/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ** ** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ** met: ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ** distribution. ** * Neither the name of The Qt Company Ltd nor the names of its ** contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ** from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.2 import QtTest 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 TestCase { id: testCase width: 200 height: 200 visible: true when: windowShown name: "Tumbler" property var tumbler: null readonly property real implicitTumblerWidth: 60 readonly property real implicitTumblerHeight: 200 readonly property real defaultImplicitDelegateHeight: implicitTumblerHeight / 3 readonly property real defaultListViewTumblerOffset: -defaultImplicitDelegateHeight readonly property real tumblerDelegateHeight: tumbler ? tumbler.availableHeight / tumbler.visibleItemCount : 0 property Item tumblerView: null Component { id: tumblerComponent Tumbler { visibleItemCount: 3 } } function init() { createTumbler(); } function cleanup() { tumbler.destroy(); tumblerView = null; } function createTumbler(args) { if (args === undefined) tumbler = tumblerComponent.createObject(testCase); else tumbler = tumblerComponent.createObject(testCase, args); verify(tumbler, "Tumbler: failed to create an instance"); tumblerView = findView(tumbler); verify(tumblerView); } function tumblerXCenter() { return tumbler.leftPadding + tumbler.width / 2; } function tumblerYCenter() { return tumbler.topPadding + tumbler.height / 2; } // visualItemIndex is from 0 to the amount of visible items. function itemCenterPos(visualItemIndex) { var halfDelegateHeight = tumblerDelegateHeight / 2; var yCenter = tumbler.y + tumbler.topPadding + halfDelegateHeight + (tumblerDelegateHeight * visualItemIndex); return Qt.point(tumblerXCenter(), yCenter); } function checkItemSizes() { var contentChildren = tumbler.wrap ? tumblerView.children : tumblerView.contentItem.children; verify(contentChildren.length >= tumbler.count); for (var i = 0; i < contentChildren.length; ++i) { compare(contentChildren[i].width, tumbler.availableWidth); compare(contentChildren[i].height, tumblerDelegateHeight); } } function findView(parent) { for (var i = 0; i < parent.children.length; ++i) { var child = parent.children[i]; if (child.hasOwnProperty("currentIndex")) { return child; } return findView(child); } return null; } property Component noAttachedPropertiesDelegate: Text { text: modelData } function test_wrapWithoutAttachedProperties() { verify(tumbler.wrap); tumbler.delegate = noAttachedPropertiesDelegate; // Shouldn't assert. tumbler.wrap = false; verify(findView(tumbler)); } function test_currentIndex() { tumbler.model = 5; compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 0); waitForRendering(tumbler); // Set it through user interaction. var pos = Qt.point(tumblerXCenter(), tumbler.height / 2); mouseDrag(tumbler, pos.x, pos.y, 0, tumbler.height / 3, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier, 200); tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", 1); compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 4); compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 4); // Set it manually. tumbler.currentIndex = 2; tryCompare(tumbler, "currentIndex", 2); compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 2); tumbler.model = null; tryCompare(tumbler, "currentIndex", -1); // PathView will only use 0 as the currentIndex when there are no items. compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 0); tumbler.model = ["A", "B", "C"]; tryCompare(tumbler, "currentIndex", 0); // Setting a negative current index should have no effect, because the model isn't empty. tumbler.currentIndex = -1; compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 0); tumbler.model = 1; compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 0); tumbler.model = 5; compare(tumbler.count, 5); tumblerView = findView(tumbler); tryCompare(tumblerView, "count", 5); tumbler.currentIndex = 4; compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 4); compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 4); --tumbler.model; compare(tumbler.count, 4); compare(tumblerView.count, 4); // Removing an item from an integer-based model will