path: root/src/quicktemplates2/qquicksplitview.cpp
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diff --git a/src/quicktemplates2/qquicksplitview.cpp b/src/quicktemplates2/qquicksplitview.cpp
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index c222a331..00000000
--- a/src/quicktemplates2/qquicksplitview.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
-** This file is part of the Qt Quick Templates 2 module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
-** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
-** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
-** met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
-#include "qquicksplitview_p.h"
-#include "qquicksplitview_p_p.h"
-#include "qquickcontentitem_p.h"
-#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
-#include <QtCore/qloggingcategory.h>
-#include <QtCore/qcborarray.h>
-#include <QtCore/qcbormap.h>
-#include <QtCore/qcborvalue.h>
-#include <QtQml/QQmlInfo>
- \qmltype SplitView
- \inherits Container
-//! \instantiates QQuickSplitView
- \inqmlmodule QtQuick.Controls
- \since 5.13
- \ingroup qtquickcontrols2-containers
- \ingroup qtquickcontrols2-focusscopes
- \brief Lays out items with a draggable splitter between each item.
- SplitView is a control that lays out items horizontally or vertically with
- a draggable splitter between each item.
- SplitView supports the following attached properties on items it manages:
- \list
- \li \l{minimumWidth}{SplitView.minimumWidth}
- \li \l{minimumHeight}{SplitView.minimumHeight}
- \li \l{preferredWidth}{SplitView.preferredWidth}
- \li \l{preferredHeight}{SplitView.preferredHeight}
- \li \l{maximumWidth}{SplitView.maximumWidth}
- \li \l{maximumHeight}{SplitView.maximumHeight}
- \li \l{fillWidth}{SplitView.fillWidth} (true for only one child)
- \li \l{fillHeight}{SplitView.fillHeight} (true for only one child)
- \endlist
- In addition, each handle has the following read-only attached properties:
- \list
- \li \l{SplitHandle::hovered}{SplitHandle.hovered}
- \li \l{SplitHandle::pressed}{SplitHandle.pressed}
- \endlist
- \note Handles should be purely visual and not handle events, as it can
- interfere with their hovered and pressed states.
- The preferred size of items in a SplitView can be specified via
- \l{Item::}{implicitWidth} and \l{Item::}{implicitHeight} or
- \c SplitView.preferredWidth and \c SplitView.preferredHeight:
- \code
- SplitView {
- anchors.fill: parent
- Item {
- SplitView.preferredWidth: 50
- }
- // ...
- }
- \endcode
- For a horizontal SplitView, it's not necessary to specify the preferred
- height of each item, as they will be resized to the height of the view.
- This applies in reverse for vertical views.
- When a split handle is dragged, the \c SplitView.preferredWidth or
- \c SplitView.preferredHeight property is overwritten, depending on the
- \l orientation of the view.
- To limit the size of items in a horizontal view, use the following
- properties:
- \code
- SplitView {
- anchors.fill: parent
- Item {
- SplitView.minimumWidth: 25
- SplitView.preferredWidth: 50
- SplitView.maximumWidth: 100
- }
- // ...
- }
- \endcode
- To limit the size of items in a vertical view, use the following
- properties:
- \code
- SplitView {
- anchors.fill: parent
- orientation: Qt.Vertical
- Item {
- SplitView.minimumHeight: 25
- SplitView.preferredHeight: 50
- SplitView.maximumHeight: 100
- }
- // ...
- }
- \endcode
- There will always be one item (the fill item) in the SplitView that has
- \c SplitView.fillWidth set to \c true (or \c SplitView.fillHeight, if
- \l orientation is \c Qt.Vertical). This means that the item will get all
- leftover space when other items have been laid out. By default, the last
- visible child of the SplitView will have this set, but it can be changed by
- explicitly setting \c fillWidth to \c true on another item.
- A handle can belong to the item either on the left or top side, or on the
- right or bottom side:
- \list
- \li If the fill item is to the right: the handle belongs to the left
- item.
- \li If the fill item is on the left: the handle belongs to the right
- item.
- \endlist
- To create a SplitView with three items, and let the center item get
- superfluous space, one could do the following:
- \code
- SplitView {
- anchors.fill: parent
- orientation: Qt.Horizontal
- Rectangle {
- implicitWidth: 200
- SplitView.maximumWidth: 400
- color: "lightblue"
- Label {
- text: "View 1"
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- }
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: centerItem
- SplitView.minimumWidth: 50
- SplitView.fillWidth: true
- color: "lightgray"
- Label {
- text: "View 2"
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- }
- }
- Rectangle {
- implicitWidth: 200
- color: "lightgreen"
- Label {
- text: "View 3"
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- }
- }
- }
- \endcode
- \section1 Serializing SplitView's State
- The main purpose of SplitView is to allow users to easily configure the
- size of various UI elements. In addition, the user's preferred sizes should
- be remembered across sessions. To achieve this, the values of the \c
- SplitView.preferredWidth and \c SplitView.preferredHeight properties can be
- serialized using the \l saveState() and \l restoreState() functions:
- \qml
- import QtQuick.Controls
- import Qt.labs.settings
- ApplicationWindow {
- // ...
- Component.onCompleted: splitView.restoreState(settings.splitView)
- Component.onDestruction: settings.splitView = splitView.saveState()
- Settings {
- id: settings
- property var splitView
- }
- SplitView {
- id: splitView
- // ...
- }
- }
- \endqml
- Alternatively, the \l {Settings::}{value()} and \l {Settings::}{setValue()}
- functions of \l Settings can be used:
- \qml
- import QtQuick.Controls
- import Qt.labs.settings
- ApplicationWindow {
- // ...
- Component.onCompleted: splitView.restoreState(settings.value("ui/splitview"))
- Component.onDestruction: settings.setValue("ui/splitview", splitView.saveState())
- Settings {
- id: settings
- }
- SplitView {
- id: splitView
- // ...
- }
- }
- \endqml
- \sa SplitHandle, {Customizing SplitView}, {Container Controls}
-Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(qlcQQuickSplitView, "qt.quick.controls.splitview")
-Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(qlcQQuickSplitViewMouse, "qt.quick.controls.splitview.mouse")
-Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(qlcQQuickSplitViewState, "qt.quick.controls.splitview.state")
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::updateFillIndex()
- const int count = contentModel->count();
- const bool horizontal = isHorizontal();
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "looking for fillWidth/Height item amongst" << count << "items";
- m_fillIndex = -1;
- int i = 0;
- int lastVisibleIndex = -1;
- for (; i < count; ++i) {
- QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(contentModel->object(i));
- if (!item->isVisible())
- continue;
- lastVisibleIndex = i;
- const QQuickSplitViewAttached *attached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitViewAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitView>(item, false));
- if (!attached)
- continue;
- if ((horizontal && attached->fillWidth()) || (!horizontal && attached->fillHeight())) {
- m_fillIndex = i;
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "found fillWidth/Height item at index" << m_fillIndex;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (m_fillIndex == -1) {
- // If there was no item with fillWidth/fillHeight set, m_fillIndex will be -1,
- // and we'll set it to the last visible item.
- // If there was an item with fillWidth/fillHeight set, we were already done and this will be skipped.
- m_fillIndex = lastVisibleIndex != -1 ? lastVisibleIndex : count - 1;
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "found no fillWidth/Height item; using last item at index" << m_fillIndex;
- }
- Resizes split items according to their preferred size and any constraints.
- If a split item is being resized due to a split handle being dragged,
- it will be resized accordingly.
- Items that aren't visible are skipped.
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::layoutResizeSplitItems(qreal &usedWidth, qreal &usedHeight, int &indexBeingResizedDueToDrag)
- const int count = contentModel->count();
- const bool horizontal = isHorizontal();
- for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
- QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(contentModel->object(index));
- if (!item->isVisible()) {
- // The item is not visible, so skip it.
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << " - " << index << ": split item " << item
- << " at index " << index << " is not visible; skipping it and its handles (if any)";
- continue;
- }
- const QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(item);
- QQuickSplitViewAttached *attached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitViewAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitView>(item, false));
- const auto sizeData = effectiveSizeData(itemPrivate, attached);
- const bool resizeLeftItem = m_fillIndex > m_pressedHandleIndex;
- // True if any handle is pressed.
