#!/usr/bin/perl -w #################################################################################################### # # Helper script for Qt 5 # # Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. # Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/ # #################################################################################################### ############################################################################################ # # Convenience script working with a Qt 5 repository. # # Feel free to add useful options! # # To keep this script working with older Perl versions, please follow these guidelines: # - Variables should not shadow others. ############################################################################################ use strict; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); use File::Basename; use File::Spec; use File::Copy; use POSIX; use IO::File; use File::Path; use Cwd 'realpath'; my $CLEAN=0; my $PULL=0; my $BUILD=0; my $MAKE=0; my $RESET=0; my $DIFF=0; my $BOOTSTRAP=0; my $STATUS=0; my $UPDATE=0; my $TEST=0; my $optGerritModule; my $optGitHooks; my $optDesiredBranch; my $superRepositoryUrl = 'git://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git'; my $codeReviewHost = 'codereview.qt-project.org'; my $codeReviewPort = 29418; my $configFile; my $USAGE=< Set up gerrit for the module. Example use cases: qt5_tool -c -u -b Clean, update and build for nightly builds qt5_tool -d Generate modules diff relative to root directory qt5_tool -r Reset repository to upstream state (hard). qt5_tool -p --Branch stable Check out all repos to the stable branches qt_tool can be configured by creating a configuration file "%CONFIGFILE%" in the format key=value. It is possible to use repository-specific values by adding a key postfixed by a dash and the repository folder base name. Use 'true', '1' for Boolean keys. Supported keys: initArguments: Arguments to init-repository for -q. codeReviewUser: User name for code review (Gerrit) branch: 'dev', 'stable', 'release' or other configureArguments: Arguments to configure skip: List of Qt modules to exclude from building shadowBuildPostfix: Postfix to use for shadow build directory. Example: shadowBuildPostfix=-build shadowBuildPostfix-qt-5special=-special-build specifies that for a checkout in '/home/user/qt-5', shadow builds are to be done in '/home/user/qt-5-build'. It is overridden by a value for the checkout '/home/user/qt-5special', which would result in '/home/user/qt-5-special-build' Continuation lines are indicated by a trailing backslash (\\). EOF # --------------- Detect OS my ($OS_LINUX, $OS_WINDOWS, $OS_MAC) = (0, 1, 2); my $os = $OS_LINUX; if (index($^O, 'MSWin') >= 0) { $os = $OS_WINDOWS; } elsif (index($^O, 'darwin') >= 0) { $os = $OS_MAC; } # -- Convenience for path search. # There is File::Which, but not by default installed on Linux. sub which { my ($needle) = @_; my $sep = $os == $OS_WINDOWS ? ';' : ':'; my @needles = ($needle); push(@needles, $needle . '.exe', $needle . '.bat', $needle . '.cmd') if $os == $OS_WINDOWS; foreach my $path (split(/$sep/, $ENV{'PATH'})) { foreach my $n (@needles) { my $binary = File::Spec->catfile($path, $n); return $binary if (-f $binary); } } return undef; } # -- Locate an utility (grep, scp, etc) in MSYS git by # cd'ing up from the path of git passed in (either 'cmd/git.exe' or # 'bin/git.exe') and then trying 'bin' (pre 2.5) or '/usr/bin' (2.5). sub msysGitUtility { my ($git, $utility) = @_; my $msysGitRoot = dirname(dirname($git)); foreach my $binFolder ('bin', 'usr/bin') { my $file = File::Spec->catfile($msysGitRoot, $binFolder, $utility . '.exe'); return $file if -f $file; } return $utility; } my $make = 'make'; my @makeArgs = ('-s'); my $makeForceArg = '-k'; my $minGW = 0; if ($os == $OS_WINDOWS) { if (which('g++')) { $make = 'mingw32-make'; } else { @makeArgs = ('/s', '/l'); $makeForceArg = '/k'; my $jom = which('jom'); if (defined $jom) { $make = $jom; } else { $make = 'nmake'; # Switch cl compiler to multicore my $oldCL = $ENV{'CL'}; if (defined $oldCL) { $ENV{'CL'} = $oldCL . ' /MP' } else { $ENV{'CL'} = '/MP' } } # jom } # !MinGW } my $git = which('git'); # TODO: Mac, Windows special cases? die ('Unable to locate git') unless defined $git; my $rootDir = ''; my $baseDir = ''; my $home = $os == $OS_WINDOWS ? ($ENV{'HOMEDRIVE'} . $ENV{'HOMEPATH'}) : $ENV{'HOME'}; # -- Set a HOME variable on Windows such that scp. etc. feel at home (locating .ssh). $ENV{'HOME'} = $home if ($os == $OS_WINDOWS && not defined $ENV{'HOME'}); my $user = $os == $OS_WINDOWS ? $ENV{'USERNAME'} : $ENV{'USER'}; # -- Determine configuration file (~/.config if present). if ($os == $OS_WINDOWS) { $configFile = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{'APPDATA'}, 'qt5_tool.conf'); } else { my $configFolder = File::Spec->catfile($home, '.config'); $configFile = -d $configFolder ? File::Spec->catfile($configFolder, 'qt5_tool.conf') : File::Spec->catfile($home, '.qt5_tool'); } $USAGE =~ s/%CONFIGFILE%/$configFile/; # Replace placeholder. my @MODULES = (); my ($branchConfigKey) = ('branch'); # --- Execute a command and print to log. sub execute { my @args = @_; print '### [',basename(getcwd()),'] ', join(' ', @args),"\n"; return system(@args); } sub executeCheck { my @args = @_; my $rc = execute(@args); die ($args[0] . ' failed ' . $rc . ':' . $!) if $rc != 0; } # --- Prompt for input with a default sub prompt { my ($promptText, $defaultValue) = @_; print $promptText,' [', $defaultValue, ']:'; my $userInput = ; chomp ($userInput); return $userInput eq '' ? $defaultValue : $userInput; } # --- Fix a diff line from a submodule such that it can be applied to # the root Qt 5 directory, that is: # '--- a/foo...' -> '--- a//foo...' sub fixDiff { my ($line, $module) = @_; if (index($line, '--- a/') == 0 || index($line, '+++ b/') == 0) { return substr($line, 0, 6) . $module . '/' . substr($line, 6); } if (index($line, 'diff --git ') == 0) { $line =~ s| a/| a/$module/|; $line =~ s| b/| b/$module/|; } return $line; } # --- Determine a suitable log file name for test log files. sub formatTestLogBaseName { my ($number, $module) = @_; my $result = 'test'; $result .= '_win' if $os == $OS_WINDOWS; $result .= '_unix' if $os == $OS_LINUX; $result .= '_mac' if $os == $OS_MAC; if (defined $module) { $result .= '_'; $result .= index($module, 'qt') == 0 ? substr($module, 2) : $module; } $result .= '_' . strftime('%y%m%d', localtime()); $result .= '_' . $number if $number > 0; return $result; } # ---- Generate a diff from all submodules such that it can be applied to # the root Qt 5 directory. sub diff { my $totalDiff = ''; my ($rootDir,$modArrayRef) = @_; foreach my $MOD (@$modArrayRef) { chdir($MOD) or die ('Failed to chdir from' . $rootDir . ' to "' . $MOD . '":' . $!); my $diffOutput = `"$git" diff`; foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $diffOutput)) { chomp($line); $totalDiff .= fixDiff($line, $MOD); $totalDiff .= "\n"; } chdir($rootDir); } return $totalDiff; } # ---- runGit() Run git in the current directory. my $RUN_GIT_FAILMODE_EXIT = 0; my $RUN_GIT_FAILMODE_IGNORE = 1; my $RUN_GIT_FAILMODE_RETRY = 2; sub runGit { my ($argListRef, $failMode, $module) = @_; $failMode = $RUN_GIT_FAILMODE_EXIT unless defined $failMode; $module = '' unless defined $module; my $exitCode = 1; for (my $r = 0; $r < 3; ++$r) { $exitCode = execute($git, @$argListRef); last if !