Release note ============ Qt 6.2.3 release is a patch release made on the top of Qt 6.2.2. As a patch release, Qt 6.2.3 does not add any new functionality but provides bug fixes and other improvements and maintains both forward and backward compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 6.2.2. For detailed information about Qt 6.2, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: The Qt version 6.2 series is binary compatible with the 6.1.x series. Applications compiled for 6.1 will continue to run with 6.2. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. To make it easier to port to Qt 6, we have created a porting guide to summarize those changes and provide guidance to handle them. In the guide, you can find links to articles about changes that may affect your application and help you transition from Qt 5.15 to Qt 6: Important Changes ----------------- ### qtbase * fa2197202a Do not include qloggingcategory.h in public headers The qguiapplication.h header no longer implicitly includes qloggingcategory.h. If your code depends on the transitive include, explicitly include where needed. * c13101b0b3 Fix deserializing Qt 5.x fonts through QDataStream Fixed a problem deserializing the family of fonts that had been serialized using QDataStream in Qt 5. * 5d344408cc QAnyStringView: fix broken implicit conversion from QStringBuilder Implicit conversion from QStringBuilder to QAnyStringView now works as advertised. * 03274775ec QImageReader: check allocation limit for minimum 32 bpp When checking allocation limit during image reading, the memory requirements are now calculated for a minimum of 32 bits per pixel, since Qt will typically convert an image to that depth when it is used in GUI. This means that the effective allocation limit is significantly smaller when reading 1 bpp and 8 bpp images. * b55957b904 QObject: don't #include qproperty.h The qobject.h header no longer implicitly includes qproperty.h. If your code depends on the transitive include, explicitly include where needed. * ac9cc22c09 QVERIFY_EXCEPTION_THROWN: re-throw unknown exceptions Now re-throws unknown exceptions (= not derived from std::exception) (was: swallowed them and returned from the test function), in order to play nice with pthread cancellation. * 440a87248e QSharedPointer: fix counter-productive QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE use in qHash() impl The qHash(QSharedPointer) overload can now use qHash(X*) overloads found (only) through ADL (was: ADL was disabled due to qualified lookup of qHash(X*)). * 150a897a83 Fix gaps between lines of selection Fixed an issue where there would sometimes be visible gaps in selections spanning multiple lines. * f622090b1d QNAM: Disable h2c by default Support for clear-text http/2 was disabled due to incompatibility with certain servers. If you were relying on this feature you must re-enable it by setting the QT_NETWORK_ALLOW_H2C environment variable. For a later version of Qt it will get a dedicated attribute. * 669b454378 Add _make_aab target Add the extra _make_aab targets for each executable target, that can be used to generate android app bundles. Also add aab metatarget to build all _make_aab targets that are created in the project. * ec613a4649 Fix overlapping text for Osaka font on macOS Fixed a problem where using the Osaka font would lead to overlapping text. * 9a9d960b12 QFuture: support cancellation of continuation chain through parent The chain of continuations attached to a future now can be cancelled through cancelling the future itself at any point of the execution of the chain, as it was documented. Previously canceling the future would cancel the chain only if it was done before the chain starts executing, otherwise the cancellation would be ignored. Now the part of the chain that wasn't started at the moment of cancellation will be canceled. * 46599ec418 Fix