- const bool isAHandlePressed = m_pressedHandleIndex != -1;
- // True if this particular item is being resized as a result of a handle being dragged.
- const bool isBeingResized = isAHandlePressed && ((resizeLeftItem && index == m_pressedHandleIndex)
- || (!resizeLeftItem && index == m_nextVisibleIndexAfterPressedHandle));
- if (isBeingResized) {
- indexBeingResizedDueToDrag = index;
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << " - " << index << ": dragging handle for item";
- }
- const qreal size = horizontal ? width : height;
- qreal requestedSize = 0;
- if (isBeingResized) {
- // Don't let the mouse go past either edge of the SplitView.
- const qreal clampedMousePos = horizontal
- ? qBound(qreal(0.0), m_mousePos.x(), qreal(width))
- : qBound(qreal(0.0), m_mousePos.y(), qreal(height));
- // We also need to ensure that the item's edge doesn't go too far
- // out and hence give the item more space than is available.
- const int firstIndex = resizeLeftItem ? m_nextVisibleIndexAfterPressedHandle : 0;
- const int lastIndex = resizeLeftItem ? contentModel->count() - 1 : m_pressedHandleIndex;
- const qreal accumulated = accumulatedSize(firstIndex, lastIndex);
- const qreal mousePosRelativeToLeftHandleEdge = horizontal
- ? m_pressPos.x() - m_handlePosBeforePress.x()
- : m_pressPos.y() - m_handlePosBeforePress.y();
- const QQuickItem *pressedHandleItem = m_handleItems.at(m_pressedHandleIndex);
- const qreal pressedHandleSize = horizontal ? pressedHandleItem->width() : pressedHandleItem->height();
- if (resizeLeftItem) {
- // The handle shouldn't cross other handles, so use the right edge of
- // the first handle to the left as the left edge.
- qreal leftEdge = 0;
- if (m_pressedHandleIndex - 1 >= 0) {
- const QQuickItem *leftHandle = m_handleItems.at(m_pressedHandleIndex - 1);
- leftEdge = horizontal
- ? leftHandle->x() + leftHandle->width()
- : leftHandle->y() + leftHandle->height();
- }
- // The mouse can be clicked anywhere in the handle, and if we don't account for
- // its position within the handle, the handle will jump when dragged.
- const qreal pressedHandlePos = clampedMousePos - mousePosRelativeToLeftHandleEdge;
- const qreal rightStop = size - accumulated - pressedHandleSize;
- qreal leftStop = qMax(leftEdge, pressedHandlePos);
- // qBound() doesn't care if min is greater than max, but we do.
- if (leftStop > rightStop)
- leftStop = rightStop;
- const qreal newHandlePos = qBound(leftStop, pressedHandlePos, rightStop);
- const qreal newItemSize = newHandlePos - leftEdge;
- // Modify the preferredWidth, otherwise the original implicitWidth/preferredWidth
- // will be used on the next layout (when it's no longer being resized).
- if (!attached) {
- // Force the attached object to be created since we rely on it.
- attached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitViewAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitView>(item, true));
- }
- /*
- Users could conceivably respond to size changes in items by setting attached
- SplitView properties:
- onWidthChanged: if (width < 10) secondItem.SplitView.preferredWidth = 100
- We handle this by doing another layout after the current layout if the
- attached/implicit size properties are set during this layout. However, we also
- need to set preferredWidth/Height here (for reasons mentioned in the comment above),
- but we don't want this to count as a request for a delayed layout, so we guard against it.
- */
- m_ignoreNextLayoutRequest = true;
- if (horizontal)
- attached->setPreferredWidth(newItemSize);
- else
- attached->setPreferredHeight(newItemSize);
- // We still need to use requestedWidth in the setWidth() call below,
- // because sizeData has already been calculated and now contains an old
- // effectivePreferredWidth value.
- requestedSize = newItemSize;
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << " - " << index << ": resized (dragged) " << item
- << " (clampedMousePos=" << clampedMousePos
- << " pressedHandlePos=" << pressedHandlePos
- << " accumulated=" << accumulated
- << " leftEdge=" << leftEdge
- << " leftStop=" << leftStop
- << " rightStop=" << rightStop
- << " newHandlePos=" << newHandlePos
- << " newItemSize=" << newItemSize << ")";
- } else { // Resizing the item on the right.
- // The handle shouldn't cross other handles, so use the left edge of
- // the first handle to the right as the right edge.
- qreal rightEdge = size;
- if (m_nextVisibleIndexAfterPressedHandle < m_handleItems.size()) {
- const QQuickItem *rightHandle = m_handleItems.at(m_nextVisibleIndexAfterPressedHandle);
- rightEdge = horizontal ? rightHandle->x() : rightHandle->y();
- }
- // The mouse can be clicked anywhere in the handle, and if we don't account for
- // its position within the handle, the handle will jump when dragged.
- const qreal pressedHandlePos = clampedMousePos - mousePosRelativeToLeftHandleEdge;
- const qreal leftStop = accumulated - pressedHandleSize;
- qreal rightStop = qMin(rightEdge - pressedHandleSize, pressedHandlePos);
- // qBound() doesn't care if min is greater than max, but we do.
- if (rightStop < leftStop)
- rightStop = leftStop;
- const qreal newHandlePos = qBound(leftStop, pressedHandlePos, rightStop);
- const qreal newItemSize = rightEdge - (newHandlePos + pressedHandleSize);
- // Modify the preferredWidth, otherwise the original implicitWidth/preferredWidth
- // will be used on the next layout (when it's no longer being resized).
- if (!attached) {
- // Force the attached object to be created since we rely on it.
- attached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitViewAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitView>(item, true));
- }
- m_ignoreNextLayoutRequest = true;
- if (horizontal)
- attached->setPreferredWidth(newItemSize);
- else
- attached->setPreferredHeight(newItemSize);
- // We still need to use requestedSize in the setWidth()/setHeight() call below,
- // because sizeData has already been calculated and now contains an old
- // effectivePreferredWidth/Height value.
- requestedSize = newItemSize;
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << " - " << index << ": resized (dragged) " << item
- << " (clampedMousePos=" << clampedMousePos
- << " pressedHandlePos=" << pressedHandlePos
- << " accumulated=" << accumulated
- << " leftEdge=" << rightEdge
- << " leftStop=" << leftStop
- << " rightStop=" << rightStop
- << " newHandlePos=" << newHandlePos
- << " newItemSize=" << newItemSize << ")";
- }
- } else if (index != m_fillIndex) {
- // No handle is being dragged and we're not the fill item,
- // so set our preferred size as we normally would.
- requestedSize = horizontal
- ? sizeData.effectivePreferredWidth : sizeData.effectivePreferredHeight;
- }
- if (index != m_fillIndex) {
- if (horizontal) {
- item->setWidth(qBound(
- sizeData.effectiveMinimumWidth,
- requestedSize,
- sizeData.effectiveMaximumWidth));
- item->setHeight(height);
- } else {
- item->setWidth(width);
- item->setHeight(qBound(
- sizeData.effectiveMinimumHeight,
- requestedSize,
- sizeData.effectiveMaximumHeight));
- }
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << " - " << index << ": resized split item " << item
- << " (effective"
- << " minW=" << sizeData.effectiveMinimumWidth
- << ", minH=" << sizeData.effectiveMinimumHeight
- << ", prfW=" << sizeData.effectivePreferredWidth
- << ", prfH=" << sizeData.effectivePreferredHeight
- << ", maxW=" << sizeData.effectiveMaximumWidth
- << ", maxH=" << sizeData.effectiveMaximumHeight << ")";
- // Keep track of how much space has been used so far.
- if (horizontal)
- usedWidth += item->width();
- else
- usedHeight += item->height();
- } else if (indexBeingResizedDueToDrag != m_fillIndex) {
- // The fill item is resized afterwards, outside of the loop.
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << " - " << index << ": skipping fill item as we resize it last";
- }
- // Also account for the size of the handle for this item (if any).
- // We do this for the fill item too, which is why it's outside of the check above.