$exitCode || $failMode != $RUN_GIT_FAILMODE_RETRY; warn('### Retrying ' . join(' ', @$argListRef) . ' in ' . $module); } if ($exitCode) { my $reportString = join(' ', @$argListRef) . ' failed in ' . $module . '.'; die ($reportString) if $failMode != $RUN_GIT_FAILMODE_IGNORE; warn ($reportString); } return $exitCode; } # ---- runGitAllModules() Run git in root and module folders. # Do not use 'git submodules foreach' to be able to work on # partially corrupt repositories. sub runGitAllModules { my ($argListRef, $failMode) = @_; $failMode = $RUN_GIT_FAILMODE_EXIT unless defined $failMode; print 'Running ', join(' ', @$argListRef), "\n"; my $runRC = runGit($argListRef, $failMode); foreach my $MOD (@MODULES) { chdir($MOD) or die ('Failed to chdir from' . $rootDir . ' to "' . $MOD . '":' . $!); my $modRunRC = runGit($argListRef, $failMode, $MOD); $runRC = 1 if $modRunRC != 0; chdir($rootDir); } return $runRC; } # ---- Read a value from a configuration file of the form key=value. sub readConfigFile { my ($fileName, $key) = @_; my $configLine = ''; my $configFile = new IO::File('<' . $fileName) or return $configLine; while (my $line = <$configFile>) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /^\s*$key\s*=\s*(.*)$/) { $configLine .= $1; while (index($configLine, '\\') == length($configLine) - 1) { # continuation lines "a=b\", "continued..." chop($configLine); my $line = <$configFile>; die('Trailing continuation line "' . $configLine . '"') unless defined $line; chomp($line); $configLine .= $line; } last; } } $configFile->close(); return $configLine; } # ---- Read a value from a git config line. sub readGitConfig { my ($module, $key) = @_; return readConfigFile(File::Spec->catfile($rootDir, $module, '.git', 'config'), $key); } # ---- MinGW: Remove git from path (prevent sh.exe from throwing off mingw32-make). sub winRemoveGitFromPath { my @path = split(/;/, $ENV{'PATH'}); my @cleanPath = grep(!/git/, @path); if (@path != @cleanPath) { print 'Removing git from path...'; $ENV{'PATH'} = join(';', @cleanPath); } } # ---- Set up a tracking branch sub initTrackingBranch { my ($branchName, $remoteBranchName) = @_; my $strc = execute($git, ('fetch', 'origin')); die 'fetch failed.' if $strc; print 'Switching to ', $branchName, ' from ', $remoteBranchName, "\n"; $strc = execute($git, ('branch', '--track', $branchName, $remoteBranchName)); die 'branch ' . $branchName . ' ' . $remoteBranchName . ' failed.' if $strc; $strc = execute($git, ('checkout', $branchName)); die 'checkout failed.' if $strc; } # ---- Set 'MAKEFLAGS' which depends on OS sub setMakeEnvironment { my ($make, @makeArgs) = @_; my $makeFlags = $ENV{"MAKEFLAGS"}; $makeFlags = '' unless defined $makeFlags; if ($make eq 'nmake' || $make eq 'jom') { # Windows: MAKEFLAGS=SLK for my $arg (@makeArgs) { $makeFlags .= substr($arg, 1); } } else { # UNIX: Concatenate $makeFlags .= ' ' unless $makeFlags eq ''; $makeFlags .= join(' ', @makeArgs); } print 'Setting environment for ', $make, " '", $makeFlags, "'\n"; $ENV{"MAKEFLAGS"} = $makeFlags; } # ----- Create ls -l like listing for a file name sub ls { my ($fileName) = @_; my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($fileName); return $fileName . ' not found' unless defined $dev; return $fileName . ' ' . $size . ' ' . scalar(localtime($mtime)); } # ---- Read a value from the '$HOME/.qt5_tool' configuration file # When given a key 'key' for the repository directory '/foo/qt-5', # check for the repo-specific value 'key-qt5' and then for the general # 'key'. sub readQt5ToolConfig { my ($key) = @_; my $repoKey = $key . '-' . $baseDir; my $repoValue = readConfigFile($configFile, $repoKey); return $repoValue if $repoValue ne ''; return readConfigFile($configFile, $key); } sub readQt5ToolConfigBool { my ($key) = @_; my $value = readQt5ToolConfig($key); return (length($value) > 0 && ($value eq '1' || $value =~ /true/i)) ? 