path: root/src/scxml/qscxmltabledata.cpp
diff options
authorErik Verbruggen <>2016-06-08 13:33:26 +0200
committerErik Verbruggen <>2016-06-09 14:13:57 +0000
commit17899954bffd902b61ee4c9d339095cb618e4346 (patch)
tree6d4a74f2c8e41f3760bf9df4ec982af48cf2b798 /src/scxml/qscxmltabledata.cpp
parent60b5508b3f0fabee545e8cfd907ed4875ed55ffc (diff)
Replace the QStateMachine-based implementation.
Under the 'hood a table-based state machine is now used instead of the QStateMachine. The advantage is that states and transitions are no longer QObjects but integers (so no (private) object allocations), and we're no longer hijacking the QStateMachinePrivate to work around some implementation details. Change-Id: I47ab47ab01cbb2204b9ca0e4cdd6a72faf724ce3 Reviewed-by: Ulf Hermann <> Reviewed-by: Erik Verbruggen <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/scxml/qscxmltabledata.cpp')
1 files changed, 1011 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/scxml/qscxmltabledata.cpp b/src/scxml/qscxmltabledata.cpp
index 75469f9..33f3103 100644
--- a/src/scxml/qscxmltabledata.cpp
+++ b/src/scxml/qscxmltabledata.cpp
@@ -37,11 +37,1019 @@
-#include "qscxmltabledata.h"
+#include "qscxmltabledata_p.h"
+#include "qscxmlparser_p.h"
+#include "qscxmlexecutablecontent_p.h"
+using namespace QScxmlInternal;
+namespace {
+using namespace QScxmlExecutableContent;
+class TableDataBuilder: public DocumentModel::NodeVisitor
+ TableDataBuilder(GeneratedTableData &tableData,
+ GeneratedTableData::MetaDataInfo &metaDataInfo,
+ GeneratedTableData::DataModelInfo &dataModelInfo,
+ GeneratedTableData::CreateFactoryId func)
+ : createFactoryId(func)
+ , m_tableData(tableData)
+ , m_dataModelInfo(dataModelInfo)
+ , m_stringTable(tableData.theStrings)
+ , m_instructions(tableData.theInstructions)
+ , m_evaluators(tableData.theEvaluators)
+ , m_assignments(tableData.theAssignments)
+ , m_foreaches(tableData.theForeaches)
+ , m_dataIds(tableData.theDataNameIds)
+ , m_outgoingEvents(metaDataInfo.outgoingEvents)
+ , m_stateNames(metaDataInfo.stateNames)
+ , m_subStateMachineNames(metaDataInfo.subStateMachineNames)
+ , m_incomingEvents(metaDataInfo.incomingEvents)
+ {
+ m_activeSequences.reserve(4);
+ tableData.theInitialSetup = QScxmlExecutableContent::NoInstruction;
+ }
+ void buildTableData(DocumentModel::ScxmlDocument *doc)
+ {
+ m_qtMode = doc->qtMode;
+ m_isCppDataModel = doc->root->dataModel == DocumentModel::Scxml::CppDataModel;
+ m_parents.reserve(32);
+ m_allTransitions.resize(doc->allTransitions.size());
+ m_docTransitionIndices.reserve(doc->allTransitions.size());
+ foreach (auto *t, doc->allTransitions) {
+ m_docTransitionIndices.insert(t, m_docTransitionIndices.size());
+ }
+ m_docStatesIndices.reserve(doc->allStates.size());
+ m_transitionsForState.resize(doc->allStates.size());
+ m_allStates.resize(doc->allStates.size());
+ foreach (DocumentModel::AbstractState *s, doc->allStates) {
+ m_docStatesIndices.insert(s, m_docStatesIndices.size());
+ }
+ doc->root->accept(this);
+ m_stateTable.version = Q_QSCXMLC_OUTPUT_REVISION;
+ generateStateMachineData();
+ m_tableData.theInstructions.squeeze();
+ }
+ void generateStateMachineData()
+ {
+ const int tableSize = sizeof(StateTable) / sizeof(qint32);
+ const int stateSize = qint32(sizeof(StateTable::State) / sizeof(qint32));
+ const int transitionSize = qint32(sizeof(StateTable::Transition) / sizeof(qint32));
+ m_stateTable.stateOffset = tableSize;
+ m_stateTable.stateCount = m_allStates.size();
+ m_stateTable.transitionOffset = m_stateTable.stateOffset +
+ m_stateTable.stateCount * stateSize;