missing characters or assert with certain font sizes Fixed an issue where characters would in some rare cases be missing from text, depending on font metrics, font size and system scale factor. * 3bf23b7118 Don't change resolve mask when setting brush doesn't change palette Setting a brush on a palette that is identical to the current brush no longer sets the resolve mask bit for that particular role, so items using the palette will continue to inherit changes from parent items. * 82e965c35e QVarLengthArray: fix size update on failed append() Fixed a bug whereby a failed append() would leave the container with an inconsistent size(). * 52c9543475 QVarLengthArray: fix UB (precondition violation) in range- erase() Fixed a bug where range-erase() could invoke undefined behavior when called with an empty range. * c721dff3f3 Trust CoreText-provided vertical metrics on macOS Fixed an issue where certain fonts, such as Monaco, would have a different line spacing than expected. * b05c9898cc QList: fix typo in QList(It, It) Fixed a regression that caused the range constructor to fail for pure input_iterator's. * 4e669763bd QVarLengthArray: widen append(p, n)'s contract The counted-range-append() function (append(ptr, n)) now accepts ptr == nullptr, provided n == 0, too (was: triggered assertion). * f3842c09b7 QVariant: use a typedef name when saving user types to QDataStream If QDataStream is used with a QDataStream::Version < Qt_6_0 to serialize a user type that was registered via a typedef with the metatype system, the typedef's name is used in the stream instead of the non-typedef name. This restores compatibility with Qt 5, allowing existing content to read the same QDataStreams; reading from older Qt 6 versions should not be affected. (Note: if more than one typedef name is registered, it's indetermine which name gets used) * 0952ec8a5f QStringBuilder: fix quadratic behavior in op+= Fixed quadratic behavior when repeatedly appending string-builder expressions (using operator+=) to QString/QByteArray objects. * 7f3ca223a6 QTestData: fix streaming of u8 string literals in C++20 mode Fixed streaming of u8 string literals in C++20 mode. * 60f3d7f324 QByteArray: avoid detach() in a no-op replace() A replace(pos, n, after) call no longer detach()es when n == after.size() == 0. * 3d446c236a SQLite: Update SQLite to v3.37.0 Updated SQLite to v3.37.0 ### qtdeclarative * 72402a9160 Fix missing glyphs when changing distance field parameters Fixed an issue where glyphs would sometimes be missing when changing the environment variables that define how distance fields are generated to certain values. * 9e6274e180 qquickdeliveryagent: Fix drag events being sent in the wrong order Now sends DragArea leave events before enter events when appropriate (QTBUG-82263) * db9adec4b1 Fix focus for items inside a QQuickWidget in a QGraphicsProxyWidget * 0798e34ce6 Make atlasing of compressed textures opt-in again Disable atlasing of compressed textures by default. Can be enabled with QSG_ENABLE_COMPRESSED_ATLAS=1 ### qtwayland * 048f4317 Don't build XComposite buffer integration by default ### qtlottie * d234a3c Fix loading of LottieAnimation::source Fixed bug that prevented LottieAnimation from loading its source from a relative URL. Fixes ----- ### qtbase * QTBUG-98099 Crash on exit with Application font and QFontComboBox * QTBUG-97908 Regression: PageUp and PageDown don't work in QScrollArea. * QTBUG-90352 Page Up/Page Down do not work in QTextBrowser * QTBUG-26269 QScrollArea: The viewport bleeds through another widget when the scroll bar is reset. * QTBUG-98093 QSlider is broken in MacOS Monterey * QTBUG-97995 Error deserializing QFont (from 5.15 to 6.2) * QTBUG-98377 QImage::reinterpretAsFormat wrong reference counting when out of memory * QTBUG-98403 tst_QPainter fails with macOS 12 x86 in developer build tests * QTBUG-98388 Vertical