1 : 0; } sub shadowBuildFolder { my $shadowBuildPostfix = readQt5ToolConfig('shadowBuildPostfix'); return $shadowBuildPostfix ne '' ? $rootDir . $shadowBuildPostfix : ''; } # ---- Check for absolute path names. sub isAbsolute { my ($file) = @_; return index($file, ':') == 1 if ($os == $OS_WINDOWS); return index($file, '/') == 0; } # ---- Determine modules by trying to find /.git/config. sub determineModules { my ($rootFolder) = @_; opendir (DIR, $rootFolder) or die ('Cannot read ' . $rootFolder . $!); my @mods = (); while (my $e = readdir(DIR)) { if ($e ne '.' && $e ne '..' && -d $e) { my $gitFolder = File::Spec->catfile($e, '.git'); push(@mods, $e) if -e $gitFolder; } } closedir(DIR); die ('Failed to detect modules in ' . $rootFolder . ".\nNeeds to be called from the root directory.") if @mods == 0; return sort(@mods); } # ---- Return the preferred branch for a module/Qt branch. # Empty result means: Do not touch the module. sub preferredBranch { my ($module, $desiredQtBranch) = @_; my %preferredBranches = ( # Fixed branches 'qtrepotools' => 'master', # -- Unmaintained modules as of 4.12.2012. Qt3D currently only has 'dev' 'qtfeedback' => 'master', 'qtpim' => 'master', 'qtqa' => 'master', ); my $result = $preferredBranches{$module}; return $result if defined $result; if ($module eq 'qtenginio') { my %enginioMapping = ( '5.4' => '1.1', '5.5' => '1.2' ); my $mapped = $enginioMapping{$desiredQtBranch}; return defined $mapped ? $mapped : 'dev'; } return $desiredQtBranch; } # ---- Helper to be called before pull. Checks if # the module is in a 'no branch' state after init-repository or in the wrong # branch as from the configuration file. # If so, check out a branch, checking preferredBranches hash. sub checkoutBranch { my ($mod, $desiredBranchIn) = @_; my $desiredBranch = preferredBranch($mod, $desiredBranchIn); if ($desiredBranch eq '') { print 'Skipping ', $mod, ".\n"; return 0; } # Determine branch my @branches = split("\n", `"$git" branch`); my @currentBranches = grep(/^\* /, @branches); die ('Unable to determine branch of ' . $mod) if @currentBranches != 1; my $currentBranch = substr($currentBranches[0], 2); # We have one, no need to act. if ($currentBranch eq $desiredBranch) { print $mod, ' is already on branch: "',$currentBranch,"\".\n"; return 1; } # Does the local branch exist? my $rc = 0; if (!grep(/^ $desiredBranch$/, @branches)) { my $remoteBranchName = 'origin/' . $desiredBranch; # Does the remote branch exist? $rc = execute($git, ('fetch', 'origin')); die 'fetch of ' . $mod . ' failed' if ($rc); my @availableRemoteBranches = split("\n", `"$git" branch -r`); if (!grep(/^ $remoteBranchName$/, @availableRemoteBranches)) { print $mod, ' does not have the remote branch of "', $remoteBranchName, "\" set up, skipping.\n"; return 0; } $rc = execute($git, ('branch', '--track', $desiredBranch, $remoteBranchName)); die 'Creation of ' . $desiredBranch . ' tracking ', $remoteBranchName, ' failed' if ($rc); } print 'switching ',$mod, ' from "', $currentBranch,'" to "',$desiredBranch,"\".