- if (index < count - 1 && m_handle) {
- QQuickItem *handleItem = m_handleItems.at(index);
- // The handle for an item that's not visible will usually already be skipped
- // with the item visibility check higher up, but if the view looks like this
- // [ visible ] | [ visible (fill) ] | [ hidden ]
- // ^
- // hidden
- // and we're iterating over the second item (which is visible but has no handle),
- // we need to add an extra check for it to avoid it still taking up space.
- if (handleItem->isVisible()) {
- if (horizontal) {
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << " - " << index
- << ": handle takes up " << handleItem->width() << " width";
- usedWidth += handleItem->width();
- } else {
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << " - " << index
- << ": handle takes up " << handleItem->height() << " height";
- usedHeight += handleItem->height();
- }
- } else {
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << " - " << index << ": handle is not visible; skipping it";
- }
- }
- }
- Resizes the fill item by giving it the remaining space
- after all other items have been resized.
- Items that aren't visible are skipped.
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::layoutResizeFillItem(QQuickItem *fillItem,
- qreal &usedWidth, qreal &usedHeight, int indexBeingResizedDueToDrag)
- // Only bother resizing if it it's visible. Also, if it's being resized due to a drag,
- // then we've already set its size in layoutResizeSplitItems(), so no need to do it here.
- if (!fillItem->isVisible() || indexBeingResizedDueToDrag == m_fillIndex) {
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << m_fillIndex << ": - fill item " << fillItem
- << " is not visible or was already resized due to a drag;"
- << " skipping it and its handles (if any)";
- return;
- }
- const QQuickItemPrivate *fillItemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(fillItem);
- const QQuickSplitViewAttached *attached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitViewAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitView>(fillItem, false));
- const auto fillSizeData = effectiveSizeData(fillItemPrivate, attached);
- if (isHorizontal()) {
- fillItem->setWidth(qBound(
- fillSizeData.effectiveMinimumWidth,
- width - usedWidth,
- fillSizeData.effectiveMaximumWidth));
- fillItem->setHeight(height);
- } else {
- fillItem->setWidth(width);
- fillItem->setHeight(qBound(
- fillSizeData.effectiveMinimumHeight,
- height - usedHeight,
- fillSizeData.effectiveMaximumHeight));
- }
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << " - " << m_fillIndex
- << ": resized split fill item " << fillItem << " (effective"
- << " minW=" << fillSizeData.effectiveMinimumWidth
- << ", minH=" << fillSizeData.effectiveMinimumHeight
- << ", maxW=" << fillSizeData.effectiveMaximumWidth
- << ", maxH=" << fillSizeData.effectiveMaximumHeight << ")";
- Positions items by laying them out in a row or column.
- Items that aren't visible are skipped.
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::layoutPositionItems(const QQuickItem *fillItem)
- const bool horizontal = isHorizontal();
- const int count = contentModel->count();
- qreal usedWidth = 0;
- qreal usedHeight = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(contentModel->object(i));
- if (!item->isVisible()) {
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << " - " << i << ": split item " << item
- << " is not visible; skipping it and its handles (if any)";
- continue;
- }
- // Position the item.
- if (horizontal) {
- item->setX(usedWidth);
- item->setY(0);
- } else {
- item->setX(0);
- item->setY(usedHeight);
- }
- // Keep track of how much space has been used so far.
- if (horizontal)
- usedWidth += item->width();
- else
- usedHeight += item->height();
- if (Q_UNLIKELY(qlcQQuickSplitView().isDebugEnabled())) {
- const QQuickItemPrivate *fillItemPrivate = QQuickItemPrivate::get(fillItem);
- const QQuickSplitViewAttached *attached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitViewAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitView>(fillItem, false));
- const auto sizeData = effectiveSizeData(fillItemPrivate, attached);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << " - " << i << ": positioned "
- << (i == m_fillIndex ? "fill item " : "item ") << item << " (effective"
- << " minW=" << sizeData.effectiveMinimumWidth
- << ", minH=" << sizeData.effectiveMinimumHeight
- << ", prfW=" << sizeData.effectivePreferredWidth
- << ", prfH=" << sizeData.effectivePreferredHeight
- << ", maxW=" << sizeData.effectiveMaximumWidth
- << ", maxH=" << sizeData.effectiveMaximumHeight << ")";
- }
- // Position the handle for this item (if any).
- if (i < count - 1 && m_handle) {
- // Position the handle.
- QQuickItem *handleItem = m_handleItems.at(i);
- handleItem->setX(horizontal ? usedWidth : 0);
- handleItem->setY(horizontal ? 0 : usedHeight);
- if (horizontal)
- usedWidth += handleItem->width();
- else
- usedHeight += handleItem->height();
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << " - " << i << ": positioned handle " << handleItem;
- }
- }
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::requestLayout()
- Q_Q(QQuickSplitView);
- q->polish();
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::layout()
- if (!componentComplete)
- return;
- if (m_layingOut)
- return;
- const int count = contentModel->count();
- if (count <= 0)
- return;
- Q_ASSERT_X(m_fillIndex < count, Q_FUNC_INFO, qPrintable(
- QString::fromLatin1("m_fillIndex is %1 but our count is %2").arg(m_fillIndex).arg(count)));
- Q_ASSERT_X(!m_handle || m_handleItems.size() == count - 1, Q_FUNC_INFO, qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1(
- "Expected %1 handle items, but there are %2").arg(count - 1).arg(m_handleItems.size())));
- // We allow mouse events to instantly trigger layouts, whereas with e.g.
- // attached properties being set, we require a delayed layout.
- // To prevent recursive calls during mouse events, we need this guard.
- QBoolBlocker guard(m_layingOut, true);
- const bool horizontal = isHorizontal();
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "laying out" << count << "split items"
- << (horizontal ? "horizontally" : "vertically") << "in SplitView" << q_func();
- qreal usedWidth = 0;
- qreal usedHeight = 0;
- int indexBeingResizedDueToDrag = -1;
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << " resizing:";
- // First, resize the items. We need to do this first because otherwise fill
- // items would take up all of the remaining space as soon as they are encountered.
- layoutResizeSplitItems(usedWidth, usedHeight, indexBeingResizedDueToDrag);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace()
- << " - (remaining width=" << width - usedWidth
- << " remaining height=" << height - usedHeight << ")";
- // Give the fill item the remaining space.
- QQuickItem *fillItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(contentModel->object(m_fillIndex));
- layoutResizeFillItem(fillItem, usedWidth, usedHeight, indexBeingResizedDueToDrag);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << " positioning:";
- // Position the items.
- layoutPositionItems(fillItem);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << "finished layouting";
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::createHandles()
- Q_ASSERT(m_handle);
- // A handle only makes sense if there are two items on either side.
- if (contentModel->count() <= 1)
- return;
- // Create new handle items if there aren't enough.
- const int count = contentModel->count() - 1;
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "creating" << count << "handles";
- m_handleItems.reserve(count);
- for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- createHandleItem(i);
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::createHandleItem(int index)
- Q_Q(QQuickSplitView);
- if (contentModel->count() <= 1)
- return;
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "- creating handle for split item at index" << index
- << "from handle component" << m_handle;
- // If we don't use the correct context, it won't be possible to refer to
- // the control's id from within the delegate.
- QQmlContext *creationContext = m_handle->creationContext();
- // The component might not have been created in QML, in which case
- // the creation context will be null and we have to create it ourselves.
- if (!creationContext)
- creationContext = qmlContext(q);
- QQmlContext *context = new QQmlContext(creationContext, q);
- context->setContextObject(q);
- QQuickItem *handleItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(m_handle->beginCreate(context));
- if (handleItem) {
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "- successfully created handle item" << handleItem << "for split item at index" << index;
- // Insert the item to our list of items *before* its parent is set to us,
- // so that we can avoid it being added as a content item by checking
- // if it is in the list in isContent().