QPainter::drawLine() result on QWidget is skewed * QTBUG-97490 Static Build is unable to find QPrinter::NativeFormat * QTBUG-98137 Disabled button in QDialogButtonBox gets focus by Tab * QTBUG-98138 QAnyStringView argument doesn't accept QStringBuilder * QTBUG-95933 Using scanner input IRcode will result in an error when second character is uppercase * QTBUG-98280 QAuthenticator doesn't check if algorithm is supported * QTBUG-94036 tst_QAccessibilityMac::notificationsTest() fails * QTBUG-96405 setGraphicsApi :OpenGLRhi. QML application resizing flickers and is sometimes blank * QTBUG-98286 Reg->Qt 6: QToolButton with style sheet : There are two Tool button arrows rendered (all styles) * QTBUG-98544 Combination of 'HangulInputMethod' and 'QGraphicsTextItem' does not work as expected. * QTBUG-98372 Regression Qt5 > Qt6: Visible gaps between selected lines * QTBUG-98770 QList::count(const T&) triggers undefined behavior sanitizer when list is empty * QTBUG-98289 QTableView : The last column/row is hidden by scrollbar when stylesheet is used. * QTBUG-92521 WASM: QToolTips occasionally makes app exception * QTBUG-91691 [REG: 5.15.0->5.15.1] QTextDocument tables with colspan collapses the starting column to minimum size * QTBUG-95240 QTextTabel: column width changes when merging other rows * QTBUG-97431 WASM - Tumbler does not work good/at all * QTBUG-92037 QMdiArea setActiveSubWindow failed if setViewMode(QMdiArea::TabbedView); * QTBUG-96710 CMake isn't exposing an aab target for Android projects * QTBUG-96880 New line is ignored with Osaka font * QTBUG-98493 Using copy-restricted class in lambda for QFuture's then(), does not build * QTBUG-86372 [xcb] WindowTransparentForInput causing problems with resizing * QTBUG-98578 Documentation of qabstractnativeeventfilter * QTBUG-86633 QML - letters randomly disappear when resizing label * QTBUG-86671 Table cells overlap with image and relative width * QTBUG-97463 Showing Large image in QTextBrowser table overlaps * QTBUG-98444 QTableView, Deselecting column by [ctrl + click] on horizontal header only works when the first row is visible * QTBUG-98532 CMake - _qmltyperegistration.cpp do not get updated * QTBUG-98752 QFontDatabase::addApplicationFontFromData does not mention OpenType being supported * QTBUG-62602 Underline is displayed outside the text box * QTBUG-97649 androiddeployqt exits with signing if the path contains spaces * QTBUG-98504 QSystemTrayIcon example: selecting Quit from context menu shows unnecessary message * QTBUG-98762 REGRESSION: QPalette::setBrush does not reliably detach * QTBUG-65475 Application palette changes at runtime do not work for all widgets * QTBUG-98654 QX11Application: No such file * QTBUG-98875 QMouseEvent source() vs pointingDevice() unclear in documentation * QTBUG-82455 QTextDocument::contentsChange(int,int,int) values are incompatible with QTextCursor * QTBUG-72776 QKeyEvent key() only returns value of first surrogate for characters in Supplementary Planes * QTBUG-58995 [REG 5.7->5.8][Windows]: When using Courier with a large pixel size then it will show up as 13 points regardless * PYSIDE-1720 piside6-uic convert signal clicked(bool) to clicked * QTBUG-95192 Segmentation fault at application closing * QTBUG-80653 Keyboard LED states do not change with evdev keyboard * QTBUG-98726 CMake code for locating latest android.jar in Android SDK is incorrect * QTBUG-68636 Some popups (i.e.) menus are misplaced on gnome-shell * QTBUG-98856 Wrong cursor showing when restoreOverrideCursor in QDockWidget * QTBUG-95096 Qt 6's new and improved QList fails its removeAll benchmarks * QTBUG-94995 Changed QML files do not updated on device * QTBUG-98943 QMultiHash recursive emplace on VS2019 * QTBUG-97818 Huge line spacing when font is Monaco * QTBUG-99036 [REG 5.15 → 6.3] QList(It, It) no longer works with pure input_iterators * QTBUG-97699 Building projects with static Qt (debug): qrc_openglblacklists.cpp.obj : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc140.pdb' was not found with 'qrc_openglblacklists.cpp.obj' * QTBUG-92501 QtFuture::connect includes Q*::QPrivateSignal as one of the arguments * QTBUG-98843 Qt 6.2.2 Windows build fail * QTBUG-96463 [REG 5.15.2-6.2.0] Text with BIDI controls is underlined incorrectly * QTBUG-99165 cmake doesn't complain with android-30, but fails with unknown API S (ie android-31) * QTBUG-99223 CMake Error: File C:/Users/qt/work/install/lib/cmake/Qt6/ does not exist. * QTBUG-97752 QHash: non-readonly iteration access destroys iterator * QTBUG-96916 Qt 6 breaks compatibility of QVariant streaming into QDataStream * QTBUG-81503 qtbase contains code that isn't allowed to be distributed * QTBUG-98901 QtConcurrent::run crashes on program exit * QTBUG-99163 QTransform rotate big image will crash * QTBUG-99280 Splash screen appears on top model dialog with dynamic vs behind with static * QTBUG-99330 qdoc: Crash at QString::operator+=() * QTBUG-99186 uncaught exeption takes down app * QTBUG-99319 QApplication crash on second run when mouse roll over window * QTBUG-99371 QWidget::customContextMenuRequested coordinates are off for widgets in a QMenu * QTBUG-99147 * QTBUG-99413 QSysInfo::productType() incorrectly documented * COIN-777 *** Could not find any device matching '--platform iOS --minimum-deployment-target * QTBUG-63695 QStandardPaths does not document locations for QNX * QTBUG-99316 Yocto build fails in CI for qtdeclarative-native dev/6.3 branch * QTBUG-99416 QT6 qtbase build fails claiming symlinks are present * QTBUG-99148 Broken html list rendering because element * QTBUG-97841 MacOS Monterey - scrolling issues with touch pad * QTBUG-99623 Dependency update on qt/qtopcua failed in 6.3 * QTBUG-99408 [SQL] The SQL driver for Firebird/Interbase does not unpack the QVariant before null check * QTBUG-98471 [REG: 5->6.2.1] Null QDateTime is not stored as NULL anymore in Oracle OCI * QTBUG-99710 Regression: QCache crash * QTBUG-99224 Crash in QPixmapCache * QTBUG-99240 Crashing in trimming QPixmapCache * QTBUG-99668 Using QDateTime with QTimeZone specified asserts in debug build * QTBUG-97601 Compilation speed decrease with Qt 6.2 compared to Qt 5.15.2 * QTCREATORBUG-26581 Multicursor mode enables during the selection without pressing "Alt" * QTBUG-97842 Move Android tools docs from qtdoc to qtbase * QTBUG-97115 When an application that is using a background service is closed then it will cause an ANR after hanging for about 30 seconds * QTBUG-95795 Crash when running a qt quick app on iOS simulator * QTBUG-98569 Error in meta-b2qt for Windows Toolchain * QTBUG-98653 QStringView::split returns invalid data * QTBUG-98642 Qml/QmlScene : malformed http request when opening a qml file over http with qml/qmlscene * QTBUG-93037 Conan builds are unable to run tst_qmake * QTBUG-97582 QFuture::cancel through then()/onCanceled/onFailed * QTBUG-98649 Qt Android creates View IDs in a way potentially leading to a collision * QTBUG-75862 FocusReason is broken in Controls 2 * QTBUG-96957 Created output file is in inncorrect type and in different location * QTBUG-92231 SSL handshake failure after ignoreSslErrors * QTBUG-98151 Widgets over a QMdiArea are not repainted correctly * QTBUG-98561 Creating directory using symbolic link in path fails on QNX * QTBUG-89285 Document changes to State Machine Framework in Core Migration Guide * QTBUG-95237 [REG 6.0.4 -> 6.1.0] Integer-overflow in QFixed::operator+= through QImage::loadFromData(QByteArray) * QTBUG-98483 [macOS] QPushButton is broken in macOS Monterey * QTBUG-98937 KTX, ASTC image not displayed on Qt 6.2 and above * QTBUG-99615 Most QMutableEventPoint usage depends on Undefined Behaviour ### qtsvg * QTBUG-98139 QSvgRenderer::boundsOnElement does not properly calculate the bounding box of a text when it has a transformation * QTBUG-99407 [REG 6.1.3 -> 6.2.0] Loading svg file takes too long ### qtdeclarative * QTBUG-91886 Inconsistence in material style checked highlighted button * QTBUG-86453 Instantiator creates delegates when active is false if items are dynamically added to a ListModel * QTBUG-88331 Instantiator creates delegate when active is false and delegate is updated * QTBUG-97927 Focus frame placed in the wrong position after window resize * QTBUG-97914 Broken test tst_QQuickListView2::dragDelegateWithMouseArea * QTBUG-98440 TableView selectionModel property is not available in Quick 2.2 * QTBUG-98469 tst_qqmllanguage::hangOnWarning() Not all expected messages were received * QTBUG-98468 CMake Error: AUTOMOC for target affectors_shared: The "moc" executable "/Users/qt/work/qt/qt5/qtbase/libexec/moc" does not exist * QTBUG-98248 SEGFAULT Crash in QQmlAnimationTimer::registerAnimation * QTBUG-95633 QQmlEngine::offlineStoragePath() documentation needs link to openDatabase() * QTBUG-98311 QML bitwise 'or' operator is not evaluated correctly when initializing C++ property and both operands are enum values * QTBUG-59223 tst_qqmlxmlhttprequest::send_options fails with LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 * QTBUG-97782 Material SpinBox QML TypeErrors * QTBUG-58416 QtQuick Image: SVG Images are not properly scaled with High DPI Scaling * QTBUG-81018 Image sourceSize binding causes the size to become smaller unexpectedly * QTBUG-96147 qmlsc does not understand curly braced grouped properties * QTBUG-98017 QSGRhiTextureGlyphCache::createEmptyTexture() nullptr access crash * QTBUG-98742 qt6_target_qml_sources() doesn't ensure PREFIX argument starts with "/" * QTBUG-84196 Crash when calling QQmlEngine::retranslate * QTBUG-98792 Crash when using as-cast * QTBUG-82263 [REG: 5.13->5.14]: QML DropArea wrong signals order * QTBUG-97461 [REG 5.15.2->6.2] DragHandler does not work when there's a Drawer in the application * QTBUG-98844 [REG 6.1.0->6.1.1] DragHandler inside Dialog does not work * QTBUG-98482 RangeSlider does not update position/visualPosition based on from/to changes * QTBUG-97541 qt_add_qml_module does not properly handle singleton qml files * QTBUG-98811 FAIL! : tst_qqmlxmlhttprequest::setRequestHeader_illegalName(Referer) Received a fatal error. * QTBUG-98830 qmlsc confuses precedence between properties and IDs * QTBUG-98717 Setting HoverHandler cursorShape in a Window crashes * QTBUG-75862 FocusReason is broken in Controls 2 * QTBUG-71723 When showing a context menu for a TextField then it will lose the selection instead of keeping it * QTBUG-36332 QtQuick Controls: actions which depend on activeFocusItem are disabled when a menu is shown * QTBUG-91479 When a TextField is inside a QQuickWidget that is in a QGraphicsProxyWidget then clicking the TextField will not give it focus and as such it is not possible to type in it * QTBUG-98127 Weighted layout behavior is not documented * QTBUG-98730 Slider with negative width crash the application * QTBUG-98356 JIT crash on invalid yield syntax * QTBUG-98747 close.accepted behavior * QTBUG-94765 AnimatedSprite has glitches * QTBUG-99025 Property "hasOwnProperty" not found on type "Item" * QTBUG-98367 Segmentation fault with Binding on font.bold * QTBUG-75799 Strange flickering when restarting an animation with PauseAnimation and ScaleAnimator * QTBUG-98937 KTX, ASTC image not displayed on Qt 6.2 and above * QTBUG-99113 qmlsc confuses ambiguous types in the same module * QTBUG-99275 agent:2021/12/16 18:36:00 build.go:394: FAILED: tests/auto/quickcontrols2/controls/basic/tst_basic * QTBUG-86533 Yocto and QNX builds are missing -rpath-link linker flag which causes non-prefix builds to fail * QTBUG-96888 Not possible to quickly click buttons * QTBUG-49049 arcTo doesn't always get drawn * QTBUG-99529 Touchpad scrolling list overshoot is buggy * QTBUG-99400 [Reg 5.2 -> 5.3] qmlplugindump: error details missing on linux * QTBUG-98130 QtQuick and controls examples use qt_add_resources to add QML files * QTBUG-98402 tst_qquickimage::mirror() is failing on macOS 12 * QTBUG-86044 When a ListView is removing items with a transition and there is delay remove used then when the last item is removed the footer does not go to the top of the view * QTBUG-97423 heap-use-after-free in SwipeView::test_orientation * QTBUG-98722 SignalSpy.qml triggers a memory leak in the QML engine * QTBUG-86633 QML - letters randomly disappear when resizing label * QTBUG-98492 tst_HoverHandler::mouseAreaAndUnderlyingHoverHandler and tst_HoverHandler::hoverHandlerAndUnderlyingMouseArea are flaky on macos * QTBUG-99214 Tests that rely on QProcess with the main app lib fail on Android * QTBUG-57098 Popup's CloseOnEscape policy prevents escape key from being used without closing the popup * QTBUG-99367 Custom ScrollBar style not used after upgrade from 5.15 to 6.2 * QTBUG-99615 Most QMutableEventPoint usage depends on Undefined Behaviour * QTBUG-99608 tst_qmlcachegen (Failed) ### qtmultimedia * QTBUG-97758 QAudioOutput::setDevice doesn't work in Linux * QTBUG-98124 Qt Multimedia has an unnecessary dependency to libwayland- dev when Qt is configured without Wayland. * QTBUG-97080 Wrong video preview orientation on landscape * QTBUG-97861 QSoundEffect stop not working * QTBUG-97828 Add support for gapless/seamless playback in Qt6 * QTBUG-97815 QCamera ::setVideoOutput is removed but documentation still refers it * QTBUG-98559 QtMultimedia Camera Not View on Android 10 * QTBUG-97909 Implement MediaPlayer Buffering Listener * QTBUG-98262 MediaRecorder.stop() does not work on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) * QTBUG-98860 Crash during media capture with OpenGL-based rhi * QTBUG-98191 QMediaPlayer position reported incorrectly for flac files after a seek * QTBUG-98306 [REG][macOS] Video orientation is broken * QTBUG-99011 QMediaFormat::supportedFileFormats return value is incomplete * QTBUG-96946 Part of the app greyed out while recording is on * QTBUG-97780 Video object does not throw an error when source path is not resolved * QTBUG-99142 QtMultimedia: Invalid target given to qt_is_imported_target: Qt6::QSGVivanteVideoNodeFactory * QTBUG-99129 Android media player isSeekable() always returns true * QTBUG-99181 Fix loadMediaInLoadingState test * QTBUG-99183 Fix processEOS test in Android * QTBUG-99182 Fix unloadMedia test * QTBUG-99210 Fix playPauseStop test in Android * QTBUG-99134 Declarative Camera issues on video * QTBUG-99296 Crash when recording audio-only after video recording * QTBUG-99176 Recorder example: Crash when switching audio input off * QTBUG-96985 Video and MediaPlayer don't allow to use relative URLs * QTBUG-97817 Camera example doesn't work * QTBUG-99358 Fix SurfaceTest Test in Android * QTBUG-99359 Fix Metadata Test in Android * QTBUG-99360 Fix audioVideoAvailable Test in Android * QTBUG-96202 SoundEffect does not work in Qt6.2 beta3 in Windows and Linux * QTBUG-96599 No documentation for how to support different video formats * QTBUG-98419 [macOS] Audio Recorder example crashes on start on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) ### qttools * QTBUG-97380 tst_lupdate fails with Windows 10 21H1 and Windows 11 21H2 * QTBUG-98916 Qt Designer sets font family which was set to something else in ui file to Segeo UI * QTBUG-46322 When setting a family name that has a comma in the name it will not match the font correctly * QTBUG-99232 REG->6.3: Linguist occasionally asserts * QTBUG-99404 Qt Designer: Crash when editing spacer objectName in the Object Inspector Tab * QTBUG-99409 qdoc: Trailing newline in the master .qdocconf fails the build. ### qtdoc * QTBUG-98327 qt6 doc error * QTBUG-98773 Documented default for libexec in qt.conf is wrong for Windows * QTBUG-99167 XML support in Qt talks about