\n"; $rc = execute($git, ('checkout', $desiredBranch)); die 'Checkout of ' . $desiredBranch . ' failed' if ($rc); return 1; } # --------------- MAIN: Parse arguments $Getopt::ignoreCase = 0; if (!GetOptions('clean' => \$CLEAN, 'pull' => \$PULL, 'Branch=s' => \$optDesiredBranch, 'update' => \$UPDATE, 'reset' => \$RESET, 'diff' => \$DIFF, 's' => \$STATUS, 'build' => \$BUILD, 'make' => \$MAKE, 'test' => \$TEST, 'gerrit=s' => \$optGerritModule, 'hooks' => \$optGitHooks, 'quick-bootstrap' => \$BOOTSTRAP) || ($CLEAN + $PULL + $UPDATE + $BUILD + $MAKE + $RESET + $DIFF + $BOOTSTRAP + $STATUS + $TEST == 0 && !defined $optGerritModule && !defined $optGitHooks)) { print $USAGE; exit (1); } sub defaultConfigureArguments { my ($developerBuild) = @_; my $result = '-confirm-license'; $result .= ' -developer-build' if ($developerBuild); $result .= ' -opensource -debug'; # On Mac, -debug requires -no-framework (or use -debug-and-release)? $result .= ' -no-framework' if $os == $OS_MAC; $result .= ' -xcb' if $os == $OS_LINUX && defined $ENV{'DISPLAY'}; $result .= ' -nomake tests -nomake examples'; return $result; } # -- Prompt to create configuration file for options that require it. if (($BOOTSTRAP + $BUILD != 0 || defined $optGerritModule) && ! -f $configFile) { print "\n### This appears to be the first use of qt5_tool on this machine.\n\nCreating configuration file '",$configFile, "'...\n"; my $newDeveloperBuild = prompt('Developer build (y/n)', 'y') =~ /y/i; my $newCodeReviewUser = ''; my $newInitArgumentsDefault = '--module-subset=default,-qtwebengine'; $newCodeReviewUser = prompt('Enter CodeReview user name', $user) if ($newDeveloperBuild); my $newInitArguments = prompt('Enter arguments to init-repository', $newInitArgumentsDefault); my $newConfigureArguments = prompt('Enter arguments to configure', defaultConfigureArguments($newDeveloperBuild)); my $defaultkippedModules = 'qt3d qtcanvas3d qtconnectivity qtenginio qtfeedback qtgraphicaleffects qtlocation qtpim qtquick1 qtscript qtsensors qtserialport qtsystems qtwayland qtwebchannel qtwebengine qtwebsockets qtxmlpatterns'; my $newSkippedModules = prompt('Enter a list of modules to skip', $defaultkippedModules); my $newBranch = prompt('Branch', 'dev'); my $configFileHandle = new IO::File('>' . $configFile) or die ('Unable to write to ' . $configFile . ':' . $!); print $configFileHandle 'configureArguments=', $newConfigureArguments, "\n" if $newConfigureArguments ne ''; print $configFileHandle 'skip=',$newSkippedModules, "\n" if $newSkippedModules ne ''; print $configFileHandle 'initArguments=',$newInitArguments, "\n" if $newInitArguments ne ''; print $configFileHandle 'codeReviewUser=', $newCodeReviewUser,"\n" if $newCodeReviewUser ne ''; print $configFileHandle $branchConfigKey, '=', $newBranch,"\n"; $configFileHandle->close(); print "Wrote '",$configFile, "'\n\n"; } # --- read config file my $codeReviewUser = readQt5ToolConfig('codeReviewUser'); # --------------- Bootstrap if ( $BOOTSTRAP != 0 ) { my $targetFolder = prompt('Enter target folder', 'qt-5'); my @initOptions; push (@initOptions, '--codereview-username=' . $codeReviewUser) if $codeReviewUser ne ''; my $initArgumentsFromConfig = readQt5ToolConfig('initArguments'); if ($initArgumentsFromConfig ne '') { push(@initOptions, split(/ /, $initArgumentsFromConfig)); } my $toolsFolder = 'qtrepotools'; # -- Clone my $cloneRc = execute($git, ('clone', $superRepositoryUrl, $targetFolder)); die 'clone '. $superRepositoryUrl . ' failed.' if $cloneRc; chdir($targetFolder) or die ('Failed to chdir to "' . $targetFolder . '":' . $!); # -- Run init my $initRc = 0; if ($os == $OS_WINDOWS) { $initRc = execute('perl', 'init-repository', @initOptions); } else { $initRc = execute('./init-repository', @initOptions); } die 'init '. $superRepositoryUrl . ' failed.' if $initRc; exit 0; } # --- Change to root: Assume we live in qtrepotools below root. # Note: Cwd::realpath is broken in