: 1334
+ currentFrame: 0
+ enabled: false
+ animations: TimelineAnimation {
+ id: heartAnimation
+ duration: 1334
+ from: 0
+ to: 1334
+ running: heartTimeline.enabled
+ loops: Animation.Infinite
+ alwaysRunToEnd: true
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: base
+ property: "scale"
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 0
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.897612, 0.897612, 0.897612)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 33.3333
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.898435, 0.898435, 0.898435)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 66.6667
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.900828, 0.900828, 0.900828)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 100
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.904679, 0.904679, 0.904679)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 133.333
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.909876, 0.909876, 0.909876)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 166.667
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.916307, 0.916307, 0.916307)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 200
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.92386, 0.92386, 0.92386)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 233.333
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.932423, 0.932423, 0.932423)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 266.667
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.941883, 0.941883, 0.941883)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 300
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.952128, 0.952128, 0.952128)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 333.333
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.963046, 0.963046, 0.963046)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 366.667
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.974525, 0.974525, 0.974525)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 400
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.986453, 0.986453, 0.986453)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 433.333
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.998717, 0.998717, 0.998717)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 466.667
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.01121, 1.01121, 1.01121)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 500
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.02381, 1.02381, 1.02381)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 533.333
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.03641, 1.03641, 1.03641)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 566.667
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.0489, 1.0489, 1.0489)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 600
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.06116, 1.06116, 1.06116)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 633.333
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.07309, 1.07309, 1.07309)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 666.667
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.08457, 1.08457, 1.08457)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 700
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.09548, 1.09548, 1.09548)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 733.333
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.10573, 1.10573, 1.10573)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 766.667
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.11519, 1.11519, 1.11519)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 800
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.12375, 1.12375, 1.12375)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 833.333
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.1313, 1.1313, 1.1313)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 866.667
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.13774, 1.13774, 1.13774)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 900
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.14293, 1.14293, 1.14293)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 933.333
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.14678, 1.14678, 1.14678)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 966.667
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.14918, 1.14918, 1.14918)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 1000
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.15, 1.15, 1.15)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 1033.33
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.14293, 1.14293, 1.14293)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 1066.67
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.12375, 1.12375, 1.12375)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 1100
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.09548, 1.09548, 1.09548)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 1133.33
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.06116, 1.06116, 1.06116)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 1166.67
+ value: Qt.vector3d(1.02381, 1.02381, 1.02381)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 1200
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.986453, 0.986453, 0.986453)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 1233.33
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.952128, 0.952128, 0.952128)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 1266.67
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.92386, 0.92386, 0.92386)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 1300
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.904679, 0.904679, 0.904679)
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 1333.33
+ value: Qt.vector3d(0.897612, 0.897612, 0.897612)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: __materialLibrary__
+ PrincipledMaterial {
+ id: heartMaterial_material
+ objectName: "heartMaterial_material"
+ baseColor: "#ff197c1a"
+ roughness: 0.09734514355659485
+ cullMode: PrincipledMaterial.NoCulling
+ alphaMode: PrincipledMaterial.Opaque
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/meshes/plane.mesh b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/meshes/plane.mesh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c35eb4e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/meshes/plane.mesh
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/qmldir b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/qmldir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdaba5ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/RobotHeart/qmldir
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+module Quick3DAssets.RobotHeart
+RobotHeart 1.0 RobotHeart.qml
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93d521f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+qt_add_library(VirtualAssistant STATIC)
+ URI "Quick3DAssets.VirtualAssistant"
+ VirtualAssistant.qml
+ meshes/body.mesh
+ meshes/mesh_107.mesh
+ meshes/mesh_108.mesh
+ meshes/mesh_109.mesh
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/VirtualAssistant.hints b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/VirtualAssistant.hints
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ef26ba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/VirtualAssistant.hints
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+visibleInNavigator: true
+canBeDroppedInFormEditor: false
+canBeDroppedInView3D: true
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/VirtualAssistant.qml b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/VirtualAssistant.qml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33f3191d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/VirtualAssistant.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,5988 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick3D
+import QtQuick.Timeline 1.0
+import Quick3DAssets.RobotHeart 1.0
+Node {
+ id: node
+ enum ANIMATION {
+ }
+ property int currentAnim: -1
+ property var timelineList: [entryTimeline, backflipTimeline, bouncingTimeline,
+ rightHandWavingTimeline, leftHandWavingTimeline, exitTimeline, exploreTimeline,
+ faceTimeline, heart.heartTimeline]
+ function restoreDefaults() {
+ base.x = 0;
+ base.z = 0;
+ base.y = 0;
+ base.eulerRotation.x = 0.12;
+ base.eulerRotation.y = 0;
+ base.eulerRotation.z = 0;
+ loweBody.y = -0.73;
+ loweBody.z = -0.25;
+ loweBody.eulerRotation.x = -6;
+ loweBody.eulerRotation.y = -144;
+ loweBody.eulerRotation.z = 175;
+ hand_l.x = 1.89;
+ hand_l.y = 0.5;
+ hand_l.z = 0;
+ hand_l.eulerRotation.x = -0.18;
+ hand_l.eulerRotation.y = -145;
+ hand_l.eulerRotation.z = -178.92;
+ hand_r.x = -1.89;
+ hand_r.y = 0.5;
+ hand_r.z = 0;
+ hand_r.eulerRotation.x = 10;
+ hand_r.eulerRotation.y = 210;
+ hand_r.eulerRotation.z = 185;
+ node.state = "";
+ node.currentAnim = -1;
+ }
+ function stopAnimation(timeline) {
+ timeline.currentFrame = 0;
+ timeline.enabled = false;
+ }
+ function stopAnimations() {
+ node.timelineList.forEach((timeline) => node.stopAnimation(timeline))
+ node.restoreDefaults();
+ }
+ function runAnimation(index: int) {
+ stopAnimations();
+ currentAnim = index;
+ }
+ function animateObject(pickedObject: string) {
+ node.stopAnimations();
+ switch (pickedObject) {
+ case "rightHand":
+ currentAnim = VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.RIGHTHAND;
+ break;
+ case "leftHand":
+ currentAnim = VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.LEFTHAND;
+ break;
+ case "lowerBody":
+ currentAnim = VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.BOUNCING;
+ break;
+ case "face":
+ currentAnim = VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.FACE;
+ break;
+ case "chest":
+ currentAnim = VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.HEART;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Skin {
+ id: skin
+ joints: [
+ base,
+ chest,
+ loweBody,
+ head,
+ face,
+ hand_l,
+ hand_l_thumb1,