- m_handleItems.insert(index, handleItem);
- handleItem->setParentItem(q);
- m_handle->completeCreate();
- resizeHandle(handleItem);
- }
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::removeExcessHandles()
- int excess = m_handleItems.size() - qMax(0, contentModel->count() - 1);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "removing" << excess << "excess handles from the end of our list";
- for (; excess > 0; --excess) {
- QQuickItem *handleItem = m_handleItems.takeLast();
- delete handleItem;
- }
-qreal QQuickSplitViewPrivate::accumulatedSize(int firstIndex, int lastIndex) const
- qreal size = 0.0;
- const bool horizontal = isHorizontal();
- for (int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; ++i) {
- QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(contentModel->object(i));
- if (item->isVisible()) {
- if (i != m_fillIndex) {
- size += horizontal ? item->width() : item->height();
- } else {
- // If the fill item has a minimum size specified, we must respect it.
- const QQuickSplitViewAttached *attached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitViewAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitView>(item, false));
- if (attached) {
- const QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate *attachedPrivate
- = QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate::get(attached);
- if (horizontal && attachedPrivate->m_isMinimumWidthSet)
- size += attachedPrivate->m_minimumWidth;
- else if (!horizontal && attachedPrivate->m_isMinimumHeightSet)
- size += attachedPrivate->m_minimumHeight;
- }
- }
- }
- // Only add the handle's width if there's actually a handle for this split item index.
- if (i < lastIndex || lastIndex < contentModel->count() - 1) {
- const QQuickItem *handleItem = m_handleItems.at(i);
- if (handleItem->isVisible())
- size += horizontal ? handleItem->width() : handleItem->height();
- }
- }
- return size;
-qreal effectiveMinimumWidth(const QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate *attachedPrivate)
- return attachedPrivate && attachedPrivate->m_isMinimumWidthSet ? attachedPrivate->m_minimumWidth : 0;
-qreal effectiveMinimumHeight(const QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate *attachedPrivate)
- return attachedPrivate && attachedPrivate->m_isMinimumHeightSet ? attachedPrivate->m_minimumHeight : 0;
-qreal effectivePreferredWidth(const QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate *attachedPrivate,
- const QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate)
- return attachedPrivate && attachedPrivate->m_isPreferredWidthSet
- ? attachedPrivate->m_preferredWidth : itemPrivate->implicitWidth;
-qreal effectivePreferredHeight(const QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate *attachedPrivate,
- const QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate)
- return attachedPrivate && attachedPrivate->m_isPreferredHeightSet
- ? attachedPrivate->m_preferredHeight : itemPrivate->implicitHeight;
-qreal effectiveMaximumWidth(const QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate *attachedPrivate)
- return attachedPrivate && attachedPrivate->m_isMaximumWidthSet
- ? attachedPrivate->m_maximumWidth : std::numeric_limits<qreal>::infinity();
-qreal effectiveMaximumHeight(const QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate *attachedPrivate)
- return attachedPrivate && attachedPrivate->m_isMaximumHeightSet
- ? attachedPrivate->m_maximumHeight : std::numeric_limits<qreal>::infinity();
-// We don't just take an index, because the item and attached properties object
-// will both be used outside of this function by calling code, so save some
-// time by not accessing them twice.
-QQuickSplitViewPrivate::EffectiveSizeData QQuickSplitViewPrivate::effectiveSizeData(
- const QQuickItemPrivate *itemPrivate, const QQuickSplitViewAttached *attached) const
- EffectiveSizeData data;
- const QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate *attachedPrivate = attached ? QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate::get(attached) : nullptr;
- data.effectiveMinimumWidth = effectiveMinimumWidth(attachedPrivate);
- data.effectiveMinimumHeight = effectiveMinimumHeight(attachedPrivate);
- data.effectivePreferredWidth = effectivePreferredWidth(attachedPrivate, itemPrivate);
- data.effectivePreferredHeight = effectivePreferredHeight(attachedPrivate, itemPrivate);
- data.effectiveMaximumWidth = effectiveMaximumWidth(attachedPrivate);
- data.effectiveMaximumHeight = effectiveMaximumHeight(attachedPrivate);
- return data;
-int QQuickSplitViewPrivate::handleIndexForSplitIndex(int splitIndex) const
- // If it's the first and only item in the view, it doesn't have a handle,
- // so return -1: splitIndex (0) - 1.
- // If it's the last item in the view, it doesn't have a handle, so use
- // the handle for the previous item.
- return splitIndex == contentModel->count() - 1 ? splitIndex - 1 : splitIndex;
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::destroyHandles()
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "destroying" << m_handleItems.size() << "handles";
- qDeleteAll(m_handleItems);
- m_handleItems.clear();
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::resizeHandle(QQuickItem *handleItem)
- const bool horizontal = isHorizontal();
- handleItem->setWidth(horizontal ? handleItem->implicitWidth() : width);
- handleItem->setHeight(horizontal ? height : handleItem->implicitHeight());
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::resizeHandles()
- for (QQuickItem *handleItem : m_handleItems)
- resizeHandle(handleItem);
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::updateHandleVisibilities()
- // If this is the first item that is visible, we won't have any
- // handles yet, because we don't create a handle if we only have one item.
- if (m_handleItems.isEmpty())
- return;
- // If the visibility/children change makes any item the last (right/bottom-most)
- // visible item, we don't want to display a handle for it either:
- // [ visible (fill) ] | [ hidden ] | [ hidden ]
- // ^ ^
- // hidden hidden
- const int count = contentModel->count();
- int lastVisibleItemIndex = -1;
- for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- const QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(contentModel->object(i));
- if (item->isVisible()) {
- lastVisibleItemIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; ++i) {
- const QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(contentModel->object(i));
- QQuickItem *handleItem = m_handleItems.at(i);
- if (i != lastVisibleItemIndex)
- handleItem->setVisible(item->isVisible());
- else
- handleItem->setVisible(false);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "set visible property of handle" << handleItem << "at index"
- << i << "to" << handleItem->isVisible();
- }
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::updateHoveredHandle(QQuickItem *hoveredItem)
- Q_Q(QQuickSplitView);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitViewMouse) << "updating hovered handle after" << hoveredItem << "was hovered";
- const int oldHoveredHandleIndex = m_hoveredHandleIndex;
- m_hoveredHandleIndex = m_handleItems.indexOf(hoveredItem);
- if (m_hoveredHandleIndex == oldHoveredHandleIndex)
- return;
- // First, clear the hovered flag of any previously-hovered handle.
- if (oldHoveredHandleIndex != -1) {
- QQuickItem *oldHoveredHandle = m_handleItems.at(oldHoveredHandleIndex);
- QQuickSplitHandleAttached *oldHoveredHandleAttached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitHandleAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitHandleAttached>(oldHoveredHandle, true));
- QQuickSplitHandleAttachedPrivate::get(oldHoveredHandleAttached)->setHovered(false);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitViewMouse) << "handle item at index" << oldHoveredHandleIndex << "is no longer hovered";
- }
- if (m_hoveredHandleIndex != -1) {
- QQuickSplitHandleAttached *handleAttached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitHandleAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitHandleAttached>(hoveredItem, true));
- QQuickSplitHandleAttachedPrivate::get(handleAttached)->setHovered(true);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitViewMouse) << "handle item at index" << m_hoveredHandleIndex << "is now hovered";
- } else {
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitViewMouse) << "either there is no hovered item or" << hoveredItem << "is not a handle";
- }
-#if QT_CONFIG(cursor)
- if (m_hoveredHandleIndex != -1)
- q->setCursor(m_orientation == Qt::Horizontal ? Qt::SplitHCursor : Qt::SplitVCursor);
- else
- q->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::setResizing(bool resizing)
- Q_Q(QQuickSplitView);
- if (resizing == m_resizing)
- return;
- m_resizing = resizing;
- emit q->resizingChanged();
-bool QQuickSplitViewPrivate::isHorizontal() const
- return m_orientation == Qt::Horizontal;
-QQuickItem *QQuickSplitViewPrivate::getContentItem()
- Q_Q(QQuickSplitView);
- if (QQuickItem *item = QQuickContainerPrivate::getContentItem())
- return item;
- return new QQuickContentItem(q);
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::handlePress(const QPointF &point)
- Q_Q(QQuickSplitView);
- QQuickContainerPrivate::handlePress(point);
- QQuickItem *pressedItem = q->childAt(point.x(), point.y());
- const int pressedHandleIndex = m_handleItems.indexOf(pressedItem);
- if (pressedHandleIndex != -1) {
- m_pressedHandleIndex = pressedHandleIndex;
- m_pressPos = point;
- m_mousePos = point;
- const QQuickItem *leftOrTopItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(contentModel->object(m_pressedHandleIndex));
- // Find the first item to the right/bottom of this one that is visible.