+ m_stateTable.transitionCount = m_allTransitions.size();
+ m_stateTable.arrayOffset = m_stateTable.transitionOffset +
+ m_stateTable.transitionCount * transitionSize;
+ m_stateTable.arraySize = m_arrays.size();
+ const qint32 dataSize = qint32(tableSize)
+ + (m_allStates.size() * stateSize)
+ + (m_allTransitions.size() * transitionSize)
+ + m_arrays.size()
+ + 1;
+ QVector<qint32> data(dataSize, -1);
+ qint32 *ptr =;
+ memcpy(ptr, &m_stateTable, sizeof(m_stateTable));
+ ptr += tableSize;
+ Q_ASSERT(ptr == data.constData() + m_stateTable.stateOffset);
+ memcpy(ptr, m_allStates.constData(),
+ sizeof(StateTable::State) * size_t(m_allStates.size()));
+ ptr += stateSize * size_t(m_allStates.size());
+ Q_ASSERT(ptr == data.constData() + m_stateTable.transitionOffset);
+ memcpy(ptr, m_allTransitions.constData(),
+ sizeof(StateTable::Transition) * size_t(m_allTransitions.size()));
+ ptr += transitionSize * size_t(m_allTransitions.size());
+ Q_ASSERT(ptr == data.constData() + m_stateTable.arrayOffset);
+ memcpy(ptr, m_arrays.constData(), sizeof(qint32) * size_t(m_arrays.size()));
+ ptr += m_arrays.size();
+ *ptr++ = StateTable::terminator;
+ Q_ASSERT(ptr == data.constData() + dataSize);
+ m_tableData.theStateMachineTable = data;
+ }
+protected: // visitor
+ using NodeVisitor::visit;
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::Scxml *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE Q_DECL_FINAL
+ {
+ setName(node->name);
+ switch (node->dataModel) {
+ case DocumentModel::Scxml::NullDataModel:
+ m_stateTable.dataModel = StateTable::NullDataModel;
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::Scxml::JSDataModel:
+ m_stateTable.dataModel = StateTable::EcmaScriptDataModel;
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::Scxml::CppDataModel:
+ m_stateTable.dataModel = StateTable::CppDataModel;
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_stateTable.dataModel = StateTable::InvalidDataModel;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (node->binding) {
+ case DocumentModel::Scxml::EarlyBinding:
+ m_stateTable.binding = StateTable::EarlyBinding;
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::Scxml::LateBinding:
+ m_stateTable.binding = StateTable::LateBinding;
+ m_bindLate = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ = addString(node->name);
+ m_parents.append(-1);
+ visit(node->children);
+ m_dataElements.append(node->dataElements);
+ if (node->script || !m_dataElements.isEmpty() || !node->initialSetup.isEmpty()) {
+ setInitialSetup(startNewSequence());
+ generate(m_dataElements);
+ if (node->script) {
+ node->script->accept(this);
+ }
+ visit(&node->initialSetup);
+ endSequence();
+ }
+ QVector<DocumentModel::AbstractState *> childStates;
+ foreach (DocumentModel::StateOrTransition *sot, node->children) {
+ if (DocumentModel::AbstractState *s = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel::AbstractState *>(sot)) {
+ childStates.append(s);
+ }
+ }
+ addStates(&m_stateTable.childStates, childStates);
+ if (node->initialTransition) {
+ visit(node->initialTransition);
+ const int transitionIndex = m_docTransitionIndices.value(node->initialTransition, -1);
+ Q_ASSERT(transitionIndex != -1);
+ m_stateTable.initialTransition = transitionIndex;
+ }
+ m_parents.removeLast();
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::State *state) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE Q_DECL_FINAL
+ {
+ m_stateNames.add(state->id);
+ const int stateIndex = m_docStatesIndices.value(state, -1);
+ Q_ASSERT(stateIndex != -1);