+ hand_l_thumb2,
+ hand_l_index1,
+ hand_l_index2,
+ hand_l_middle1,
+ hand_l_middle2,
+ hand_l_pinky1,
+ hand_l_pinky2,
+ hand_r,
+ hand_r_thumb1,
+ hand_r_thumb2,
+ hand_r_index1,
+ hand_r_index2,
+ hand_r_middle1,
+ hand_r_middle2,
+ hand_r_pinky1,
+ hand_r_pinky2
+ ]
+ inverseBindPoses: [
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1.61245, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.813694, 0.0862685, -0.574857, -0.218272, 0.0100981, -0.990875, -0.134407, 0.844787, -0.581196, 0.103562, -0.807129, -0.29807, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 1.1016e-07, -3.48602e-07, 1.04242e-06, -1.10184e-07, 1, -6.87816e-05, -3.40188, 3.48594e-07, 6.87816e-05, 1, 0.302907, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 3.89414e-07, 0, -4.74221e-07, -2.75972e-14, -2.1173e-09, 1, 0.303307, 3.89414e-07, -1, 0, 5.80965, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.807687, 0.0365695, -0.588477, -1.58809, -0.00161026, -0.997934, -0.0642243, 1.59698, -0.589607, 0.0528207, -0.805956, 1.03229, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.471935, -0.631058, -0.615665, -0.244144, -0.802655, -0.59643, -0.0039282, 2.15297, -0.364719, 0.496022, -0.787995, 0.136329, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.36442, -0.489526, -0.792187, -0.198617, -0.802136, -0.59714, 3.03982e-06, 1.54657, -0.473046, 0.635443, -0.610273, 0.197515, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.80901, 0.00417731, -0.58778, -1.55616, 0.00231045, -0.99999, -0.00392679, 1.05789, -0.587788, 0.0018186, -0.809008, 1.08293, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.809015, 6.30314e-07, -0.587788, -1.55427, 4.87695e-07, -1, -4.01388e-07, 0.455413, -0.587785, -1.46701e-07, -0.809012, 1.08375, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.727117, 0.374232, -0.575545, -1.79386, 0.455163, -0.890399, -0.00392529, 0.0841881, -0.513931, -0.259114, -0.817758, 1.22003, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.652225, 0.330656, -0.682106, -1.61257, 0.452176, -0.891928, -2.05635e-06, -0.515896, -0.608389, -0.308432, -0.731249, 1.45386, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.468741, 0.681976, -0.561418, -1.6312, 0.822592, -0.568617, -0.00392005, -0.953233, -0.321902, -0.459983, -0.827519, 1.06958, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.24794, 0.355874, -0.901042, -0.881577, 0.820497, -0.571648, -3.36765e-06, -1.55446, -0.515079, -0.739305, -0.433726, 1.74657, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.812441, 0.0011587, -0.583043, 1.54508, 0.00957059, -0.99989, 0.011349, 1.60009, -0.582965, -0.0148005, -0.812362, -1.11435, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.474129, 0.644705, -0.59963, 0.22274, 0.808336, -0.588689, 0.00621243, 2.16486, -0.34899, -0.487648, -0.800253, -0.170718, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.370615, 0.494446, -0.786237, 0.176631, 0.807807, -0.58936, 0.010149, 1.5583, -0.458358, -0.638889, -0.617842, -0.219792, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.829668, 0.0243892, -0.557723, 1.55416, 0.0343586, -0.999382, 0.00740889, 1.11285, -0.557198, -0.0253095, -0.829994, -1.05429, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.814631, 0.00121515, -0.579979, 1.53562, 0.00957154, -0.99989, 0.0113491, 0.458829, -0.579901, -0.0147966, -0.814552, -1.10174, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.733453, -0.368831, -0.570973, 1.7816, -0.446605, -0.894721, 0.00426911, 0.0820569, -0.512437, 0.251868, -0.820958, -1.25878, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.658706, -0.332259, -0.675064, 1.59829, -0.443617, -0.896179, 0.00822179, -0.518127, -0.60771, 0.294054, -0.737714, -1.48719, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.476947, -0.675082, -0.562837, 1.61132, -0.817091, -0.576508, -0.000921175, -0.960906, -0.323859, 0.460329, -0.826567, -1.1161, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.254105, -0.362079, -0.896844, 0.849964, -0.814982, -0.579478, 0.00303894, -1.56224, -0.520802, 0.73014, -0.442337, -1.77263, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ ]
+ }
+ Skin {
+ id: skin15
+ joints: [
+ base,
+ chest,
+ loweBody,
+ head,
+ face,
+ hand_l,
+ hand_l_thumb1,
+ hand_l_thumb2,
+ hand_l_index1,
+ hand_l_index2,
+ hand_l_middle1,
+ hand_l_middle2,
+ hand_l_pinky1,
+ hand_l_pinky2,
+ hand_r,
+ hand_r_thumb1,
+ hand_r_thumb2,
+ hand_r_index1,
+ hand_r_index2,
+ hand_r_middle1,
+ hand_r_middle2,
+ hand_r_pinky1,
+ hand_r_pinky2
+ ]
+ inverseBindPoses: [
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1.61245, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.813694, 0.0862685, -0.574857, -0.218272, 0.0100981, -0.990875, -0.134407, 0.844787, -0.581196, 0.103562, -0.807129, -0.29807, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 1.1016e-07, -3.48602e-07, 1.04242e-06, -1.10184e-07, 1, -6.87816e-05, -3.40188, 3.48594e-07, 6.87816e-05, 1, 0.302907, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 3.89414e-07, 0, -4.74221e-07, -2.75972e-14, -2.1173e-09, 1, 0.303307, 3.89414e-07, -1, 0, 5.80965, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.807687, 0.0365695, -0.588477, -1.58809, -0.00161026, -0.997934, -0.0642243, 1.59698, -0.589607, 0.0528207, -0.805956, 1.03229, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.471935, -0.631058, -0.615665, -0.244144, -0.802655, -0.59643, -0.0039282, 2.15297, -0.364719, 0.496022, -0.787995, 0.136329, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.36442, -0.489526, -0.792187, -0.198617, -0.802136, -0.59714, 3.03982e-06, 1.54657, -0.473046, 0.635443, -0.610273, 0.197515, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.80901, 0.00417731, -0.58778, -1.55616, 0.00231045, -0.99999, -0.00392679, 1.05789, -0.587788, 0.0018186, -0.809008, 1.08293, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.809015, 6.30314e-07, -0.587788, -1.55427, 4.87695e-07, -1, -4.01388e-07, 0.455413, -0.587785, -1.46701e-07, -0.809012, 1.08375, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.727117, 0.374232, -0.575545, -1.79386, 0.455163, -0.890399, -0.00392529, 0.0841881, -0.513931, -0.259114, -0.817758, 1.22003, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.652225, 0.330656, -0.682106, -1.61257, 0.452176, -0.891928, -2.05635e-06, -0.515896, -0.608389, -0.308432, -0.731249, 1.45386, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.468741, 0.681976, -0.561418, -1.6312, 0.822592, -0.568617, -0.00392005, -0.953233, -0.321902, -0.459983, -0.827519, 1.06958, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.24794, 0.355874, -0.901042, -0.881577, 0.820497, -0.571648, -3.36765e-06, -1.55446, -0.515079, -0.739305, -0.433726, 1.74657, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.812441, 0.0011587, -0.583043, 1.54508, 0.00957059, -0.99989, 0.011349, 1.60009, -0.582965, -0.0148005, -0.812362, -1.11435, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.474129, 0.644705, -0.59963, 0.22274, 0.808336, -0.588689, 0.00621243, 2.16486, -0.34899, -0.487648, -0.800253, -0.170718, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.370615, 0.494446, -0.786237, 0.176631, 0.807807, -0.58936, 0.010149, 1.5583, -0.458358, -0.638889, -0.617842, -0.219792, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.829668, 0.0243892, -0.557723, 1.55416, 0.0343586, -0.999382, 0.00740889, 1.11285, -0.557198, -0.0253095, -0.829994, -1.05429, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.814631, 0.00121515, -0.579979, 1.53562, 0.00957154, -0.99989, 0.0113491, 0.458829, -0.579901, -0.0147966, -0.814552, -1.10174, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.733453, -0.368831, -0.570973, 1.7816, -0.446605, -0.894721, 0.00426911, 0.0820569, -0.512437, 0.251868, -0.820958, -1.25878, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.658706, -0.332259, -0.675064, 1.59829, -0.443617, -0.896179, 0.00822179, -0.518127, -0.60771, 0.294054, -0.737714, -1.48719, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.476947, -0.675082, -0.562837, 1.61132, -0.817091, -0.576508, -0.000921175, -0.960906, -0.323859, 0.460329, -0.826567, -1.1161, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.254105, -0.362079, -0.896844, 0.849964, -0.814982, -0.579478, 0.00303894, -1.56224, -0.520802, 0.73014, -0.442337, -1.77263, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ ]
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget17
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget18
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget19
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget20
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget21
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget22
+ weight: 1
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget23
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ Skin {
+ id: skin26
+ joints: [
+ base,
+ chest,
+ loweBody,
+ head,
+ face,
+ hand_l,
+ hand_l_thumb1,
+ hand_l_thumb2,
+ hand_l_index1,
+ hand_l_index2,
+ hand_l_middle1,
+ hand_l_middle2,
+ hand_l_pinky1,
+ hand_l_pinky2,
+ hand_r,
+ hand_r_thumb1,
+ hand_r_thumb2,
+ hand_r_index1,
+ hand_r_index2,
+ hand_r_middle1,
+ hand_r_middle2,
+ hand_r_pinky1,
+ hand_r_pinky2
+ ]
+ inverseBindPoses: [