- QQuickItem *rightOrBottomItem = nullptr;
- m_nextVisibleIndexAfterPressedHandle = -1;
- for (int i = m_pressedHandleIndex + 1; i < contentModel->count(); ++i) {
- auto nextItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(contentModel->object(i));
- if (nextItem->isVisible()) {
- rightOrBottomItem = nextItem;
- m_nextVisibleIndexAfterPressedHandle = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- Q_ASSERT_X(rightOrBottomItem, Q_FUNC_INFO, qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1(
- "Failed to find a visible item to the right/bottom of the one that was pressed at index %1; this shouldn't happen")
- .arg(m_pressedHandleIndex)));
- const bool isHorizontal = m_orientation == Qt::Horizontal;
- m_leftOrTopItemSizeBeforePress = isHorizontal ? leftOrTopItem->width() : leftOrTopItem->height();
- m_rightOrBottomItemSizeBeforePress = isHorizontal ? rightOrBottomItem->width() : rightOrBottomItem->height();
- m_handlePosBeforePress = pressedItem->position();
- // Avoid e.g. Flickable stealing our drag if we're inside it.
- q->setKeepMouseGrab(true);
- // Force the attached object to be created since we rely on it.
- QQuickSplitHandleAttached *handleAttached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitHandleAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitHandleAttached>(pressedItem, true));
- QQuickSplitHandleAttachedPrivate::get(handleAttached)->setPressed(true);
- setResizing(true);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitViewMouse).nospace() << "handled press -"
- << " left/top index=" << m_pressedHandleIndex << ","
- << " size before press=" << m_leftOrTopItemSizeBeforePress << ","
- << " item=" << leftOrTopItem
- << " right/bottom index=" << m_nextVisibleIndexAfterPressedHandle << ","
- << " size before press=" << m_rightOrBottomItemSizeBeforePress
- << " item=" << rightOrBottomItem;
- }
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::handleMove(const QPointF &point)
- QQuickContainerPrivate::handleMove(point);
- if (m_pressedHandleIndex != -1) {
- m_mousePos = point;
- // Don't request layouts for input events because we want
- // resizing to be as responsive and smooth as possible.
- updatePolish();
- }
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::handleRelease(const QPointF &point)
- Q_Q(QQuickSplitView);
- QQuickContainerPrivate::handleRelease(point);
- if (m_pressedHandleIndex != -1) {
- QQuickItem *pressedHandle = m_handleItems.at(m_pressedHandleIndex);
- QQuickSplitHandleAttached *handleAttached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitHandleAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitHandleAttached>(pressedHandle, true));
- QQuickSplitHandleAttachedPrivate::get(handleAttached)->setPressed(false);
- }
- setResizing(false);
- m_pressedHandleIndex = -1;
- m_pressPos = QPointF();
- m_mousePos = QPointF();
- m_handlePosBeforePress = QPointF();
- m_leftOrTopItemSizeBeforePress = 0.0;
- m_rightOrBottomItemSizeBeforePress = 0.0;
- q->setKeepMouseGrab(false);
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::itemVisibilityChanged(QQuickItem *item)
- const int itemIndex = contentModel->indexOf(item, nullptr);
- Q_ASSERT(itemIndex != -1);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "visible property of split item"
- << item << "at index" << itemIndex << "changed to" << item->isVisible();
- // The visibility of an item just changed, so we need to update the visibility
- // of the corresponding handle (if one exists).
- const int handleIndex = handleIndexForSplitIndex(itemIndex);
- if (handleIndex != -1) {
- QQuickItem *handleItem = m_handleItems.at(handleIndex);
- handleItem->setVisible(item->isVisible());
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "set visible property of handle item"
- << handleItem << "at index" << handleIndex << "to" << item->isVisible();
- }
- updateHandleVisibilities();
- updateFillIndex();
- requestLayout();
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::itemImplicitWidthChanged(QQuickItem *)
- requestLayout();
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::itemImplicitHeightChanged(QQuickItem *)
- requestLayout();
-void QQuickSplitViewPrivate::updatePolish()
- layout();
-QQuickSplitViewPrivate *QQuickSplitViewPrivate::get(QQuickSplitView *splitView)
- return splitView->d_func();
-QQuickSplitView::QQuickSplitView(QQuickItem *parent)
- : QQuickContainer(*(new QQuickSplitViewPrivate), parent)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- d->changeTypes |= QQuickItemPrivate::Visibility;
- setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::LeftButton);
- setFiltersChildMouseEvents(true);
-QQuickSplitView::QQuickSplitView(QQuickSplitViewPrivate &dd, QQuickItem *parent)
- : QQuickContainer(dd, parent)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- d->changeTypes |= QQuickItemPrivate::Visibility;
- setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::LeftButton);
- setFiltersChildMouseEvents(true);
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- for (int i = 0; i < d->contentModel->count(); ++i) {
- QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(d->contentModel->object(i));
- d->removeImplicitSizeListener(item);
- }
- \qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::orientation
- This property holds the orientation of the SplitView.
- The orientation determines how the split items are laid out:
- Possible values:
- \value Qt.Horizontal The items are laid out horizontally (default).
- \value Qt.Vertical The items are laid out vertically.
-Qt::Orientation QQuickSplitView::orientation() const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitView);
- return d->m_orientation;
-void QQuickSplitView::setOrientation(Qt::Orientation orientation)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- if (orientation == d->m_orientation)
- return;
- d->m_orientation = orientation;
- d->resizeHandles();
- d->requestLayout();
- emit orientationChanged();
- \qmlproperty bool QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::resizing
- \readonly
- This property is \c true when the user is resizing
- split items by dragging on the splitter handles.
-bool QQuickSplitView::isResizing() const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitView);
- return d->m_resizing;
- \qmlproperty Component QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::handle
- This property holds the handle component.
- An instance of this component will be instantiated \c {count - 1}
- times, as long as \c count is greater than than \c {1}.
- The following table explains how each handle will be resized
- depending on the orientation of the split view:
- \table
- \header
- \li Orientation
- \li Handle Width
- \li Handle Height
- \row
- \li \c Qt.Horizontal
- \li \c implicitWidth
- \li The \c height of the SplitView.
- \row
- \li \c Qt.Vertical
- \li The \c width of the SplitView.
- \li \c implicitHeight
- \endtable
- To change the size of the handle for mouse and touch events without
- changing its visual size, use a \l {Item::}{containmentMask}:
- \snippet qtquickcontrols2-splitview-handle-containmentmask.qml 1
- \sa {Customizing SplitView}
-QQmlComponent *QQuickSplitView::handle()
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitView);
- return d->m_handle;
-void QQuickSplitView::setHandle(QQmlComponent *handle)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- if (handle == d->m_handle)
- return;
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "setting handle" << handle;
- if (d->m_handle)
- d->destroyHandles();
- d->m_handle = handle;
- if (d->m_handle) {
- d->createHandles();
- d->updateHandleVisibilities();
- }
- d->requestLayout();
- emit handleChanged();
-bool QQuickSplitView::isContent(QQuickItem *item) const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitView);
- if (!qmlContext(item))
- return false;
- if (QQuickItemPrivate::get(item)->isTransparentForPositioner())
- return false;
- return !d->m_handleItems.contains(item);
-QQuickSplitViewAttached *QQuickSplitView::qmlAttachedProperties(QObject *object)
- return new QQuickSplitViewAttached(object);
- \qmlmethod var QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::saveState()
- Saves the preferred sizes of split items into a byte array and returns it.
- \sa {Serializing SplitView's State}, restoreState()
-QVariant QQuickSplitView::saveState()
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitViewState) << "saving state for split items in" << this;
- // Save the preferred sizes of each split item.