XML Pattern * QTBUG-97842 Move Android tools docs from qtdoc to qtbase * QTBUG-96785 "Getting Started with Qt for Android" documentation needs an update ### qtpositioning * QTBUG-97705 PositionSource doesn't stay active nor start on initial property values * QTBUG-98780 error: use of undeclared identifier 'lcPositioning' * QTBUG-99329 calls non-existent method ### qtsensors * QTBUG-98737 Dependency update to qt/qtsensors failed ### qtconnectivity * QTBUG-98323 Assertion failure when running bluetooth/btchat example * QTBUG-98353 QBluetoothSocket.connectToService failing on Android devices with a java error * QTBUG-96742 Timing issues in BTLE peripheral on Android * QTBUG-96743 BTLE on Android: Characteristic supposed to support both Notification and Indication supports neither * QTBUG-98719 QBluetoothSocket deletion occasionally crashes on Windows * QTBUG-98582 QT Bluetooth LE crashed when connect/disconnect to a device * QTBUG-98878 Bluetooth LE characteristic Indication manual test fails on darwin server * QTBUG-97900 Crash when connecting to Bluetooth device on macOS 12 * QTBUG-96557 Qt bluetooth can not scan device on Mac 12 beta * QTBUG-97578 QT Bluetooth hang when scan services/characterictics * QTBUG-98781 BT LE test case platform support enhancement * QTBUG-98955 tst_QBluetoothServiceInfo::tst_assignment fails on macOS 12 ARM * QTBUG-98351 Thread-safe Android BT LE Java implementation * QTBUG-99222 Re-enable Bluetooth autotests on macOS ### qtwayland * QTBUG-98010 Screen information unavailable on Wayland * QTBUG-98897 error: ‘QWaylandOutput* QWaylandOutputPrivate::q_func()’ is private within this context * QTBUG-95962 Wayland: Crash in XDG Shell when resizing window with mouse * QTBUG-90530 Low resolution title bar icon on Wayland on Hi DPI displays * QTBUG-95032 Dialogs on Wayland/Sway not drawn correctly when using client side decorations * QTBUG-97985 Wayland: XComposite backend does not update surfaces properly * QTBUG-97950 Application slowly reads every file in /usr/bin before starting ### qt3d * QTBUG-95439 Qt 3D Planets arm64-v8a example "Invalid minSdkVersion version, minSdkVersion must be >= 23" * QTBUG-97254 Pugixml workaround for QTBUG-11923 causes C1001 in MSVC2019 with PCH * QTBUG-98097 Qt3D license only GPL or Commercial? * QTBUG-97950 Application slowly reads every file in /usr/bin before starting * QTBUG-98420 Configure failure with system assimp ### qtserialbus * QTBUG-98800 [PeakCAN] Incorrect QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp conversion * QTBUG-96566 Serialbus can example fails to build ### qtserialport * QTBUG-98735 C:/Users/qt/work/install/include/QtCore/6.3.0/QtCore\priva te/qobject_p.h:497:78: error: 'q_func' is a private member of 'QSerialPortPrivate' ### qtwebengine * QTBUG-97836 QtWebEngineCore still not compiling from source * QTBUG-97926 QWebengine can not play the embeded vimeo video * QTBUG-97472 [REG] Crash/segfault in ozone implementation when calling XkbGetState * QTBUG-92539 Weird behavior when pasting certain HTML into element with contentEditable attribute set * QTBUG-90904 Crash on calling QAccessible::registerAccessibleInterface * QTBUG-98400 CVE-2021-3541 in chromium * QTBUG-98401 CVE-2021-3517 in chromium * QTBUG-71277 Nanobrowser example has confusing project layout * QTBUG-98918 [REG] recentlyAudible does not implement 2s cooldown anymore * QTBUG-97414 tst_CertificateError::fatalError() '!page.error->isOverridable()' returned FALSE. * QTBUG-99511 Top level cross build fails * QTBUG-99526 developer tools no longer highlights page elements when inspecting them * QTBUG-99263 QProcess::finished not emitted * QTBUG-99215 Html popups do not work correctly. * QTBUG-98941 [Qt5.15.4][QWebEngine]QWebEnginePage::print() function printing a grey paper while printing a PDF in Qt5.15.4 ### qtwebview * QTBUG-99372 FAILED: tests/auto/webview/qwebview/tst_qwebview when