/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. 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1.0 : 0.0 Layout.topMargin: 12 Layout.maximumHeight: styleComboBox.currentIndex !== styleComboBox.styleIndex ? implicitHeight : 0 } CheckBox { id: customImagineStyleCheckBox text: qsTr("Use Custom Imagine Style Assets") enabled: usingImagineStyle Layout.columnSpan: 2 } Label { text: "Imagine Style Assets Path" enabled: usingImagineStyle && customImagineStyleCheckBox.checked } TextField { id: imaginePathTextField text: settings.imaginePath enabled: usingImagineStyle && customImagineStyleCheckBox.checked Layout.preferredWidth: 200 Layout.fillWidth: true ToolTip { text: "Path to a folder that contains Imagine style image assets" visible: imaginePathTextField.hovered delay: 500 parent: imaginePathTextField Imagine.path: defaultImaginePath } } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true } Label { text: directoryValidator.errorMessage color: "#e41e25" opacity: !directoryValidator.valid ? 1.0 : 0.0 elide: Label.ElideMiddle Layout.topMargin: !directoryValidator.valid ? 12 : 0 Layout.maximumHeight: !directoryValidator.valid ? implicitHeight : 0 Layout.fillWidth: true } CheckBox { id: fixImagineAssetsCheckBox text: "Fix Imagine Style Assets" enabled: usingImagineStyle && customImagineStyleCheckBox.checked Layout.columnSpan: 2 ToolTip { text: "If set, custom Imagine style assets will be modified to be compliant" visible: fixImagineAssetsCheckBox.hovered delay: 500 parent: imaginePathTextField Imagine.path: defaultImaginePath } } CheckBox { id: useCustomPaletteCheckBox text: qsTr("Use Custom Palette") Layout.topMargin: 12 } ColorEditor { id: windowColorEditor labelText: qsTr("Window") toolTipText: qsTr("A general background color.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: windowTextColorEditor labelText: qsTr("WindowText") toolTipText: qsTr("A general foreground color.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: baseColorEditor labelText: qsTr("Base") toolTipText: qsTr("Used mostly as the background color for text editor controls and items views. It is usually white or another light color.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: textColorEditor labelText: qsTr("Text") toolTipText: qsTr("The foreground color used with Base. This is usually the same as the WindowText, in which case it must provide good contrast with Window and Base.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: buttonColorEditor labelText: qsTr("Button") toolTipText: qsTr("The general button background color. This background can be different from Window as some styles require a different background color for buttons.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: buttonTextColorEditor labelText: qsTr("ButtonText") toolTipText: qsTr("A foreground color used with the Button color.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: brightTextColorEditor labelText: qsTr("BrightText") toolTipText: qsTr("A text color that is very different from WindowText, and contrasts well with e.g. Dark. Typically used for text that needs to be drawn where Text, WindowText or ButtonText would give poor contrast, such as on highlighted buttons.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: toolTipBaseColorEditor labelText: qsTr("ToolTipBase") toolTipText: qsTr("Used as the background color for tooltips.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: toolTipTextColorEditor labelText: qsTr("ToolTipText") toolTipText: qsTr("Used as the foreground color for tooltips.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: lightColorEditor labelText: qsTr("Light") toolTipText: qsTr("Lighter than Button.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: midlightColorEditor labelText: qsTr("Midlight") toolTipText: qsTr("Between Button and Light.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: darkColorEditor labelText: qsTr("Dark") toolTipText: qsTr("Darker than Button.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: midColorEditor labelText: qsTr("Mid") toolTipText: qsTr("Between Button and Dark.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: shadowColorEditor labelText: qsTr("Shadow") toolTipText: qsTr("A very dark color.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: highlightColorEditor labelText: qsTr("Highlight") toolTipText: qsTr("A color to indicate a selected item or the current item.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: linkColorEditor labelText: qsTr("Link") toolTipText: qsTr("A text color used for hyperlinks.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } ColorEditor { id: highlightedTextColorEditor labelText: qsTr("HighlightedText") toolTipText: qsTr("A text color that contrasts with Highlight.") enabled: useCustomPaletteCheckBox.checked } Button { text: qsTr("Copy Palette Settings To Clipboard") onClicked: clipboard.copy(paletteSettingsMap()) Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight } Button { text: qsTr("Import Palette Settings From Clipboard") onClicked: updatePaletteSettingsControls(clipboard.paste()) Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight } Item { Layout.fillHeight: true } } } footer: DialogButtonBox { Button { text: qsTr("OK") DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole enabled: !imaginePathTextField.enabled || (imaginePathTextField.enabled && directoryValidator.valid) } Button { text: qsTr("Cancel") DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.RejectRole } } }