- QCborArray cborArray;
- for (int i = 0; i < d->contentModel->count(); ++i) {
- const QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(d->contentModel->object(i));
- const QQuickSplitViewAttached *attached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitViewAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitView>(item, false));
- // Don't serialise stuff if we don't need to. If a split item was given a preferred
- // size in QML or it was dragged, it will have an attached object and either
- // m_isPreferredWidthSet or m_isPreferredHeightSet (or both) will be true,
- // so items without these can be skipped. We write the index of each item
- // that has data so that we know which item to set it on when restoring.
- if (!attached)
- continue;
- const QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate *attachedPrivate = QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate::get(attached);
- if (!attachedPrivate->m_isPreferredWidthSet && !attachedPrivate->m_isPreferredHeightSet)
- continue;
- QCborMap cborMap;
- cborMap[QLatin1String("index")] = i;
- if (attachedPrivate->m_isPreferredWidthSet) {
- cborMap[QLatin1String("preferredWidth")] = static_cast<double>(attachedPrivate->m_preferredWidth);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitViewState).nospace() << "- wrote preferredWidth of "
- << attachedPrivate->m_preferredWidth << " for split item " << item << " at index " << i;
- }
- if (attachedPrivate->m_isPreferredHeightSet) {
- cborMap[QLatin1String("preferredHeight")] = static_cast<double>(attachedPrivate->m_preferredHeight);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitViewState).nospace() << "- wrote preferredHeight of "
- << attachedPrivate->m_preferredHeight << " for split item " << item << " at index " << i;
- }
- cborArray.append(cborMap);
- }
- const QByteArray byteArray = cborArray.toCborValue().toCbor();
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitViewState) << "the resulting byte array is:" << byteArray;
- return QVariant(byteArray);
- \qmlmethod bool QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::restoreState(state)
- Reads the preferred sizes from \a state and applies them to the split items.
- Returns \c true if the state was successfully restored, otherwise \c false.
- \sa {Serializing SplitView's State}, saveState()
-bool QQuickSplitView::restoreState(const QVariant &state)
- const QByteArray cborByteArray = state.toByteArray();
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- if (cborByteArray.isEmpty())
- return false;
- QCborParserError parserError;
- const QCborValue cborValue(QCborValue::fromCbor(cborByteArray, &parserError));
- if (parserError.error != QCborError::NoError) {
- qmlWarning(this) << "Error reading SplitView state:" << parserError.errorString();
- return false;
- }
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitViewState) << "restoring state for split items of" << this
- << "from the following string:" << state;
- const QCborArray cborArray(cborValue.toArray());
- const int ourCount = d->contentModel->count();
- // This could conceivably happen if items were removed from the SplitView since the state was last saved.
- if (cborArray.size() > ourCount) {
- qmlWarning(this) << "Error reading SplitView state: expected "
- << ourCount << " or less split items but got " << cborArray.size();
- return false;
- }
- for (auto it = cborArray.constBegin(); it != cborArray.constEnd(); ++it) {
- QCborMap cborMap(it->toMap());
- const int splitItemIndex = cborMap.value(QLatin1String("index")).toInteger();
- const bool isPreferredWidthSet = cborMap.contains(QLatin1String("preferredWidth"));
- const bool isPreferredHeightSet = cborMap.contains(QLatin1String("preferredHeight"));
- QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(d->contentModel->object(splitItemIndex));
- // If the split item does not have a preferred size specified in QML, it could still have
- // been resized via dragging before it was saved. In this case, it won't have an
- // attached object upon application startup, so we create it.
- QQuickSplitViewAttached *attached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitViewAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitView>(item, true));
- if (isPreferredWidthSet) {
- const qreal preferredWidth = cborMap.value(QLatin1String("preferredWidth")).toDouble();
- attached->setPreferredWidth(preferredWidth);
- }
- if (isPreferredHeightSet) {
- const qreal preferredHeight = cborMap.value(QLatin1String("preferredHeight")).toDouble();
- attached->setPreferredHeight(preferredHeight);
- }
- const QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate *attachedPrivate = QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate::get(attached);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitViewState).nospace()
- << "- restored the following state for split item " << item << " at index " << splitItemIndex
- << ": preferredWidthSet=" << attachedPrivate->m_isPreferredWidthSet
- << " preferredWidth=" << attachedPrivate->m_preferredWidth
- << " preferredHeightSet=" << attachedPrivate->m_isPreferredHeightSet
- << " preferredHeight=" << attachedPrivate->m_preferredHeight;
- }
- return true;
-void QQuickSplitView::componentComplete()
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- QQuickControl::componentComplete();
- d->resizeHandles();
- d->updateFillIndex();
- d->updatePolish();
-void QQuickSplitView::hoverMoveEvent(QHoverEvent *event)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- QQuickContainer::hoverMoveEvent(event);
- QQuickItem *hoveredItem = childAt(event->position().toPoint().x(), event->position().toPoint().y());
- d->updateHoveredHandle(hoveredItem);
-bool QQuickSplitView::childMouseEventFilter(QQuickItem *item, QEvent *event)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitViewMouse) << "childMouseEventFilter called with" << item << event;
- if (event->type() != QEvent::HoverEnter)
- return false;
- // If a child item received a hover enter event, then it means our handle is no longer hovered.
- // Handles should be purely visual and not accept hover events,
- // so we should never get hover events for them here.
- d->updateHoveredHandle(nullptr);
- return false;
-void QQuickSplitView::geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- QQuickControl::geometryChange(newGeometry, oldGeometry);
- d->resizeHandles();
- d->requestLayout();
-void QQuickSplitView::itemAdded(int index, QQuickItem *item)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- if (QQuickItemPrivate::get(item)->isTransparentForPositioner())
- return;
- const int count = d->contentModel->count();
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << "split item " << item << " added at index " << index
- << "; there are now " << count << " items";
- QQuickSplitViewAttached *attached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitViewAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitView>(item, false));
- if (attached)
- QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate::get(attached)->setView(this);
- // Only need to add handles if we have more than one split item.
- if (count > 1) {
- // If the item was added at the end, it shouldn't get a handle;
- // the handle always goes to the split item on the left.
- d->createHandleItem(index < count - 1 ? index : index - 1);
- }
- d->addImplicitSizeListener(item);
- d->updateHandleVisibilities();
- d->updateFillIndex();
- d->requestLayout();
-void QQuickSplitView::itemMoved(int index, QQuickItem *item)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- if (QQuickItemPrivate::get(item)->isTransparentForPositioner())
- return;
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "split item" << item << "moved to index" << index;
- d->updateHandleVisibilities();
- d->updateFillIndex();
- d->requestLayout();
-void QQuickSplitView::itemRemoved(int index, QQuickItem *item)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitView);
- if (QQuickItemPrivate::get(item)->isTransparentForPositioner())
- return;
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView).nospace() << "split item " << item << " removed from index " << index
- << "; there are now " << d->contentModel->count() << " items";
- // Clear hovered/pressed handle if there are any.
- if (d->m_hoveredHandleIndex != -1 || d->m_pressedHandleIndex != -1) {
- const int handleIndex = d->m_hoveredHandleIndex != -1 ? d->m_hoveredHandleIndex : d->m_pressedHandleIndex;
- QQuickItem *itemHandle = d->m_handleItems.at(handleIndex);
- QQuickSplitHandleAttached *handleAttached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitHandleAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitHandleAttached>(itemHandle, false));
- if (handleAttached) {
- auto handleAttachedPrivate = QQuickSplitHandleAttachedPrivate::get(handleAttached);
- handleAttachedPrivate->setHovered(false);
- handleAttachedPrivate->setPressed(false);
- }
- setKeepMouseGrab(false);
- d->m_hoveredHandleIndex = -1;
- d->m_pressedHandleIndex = -1;
- }
- // Unset any attached properties since the item is no longer owned by us.
- QQuickSplitViewAttached *attached = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitViewAttached*>(
- qmlAttachedPropertiesObject<QQuickSplitView>(item, false));
- if (attached)
- QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate::get(attached)->setView(this);
- d->removeImplicitSizeListener(item);
- d->removeExcessHandles();
- d->updateHandleVisibilities();
- d->updateFillIndex();
- d->requestLayout();
-#if QT_CONFIG(accessibility)
-QAccessible::Role QQuickSplitView::accessibleRole() const
- return QAccessible::Pane;
-QQuickSplitViewAttached::QQuickSplitViewAttached(QObject *parent)
- : QObject(*(new QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate), parent)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(parent);
- if (!item) {
- qmlWarning(parent) << "SplitView: attached properties can only be used on Items";
- return;
- }
- if (QQuickItemPrivate::get(item)->isTransparentForPositioner())
- return;
- d->m_splitItem = item;
- // Child items get added to SplitView's contentItem, so we have to ensure
- // that exists first before trying to set m_splitView.