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1.61245, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.813694, 0.0862685, -0.574857, -0.218272, 0.0100981, -0.990875, -0.134407, 0.844787, -0.581196, 0.103562, -0.807129, -0.29807, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 1.1016e-07, -3.48602e-07, 1.04242e-06, -1.10184e-07, 1, -6.87816e-05, -3.40188, 3.48594e-07, 6.87816e-05, 1, 0.302907, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 3.89414e-07, 0, -4.74221e-07, -2.75972e-14, -2.1173e-09, 1, 0.303307, 3.89414e-07, -1, 0, 5.80965, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.807687, 0.0365695, -0.588477, -1.58809, -0.00161026, -0.997934, -0.0642243, 1.59698, -0.589607, 0.0528207, -0.805956, 1.03229, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.471935, -0.631058, -0.615665, -0.244144, -0.802655, -0.59643, -0.0039282, 2.15297, -0.364719, 0.496022, -0.787995, 0.136329, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.36442, -0.489526, -0.792187, -0.198617, -0.802136, -0.59714, 3.03982e-06, 1.54657, -0.473046, 0.635443, -0.610273, 0.197515, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.80901, 0.00417731, -0.58778, -1.55616, 0.00231045, -0.99999, -0.00392679, 1.05789, -0.587788, 0.0018186, -0.809008, 1.08293, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.809015, 6.30314e-07, -0.587788, -1.55427, 4.87695e-07, -1, -4.01388e-07, 0.455413, -0.587785, -1.46701e-07, -0.809012, 1.08375, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.727117, 0.374232, -0.575545, -1.79386, 0.455163, -0.890399, -0.00392529, 0.0841881, -0.513931, -0.259114, -0.817758, 1.22003, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.652225, 0.330656, -0.682106, -1.61257, 0.452176, -0.891928, -2.05635e-06, -0.515896, -0.608389, -0.308432, -0.731249, 1.45386, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.468741, 0.681976, -0.561418, -1.6312, 0.822592, -0.568617, -0.00392005, -0.953233, -0.321902, -0.459983, -0.827519, 1.06958, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.24794, 0.355874, -0.901042, -0.881577, 0.820497, -0.571648, -3.36765e-06, -1.55446, -0.515079, -0.739305, -0.433726, 1.74657, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.812441, 0.0011587, -0.583043, 1.54508, 0.00957059, -0.99989, 0.011349, 1.60009, -0.582965, -0.0148005, -0.812362, -1.11435, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.474129, 0.644705, -0.59963, 0.22274, 0.808336, -0.588689, 0.00621243, 2.16486, -0.34899, -0.487648, -0.800253, -0.170718, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.370615, 0.494446, -0.786237, 0.176631, 0.807807, -0.58936, 0.010149, 1.5583, -0.458358, -0.638889, -0.617842, -0.219792, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.829668, 0.0243892, -0.557723, 1.55416, 0.0343586, -0.999382, 0.00740889, 1.11285, -0.557198, -0.0253095, -0.829994, -1.05429, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.814631, 0.00121515, -0.579979, 1.53562, 0.00957154, -0.99989, 0.0113491, 0.458829, -0.579901, -0.0147966, -0.814552, -1.10174, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.733453, -0.368831, -0.570973, 1.7816, -0.446605, -0.894721, 0.00426911, 0.0820569, -0.512437, 0.251868, -0.820958, -1.25878, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.658706, -0.332259, -0.675064, 1.59829, -0.443617, -0.896179, 0.00822179, -0.518127, -0.60771, 0.294054, -0.737714, -1.48719, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.476947, -0.675082, -0.562837, 1.61132, -0.817091, -0.576508, -0.000921175, -0.960906, -0.323859, 0.460329, -0.826567, -1.1161, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.254105, -0.362079, -0.896844, 0.849964, -0.814982, -0.579478, 0.00303894, -1.56224, -0.520802, 0.73014, -0.442337, -1.77263, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ ]
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget27
+ weight: 0
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget28
+ weight: 1
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget29
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget30
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget31
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget32
+ weight: 0
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget33
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget34
+ weight: 0
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ Skin {
+ id: skin37
+ joints: [
+ base,
+ chest,
+ loweBody,
+ head,
+ face,
+ hand_l,
+ hand_l_thumb1,
+ hand_l_thumb2,
+ hand_l_index1,
+ hand_l_index2,
+ hand_l_middle1,
+ hand_l_middle2,
+ hand_l_pinky1,
+ hand_l_pinky2,
+ hand_r,
+ hand_r_thumb1,
+ hand_r_thumb2,
+ hand_r_index1,
+ hand_r_index2,
+ hand_r_middle1,
+ hand_r_middle2,
+ hand_r_pinky1,
+ hand_r_pinky2
+ ]
+ inverseBindPoses: [
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1.61245, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.813694, 0.0862685, -0.574857, -0.218272, 0.0100981, -0.990875, -0.134407, 0.844787, -0.581196, 0.103562, -0.807129, -0.29807, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 1.1016e-07, -3.48602e-07, 1.04242e-06, -1.10184e-07, 1, -6.87816e-05, -3.40188, 3.48594e-07, 6.87816e-05, 1, 0.302907, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(1, 3.89414e-07, 0, -4.74221e-07, -2.75972e-14, -2.1173e-09, 1, 0.303307, 3.89414e-07, -1, 0, 5.80965, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.807687, 0.0365695, -0.588477, -1.58809, -0.00161026, -0.997934, -0.0642243, 1.59698, -0.589607, 0.0528207, -0.805956, 1.03229, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.471935, -0.631058, -0.615665, -0.244144, -0.802655, -0.59643, -0.0039282, 2.15297, -0.364719, 0.496022, -0.787995, 0.136329, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.36442, -0.489526, -0.792187, -0.198617, -0.802136, -0.59714, 3.03982e-06, 1.54657, -0.473046, 0.635443, -0.610273, 0.197515, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.80901, 0.00417731, -0.58778, -1.55616, 0.00231045, -0.99999, -0.00392679, 1.05789, -0.587788, 0.0018186, -0.809008, 1.08293, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.809015, 6.30314e-07, -0.587788, -1.55427, 4.87695e-07, -1, -4.01388e-07, 0.455413, -0.587785, -1.46701e-07, -0.809012, 1.08375, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.727117, 0.374232, -0.575545, -1.79386, 0.455163, -0.890399, -0.00392529, 0.0841881, -0.513931, -0.259114, -0.817758, 1.22003, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.652225, 0.330656, -0.682106, -1.61257, 0.452176, -0.891928, -2.05635e-06, -0.515896, -0.608389, -0.308432, -0.731249, 1.45386, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.468741, 0.681976, -0.561418, -1.6312, 0.822592, -0.568617, -0.00392005, -0.953233, -0.321902, -0.459983, -0.827519, 1.06958, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.24794, 0.355874, -0.901042, -0.881577, 0.820497, -0.571648, -3.36765e-06, -1.55446, -0.515079, -0.739305, -0.433726, 1.74657, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.812441, 0.0011587, -0.583043, 1.54508, 0.00957059, -0.99989, 0.011349, 1.60009, -0.582965, -0.0148005, -0.812362, -1.11435, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.474129, 0.644705, -0.59963, 0.22274, 0.808336, -0.588689, 0.00621243, 2.16486, -0.34899, -0.487648, -0.800253, -0.170718, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.370615, 0.494446, -0.786237, 0.176631, 0.807807, -0.58936, 0.010149, 1.5583, -0.458358, -0.638889, -0.617842, -0.219792, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.829668, 0.0243892, -0.557723, 1.55416, 0.0343586, -0.999382, 0.00740889, 1.11285, -0.557198, -0.0253095, -0.829994, -1.05429, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.814631, 0.00121515, -0.579979, 1.53562, 0.00957154, -0.99989, 0.0113491, 0.458829, -0.579901, -0.0147966, -0.814552, -1.10174, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.733453, -0.368831, -0.570973, 1.7816, -0.446605, -0.894721, 0.00426911, 0.0820569, -0.512437, 0.251868, -0.820958, -1.25878, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.658706, -0.332259, -0.675064, 1.59829, -0.443617, -0.896179, 0.00822179, -0.518127, -0.60771, 0.294054, -0.737714, -1.48719, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.476947, -0.675082, -0.562837, 1.61132, -0.817091, -0.576508, -0.000921175, -0.960906, -0.323859, 0.460329, -0.826567, -1.1161, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ Qt.matrix4x4(0.254105, -0.362079, -0.896844, 0.849964, -0.814982, -0.579478, 0.00303894, -1.56224, -0.520802, 0.73014, -0.442337, -1.77263, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+ ]
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget38
+ weight: 1
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget39
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget40
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget41
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget42
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ MorphTarget {
+ id: morphTarget43
+ attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
+ }
+ // Nodes:
+ Node {
+ id: assistantArmature
+ Model {
+ id: body
+ x: 0.018
+ y: -0.215
+ source: "meshes/body.mesh"
+ z: 0.03802
+ skin: skin
+ materials: [
+ headGlass_material,
+ bodyMaterial_material,
+ faceScreen_material,
+ bodyDarker_material,
+ chestScreen_m_material
+ ]
+ }
+ Model {
+ id: eye_l
+ source: "meshes/mesh_109.mesh"
+ skin: skin15
+ materials: surfaceShader1_material
+ morphTargets: [
+ morphTarget,
+ morphTarget17,
+ morphTarget18,
+ morphTarget19,
+ morphTarget20,
+ morphTarget21,
+ morphTarget22,
+ morphTarget23
+ ]
+ }
+ Model {
+ id: eye_r
+ source: "meshes/mesh_107.mesh"
+ skin: skin26
+ materials: surfaceShader1_material
+ morphTargets: [
+ morphTarget27,
+ morphTarget28,
+ morphTarget29,
+ morphTarget30,
+ morphTarget31,
+ morphTarget32,
+ morphTarget33,
+ morphTarget34
+ ]
+ }
+ Model {
+ id: mouth
+ source: "meshes/mesh_108.mesh"
+ skin: skin37
+ materials: surfaceShader1_material
+ morphTargets: [
+ morphTarget38,
+ morphTarget39,
+ morphTarget40,
+ morphTarget41,
+ morphTarget42,
+ morphTarget43
+ ]
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: base
+ x: 0
+ eulerRotation.z: 0
+ Node {
+ id: chest
+ y: 1.6124529838562012
+ RobotHeart {
+ id: heart
+ x: 0
+ y: 0.5
+ z: 0.78
+ heartAnimation.onFinished: node.restoreDefaults()
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: loweBody
+ x: -0.004165101796388626
+ y: -0.7256757020950317
+ z: -0.25251561403274536
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(-0.0626087, 0.950225, 0.0253533, -0.304155)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 0.84
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: head
+ x: -1.5228409893097705e-06
+ y: 1.7894086837768555
+ z: -0.3031412661075592
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(1, -3.43908e-05, 1.74299e-07, 5.50858e-08)
+ Node {
+ id: face
+ x: 1.0658141036401503e-13
+ y: 2.4077866077423096
+ z: 7.595476247956867e-09