cause views to reset their currentIndex to 0. compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 0); compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 0); tumbler.model = 0; compare(tumbler.currentIndex, -1); } Component { id: currentIndexTumbler Tumbler { model: 5 currentIndex: 2 visibleItemCount: 3 } } Component { id: currentIndexTumblerNoWrap Tumbler { model: 5 currentIndex: 2 wrap: false visibleItemCount: 3 } } Component { id: currentIndexTumblerNoWrapReversedOrder Tumbler { model: 5 wrap: false currentIndex: 2 visibleItemCount: 3 } } Component { id: negativeCurrentIndexTumblerNoWrap Tumbler { model: 5 wrap: false currentIndex: -1 visibleItemCount: 3 } } Component { id: currentIndexTooLargeTumbler Tumbler { objectName: "currentIndexTooLargeTumbler" model: 10 currentIndex: 10 } } function test_currentIndexAtCreation_data() { return [ { tag: "wrap: implicit, expected currentIndex: 2", currentIndex: 2, wrap: true, component: currentIndexTumbler }, { tag: "wrap: false, expected currentIndex: 2", currentIndex: 2, wrap: false, component: currentIndexTumblerNoWrap }, // Order of property assignments shouldn't matter { tag: "wrap: false, expected currentIndex: 2, reversed property assignment order", currentIndex: 2, wrap: false, component: currentIndexTumblerNoWrapReversedOrder }, { tag: "wrap: false, expected currentIndex: 0", currentIndex: 0, wrap: false, component: negativeCurrentIndexTumblerNoWrap }, { tag: "wrap: implicit, expected currentIndex: 0", currentIndex: 0, wrap: true, component: currentIndexTooLargeTumbler } ] } function test_currentIndexAtCreation(data) { // Test setting currentIndex at creation time var tumbler = data.component.createObject(testCase); verify(tumbler); // A "statically declared" currentIndex will be pending until the count has changed, // which happens when the model is set, which happens on the TumblerView's next polish. tryCompare(tumbler, "currentIndex", data.currentIndex); tumblerView = findView(tumbler); // TODO: replace once QTBUG-19708 is fixed. for (var delay = 1000; delay >= 0; delay -= 50) { if (tumblerView.currentItem) break; wait(50); } verify(tumblerView.currentItem); compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, data.currentIndex); compare(tumblerView.currentItem.text, data.currentIndex.toString()); var fuzz = 1; if (data.wrap) { fuzzyCompare(tumblerView.offset, data.currentIndex > 0 ? tumblerView.count - data.currentIndex : 0, fuzz); } else { fuzzyCompare(tumblerView.contentY, tumblerDelegateHeight * data.currentIndex - tumblerView.preferredHighlightBegin, fuzz); } tumbler.destroy(); } function test_keyboardNavigation() { tumbler.model = 5; tumbler.forceActiveFocus(); tumblerView.highlightMoveDuration = 0; // Navigate upwards through entire wheel. for (var j = 0; j < tumbler.count - 1; ++j) { keyClick(Qt.Key_Up, Qt.NoModifier); tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", j + 1); compare(tumbler.currentIndex, tumbler.count - 1 - j); } keyClick(Qt.Key_Up, Qt.NoModifier); tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", 0); compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 0); // Navigate downwards through entire wheel. for (j = 0; j < tumbler.count - 1; ++j) { keyClick(Qt.Key_Down, Qt.NoModifier); tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", tumbler.count - 1 - j); compare(tumbler.currentIndex, j + 1); } keyClick(Qt.Key_Down, Qt.NoModifier); tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", 0); compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 0); } function test_itemsCorrectlyPositioned() { tumbler.model = 4; tumbler.height = 120; compare(tumblerDelegateHeight, 40); checkItemSizes(); wait(tumblerView.highlightMoveDuration); var firstItemCenterPos = itemCenterPos(1); var firstItem = tumblerView.itemAt(firstItemCenterPos.x, firstItemCenterPos.y); var actualPos = testCase.mapFromItem(firstItem, 0, 0); compare(actualPos.x, tumbler.leftPadding); compare(actualPos.y, tumbler.topPadding + 40); tumbler.forceActiveFocus(); keyClick(Qt.Key_Down); tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", 3.0); firstItemCenterPos = itemCenterPos(0); firstItem = tumblerView.itemAt(firstItemCenterPos.x, firstItemCenterPos.y); verify(firstItem); // Test QTBUG-40298. actualPos = testCase.mapFromItem(firstItem, 0, 