- // Apparently, in some cases it's normal for the parent item
- // to not exist until shortly after this constructor has run.
- if (!item->parentItem())
- return;
- // This will get hit when attached SplitView properties are imperatively set
- // on an item that previously had none set, for example.
- QQuickSplitView *splitView = qobject_cast<QQuickSplitView*>(item->parentItem()->parentItem());
- if (!splitView) {
- qmlWarning(parent) << "SplitView: attached properties must be accessed through a direct child of SplitView";
- return;
- }
- d->setView(splitView);
- \qmlattachedproperty SplitView QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::view
- This attached property holds the split view of the item it is
- attached to, or \c null if the item is not in a split view.
-QQuickSplitView *QQuickSplitViewAttached::view() const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- return d->m_splitView;
- \qmlattachedproperty real QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::minimumWidth
- This attached property controls the minimum width of the split item.
- The \l preferredWidth is bound within the \l minimumWidth and
- \l maximumWidth. A split item cannot be dragged to be smaller than
- its \c minimumWidth.
- The default value is \c 0. To reset this property to its default value,
- set it to \c undefined.
- \sa maximumWidth, preferredWidth, fillWidth, minimumHeight
-qreal QQuickSplitViewAttached::minimumWidth() const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- return d->m_minimumWidth;
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::setMinimumWidth(qreal width)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- d->m_isMinimumWidthSet = true;
- if (qFuzzyCompare(width, d->m_minimumWidth))
- return;
- d->m_minimumWidth = width;
- d->requestLayoutView();
- emit minimumWidthChanged();
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::resetMinimumWidth()
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- const qreal oldEffectiveMinimumWidth = effectiveMinimumWidth(d);
- d->m_isMinimumWidthSet = false;
- d->m_minimumWidth = -1;
- const qreal newEffectiveMinimumWidth = effectiveMinimumWidth(d);
- if (qFuzzyCompare(newEffectiveMinimumWidth, oldEffectiveMinimumWidth))
- return;
- d->requestLayoutView();
- emit minimumWidthChanged();
- \qmlattachedproperty real QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::minimumHeight
- This attached property controls the minimum height of the split item.
- The \l preferredHeight is bound within the \l minimumHeight and
- \l maximumHeight. A split item cannot be dragged to be smaller than
- its \c minimumHeight.
- The default value is \c 0. To reset this property to its default value,
- set it to \c undefined.
- \sa maximumHeight, preferredHeight, fillHeight, minimumWidth
-qreal QQuickSplitViewAttached::minimumHeight() const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- return d->m_minimumHeight;
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::setMinimumHeight(qreal height)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- d->m_isMinimumHeightSet = true;
- if (qFuzzyCompare(height, d->m_minimumHeight))
- return;
- d->m_minimumHeight = height;
- d->requestLayoutView();
- emit minimumHeightChanged();
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::resetMinimumHeight()
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- const qreal oldEffectiveMinimumHeight = effectiveMinimumHeight(d);
- d->m_isMinimumHeightSet = false;
- d->m_minimumHeight = -1;
- const qreal newEffectiveMinimumHeight = effectiveMinimumHeight(d);
- if (qFuzzyCompare(newEffectiveMinimumHeight, oldEffectiveMinimumHeight))
- return;
- d->requestLayoutView();
- emit minimumHeightChanged();
- \qmlattachedproperty real QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::preferredWidth
- This attached property controls the preferred width of the split item. The
- preferred width will be used as the size of the item, and will be bound
- within the \l minimumWidth and \l maximumWidth. If the preferred width
- is not set, the item's \l {Item::}{implicitWidth} will be used.
- When a split item is resized, the preferredWidth will be set in order
- to keep track of the new size.
- By default, this property is not set, and therefore
- \l {Item::}{implicitWidth} will be used instead. To reset this property to
- its default value, set it to \c undefined.
- \note Do not set the \l{Item::}{width} property of a split item, as it will be
- overwritten upon each layout of the SplitView.
- \sa minimumWidth, maximumWidth, fillWidth, preferredHeight
-qreal QQuickSplitViewAttached::preferredWidth() const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- return d->m_preferredWidth;
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::setPreferredWidth(qreal width)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- d->m_isPreferredWidthSet = true;
- // Make sure that we clear this flag now, before we emit the change signals
- // which could cause another setter to be called.
- auto splitViewPrivate = d->m_splitView ? QQuickSplitViewPrivate::get(d->m_splitView) : nullptr;
- const bool ignoreNextLayoutRequest = splitViewPrivate && splitViewPrivate->m_ignoreNextLayoutRequest;
- if (splitViewPrivate)
- splitViewPrivate->m_ignoreNextLayoutRequest = false;
- if (qFuzzyCompare(width, d->m_preferredWidth))
- return;
- d->m_preferredWidth = width;
- if (!ignoreNextLayoutRequest) {
- // We are currently in the middle of performing a layout, and the user (not our internal code)
- // changed the preferred width of one of the split items, so request another layout.
- d->requestLayoutView();
- }
- emit preferredWidthChanged();
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::resetPreferredWidth()
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- const qreal oldEffectivePreferredWidth = effectivePreferredWidth(
- d, QQuickItemPrivate::get(d->m_splitItem));
- d->m_isPreferredWidthSet = false;
- d->m_preferredWidth = -1;
- const qreal newEffectivePreferredWidth = effectivePreferredWidth(
- d, QQuickItemPrivate::get(d->m_splitItem));
- if (qFuzzyCompare(newEffectivePreferredWidth, oldEffectivePreferredWidth))
- return;
- d->requestLayoutView();
- emit preferredWidthChanged();
- \qmlattachedproperty real QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::preferredHeight
- This attached property controls the preferred height of the split item. The
- preferred height will be used as the size of the item, and will be bound
- within the \l minimumHeight and \l maximumHeight. If the preferred height
- is not set, the item's \l{Item::}{implicitHeight} will be used.
- When a split item is resized, the preferredHeight will be set in order
- to keep track of the new size.
- By default, this property is not set, and therefore
- \l{Item::}{implicitHeight} will be used instead. To reset this property to
- its default value, set it to \c undefined.
- \note Do not set the \l{Item::}{height} property of a split item, as it will be
- overwritten upon each layout of the SplitView.
- \sa minimumHeight, maximumHeight, fillHeight, preferredWidth
-qreal QQuickSplitViewAttached::preferredHeight() const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- return d->m_preferredHeight;
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::setPreferredHeight(qreal height)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- d->m_isPreferredHeightSet = true;
- // Make sure that we clear this flag now, before we emit the change signals
- // which could cause another setter to be called.
- auto splitViewPrivate = d->m_splitView ? QQuickSplitViewPrivate::get(d->m_splitView) : nullptr;
- const bool ignoreNextLayoutRequest = splitViewPrivate && splitViewPrivate->m_ignoreNextLayoutRequest;
- if (splitViewPrivate)
- splitViewPrivate->m_ignoreNextLayoutRequest = false;
- if (qFuzzyCompare(height, d->m_preferredHeight))
- return;
- d->m_preferredHeight = height;
- if (!ignoreNextLayoutRequest) {
- // We are currently in the middle of performing a layout, and the user (not our internal code)
- // changed the preferred height of one of the split items, so request another layout.
- d->requestLayoutView();
- }
- emit preferredHeightChanged();
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::resetPreferredHeight()
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- const qreal oldEffectivePreferredHeight = effectivePreferredHeight(
- d, QQuickItemPrivate::get(d->m_splitItem));
- d->m_isPreferredHeightSet = false;
- d->m_preferredHeight = -1;
- const qreal newEffectivePreferredHeight = effectivePreferredHeight(
- d, QQuickItemPrivate::get(d->m_splitItem));
- if (qFuzzyCompare(newEffectivePreferredHeight, oldEffectivePreferredHeight))
- return;
- d->requestLayoutView();
- emit preferredHeightChanged();
- \qmlattachedproperty real QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::maximumWidth
- This attached property controls the maximum width of the split item.