the Symbian-perl-version. my $prog = $0; $prog = Cwd::realpath($0) unless isAbsolute($prog); $rootDir = dirname(dirname(dirname($prog))); $baseDir = basename($rootDir); chdir($rootDir) or die ('Failed to chdir to' . $rootDir . '":' . $!); my $exitCode = 0; @MODULES = determineModules($rootDir); print diff($rootDir, \@MODULES) if $DIFF; # --------------- Reset: Save to a patch in HOME dir indicating date in # file name should there be a diff. if ( $RESET != 0 ) { print 'Resetting Qt 5 in ',$rootDir,"\n"; my $changes = diff($rootDir, \@MODULES); if ($changes ne '') { my $patch = File::Spec->catfile($home, POSIX::strftime('qt5_d%Y%m%d%H%M.patch',localtime)); my $patchFile = new IO::File('>' . $patch) or die ('Unable to open for writing ' . $patch . ' :' . $!); print $patchFile $changes; $patchFile->close(); print 'Saved ', $patch, "\n"; } my @resetArgs = ('reset', '--hard', '@{upstream}'); runGitAllModules(\@resetArgs, $RUN_GIT_FAILMODE_IGNORE); } # --------------- Status. if ( $STATUS != 0 ) { my @branchArgs = ('branch', '-v'); runGitAllModules(\@branchArgs, $RUN_GIT_FAILMODE_IGNORE); my @statusArgs = ('status'); runGitAllModules(\@statusArgs, $RUN_GIT_FAILMODE_IGNORE); } # --------------- TEST: Run auto-tests in relevant modules # and create a summary log, and optionally, if the converter can be # found, a tasks file for Qt Creator.. if ( $TEST != 0 ) { my %testPaths; my $testRelativePath = File::Spec->catfile('tests', 'auto'); my $catCommand = $os == $OS_WINDOWS ? 'type' : 'cat'; # --- Find relevant modules. foreach my $MOD (@MODULES) { my $excluded = ($MOD eq 'qtactiveqt' && $os != $OS_WINDOWS) || ($MOD eq 'qtjsondb' && $os == $OS_WINDOWS) || ($MOD eq 'qtwayland' && $os == $OS_WINDOWS); if (!$excluded) { my $testPath = File::Spec->catfile($MOD, $testRelativePath); $testPaths{$MOD} = $testPath if -d $testPath; } } # -- Locate 'test2tasks.pl'. This is a script located in the Qt Creator repository # that converts test output into task files that can be loaded into Qt Creator's # 'Build issues' pane. my $test2tasks = which('test2tasks.pl'); # -- Initialize logging, find a unique log file name. my $testLogUniqueNumber = 0; my ($summaryLogFile, $summaryTasksFile); for ( ; ; $testLogUniqueNumber++) { my $testLogBaseName = formatTestLogBaseName($testLogUniqueNumber); $summaryLogFile = File::Spec->catfile($rootDir, $testLogBaseName . '.log'); $summaryTasksFile = File::Spec->catfile($rootDir, $testLogBaseName . '.tasks'); last unless -f $summaryLogFile || -f $summaryTasksFile; } if (-e $summaryTasksFile) { unlink($summaryTasksFile) or die ('Unable to delete existing tasks file ' . $summaryTasksFile . ' ' . $!); } print '### Testing ', scalar(keys(%testPaths)), ' modules: ', join(', ', keys(%testPaths)), "\n### Logging to: ", $summaryLogFile, "\n"; # -- Build the tests, qmake, make my @buildFailures; my $tn = 0; foreach my $testPath (values(%testPaths)) { chdir($testPath) || die ('Failed to chdir from' . $rootDir . ' to "' . $testPath); print '### Building #', ++$tn, ' of ', scalar(keys(%testPaths)), ' ', $testPath, "\n"; my $rc = execute('qmake'); die ('qmake failed') unless $rc == 0; $rc = execute($make, @makeArgs); if ($rc != 0) { print '### Warning: Build failed in ', $testPath, "\n"; push (@buildFailures, $testPath); } chdir($rootDir); } # -- Run the test: 'make check'. Explicitly set 'Keep' on Windows as flags are not propagated. $tn = 0; $ENV{'MAKEFLAGS'} = 'K' if $make eq 'nmake'; foreach my $module (keys(%testPaths)) { my $testPath = $testPaths{$module}; ++$tn; if (grep (/$testPath/, @buildFailures)) { print '### Skipping ', $testPath, "\n"; next; } chdir($testPath) || die ('Failed to chdir