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.707082, 0.707131, -2.45256e-08, 2.2198e-07)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ }
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: hand_l
+ x: 1.89
+ y: 0.5
+ eulerRotation.z: -180
+ eulerRotation.y: -145
+ eulerRotation.x: 0
+ z: 0
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ Node {
+ id: hand_l_thumb1
+ x: -1.3783574104309082e-07
+ y: 0.5359349250793457
+ z: 1.4901161193847656e-07
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.893516, 0.248658, 0.000745812, 0.373896)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ Node {
+ id: hand_l_thumb2
+ x: -8.568167686462402e-08
+ y: 0.6063140034675598
+ z: 8.195638656616211e-08
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.992124, -0.00169711, -0.125246, 0.00108482)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ }
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: hand_l_index1
+ x: -1.3783574104309082e-07
+ y: 0.5359349250793457
+ z: 1.4901161193847656e-07
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.999542, -0.0255386, 0.00111382, 0.016175)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ Node {
+ id: hand_l_index2
+ x: 6.01867213845253e-08
+ y: 0.6069974303245544
+ z: 5.390029400587082e-08
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.999997, -0.000909374, 2.75425e-07, 0.00208834)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ }
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: hand_l_middle1
+ x: -1.3783574104309082e-07
+ y: 0.5359349250793457
+ z: 1.4901161193847656e-07
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.971617, -0.160599, 0.000448361, -0.173691)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ Node {
+ id: hand_l_middle2
+ x: -2.2351741790771484e-08
+ y: 0.6075053811073303
+ z: -1.4901161193847656e-08
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.997639, -0.000465468, -0.0686245, 0.00253881)
+ scale.x: 0.99
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ }
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: hand_l_pinky1
+ x: -1.3783574104309082e-07
+ y: 0.5359349250793457
+ z: 1.4901161193847656e-07
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.884977, -0.289438, -0.000556779, -0.364748)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ Node {
+ id: hand_l_pinky2
+ x: 2.421438694000244e-08
+ y: 0.6085596084594727
+ z: -7.82310962677002e-08
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.965603, 0.000116328, -0.260006, 0.00268633)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: hand_r
+ x: -1.89
+ y: 0.5
+ eulerRotation.z: 185
+ eulerRotation.y: 210
+ eulerRotation.x: 10
+ z: 0
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ Node {
+ id: hand_r_thumb1
+ x: -5.855690687894821e-08
+ y: 0.5341170430183411
+ z: 2.2351741790771484e-08
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.893414, -0.263802, -0.00523041, -0.363584)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ Node {
+ id: hand_r_thumb2
+ x: -5.960464477539063e-08
+ y: 0.6063126921653748
+ z: 8.195638656616211e-08
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.991448, -0.0011092, -0.130483, 0.0016812)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ }
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: hand_r_index1
+ x: -5.855690687894821e-08
+ y: 0.5341170430183411
+ z: 2.2351741790771484e-08
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.9998, -0.00545401, 0.0155425, -0.0113054)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ Node {
+ id: hand_r_index2
+ x: 7.450580596923828e-09
+ y: 0.6073394417762756
+ z: 2.421438694000244e-08
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.999828, 0.0054324, -0.0136597, 0.0113152)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ }
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: hand_r_middle1
+ x: -5.855690687894821e-08
+ y: 0.5341170430183411
+ z: 2.2351741790771484e-08
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.972198, 0.137881, 0.00537494, 0.189183)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ Node {
+ id: hand_r_middle2
+ x: 4.377216100692749e-08
+ y: 0.607505738735199
+ z: -1.5832483768463135e-07
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.997774, -0.00258153, -0.0666323, -6.41172e-05)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ }
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: hand_r_pinky1
+ x: -5.855690687894821e-08
+ y: 0.5341170430183411
+ z: 2.2351741790771484e-08
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.88557, 0.270553, 0.00851581, 0.377484)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ Node {
+ id: hand_r_pinky2
+ x: -1.4808028936386108e-07
+ y: 0.6085614562034607
+ z: -2.1420419216156006e-08
+ rotation: Qt.quaternion(0.967055, -0.00267332, -0.254553, 0.000299689)
+ scale.x: 1
+ scale.y: 1
+ scale.z: 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: __materialLibrary__
+ PrincipledMaterial {
+ id: headGlass_material
+ objectName: "headGlass_material"
+ baseColor: "#5e000000"
+ roughness: 0.10892388224601746
+ cullMode: PrincipledMaterial.NoCulling
+ alphaMode: PrincipledMaterial.Blend
+ transmissionFactor: 1
+ indexOfRefraction: 1.4500000476837158
+ }
+ PrincipledMaterial {
+ id: bodyMaterial_material
+ objectName: "bodyMaterial_material"
+ baseColor: "#ff808080"
+ roughness: 0.5527864098548889
+ cullMode: PrincipledMaterial.NoCulling
+ alphaMode: PrincipledMaterial.Opaque
+ }
+ PrincipledMaterial {
+ id: faceScreen_material
+ objectName: "faceScreen_material"
+ baseColor: "#ff000000"
+ metalness: 0.5
+ cullMode: PrincipledMaterial.NoCulling
+ alphaMode: PrincipledMaterial.Opaque
+ }
+ PrincipledMaterial {
+ id: bodyDarker_material
+ objectName: "bodyDarker_material"
+ baseColor: "#ff292929"
+ roughness: 0.5
+ cullMode: PrincipledMaterial.NoCulling
+ alphaMode: PrincipledMaterial.Opaque
+ }
+ PrincipledMaterial {
+ id: chestScreen_m_material
+ objectName: "chestScreen_m_material"
+ baseColor: "#000000"
+ roughness: 0.5
+ cullMode: PrincipledMaterial.NoCulling
+ alphaMode: PrincipledMaterial.Opaque
+ }
+ PrincipledMaterial {
+ id: surfaceShader1_material
+ objectName: "surfaceShader1_material"
+ baseColor: "#ff079314"
+ roughness: 0.5527864098548889
+ cullMode: PrincipledMaterial.NoCulling
+ alphaMode: PrincipledMaterial.Opaque
+ }
+ }
+ Model {
+ id: rightHand
+ objectName: "rightHand"
+ position: hand_r.position
+ opacity: 0
+ source: "#Sphere"
+ pivot.y: -40
+ scale.x: 0.02
+ scale.y: 0.02
+ scale.z: 0.02
+ pickable: node.state === ""
+ }
+ Model {
+ id: leftHand
+ objectName: "leftHand"
+ position: hand_l.position
+ opacity: 0
+ source: "#Sphere"
+ pivot.y: -40
+ scale.x: 0.02
+ scale.y: 0.02
+ scale.z: 0.02
+ pickable: node.state === ""
+ }
+ Model {
+ id: lowerBody
+ objectName: "lowerBody"
+ position: loweBody.position
+ opacity: 0
+ source: "#Sphere"
+ pivot.y: -120
+ scale.x: 0.01
+ scale.z: 0.01
+ scale.y: 0.01
+ pickable: node.state === ""
+ }
+ Model {
+ id: faceSphere
+ objectName: "face"
+ position: face.position
+ opacity: 0
+ source: "#Sphere"
+ pivot.y: -80
+ scale.x: 0.04
+ scale.z: 0.04
+ scale.y: 0.04
+ pickable: node.state === ""
+ }
+ Model {
+ id: chestSphere
+ objectName: "chest"
+ position: node.position
+ opacity: 0
+ source: "#Sphere"
+ pivot.y: -110
+ scale.x: 0.02
+ scale.z: 0.02
+ scale.y: 0.02
+ pickable: node.state === ""
+ }
+ // Animations:
+ Timeline {
+ id: entryTimeline
+ animations: [
+ TimelineAnimation {
+ id: entryAnimation
+ onFinished: node.restoreDefaults()
+ running: false
+ loops: 1
+ duration: 10500
+ to: 10500
+ from: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ startFrame: 0
+ endFrame: 10500
+ enabled: false
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget38
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.25
+ frame: 1800
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.25
+ frame: 10000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 10500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget42
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.75
+ frame: 1800
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.75
+ frame: 10000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 10500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget27
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1800
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 7499
+ value: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 7252
+ value: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 7000
+ value: 1
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget28
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1800
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 9750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 10250
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1310
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1800
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 7000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 7500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 7250
+ value: 0
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget17
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1800
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget21
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 7000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 7250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 7500
+ value: 0
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget22
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 7250
+ value: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ frame: 7500
+ value: 1
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.07
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.07
+ frame: 1000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.77,0,0.175,1,1,1]
+ value: 2.49
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.77,0,0.175,1,1,1]
+ value: 0.59
+ frame: 2300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1.89
+ frame: 2500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1.89
+ frame: 7000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.75