+ StateTable::State &newState = m_allStates[stateIndex];
+ = addString(state->id);
+ newState.parent = currentParent();
+ switch (state->type) {
+ case DocumentModel::State::Normal:
+ newState.type = StateTable::State::Normal;
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::State::Parallel:
+ newState.type = StateTable::State::Parallel;
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::State::Final:
+ newState.type = StateTable::State::Final;
+ newState.doneData = generate(state->doneData);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ m_parents.append(stateIndex);
+ if (!state->dataElements.isEmpty()) {
+ if (m_bindLate) {
+ newState.initInstructions = startNewSequence();
+ generate(state->dataElements);
+ endSequence();
+ } else {
+ m_dataElements.append(state->dataElements);
+ }
+ }
+ newState.entryInstructions = generate(state->onEntry);
+ newState.exitInstructions = generate(state->onExit);
+ if (!state->invokes.isEmpty()) {
+ QVector<int> factoryIds;
+ foreach (DocumentModel::Invoke *invoke, state->invokes) {
+ auto ctxt = createContext(QStringLiteral("invoke"));
+ QVector<QScxmlExecutableContent::StringId> namelist;
+ foreach (const QString &name, invoke->namelist)
+ namelist += addString(name);
+ QVector<QScxmlExecutableContent::Param> params;
+ foreach (DocumentModel::Param *param, invoke->params) {
+ QScxmlExecutableContent::Param p;
+ = addString(param->name);
+ p.expr = createEvaluatorVariant(QStringLiteral("param"), QStringLiteral("expr"),
+ param->expr);
+ p.location = addString(param->location);
+ params.append(p);
+ }
+ QScxmlExecutableContent::ContainerId finalize =
+ QScxmlExecutableContent::NoInstruction;
+ if (!invoke->finalize.isEmpty()) {
+ finalize = startNewSequence();
+ visit(&invoke->finalize);
+ endSequence();
+ }
+ auto srcexpr = createEvaluatorString(QStringLiteral("invoke"),
+ QStringLiteral("srcexpr"),
+ invoke->srcexpr);
+ const int factoryId = createFactoryId(
+ ctxt, srcexpr, addString(invoke->id),
+ addString(state->id + QStringLiteral(".session-")),
+ addString(invoke->idLocation), namelist, invoke->autoforward, params,
+ finalize, invoke->content);
+ Q_ASSERT(factoryId >= 0);
+ factoryIds.append(factoryId);
+ m_stateTable.maxServiceId = std::max(m_stateTable.maxServiceId, factoryId);
+ if (invoke->content && invoke->content->root) {
+ QString name = invoke->content->root->name;
+ if (!name.isEmpty())
+ m_subStateMachineNames.add(name);
+ }
+ }
+ addArray(&newState.serviceFactoryIds, factoryIds);
+ }
+ visit(state->children);
+ QVector<DocumentModel::AbstractState *> childStates;
+ foreach (DocumentModel::StateOrTransition *sot, state->children) {
+ if (auto s = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel::AbstractState *>(sot)) {
+ childStates.append(s);
+ }
+ }
+ addStates(&newState.childStates, childStates);
+ addArray(&newState.transitions,;
+ if (state->initialTransition) {
+ visit(state->initialTransition);
+ newState.initialTransition =;
+ }
+ m_parents.removeLast();
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::Transition *transition) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE Q_DECL_FINAL
+ {
+ const int transitionIndex = m_docTransitionIndices.value(transition, -1);
+ Q_ASSERT(transitionIndex != -1);
+ StateTable::Transition &newTransition = m_allTransitions[transitionIndex];
+ const int parentIndex = currentParent();
+ if (parentIndex != -1) {
+ m_transitionsForState[parentIndex].append(transitionIndex);
+ }
+ newTransition.source = parentIndex;
+ if (transition->condition) {