- The \l preferredWidth is bound within the \l minimumWidth and
- \l maximumWidth. A split item cannot be dragged to be larger than
- its \c maximumWidth.
- The default value is \c Infinity. To reset this property to its default
- value, set it to \c undefined.
- \sa minimumWidth, preferredWidth, fillWidth, maximumHeight
-qreal QQuickSplitViewAttached::maximumWidth() const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- return d->m_maximumWidth;
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::setMaximumWidth(qreal width)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- d->m_isMaximumWidthSet = true;
- if (qFuzzyCompare(width, d->m_maximumWidth))
- return;
- d->m_maximumWidth = width;
- d->requestLayoutView();
- emit maximumWidthChanged();
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::resetMaximumWidth()
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- const qreal oldEffectiveMaximumWidth = effectiveMaximumWidth(d);
- d->m_isMaximumWidthSet = false;
- d->m_maximumWidth = -1;
- const qreal newEffectiveMaximumWidth = effectiveMaximumWidth(d);
- if (qFuzzyCompare(newEffectiveMaximumWidth, oldEffectiveMaximumWidth))
- return;
- d->requestLayoutView();
- emit maximumWidthChanged();
- \qmlattachedproperty real QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::maximumHeight
- This attached property controls the maximum height of the split item.
- The \l preferredHeight is bound within the \l minimumHeight and
- \l maximumHeight. A split item cannot be dragged to be larger than
- its \c maximumHeight.
- The default value is \c Infinity. To reset this property to its default
- value, set it to \c undefined.
- \sa minimumHeight, preferredHeight, fillHeight, maximumWidth
-qreal QQuickSplitViewAttached::maximumHeight() const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- return d->m_maximumHeight;
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::setMaximumHeight(qreal height)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- d->m_isMaximumHeightSet = true;
- if (qFuzzyCompare(height, d->m_maximumHeight))
- return;
- d->m_maximumHeight = height;
- d->requestLayoutView();
- emit maximumHeightChanged();
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::resetMaximumHeight()
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- const qreal oldEffectiveMaximumHeight = effectiveMaximumHeight(d);
- d->m_isMaximumHeightSet = false;
- d->m_maximumHeight = -1;
- const qreal newEffectiveMaximumHeight = effectiveMaximumHeight(d);
- if (qFuzzyCompare(newEffectiveMaximumHeight, oldEffectiveMaximumHeight))
- return;
- d->requestLayoutView();
- emit maximumHeightChanged();
- \qmlattachedproperty bool QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::fillWidth
- This attached property controls whether the item takes the remaining space
- in the split view after all other items have been laid out.
- By default, the last visible child of the split view will have this set,
- but it can be changed by explicitly setting \c fillWidth to \c true on
- another item.
- The width of a split item with \c fillWidth set to \c true is still
- restricted within its \l minimumWidth and \l maximumWidth.
- \sa minimumWidth, preferredWidth, maximumWidth, fillHeight
-bool QQuickSplitViewAttached::fillWidth() const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- return d->m_fillWidth;
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::setFillWidth(bool fill)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- d->m_isFillWidthSet = true;
- if (fill == d->m_fillWidth)
- return;
- d->m_fillWidth = fill;
- if (d->m_splitView && d->m_splitView->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
- QQuickSplitViewPrivate::get(d->m_splitView)->updateFillIndex();
- d->requestLayoutView();
- emit fillWidthChanged();
- \qmlattachedproperty bool QtQuick.Controls::SplitView::fillHeight
- This attached property controls whether the item takes the remaining space
- in the split view after all other items have been laid out.
- By default, the last visible child of the split view will have this set,
- but it can be changed by explicitly setting \c fillHeight to \c true on
- another item.
- The height of a split item with \c fillHeight set to \c true is still
- restricted within its \l minimumHeight and \l maximumHeight.
- \sa minimumHeight, preferredHeight, maximumHeight, fillWidth
-bool QQuickSplitViewAttached::fillHeight() const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- return d->m_fillHeight;
-void QQuickSplitViewAttached::setFillHeight(bool fill)
- Q_D(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- d->m_isFillHeightSet = true;
- if (fill == d->m_fillHeight)
- return;
- d->m_fillHeight = fill;
- if (d->m_splitView && d->m_splitView->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
- QQuickSplitViewPrivate::get(d->m_splitView)->updateFillIndex();
- d->requestLayoutView();
- emit fillHeightChanged();
- : m_fillWidth(false)
- , m_fillHeight(false)
- , m_isFillWidthSet(false)
- , m_isFillHeightSet(false)
- , m_isMinimumWidthSet(false)
- , m_isMinimumHeightSet(false)
- , m_isPreferredWidthSet(false)
- , m_isPreferredHeightSet(false)
- , m_isMaximumWidthSet(false)
- , m_isMaximumHeightSet(false)
- , m_minimumWidth(0)
- , m_minimumHeight(0)
- , m_preferredWidth(-1)
- , m_preferredHeight(-1)
- , m_maximumWidth(std::numeric_limits<qreal>::infinity())
- , m_maximumHeight(std::numeric_limits<qreal>::infinity())
-void QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate::setView(QQuickSplitView *newView)
- Q_Q(QQuickSplitViewAttached);
- if (newView == m_splitView)
- return;
- m_splitView = newView;
- qCDebug(qlcQQuickSplitView) << "set SplitView" << newView << "on attached object" << this;
- emit q->viewChanged();
-void QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate::requestLayoutView()
- if (m_splitView)
- QQuickSplitViewPrivate::get(m_splitView)->requestLayout();
-QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate *QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate::get(QQuickSplitViewAttached *attached)
- return attached->d_func();
-const QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate *QQuickSplitViewAttachedPrivate::get(const QQuickSplitViewAttached *attached)
- return attached->d_func();
- : m_hovered(false)
- , m_pressed(false)
-void QQuickSplitHandleAttachedPrivate::setHovered(bool hovered)
- Q_Q(QQuickSplitHandleAttached);
- if (hovered == m_hovered)
- return;
- m_hovered = hovered;
- emit q->hoveredChanged();
-void QQuickSplitHandleAttachedPrivate::setPressed(bool pressed)
- Q_Q(QQuickSplitHandleAttached);
- if (pressed == m_pressed)
- return;
- m_pressed = pressed;
- emit q->pressedChanged();
-QQuickSplitHandleAttachedPrivate *QQuickSplitHandleAttachedPrivate::get(QQuickSplitHandleAttached *attached)
- return attached->d_func();
-const QQuickSplitHandleAttachedPrivate *QQuickSplitHandleAttachedPrivate::get(const QQuickSplitHandleAttached *attached)
- return attached->d_func();
-QQuickSplitHandleAttached::QQuickSplitHandleAttached(QObject *parent)
- : QObject(*(new QQuickSplitHandleAttachedPrivate), parent)
- \qmltype SplitHandle
- \inherits QtObject
-//! \instantiates QQuickSplitHandleAttached
- \inqmlmodule QtQuick.Controls
- \since 5.13
- \brief Provides attached properties for SplitView handles.
- SplitHandle provides attached properties for \l SplitView handles.
- For split items themselves, use the attached \l SplitView properties.
- \sa SplitView
- \qmlattachedproperty bool QtQuick.Controls::SplitHandle::hovered
- This attached property holds whether the split handle is hovered.
- \sa pressed
-bool QQuickSplitHandleAttached::isHovered() const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitHandleAttached);
- return d->m_hovered;
- \qmlattachedproperty bool QtQuick.Controls::SplitHandle::pressed
- This attached property holds whether the split handle is pressed.
- \sa hovered
-bool QQuickSplitHandleAttached::isPressed() const
- Q_D(const QQuickSplitHandleAttached);
- return d->m_pressed;
-QQuickSplitHandleAttached *QQuickSplitHandleAttached::qmlAttachedProperties(QObject *object)
- return new QQuickSplitHandleAttached(object);
-#include "moc_qquicksplitview_p.cpp"