+ frame: 7400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.75
+ frame: 9700
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1.89
+ frame: 10500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.5
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.5
+ frame: 1000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.4
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.2
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.77,0,0.175,1,1,1]
+ value: 0.3
+ frame: 2300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.5
+ frame: 2500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.39,0.575,0.565,1,1,1]
+ value: -0.25
+ frame: 4100
+ }
+ Keyframe {
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+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.55,0.055,0.675,0.19,1,1]
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+ value: 185
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+ Timeline {
+ id: bouncingTimeline
+ animations: [
+ TimelineAnimation {
+ id: bouncingAnimation
+ onFinished: node.restoreDefaults()
+ running: false
+ loops: 1
+ duration: 2000
+ to: 2000
+ from: 0
+ }
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+ property: "scale.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.445,0.05,0.55,0.95,1,1]
+ value: 0.7
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.84
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: base
+ property: "y"
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.645,0.045,0.355,1,1,1]
+ value: -1
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.445,0.05,0.55,0.95,1,1]
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "y"
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.455,0.03,0.515,0.955,1,1]
+ value: 0
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.5
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r
+ property: "y"
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.455,0.03,0.515,0.955,1,1]
+ value: 0
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.5
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Timeline {
+ id: rightHandWavingTimeline
+ animations: [
+ TimelineAnimation {
+ id: rightHandWavingAnimation
+ onFinished: node.restoreDefaults()
+ pingPong: false
+ running: false
+ loops: 1
+ duration: 2000
+ to: 2000
+ from: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ startFrame: 0
+ endFrame: 2000
+ enabled: false
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r
+ property: "x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -2.89
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -1.89
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -2.89
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r
+ property: "y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.5
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r
+ property: "z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r
+ property: "eulerRotation.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 49
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 10
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 49
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 9
+ frame: 700
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 9
+ frame: 1300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 49
+ frame: 1000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 10
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r
+ property: "eulerRotation.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 3
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 210
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 3
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 210
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r
+ property: "eulerRotation.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 84
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 185
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 84
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 4
+ frame: 700
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 4
+ frame: 1300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 84
+ frame: 1000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 184
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget27
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget28
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget38
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.25
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.25
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget42
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.75
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.75
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Timeline {
+ id: exitTimeline
+ animations: [
+ TimelineAnimation {
+ id: exitAnimation
+ onFinished: node.restoreDefaults()
+ running: false
+ loops: 1
+ duration: 3000
+ to: 3000
+ from: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ startFrame: 0
+ endFrame: 3000
+ enabled: false
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "eulerRotation.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -3.03
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -3.03
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "eulerRotation.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 28
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 28
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "eulerRotation.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -86.05
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -86.05
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1.89
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.07
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.5
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.1
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r
+ property: "x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -1.89
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.07
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r
+ property: "y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.5
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r
+ property: "z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.1
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r
+ property: "eulerRotation.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 86
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 86
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r
+ property: "eulerRotation.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -10
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -10
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r
+ property: "eulerRotation.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 108
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 108
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l_thumb2
+ property: "scale.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l_thumb2
+ property: "scale.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l_thumb2
+ property: "scale.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l_index2
+ property: "scale.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l_index2
+ property: "scale.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l_index2
+ property: "scale.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l_middle2
+ property: "scale.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.99
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l_middle2
+ property: "scale.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l_middle2
+ property: "scale.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l_pinky2
+ property: "scale.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l_pinky2
+ property: "scale.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l_pinky2
+ property: "scale.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r_thumb2
+ property: "scale.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r_thumb2
+ property: "scale.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r_thumb2
+ property: "scale.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r_index2
+ property: "scale.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r_index2
+ property: "scale.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r_index2
+ property: "scale.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r_middle2
+ property: "scale.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r_middle2
+ property: "scale.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r_middle2
+ property: "scale.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r_pinky2
+ property: "scale.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r_pinky2
+ property: "scale.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_r_pinky2
+ property: "scale.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: loweBody
+ property: "y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.72568
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.2
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.3
+ frame: 850
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: loweBody
+ property: "z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.5
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.5
+ frame: 750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 850
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: base
+ property: "z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -3
+ frame: 850
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -80
+ frame: 3000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: base
+ property: "x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -2
+ frame: 850
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.215,0.61,0.355,1,1,1]
+ value: 30
+ frame: 3000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: base
+ property: "eulerRotation.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 10
+ frame: 850
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: base
+ property: "eulerRotation.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 30
+ frame: 850