0); compare(actualPos.x, tumbler.leftPadding); compare(actualPos.y, tumbler.topPadding); var secondItemCenterPos = itemCenterPos(1); var secondItem = tumblerView.itemAt(secondItemCenterPos.x, secondItemCenterPos.y); verify(secondItem); verify(firstItem.y < secondItem.y); var thirdItemCenterPos = itemCenterPos(2); var thirdItem = tumblerView.itemAt(thirdItemCenterPos.x, thirdItemCenterPos.y); verify(thirdItem); verify(firstItem.y < thirdItem.y); verify(secondItem.y < thirdItem.y); } function test_focusPastTumbler() { var mouseArea = Qt.createQmlObject( "import QtQuick 2.2; TextInput { activeFocusOnTab: true; width: 50; height: 50 }", testCase, ""); tumbler.forceActiveFocus(); verify(tumbler.activeFocus); keyClick(Qt.Key_Tab); verify(!tumbler.activeFocus); verify(mouseArea.activeFocus); mouseArea.destroy(); } function test_datePicker() { tumbler.destroy(); var component = Qt.createComponent("TumblerDatePicker.qml"); compare(component.status, Component.Ready, component.errorString()); tumbler = component.createObject(testCase); // Should not be any warnings. tryCompare(tumbler.dayTumbler, "currentIndex", 0); compare(tumbler.dayTumbler.count, 31); compare(tumbler.monthTumbler.currentIndex, 0); compare(tumbler.monthTumbler.count, 12); compare(tumbler.yearTumbler.currentIndex, 0); compare(tumbler.yearTumbler.count, 100); verify(findView(tumbler.dayTumbler).children.length >= tumbler.dayTumbler.visibleItemCount); verify(findView(tumbler.monthTumbler).children.length >= tumbler.monthTumbler.visibleItemCount); // TODO: do this properly somehow wait(100); verify(findView(tumbler.yearTumbler).children.length >= tumbler.yearTumbler.visibleItemCount); // March. tumbler.monthTumbler.currentIndex = 2; tryCompare(tumbler.monthTumbler, "currentIndex", 2); // 30th of March. tumbler.dayTumbler.currentIndex = 29; tryCompare(tumbler.dayTumbler, "currentIndex", 29); // February. tumbler.monthTumbler.currentIndex = 1; tryCompare(tumbler.monthTumbler, "currentIndex", 1); tryCompare(tumbler.dayTumbler, "currentIndex", 27); } function test_displacement_data() { var data = [ // At 0 offset, the first item is current. { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 0 }, { count: 6, index: 1, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: -1 }, { count: 6, index: 5, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 1 }, // When we start to move the first item down, the second item above it starts to become current. { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 0.25, expectedDisplacement: -0.25 }, { count: 6, index: 1, offset: 0.25, expectedDisplacement: -1.25 }, { count: 6, index: 5, offset: 0.25, expectedDisplacement: 0.75 }, { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 0.5, expectedDisplacement: -0.5 }, { count: 6, index: 1, offset: 0.5, expectedDisplacement: -1.5 }, { count: 6, index: 5, offset: 0.5, expectedDisplacement: 0.5 }, // By this stage, the delegate at index 1 is destroyed, so we can't test its displacement. { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 0.75, expectedDisplacement: -0.75 }, { count: 6, index: 5, offset: 0.75, expectedDisplacement: 0.25 }, { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 4.75, expectedDisplacement: 1.25 }, { count: 6, index: 1, offset: 4.75, expectedDisplacement: 0.25 }, { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 4.5, expectedDisplacement: 1.5 }, { count: 6, index: 1, offset: 4.5, expectedDisplacement: 0.5 }, { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 4.25, expectedDisplacement: 1.75 }, { count: 6, index: 1, offset: 4.25, expectedDisplacement: 0.75 }, // count == visibleItemCount { count: 3, index: 0, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 0 }, { count: 3, index: 1, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: -1 }, { count: 3, index: 2, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 1 }, // count < visibleItemCount { count: 2, index: 0, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 0 }, { count: 2, index: 1, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 1 }, // count == 1 { count: 1, index: 0, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 0 } ]; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { var row = data[i]; row.tag = "delegate" + row.index + " offset=" + row.offset + " expectedDisplacement=" + row.expectedDisplacement; } return