+ newTransition.condition = createEvaluatorBool(QStringLiteral("transition"),
+ QStringLiteral("cond"),
+ *transition->;
+ }
+ switch (transition->type) {
+ case DocumentModel::Transition::External:
+ newTransition.type = StateTable::Transition::External;
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::Transition::Internal:
+ newTransition.type = StateTable::Transition::Internal;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ if (!transition->instructionsOnTransition.isEmpty()) {
+ m_currentTransition = transitionIndex;
+ newTransition.transitionInstructions = startNewSequence();
+ visit(&transition->instructionsOnTransition);
+ endSequence();
+ m_currentTransition = -1;
+ }
+ addStates(&newTransition.targets, transition->targetStates);
+ QVector<int> eventIds;
+ foreach (const QString &event, transition->events) {
+ eventIds.push_back(addString(event));
+ if (m_qtMode) {
+ m_incomingEvents.add(event);
+ }
+ }
+ addArray(&, eventIds);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::HistoryState *historyState) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE Q_DECL_FINAL
+ {
+ const int stateIndex = m_docStatesIndices.value(historyState, -1);
+ Q_ASSERT(stateIndex != -1);
+ StateTable::State &newState = m_allStates[stateIndex];
+ = addString(historyState->id);
+ newState.parent = currentParent();
+ switch (historyState->type) {
+ case DocumentModel::HistoryState::Shallow:
+ newState.type = StateTable::State::ShallowHistory;
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::HistoryState::Deep:
+ newState.type = StateTable::State::DeepHistory;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ m_parents.append(stateIndex);
+ visit(historyState->children);
+ m_parents.removeLast();
+ addArray(&newState.transitions,;
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::Send *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE Q_DECL_FINAL
+ {
+ if (m_qtMode && node->type == QStringLiteral("qt:signal")) {
+ m_outgoingEvents.add(m_stringTable.item(addString(node->event)));
+ }
+ auto instr = m_instructions.add<Send>(Send::calculateExtraSize(node->params.size(),
+ node->namelist.size()));
+ instr->instructionLocation = createContext(QStringLiteral("send"));
+ instr->event = addString(node->event);
+ instr->eventexpr = createEvaluatorString(QStringLiteral("send"),
+ QStringLiteral("eventexpr"),
+ node->eventexpr);
+ instr->type = addString(node->type);
+ instr->typeexpr = createEvaluatorString(QStringLiteral("send"),
+ QStringLiteral("typeexpr"),
+ node->typeexpr);
+ instr->target = addString(node->target);
+ instr->targetexpr = createEvaluatorString(QStringLiteral("send"),
+ QStringLiteral("targetexpr"),
+ node->targetexpr);
+ instr->id = addString(node->id);
+ instr->idLocation = addString(node->idLocation);
+ instr->delay = addString(node->delay);
+ instr->delayexpr = createEvaluatorString(QStringLiteral("send"),
+ QStringLiteral("delayexpr"),
+ node->delayexpr);
+ instr->content = addString(node->content);
+ generate(&instr->namelist, node->namelist);
+ generate(instr->params(), node->params);
+ return false;
+ }
+ void visit(DocumentModel::Raise *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE Q_DECL_FINAL
+ {
+ auto instr = m_instructions.add<Raise>();
+ instr->event = addString(node->event);
+ }
+ void visit(DocumentModel::Log *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE Q_DECL_FINAL
+ {
+ auto instr = m_instructions.add<Log>();
+ instr->label = addString(node->label);
+ instr->expr = createEvaluatorString(QStringLiteral("log"),
+ QStringLiteral("expr"),
+ node->expr);
