path: root/tests/benchmarks/creationtime/tst_creationtime.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/benchmarks/creationtime/tst_creationtime.cpp')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/creationtime/tst_creationtime.cpp b/tests/benchmarks/creationtime/tst_creationtime.cpp
index 877cf273..3eec3825 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/creationtime/tst_creationtime.cpp
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/creationtime/tst_creationtime.cpp
@@ -78,11 +78,12 @@ static void addTestRows(QQmlEngine *engine, const QString &sourcePath, const QSt
// the engine's import path. This way we can use QQmlComponent to load each QML file
// for benchmarking.
- QFileInfoList entries = QDir(QQC2_IMPORT_PATH "/" + sourcePath).entryInfoList(QStringList("*.qml"), QDir::Files);
- foreach (const QFileInfo &entry, entries) {
+ const QFileInfoList entries = QDir(QQC2_IMPORT_PATH "/" + sourcePath).entryInfoList(QStringList("*.qml"), QDir::Files);
+ for (const QFileInfo &entry : entries) {
QString name = entry.baseName();
if (!skiplist.contains(name)) {
- foreach (const QString &importPath, engine->importPathList()) {
+ const auto importPathList = engine->importPathList();
+ for (const QString &importPath : importPathList) {
QString name = entry.dir().dirName() + "/" + entry.fileName();
QString filePath = importPath + "/" + targetPath + "/" + entry.fileName();
if (QFile::exists(filePath)) {