data; } property Component displacementDelegate: Text { objectName: "delegate" + index text: modelData opacity: 0.2 + Math.max(0, 1 - Math.abs(Tumbler.displacement)) * 0.8 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter Text { text: parent.displacement.toFixed(2) anchors.right: parent.right } property real displacement: Tumbler.displacement } function test_displacement(data) { // TODO: test setting these in the opposite order (delegate after model // doesn't seem to cause a change in delegates in PathView) tumbler.wrap = true; tumbler.delegate = displacementDelegate; tumbler.model = data.count; compare(tumbler.count, data.count); var delegate = findChild(tumblerView, "delegate" + data.index); verify(delegate); tumblerView.offset = data.offset; compare(delegate.displacement, data.expectedDisplacement); // test displacement after adding and removing items } function test_wrap() { tumbler.model = 5; compare(tumbler.count, 5); tumbler.currentIndex = 2; compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 2); tumbler.wrap = false; tumblerView = findView(tumbler); compare(tumbler.count, 5); compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 2); // Tumbler's count hasn't changed (the model hasn't changed), // but the new view needs time to instantiate its items. tryCompare(tumblerView, "count", 5); compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 2); } Component { id: twoItemTumbler Tumbler { model: 2 } } Component { id: tenItemTumbler Tumbler { model: 10 } } function test_countWrap() { // Check that a count that is less than visibleItemCount results in wrap being set to false. verify(2 < tumbler.visibleItemCount); tumbler.model = 2; compare(tumbler.count, 2); compare(tumbler.wrap, false); } function test_explicitlyNonwrapping() { // Check that explicitly setting wrap to false works even when it was implicitly false. var explicitlyNonWrapping = twoItemTumbler.createObject(testCase); verify(explicitlyNonWrapping); tryCompare(explicitlyNonWrapping, "wrap", false); explicitlyNonWrapping.wrap = false; // wrap shouldn't be set to true now that there are more items than there are visible ones. verify(10 > explicitlyNonWrapping.visibleItemCount); explicitlyNonWrapping.model = 10; compare(explicitlyNonWrapping.wrap, false); // Test resetting wrap back to the default behavior. explicitlyNonWrapping.wrap = undefined; compare(explicitlyNonWrapping.wrap, true); explicitlyNonWrapping.destroy(); } function test_explicitlyWrapping() { // Check that explicitly setting wrap to true works even when it was implicitly true. var explicitlyWrapping = tenItemTumbler.createObject(testCase); verify(explicitlyWrapping); compare(explicitlyWrapping.wrap, true); explicitlyWrapping.wrap = true; // wrap shouldn't be set to false now that there are more items than there are visible ones. explicitlyWrapping.model = 2; compare(explicitlyWrapping.wrap, true); // Test resetting wrap back to the default behavior. explicitlyWrapping.wrap = undefined; compare(explicitlyWrapping.wrap, false); explicitlyWrapping.destroy(); } Component { id: customListViewTumblerComponent Tumbler { id: listViewTumbler contentItem: ListView { anchors.fill: parent model: listViewTumbler.model delegate: listViewTumbler.delegate snapMode: ListView.SnapToItem highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange preferredHighlightBegin: height / 2 - (height / listViewTumbler.visibleItemCount / 2) preferredHighlightEnd: height / 2 + (height / listViewTumbler.visibleItemCount / 2) clip: true } } } Component { id: customPathViewTumblerComponent Tumbler { id: pathViewTumbler contentItem: PathView { id: pathView model: pathViewTumbler.model delegate: pathViewTumbler.delegate clip: true pathItemCount: pathViewTumbler.visibleItemCount + 1 preferredHighlightBegin: 0.5 preferredHighlightEnd: 0.5 dragMargin: width / 2 path: Path { startX: pathView.width / 2 startY: -pathView.delegateHeight / 2 PathLine { x: pathView.width / 2 y: pathView.pathItemCount * pathView.delegateHeight - pathView.delegateHeight / 2 } } property real delegateHeight: pathViewTumbler.availableHeight / pathViewTumbler.visibleItemCount } } } function test_customContentItemAtConstruction_data() { return [ { tag: "ListView", component: customListViewTumblerComponent }, { tag: "PathView", component: customPathViewTumblerComponent } ]; } function test_customContentItemAtConstruction(data) { var tumbler = data.component.createObject(testCase); // Shouldn't assert. tumbler.model = 5; compare(tumbler.count, 5); tumbler.currentIndex = 2; var tumblerView = findView(tumbler); compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 2); tumblerView.incrementCurrentIndex(); compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 3); compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 3); // Shouldn't have any affect. tumbler.wrap = false; compare(tumbler.count, 5); compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 3); compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 3); tumbler.destroy(); } function test_customContentItemAfterConstruction_data() { return [ { tag: "ListView", componentPath: "TumblerListView.qml" }, { tag: "PathView", componentPath: "TumblerPathView.qml" } ]; } function test_customContentItemAfterConstruction(data) { tumbler.model = 5; compare(tumbler.count, 5); tumbler.currentIndex = 2; compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 2); var contentItemComponent = Qt.createComponent(data.componentPath); compare(contentItemComponent.status, Component.Ready); var customContentItem = contentItemComponent.createObject(tumbler); tumbler.contentItem = customContentItem; compare(tumbler.count, 5); tumblerView = findView(tumbler); compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 2); tumblerView.incrementCurrentIndex(); compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 3); compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 3); } function test_displacementListView_data() { var offset = defaultListViewTumblerOffset; var data = [ // At 0 contentY, the first item is current. { contentY: offset, expectedDisplacements: [ { index: 0, displacement: 0 }, { index: 1, displacement: -1 }, { index: 2, displacement: -2 } ] }, // When we start to move the first item down, the second item above it starts to become current. { contentY: offset + defaultImplicitDelegateHeight * 0.25, expectedDisplacements: [ { index: 0, displacement: 0.25 }, { index: 1, displacement: -0.75 }, { index: 2, displacement: -1.75 } ] }, { contentY: offset + defaultImplicitDelegateHeight * 0.5, expectedDisplacements: [ { index: 0, displacement: 0.5 }, { index: 1, displacement: -0.5 }, { index: 2, displacement: -1.5 } ] }, { contentY: offset + defaultImplicitDelegateHeight * 0.75, expectedDisplacements: [ { index: 0, displacement: 0.75 }, { index: 1, displacement: -0.25 } ] }, { contentY: offset + defaultImplicitDelegateHeight * 3.5, expectedDisplacements: [ { index: 3, displacement: 0.5 }, { index: 4, displacement: -0.5 } ] } ]; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { var row = data[i]; row.tag = "contentY=" + row.contentY; } return data; } function test_displacementListView(data) { tumbler.wrap = false; tumbler.delegate = displacementDelegate; tumbler.model = 5; compare(tumbler.count, 5); // Ensure assumptions about the tumbler used in our data() function are correct. tumblerView = findView(tumbler); compare(tumblerView.contentY, -defaultImplicitDelegateHeight); var delegateCount = 0; var listView = tumblerView; var listViewContentItem = tumblerView.contentItem; // We use the mouse instead of setting contentY directly, otherwise the // items snap back into place. This doesn't seem to be an issue for // PathView for some reason. // // I tried lots of things to get this test to work with small changes // in ListView's contentY (to match the tests for a PathView-based Tumbler), but they didn't work: // // - Pressing once and then directly moving the mouse to the correct location // - Pressing once and interpolating the mouse position to the correct location // - Pressing once and doing some dragging up and down to trigger the // overThreshold of QQuickFlickable // // Even after the last item above, QQuickFlickable wouldn't consider it a drag. // It seems that overThreshold is set too late, and because the drag distance is quite small // to begin with, nothing changes (the displacement was always very close to 0 in the end). // Ensure that we at least cover the distance required to reach the desired contentY. var distanceToReachContentY = data.contentY - defaultListViewTumblerOffset; var distance = Math.abs(distanceToReachContentY) + tumbler.height / 2; // If distanceToReachContentY is 0, we're testing 0 displacement, so we don't need to do anything. if (distanceToReachContentY != 0) { mousePress(tumbler, tumblerXCenter(), tumblerYCenter()); var dragDirection = distanceToReachContentY > 0 ? -1 : 1; for (var i = 0; i < distance && Math.floor(listView.contentY) !