from' . $rootDir . ' to "' . $testPath); print '### Running #', ++$tn, ' of ', scalar(keys(%testPaths)), ' ', $testPath, "\n"; my $moduleLogBaseName = formatTestLogBaseName($testLogUniqueNumber, $module); my $moduleLogFile = File::Spec->catfile(getcwd(), $moduleLogBaseName . '.log'); my $moduleTasksFile = File::Spec->catfile(getcwd(), $moduleLogBaseName . '.tasks'); my $cmd = $make . ' ' . join(' ', @makeArgs) . ' ' . $makeForceArg . ' check > ' . $moduleLogFile; print '### Running: ', $cmd, "\n"; system($cmd); # -- concat log file. $cmd = $catCommand . ' ' . $moduleLogFile . ' >> ' . $summaryLogFile; print '### Running: ', $cmd, "\n"; system($cmd); # --- Create a tasks file for Qt Creator if (defined $test2tasks) { # -- Local file with relative paths $cmd = $test2tasks . ' < ' . $moduleLogFile . ' > ' . $moduleTasksFile; print '### Running: ', $cmd, "\n"; system($cmd); # -- Append to summary file with path relative to its location $cmd = $test2tasks . ' -r ' . $testPath . ' < ' . $moduleLogFile . ' >> ' . $summaryTasksFile; print '### Running: ', $cmd, "\n"; system($cmd); } chdir($rootDir); } my $report = "\n### Testing done:\n"; $report .= '- Build failures: ' . join(', ', @buildFailures) . "\n" if (scalar(@buildFailures)); $report .= '- ' . ls($summaryLogFile) . "\n"; $report .= '- ' . ls($summaryTasksFile) . "\n" if defined $test2tasks; print $report; } # --------------- Init gerrit if (defined $optGerritModule) { my $scp = which('scp'); $scp = msysGitUtility($git, 'scp') unless defined $scp || $os != $OS_WINDOWS; die ('Unable to locate scp.') unless defined $scp; die ('This option requires a codereview-user name') if $codeReviewUser eq ''; chdir($optGerritModule) or die ('Failed to chdir from' . $rootDir . ' to "' . $optGerritModule); my $remoteRepo = $codeReviewUser . '@' . $codeReviewHost . ':qt/' . $optGerritModule; print 'Configuring ', $remoteRepo, "\n"; my $grc = execute($git, ('config', 'remote.origin.url', $remoteRepo)); die 'Config failed' if ($grc); print 'Initializing hooks', "\n"; $grc = execute($scp, ('-p', $codeReviewUser . '@' . $codeReviewHost . ':hooks/commit-msg', '.git/hooks')); die 'Copying of commit hook failed' if ($grc); print 'Fetch all...', "\n"; $grc = execute($git, ('fetch', '--all')); chdir($rootDir); } if (defined $optGitHooks) { my $qtrepotoolsdir = dirname(dirname($prog)); my $postcommitpath = File::Spec->canonpath("$qtrepotoolsdir/git-hooks"); if ($os == $OS_WINDOWS) { # rewrite from "C:/Users/qt" to "/C/Users/qt" so that msysgit understand $postcommitpath =~ s,([A-Za-z]):,/$1,; $postcommitpath =~ s,\\,/,g; } print "Installing post-commit hooks\n"; foreach my $MOD (@MODULES) { print 'Examining: ', $MOD, ' url: ',readGitConfig($MOD, 'url'), ' '; chdir($MOD) or die ('Failed to chdir from' . $rootDir . ' to "' . $MOD . '":' . $!); my $postCommitFile = '.git\hooks\post-commit'; my $overwrite = 1; if (-f $postCommitFile) { $overwrite = prompt('Overwrite existing post-commit file? (y/n)', 'n') =~ /y/i; } if ($overwrite) { my $postCommitFileHandle = new IO::File('>' . $postCommitFile) or die ('Unable to write to ' . $postCommitFile . ':' . $!); print $postCommitFileHandle "#!