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 130
+ frame: 1200
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: base
+ property: "y"
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.316,0.525,0.744,1.42,1,1]
+ value: -1
+ frame: 850
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -2
+ frame: 3000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: loweBody
+ property: "eulerRotation.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -50
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: loweBody
+ property: "eulerRotation.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -172
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: loweBody
+ property: "eulerRotation.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 173
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //! [wavingAnim]
+ Timeline {
+ id: leftHandWavingTimeline
+ animations: [
+ TimelineAnimation {
+ id: leftHandWavingAnimation
+ onFinished: node.restoreDefaults()
+ running: false
+ loops: 1
+ duration: 2000
+ to: 2000
+ from: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ startFrame: 0
+ endFrame: 2000
+ enabled: false
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 2.89
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 2.89
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1.89
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.5
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.1
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "eulerRotation.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -15
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -5
+ frame: 700
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -15
+ frame: 1000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -5
+ frame: 1300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -15
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -0.18
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "eulerRotation.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -15
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -30
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -145
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -40
+ frame: 700
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: hand_l
+ property: "eulerRotation.z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -88
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -30
+ frame: 700
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -86.05
+ frame: 1000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -30
+ frame: 1300
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -86.05
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -178.92
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget38
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.25
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.25
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget42
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.75
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.75
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget27
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget28
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1600
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 400
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //! [wavingAnim]
+ Timeline {
+ id: exploreTimeline
+ animations: [
+ TimelineAnimation {
+ id: exploreAnimation
+ onFinished: node.restoreDefaults()
+ running: false
+ loops: 1
+ duration: 10250
+ to: 10250
+ from: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ startFrame: 0
+ endFrame: 10250
+ enabled: false
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: base
+ property: "x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.25,0.46,0.45,0.94,1,1]
+ value: 10
+ frame: 1000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 11
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 50
+ frame: 3500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.25,0.46,0.45,0.94,1,1]
+ value: 0
+ frame: 5500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.445,0.05,0.55,0.95,1,1]
+ value: -30
+ frame: 8000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.6,-0.28,0.735,0.045,1,1]
+ value: 0
+ frame: 9700
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: base
+ property: "y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.6,-0.28,0.735,0.045,1,1]
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.55,0.085,0.68,0.53,1,1]
+ value: 2
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.175,0.885,0.32,1.27,1,1]
+ value: 10
+ frame: 3500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.215,0.61,0.355,1,1,1]
+ value: 0
+ frame: 5500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.895,0.03,0.685,0.22,1,1]
+ value: 20
+ frame: 8000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.55,0.085,0.68,0.53,1,1]
+ value: 0
+ frame: 9700
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: base
+ property: "z"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -50
+ frame: 3500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -50
+ frame: 5500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -70
+ frame: 8000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.47,0,0.745,0.715,1,1]
+ value: 0
+ frame: 9700
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: base
+ property: "eulerRotation.x"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 5
+ frame: 1000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -5
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 10
+ frame: 3500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 10
+ frame: 5500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: -10
+ frame: 8000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 9700
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: base
+ property: "eulerRotation.y"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 40
+ frame: 1000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 40
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 140
+ frame: 3500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 180
+ frame: 5500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 270
+ frame: 4000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 680
+ frame: 8000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 590
+ frame: 6500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ easing.bezierCurve: [0.68,-0.55,0.265,1.55,1,1]
+ value: 720
+ frame: 9700
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget38
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 9700
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 10250
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget39
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 10250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 9700
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget28
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 10250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 9700
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget27
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 9700
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 10250
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Timeline {
+ id: faceTimeline
+ animations: [
+ TimelineAnimation {
+ id: faceAnimation
+ onFinished: node.restoreDefaults()
+ running: false
+ loops: 1
+ duration: 5000
+ to: 5000
+ from: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ startFrame: 0
+ endFrame: 5000
+ enabled: false
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget27
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget28
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 3000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 3250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 4750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 5000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget38
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.25
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.25
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 3000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 3500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 4500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 5000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget42
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.75
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0.75
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget32
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 3000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 3250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 3500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 4500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 4750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 5000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget22
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 3000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 3250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 4750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 5000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget21
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 1500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 1750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 2000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 3000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 3250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 3500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 4500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 4750
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 5000
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget34
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 3250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 3500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 4500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 4750
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget23
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 3250