== Math.floor(data.contentY); ++i) { mouseMove(tumbler, tumblerXCenter(), tumblerYCenter() + i * dragDirection); } } for (var i = 0; i < data.expectedDisplacements.length; ++i) { var delegate = findChild(listViewContentItem, "delegate" + data.expectedDisplacements[i].index); verify(delegate); compare(delegate.height, defaultImplicitDelegateHeight); // Due to the way we must perform this test, we can't expect high precision. var expectedDisplacement = data.expectedDisplacements[i].displacement; fuzzyCompare(delegate.displacement, expectedDisplacement, 0.1, "Delegate of ListView-based Tumbler at index " + data.expectedDisplacements[i].index + " has displacement of " + delegate.displacement + " when it should be " + expectedDisplacement); } if (distanceToReachContentY != 0) mouseRelease(tumbler, tumblerXCenter(), itemCenterPos(1) + (data.contentY - defaultListViewTumblerOffset), Qt.LeftButton); } function test_listViewFlickAboveBounds_data() { // Tests that flicking above the bounds when already at the top of the // tumbler doesn't result in an incorrect displacement. var data = []; // Less than two items doesn't make sense. The default visibleItemCount // is 3, so we test a bit more than double that. for (var i = 2; i <= 7; ++i) { data.push({ tag: i + " items", model: i }); } return data; } function test_listViewFlickAboveBounds(data) { tumbler.wrap = false; tumbler.delegate = displacementDelegate; tumbler.model = data.model; tumblerView = findView(tumbler); mousePress(tumbler, tumblerXCenter(), tumblerYCenter()); // Ensure it's stationary. var listView = tumblerView; compare(listView.contentY, defaultListViewTumblerOffset); // We could just move up until the contentY changed, but this is safer. var distance = tumbler.height; var changed = false; for (var i = 0; i < distance && !changed; ++i) { mouseMove(tumbler, tumblerXCenter(), tumblerYCenter() + i, 10); // Don't test until the contentY has actually changed. if (Math.abs(listView.contentY) - listView.preferredHighlightBegin > 0.01) { for (var delegateIndex = 0; delegateIndex < Math.min(tumbler.count, tumbler.visibleItemCount); ++delegateIndex) { var delegate = findChild(listView.contentItem, "delegate" + delegateIndex); verify(delegate); verify(delegate.displacement <= -delegateIndex, "Delegate at index " + delegateIndex + " has a displacement of " + delegate.displacement + " when it should be less than or equal to " + -delegateIndex); verify(delegate.displacement > -delegateIndex - 0.1, "Delegate at index 0 has a displacement of " + delegate.displacement + " when it should be greater than ~ " + -delegateIndex - 0.1); } changed = true; } } // Sanity check that something was actually tested. verify(changed); mouseRelease(tumbler, tumblerXCenter(), tumbler.topPadding); } property Component objectNameDelegate: Text { objectName: "delegate" + index text: modelData horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter } function test_visibleItemCount_data() { var data = [ // e.g. {0: 2} = {delegate index: y pos / delegate height} // Skip item at index 3, because it's out of view. { model: 6, visibleItemCount: 5, expectedYPositions: {0: 2, 1: 3, 2: 4, 4: 0} }, { model: 5, visibleItemCount: 3, expectedYPositions: {0: 1, 1: 2, 4: 0} }, // Takes up the whole view. { model: 2, visibleItemCount: 1, expectedYPositions: {0: 0} }, ]; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { data[i].tag = "items=" + data[i].model + ", visibleItemCount=" + data[i].visibleItemCount; } return data; } function test_visibleItemCount(data) { tumbler.delegate = objectNameDelegate; tumbler.visibleItemCount = data.visibleItemCount; tumbler.model = data.model; compare(tumbler.count, data.model); for (var delegateIndex = 0; delegateIndex < data.visibleItemCount; ++delegateIndex) { if (data.expectedYPositions.hasOwnProperty(delegateIndex)) { var delegate = findChild(tumblerView, "delegate" + delegateIndex); verify(delegate, "Delegate found at index " + delegateIndex); var expectedYPos = data.expectedYPositions[delegateIndex] * tumblerDelegateHeight; compare(delegate.mapToItem(tumbler.contentItem, 0, 0).y, expectedYPos); } } } property Component wrongDelegateTypeComponent: QtObject { property real displacement: Tumbler.displacement } property Component noParentDelegateComponent: Item { property real displacement: Tumbler.displacement } function test_attachedProperties() { // TODO: crashes somewhere in QML's guts // tumbler.model = 5; // tumbler.delegate = wrongDelegateTypeComponent; // ignoreWarning("Attached properties of Tumbler must be accessed from within a delegate item"); // // Cause displacement to be changed. The warning isn't triggered if we don't do this. // tumbler.contentItem.offset += 1; ignoreWarning("Tumbler: attached properties must be accessed through a delegate item that has a parent"); noParentDelegateComponent.createObject(null); ignoreWarning("Tumbler: attempting to access attached property on item without an \"index\" property"); var object = noParentDelegateComponent.createObject(testCase); object.destroy(); } property Component paddingDelegate: Text { objectName: "delegate" + index text: modelData horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "transparent" border.color: "red" border.width: 1 } } function test_padding_data() { var data = []; data.push({ padding: 0 }); data.push({ padding: 10 }); data.push({ left: 10, top: 10 }); data.push({ right: 10, bottom: 10 }); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { var tag = ""; if (data[i].padding !== undefined) tag += "padding: " + data[i].padding + " "; if (data[i].left !== undefined) tag += "left: " + data[i].left + " "; if (data[i].right !== undefined) tag += "right: " + data[i].right + " "; if (data[i].top !== undefined) tag += "top: " + data[i].top + " "; if (data[i].bottom !== undefined) tag += "bottom: " + data[i].bottom + " "; tag = tag.slice(0, -1); data[i].tag = tag; } return data; } function test_padding(data) { tumbler.delegate = paddingDelegate; tumbler.model = 5; compare(tumbler.padding, 0); compare(tumbler.leftPadding, 0); compare(tumbler.rightPadding, 0); compare(tumbler.topPadding, 0); compare(tumbler.bottomPadding, 0); compare(tumbler.contentItem.x, 0); compare(tumbler.contentItem.y, 0); if (data.padding !== undefined) tumbler.padding = data.padding; if (data.left !== undefined) tumbler.leftPadding = data.left; if (data.right !== undefined) tumbler.rightPadding = data.right; if (data.top !== undefined) tumbler.topPadding = data.top; if (data.bottom !== undefined) tumbler.bottomPadding = data.bottom; compare(tumbler.availableWidth, implicitTumblerWidth - tumbler.leftPadding - tumbler.rightPadding); compare(tumbler.availableHeight, implicitTumblerHeight - tumbler.topPadding - tumbler.bottomPadding); compare(tumbler.contentItem.x, tumbler.leftPadding); compare(tumbler.contentItem.y, tumbler.topPadding); var pathView = tumbler.contentItem; var expectedDelegateHeight = tumbler.availableHeight / tumbler.visibleItemCount; var itemIndicesInVisualOrder = [4, 0, 1]; for (var i = 0; i < itemIndicesInVisualOrder.length; ++i) { var delegate = findChild(pathView, "delegate" + itemIndicesInVisualOrder[i]); verify(delegate, "Couldn't find delegate at index " + itemIndicesInVisualOrder[i] + " (iteration " + i + " out of " + (pathView.children.length - 1) + ")"); compare(delegate.width, tumbler.availableWidth); compare(delegate.height, expectedDelegateHeight); var expectedY = tumbler.topPadding + i * expectedDelegateHeight; var mappedPos = delegate.mapToItem(null, delegate.width / 2, 0); fuzzyCompare(mappedPos.y, expectedY, 0.5, "Tumbler's PathView delegate at index " + itemIndicesInVisualOrder[i] + " should have a y pos of " + expectedY + ", but it's actually " + mappedPos.y.toFixed(20)); var expectedX = tumbler.leftPadding; compare(delegate.mapToItem(null, 0, 0).x, expectedX, "Tumbler's PathView delegate at index " + itemIndicesInVisualOrder[i] + " should have a x pos of " + expectedX + ", but it's actually " + mappedPos.x.toFixed(20)); } // Force new items to be created, as there was a bug where the path was correct until this happened. compare(tumblerView.offset, 0); ++tumbler.currentIndex; tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", 4, tumblerView.highlightMoveDuration * 2); } }