builing for QNX * QTBUG-86533 Yocto and QNX builds are missing -rpath-link linker flag which causes non-prefix builds to fail ### qtcharts * QTBUG-98282 QPieSlice label does not indicate it takes html formatted text * QTBUG-99044 [REG Qt5 -> Qt6.2]: Chart with QLineSeries and QScatterSeries does not receive mouse events ### qtvirtualkeyboard * QTBUG-97439 [REG 5.15.2->6.2] Virtual Keyboard is hidden by QML dialog ### qtscxml * QTBUG-98738 /Users/qt/work/qt/qtscxml/src/statemachineqml/state_p.h:92:66: error: unknown type name 'm_childrenComputedProperty' ### qtremoteobjects * QTBUG-97704 POD type replication issue * QTBUG-99269 tst_Integration_External test is failing on MacOS-arm64 ### qtlottie * QTBUG-98794 LottieAnimation::source not loaded in Qt 6 ### qtquick3d * QTBUG-98342 View3D mapping functions do not work correctly with orthographic camera and 2x pixel ratio * QTBUG-98330 Particlesystem keeps updating particles even when not visible * QTBUG-98583 R32F QQuick3DTextureData does not work * QDS-3025 Adding a spotlight under another node that is not in global origin places the light gizmo to global origin in 3D view * QTBUG-99012 Scene rendering getting slower per QQuick3DGeometry updates * QTBUG-97254 Pugixml workaround for QTBUG-11923 causes C1001 in MSVC2019 with PCH * QDS-5064 Instances created by using XML files are not visible in Form Editor * QTBUG-98749 Application crashes if there are more then 8 light sources * QTBUG-97925 ProgressiveAA does not work if there are PrincipledMaterials in scene * QTBUG-98748 TriangleFan primitive type can't be used [should handle this more gracefully and print a warning] * QTBUG-98756 U16Type doesn't work for joint indexes * QTBUG-98111 Particle emitter bursts do not work with animated emitter * QDS-5552 Long delay before emitting after particle system is rewinded * QTBUG-98420 Configure failure with system assimp * QTBUG-97857 Item2D shouldn't be always pickable * QTBUG-99615 Most QMutableEventPoint usage depends on Undefined Behaviour Known Issues ------------ * Check that your system meets Qt's requirements: * RTA reported issues from Qt 6.2 * Supported development platforms are listed here: * See Qt 6.2 Known Issues from: Credits for the release goes to: --------------------------------- Aavitsland Eirik Agocs Laszlo Apostolou Dimitrios Astals Cid Albert Belyavsky Vladimir Bennett Nicholas Blechmann Tim Blomfeldt Eskil Abrahamsen Borisova Tatiana Bornemann Joerg Boudjelthia Assam Brüning Michael Buhr Andreas Burtsev Kirill Cieślak Michał Croitor Alexandru Curtis Mitch David Szabolcs Edelev Alexey Eftevaag Oliver Ehrlicher Christian Eklund Iikka ElKharashy Hatem Gaist Samuel Gehör Pekka Goldstein Maximilian Golubev Andrei Grulich Jan Grönholm Kaj Gustavsen Richard Moe Halmet Heikki Hao Zhang Hartmann Andre Hartmann Thomas Heikkinen Jani Heikkinen Miikka Hermann Ulf Hilsheimer Volker Jensen Allan Sandfeld Kleint Friedemann Klocek Michal Knoll Lars Kobus Jarek Koivikko Jarkko Kosmale Fabian Krus Mike Kurazyan Sona Köhne Kai Lee Inho Leinonen Tony Lemanissier Eric Lemire Paul Macieira Thiago Martinec Tamas Martinec Tamás Meshcheriakov Ievgenii Miettinen Leena Mira Samuel Mutz Marc Määttä Antti Neumärker Delf Nishihara Yuya Nordheim Mårten Paavoseppä Tinja Paeglis Gatis Petäjäjärvi Pasi Piippo Samuli Pocheptsov Timur Pohjanheimo Milla Pol Aleix Potinkara Rami Potter Lorn Qi Liang Rehn Arno Reinio Topi Rocha André de la Rutledge Shawn Saario Toni Schulz David Scott Craig Shachnev Dmitry Shao Tianlu Shaw Andy Shivashankar Venugopal Solovev Ivan Srebrny Piotr Strømme Christian Su Frank Sæther Jan Arve Sørvig Morten Johan Tkachenko Ivan Trillmann Jens Trotsenko Alex Tuliniemi Jere Tvete Paul Olav Varanka Sami Varga Peter Verria Doris Vestbø Tor Arne Volkov Alexander Vuolle Juha Wang ChunLin Welbourne Edward Wicking Paul Wolff Oliver Xuetian Weng Yu Zhang Zahorodnii Vlad Zhao Yuhang hjk hjk