Qt Labs Controls ================ The Qt Labs Controls module is a technology preview of the next generation user interface controls based on Qt Quick. In comparison to the desktop- oriented Qt Quick Controls 1, the experimental Qt Labs Controls are an order of magnitude simpler, lighter and faster, and are primarily targeting embedded and mobile platforms. More information can be found in the following blog posts: - http://blog.qt.io/blog/2015/03/31/qt-quick-controls-for-embedded/ - http://blog.qt.io/blog/2015/11/23/qt-quick-controls-re-engineered-status-update/ ## Help If you have problems or questions, don't hesitate to: - ask on the Qt Interest mailing list interest@qt-project.org - ask on the Qt Forum http://forum.qt.io/category/12/qt-quick - report issues to the Qt Bug Tracker https://bugreports.qt.io (component Qt Quick: Controls 2) ## Installation The MINIMUM REQUIREMENT for building this project is to use the same branch of Qt 5. The dependencies are qtbase, qtxmlpatterns and qtdeclarative. Other optional dependencies are qtgraphicaleffects for the Material style and qtquickcontrols for the Qt Quick Layouts. To install the controls into your Qt directory (QTDIR/qml): qmake make make install If you are compiling against a system Qt on linux, you might have to use ```sudo make install``` to install the project. ## Usage Please refer to the "Getting Started with Qt Labs Controls" documentation.