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 3500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 4500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 4750
+ }
+ }
+ KeyframeGroup {
+ target: morphTarget40
+ property: "weight"
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 0
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 3000
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 3500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 1
+ frame: 4500
+ }
+ Keyframe {
+ value: 0
+ frame: 5000
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "EntryAnimation"
+ when: node.currentAnim === VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.ENTRY
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: entryTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: entryAnimation
+ running: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: heart.heartTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "Backflip"
+ when: node.currentAnim === VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.BACKFLIP
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: backflipTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: backflipAnimation
+ running: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: heart.heartTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "LowBodyBouncing"
+ when: node.currentAnim === VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.BOUNCING
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: bouncingTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: bouncingAnimation
+ running: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: heart.heartTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "Right hand waving"
+ when: node.currentAnim === VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.RIGHTHAND
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: rightHandWavingTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: rightHandWavingAnimation
+ running: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: heart.heartTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "Left hand waving"
+ when: node.currentAnim === VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.LEFTHAND
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: leftHandWavingTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: leftHandWavingAnimation
+ running: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: heart.heartTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "Explore Scene"
+ when: node.currentAnim === VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.EXPLORE
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: exploreTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: exploreAnimation
+ running: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: heart.heartTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "Exit Animation"
+ when: node.currentAnim === VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.EXIT
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: exitTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: exitAnimation
+ running: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: heart.heartTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "FaceAnim"
+ when: node.currentAnim === VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.FACE
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: faceTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: faceAnimation
+ running: true
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: heart.heartTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "HeartAnimation"
+ when: node.currentAnim === VirtualAssistant.ANIMATION.HEART
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: heart.heartAnimation
+ loops: 4
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: heart.heartTimeline
+ enabled: true
+ }
+ }]
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/body.mesh b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/body.mesh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..864bcab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/body.mesh
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/mesh_107.mesh b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/mesh_107.mesh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..655c1a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/mesh_107.mesh
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/mesh_108.mesh b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/mesh_108.mesh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..136cfe67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/mesh_108.mesh
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/mesh_109.mesh b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/mesh_109.mesh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57e9222a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/meshes/mesh_109.mesh
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/qmldir b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/qmldir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2583871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/qmldir
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+module Quick3DAssets.VirtualAssistant
+VirtualAssistant 1.0 VirtualAssistant.qml
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/App.qml b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/App.qml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c96e6864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/App.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import VirtualAssistant.Constants
+Window {
+ minimumWidth: Constants.width
+ minimumHeight: Constants.height
+ visible: true
+ title: "Qt Robot Assistant"
+ Screen01 {
+ id: mainScreen
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5cdc348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+qt_add_library(content STATIC)
+ URI "content"
+ App.qml
+ ControlPanel.qml
+ Screen01.ui.qml
+ SettingsPanel.qml
+ colosseum_4k.hdr
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/ControlPanel.qml b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/ControlPanel.qml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb68d2fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/ControlPanel.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.Layouts
+Pane {
+ id: root
+ topPadding: 10
+ leftPadding: 40
+ rightPadding: 40
+ bottomPadding: 40
+ readonly property list<string> animations: [qsTr("Entry Animation"), qsTr("Backflip"),
+ qsTr("Low Body Bouncing"), qsTr("Right hand waving"),
+ qsTr("Left hand waving"), qsTr("Exploring scene"),
+ qsTr("Exit Animation"), qsTr("Face Animation")]
+ signal clicked(index: int)
+ ColumnLayout {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ spacing: 10
+ Label {
+ text: qsTr("Select animation:")
+ font.pixelSize: 24
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ }
+ Repeater {
+ model: root.animations
+ Button {
+ required property int index
+ required property string modelData
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ text: modelData
+ onClicked: root.clicked(index)
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/Screen01.ui.qml b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/Screen01.ui.qml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e69f1d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/Screen01.ui.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick3D
+import QtQuick.Layouts
+import QtQuick3D.Helpers
+import VirtualAssistant.Constants
+import Quick3DAssets.VirtualAssistant
+Rectangle {
+ width: Constants.width
+ height: Constants.height
+ View3D {
+ id: view3D
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ environment: ExtendedSceneEnvironment {
+ backgroundMode: SceneEnvironment.SkyBox
+ lightProbe: Texture { source: Constants.sceneName }
+ antialiasingMode: SceneEnvironment.MSAA
+ antialiasingQuality: SceneEnvironment.VeryHigh
+ fxaaEnabled: true
+ probeExposure: 0.6
+ probeOrientation: Qt.vector3d(0, settingsPanel.skyboxRotation, 0)
+ specularAAEnabled: true
+ tonemapMode: SceneEnvironment.TonemapModeLinear
+ vignetteEnabled: true
+ vignetteRadius: 0.15
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: scene
+ VirtualAssistant {
+ id: virtualAssistant
+ }
+ }
+ Node {
+ id: cameraNode
+ PerspectiveCamera {
+ id: sceneCamera
+ y: 5
+ z: 15
+ fieldOfView: settingsPanel.cameraFov
+ clipNear: 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ OrbitCameraController {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ origin: cameraNode
+ camera: sceneCamera
+ enabled: settingsPanel.cameraControllerEnabled
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ Connections {
+ function onClicked(mouse) {
+ var result = view3D.pick(mouse.x, mouse.y);
+ if (!result.objectHit)
+ return
+ virtualAssistant.animateObject(result.objectHit.objectName)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: __materialLibrary__
+ DefaultMaterial {
+ id: defaultMaterial
+ objectName: "Default Material"
+ diffuseColor: "#4aee45"
+ }
+ }
+ TabBar {
+ id: bar
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.top: parent.top
+ width: 300
+ TabButton {
+ text: qsTr("Animations")
+ }
+ TabButton {
+ text: qsTr("Settings")
+ }
+ }
+ StackLayout {
+ anchors.top: bar.bottom
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ width: bar.width
+ currentIndex: bar.currentIndex
+ ControlPanel {
+ id: controlPanel
+ Connections {
+ target: controlPanel
+ function onClicked(index: int) {
+ virtualAssistant.runAnimation(index);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SettingsPanel {
+ id: settingsPanel
+ camera: sceneCamera
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/SettingsPanel.qml b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/SettingsPanel.qml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2438eb46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/SettingsPanel.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Layouts
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import VirtualAssistant.Constants
+Pane {
+ id: root
+ topPadding: 10