/bin/sh\n"; print $postCommitFileHandle "export PATH=\$PATH:$postcommitpath\n"; #needed print $postCommitFileHandle "exec $postcommitpath/git_post_commit_hook\n"; $postCommitFileHandle->close(); } chdir($rootDir); } } # --------------- Clean if desired if ( $CLEAN != 0 ) { print 'Cleaning Qt 5 in ',$rootDir,"\n"; my @cleanArgs = ('clean','-dxfq'); runGitAllModules(\@cleanArgs, $RUN_GIT_FAILMODE_RETRY); } # ---- Pull: Switch to branch unless there is one (check preferred # branch hash, default to branch n+1, which is mostly master). if ( $PULL != 0 ) { print 'Pulling Qt 5 in ',$rootDir,"\n"; my $desiredBranch = defined $optDesiredBranch ? $optDesiredBranch : readQt5ToolConfig($branchConfigKey); if (!defined $desiredBranch || $desiredBranch eq '') { $desiredBranch = 'dev'; print 'No branch has been set up in ', $configFile, ' (key: ', $branchConfigKey, '), assuming ', $desiredBranch, "\n"; } die ('Cannot checkout ' . $desiredBranch . ' in qt5') unless checkoutBranch('qt5', $desiredBranch); my @pullArgs = ('pull', '--rebase'); my $prc = runGit(\@pullArgs, $RUN_GIT_FAILMODE_RETRY); die 'Pull failed' if ($prc); foreach my $MOD (@MODULES) { print 'Examining: ', $MOD, ' url: ',readGitConfig($MOD, 'url'), ' '; chdir($MOD) or die ('Failed to chdir from' . $rootDir . ' to "' . $MOD . '":' . $!); if (checkoutBranch($MOD, $desiredBranch)) { print 'Pulling ', $MOD, "\n"; $prc = runGit(\@pullArgs, $RUN_GIT_FAILMODE_RETRY, $MOD); die 'Pull ' . $MOD . ' failed' if ($prc); } chdir($rootDir); } # foreach } # pull # ---- Update if ( $UPDATE != 0 ) { print 'Updating Qt 5 in ',$rootDir,"\n"; my $urc = execute($git, ('pull')); die 'pull failed' if ($urc); $urc = execute($git, ('submodule', 'update')); die 'update failed' if ($urc); } # ---- Configure and build my $makeInstallRequired = 0; if ( $BUILD != 0 ) { print 'Building Qt 5 in ',$rootDir,"\n"; winRemoveGitFromPath() if $minGW; my @configureArguments; my $configureArgumentsFromConfig = readQt5ToolConfig('configureArguments'); push(@configureArguments, split(/ +/, $configureArgumentsFromConfig)) unless $configureArgumentsFromConfig eq ''; my $skippedModules = readQt5ToolConfig('skip'); my @skipList; push(@skipList, split(/ +/, readQt5ToolConfig('skip'))); foreach my $skippedModule (@skipList) { if (-d File::Spec->catfile($rootDir, $skippedModule)) { push(@configureArguments, '-skip', $skippedModule); } else { warn('Module to be skipped does not exist : ' . $skippedModule); } } $makeInstallRequired = grep(/^-prefix$/, @configureArguments); my $developerBuildSpecified = grep(/-developer-build/, @configureArguments); push(@configureArguments, '-developer-build') unless ($makeInstallRequired || $developerBuildSpecified); # --- Shadow builds: Remove and re-create directory my $shadowBuildDir = shadowBuildFolder(); if ($shadowBuildDir ne '') { print 'Shadow build: "', $shadowBuildDir,"\"\n"; if (-d $shadowBuildDir) { File::Path::rmtree($shadowBuildDir) or die ('Unable to remove ' . $shadowBuildDir . ' :' . $!); } mkdir($shadowBuildDir) or die ('Unable to create ' . $shadowBuildDir . ' :' . $!); chdir($shadowBuildDir) or die ('Unable to chdir ' . $shadowBuildDir . ' :' . $!); } # ---- Configure and build print 'Configure arguments: ', join(' ', @configureArguments), "\n"; my $brc = execute(File::Spec->catfile($rootDir, 'configure'), @configureArguments); die 'Configure failed' if ($brc); } # BUILD if ( $BUILD + $MAKE != 0) { my $makeShadowBuildDir = shadowBuildFolder(); if ($BUILD == 0) { # Did not go through configure, cd if ($makeShadowBuildDir ne '') { print 'Shadow build: "', $makeShadowBuildDir,"\"\n"; chdir($makeShadowBuildDir) or die ('Unable to chdir ' . $makeShadowBuildDir . ' :' . $!); } } # Run a global make for non-shadow developer build, else call 'build'. executeCheck($make, @makeArgs); } # MAKE if ( $BUILD && $makeInstallRequired ) { print 'Installing Qt 5 from ',$rootDir,"\n"; my @installArgs = @makeArgs; # Turn of parallelization for make install, which is known to fail with jom. push (@installArgs, '-j', '1') unless (index($make, 'nmake') >= 0); push (@installArgs, 'install'); executeCheck($make, @installArgs); } exit($exitCode);