+ leftPadding: 40
+ rightPadding: 40
+ bottomPadding: 40
+ required property var camera
+ property alias cameraControllerEnabled: enableCamera.checked
+ property alias cameraFov: fov.value
+ property alias skyboxRotation: skyboxRot.value
+ ColumnLayout {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ spacing: 10
+ Label {
+ text: qsTr("Scene settings")
+ font.pixelSize: 24
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ }
+ CheckBox {
+ id: enableCamera
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ text: qsTr("Enable Camera Controller")
+ }
+ ColumnLayout {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ spacing: 5
+ Label {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ text: qsTr("Camera Fov: ") + fov.value
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ }
+ Slider {
+ id: fov
+ from: 35
+ to: 125
+ value: 80
+ stepSize: 1
+ }
+ }
+ ColumnLayout {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ spacing: 5
+ Label {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ text: qsTr("Skybox rotation: ") + skyboxRot.value
+ font.pixelSize: 14
+ }
+ Slider {
+ id: skyboxRot
+ from: 0
+ to: 360
+ value: 180
+ stepSize: 1
+ }
+ }
+ ColumnLayout {
+ spacing: 4
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ Label {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ text: qsTr("Camera position: ")
+ }
+ Row {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ spacing: 5
+ Label {
+ text: "x: " + root.camera.x.toFixed(2)
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: "y: " + root.camera.y.toFixed(2)
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: "z: " + root.camera.z.toFixed(2)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Button {
+ Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+ text: qsTr("Reset default settings")
+ onClicked: {
+ fov.value = Constants.defaultFov;
+ enableCamera.checked = false;
+ skyboxRot.value = Constants.defaultRotation;
+ root.camera.position = Constants.defaultCameraPosition
+ }
+ }
+ Item {
+ Layout.fillHeight: true
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/colosseum_4k.hdr b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/colosseum_4k.hdr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ffbbb61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/content/colosseum_4k.hdr
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/doc/images/VirtualAssistantHome.png b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/doc/images/VirtualAssistantHome.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..444a35e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/doc/images/VirtualAssistantHome.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/doc/src/virtualassistant.qdoc b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/doc/src/virtualassistant.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94a5905a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/doc/src/virtualassistant.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+ \title Qt Quick 3D - Virtual Assistant Example
+ \ingroup quick3d-examples
+ \example virtualassistant
+ \examplecategory {3D}
+ \brief Qt Quick application that presents a 3D model of a virtual assistant with dynamic animations created using QML and timelines.
+ \meta {tag} {quick,quick3D}
+ \image VirtualAssistantHome.png
+ \e{Virtual Assistant Example} demonstrates how to bring a 3D model of a virtual assistant to life through timeline animations, increasing user engagement and interaction. The example can be run and edited in both QtDesignStudio and QtCreator.
+ \section1 Importing 3D Model
+ To load the model in QtDesingStudio it is enough to import the .gltf file to the project. QtDesignStudio automatically create a qml file that represents the object and it wil also generate necessary assets. Without QtDesignStudio you need to use \l balsam tool, and run it manually. In this example the generated qml file was modified to introduce the states, animations and some additional invicible models that allows to pick specific parts of the Virtual Assistant.
+ \section1 Preparing \l {SceneEnvironment} Scene Environment
+ Scene use HDR images to create a skybox and to provide natural lighthing.
+\quotefromfile virtualassistant/content/Screen01.ui.qml
+ \skipto environment
+ \printuntil vignetteRadius
+ \printuntil }
+ \section1 Camera Options
+ Camera properties can be changed from the \c SettingsPanel. You can manipulate the camera FOV, skybox rotation using sliders. The checkbox enable the \l OrbitCameraController that allows to change camera position, rotation etc. using mouse and keyboards buttons.
+ \section1 Animations
+ The animations are created using multiple \l {Timeline} timelines and \l {Keyframe} keyframes. Each \l {Timeline} Timeline is connected with different state of the \c VirtualAssistant. The animations starts playing immadiately when the state change. At the end of each animation the object returns to the default state and restore the default values like position and rotation of the model \l {Node} {nodes}. The animations change the properties values of the nodes in our skeleton and also modify the weight of different \l {MorphTarget} {morph targets} to animate the face elements (eyes, mouth).
+To run the animation you can use the button on ControlPanel on the left side of the scene or you can also click on specific model elements like hands, lower body and face to activate animation related to that part of the model.
+ \section2 \l Skeleton animations
+ \list
+ \li Entry animation
+ \li Exit animation
+ \li Explore scene animation
+ \li Backflip animation
+ \li Bouncing animation
+ \li Right and Left hand waving animation
+ \endlist
+ \section2 Morph Target animations
+ \list
+ \li Face animations (Happy and Sad)
+ \endlist
+ Sample implementation of waving animation on the model's left hand:
+ \snippet virtualassistant/asset_imports/Quick3DAssets/VirtualAssistant/VirtualAssistant.qml wavingAnim
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..459382f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/Constants/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/Constants/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf73a134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/Constants/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+qt_add_library(Constants STATIC)
+ URI "VirtualAssistant.Constants"
+ Constants.qml
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/Constants/Constants.qml b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/Constants/Constants.qml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d34d685d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/Constants/Constants.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+pragma Singleton
+import QtQuick
+QtObject {
+ readonly property int width: 1280
+ readonly property int height: 720
+ readonly property vector3d defaultCameraPosition: Qt.vector3d(0, 5, 15)
+ readonly property int defaultFov: 80
+ readonly property int defaultRotation: 180
+ readonly property string sceneName: "colosseum_4k.hdr"
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/Constants/designer/plugin.metainfo b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/Constants/designer/plugin.metainfo
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c08d2c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/Constants/designer/plugin.metainfo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+MetaInfo {
+ Type {
+ name: "VirtualAssistant.EventListSimulator"
+ icon: ":/qtquickplugin/images/item-icon16.png"
+ Hints {
+ visibleInNavigator: true
+ canBeDroppedInNavigator: true
+ canBeDroppedInFormEditor: false
+ canBeDroppedInView3D: false
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/Constants/qmldir b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/Constants/qmldir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06a17ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/imports/Constants/qmldir
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Module VirtualAssistant
+singleton Constants 1.0 Constants.qml
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/qmlmodules b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/qmlmodules
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ac51675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/qmlmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+ URI "Main"
+ QML_FILES Main.qml
+target_link_libraries(QtVirtualAssistant PRIVATE
+ contentplugin
+ Constantsplugin
+ VirtualAssistantplugin
+ RobotHeartplugin
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/qt_attribution.json b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/qt_attribution.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce4792ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/qt_attribution.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+"Id": "virtualassistantexample-skyboxes",
+"Name": "HDRI Images",
+"QDocModule": "qtdoc",
+"QtUsage": "Used in the Virtual Assistant example.",
+"QtParts": [ "examples" ],
+"LicenseId": "CC0-1.0",
+"License": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal",
+"DownloadLocation": "https://polyhaven.com"
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/qtquickcontrols2.conf b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/qtquickcontrols2.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6750f4f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/qtquickcontrols2.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
diff --git a/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/src/main.cpp b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06060edd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/quick3d/virtualassistant/src/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+#include <QGuiApplication>
+#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
+ QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
+ QObject::connect(&engine, &QQmlApplicationEngine::quit, &app, &QGuiApplication::quit);
+ engine.loadFromModule("Main", "Main");
+ return app.exec();