+ }
+ void visit(DocumentModel::Script *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE Q_DECL_FINAL
+ {
+ auto instr = m_instructions.add<JavaScript>();
+ instr->go = createEvaluatorVoid(QStringLiteral("script"),
+ QStringLiteral("source"),
+ node->content);
+ }
+ void visit(DocumentModel::Assign *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE Q_DECL_FINAL
+ {
+ auto instr = m_instructions.add<Assign>();
+ auto ctxt = createContext(QStringLiteral("assign"), QStringLiteral("expr"), node->expr);
+ instr->expression = addAssignment(node->location, node->expr, ctxt);
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::If *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE Q_DECL_FINAL
+ {
+ auto instr = m_instructions.add<If>(node->conditions.size());
+ instr->conditions.count = node->conditions.size();
+ auto it = instr->;
+ QString tag = QStringLiteral("if");
+ for (int i = 0, ei = node->conditions.size(); i != ei; ++i) {
+ *it++ = createEvaluatorBool(tag, QStringLiteral("cond"), node->;
+ if (i == 0) {
+ tag = QStringLiteral("elif");
+ }
+ }
+ auto outSequences = m_instructions.add<InstructionSequences>();
+ generate(outSequences, node->blocks);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::Foreach *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE Q_DECL_FINAL
+ {
+ auto instr = m_instructions.add<Foreach>();
+ auto ctxt = createContextString(QStringLiteral("foreach"));
+ instr->doIt = addForeach(node->array, node->item, node->index, ctxt);
+ startSequence(&instr->block);
+ visit(&node->block);
+ endSequence();
+ return false;
+ }
+ void visit(DocumentModel::Cancel *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE Q_DECL_FINAL
+ {
+ auto instr = m_instructions.add<Cancel>();
+ instr->sendid = addString(node->sendid);
+ instr->sendidexpr = createEvaluatorString(QStringLiteral("cancel"),
+ QStringLiteral("sendidexpr"),
+ node->sendidexpr);
+ }
+ ContainerId generate(const DocumentModel::DoneData *node)
+ {
+ auto id = m_instructions.newContainerId();
+ DoneData *doneData;
+ if (node) {
+ doneData = m_instructions.add<DoneData>(node->params.size() * Param::calculateSize());
+ doneData->contents = addString(node->contents);
+ doneData->expr = createEvaluatorString(QStringLiteral("donedata"),
+ QStringLiteral("expr"),
+ node->expr);
+ generate(&doneData->params, node->params);
+ } else {
+ doneData = m_instructions.add<DoneData>();
+ doneData->contents = NoString;
+ doneData->expr = NoEvaluator;
+ doneData->params.count = 0;
+ }
+ doneData->location = createContext(QStringLiteral("final"));
+ return id;
+ }
+ StringId createContext(const QString &instrName)
+ {
+ return addString(createContextString(instrName));
+ }
+ void generate(const QVector<DocumentModel::DataElement *> &dataElements)
+ {
+ foreach (DocumentModel::DataElement *el, dataElements) {
+ auto ctxt = createContext(QStringLiteral("data"), QStringLiteral("expr"), el->expr);
+ auto evaluator = addDataElement(el->id, el->expr, ctxt);
+ if (evaluator != NoEvaluator) {
+ auto instr = m_instructions.add<QScxmlExecutableContent::Initialize>();
+ instr->expression = evaluator;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ContainerId generate(const DocumentModel::InstructionSequences &inSequences)
+ {
+ if (inSequences.isEmpty())
+ return NoInstruction;
+ auto id = m_instructions.newContainerId();
+ auto outSequences = m_instructions.add<InstructionSequences>();
+ generate(outSequences, inSequences);
+ return id;
+ }
+ void generate(Array<Param> *out, const QVector<DocumentModel::Param *> &in)
+ {
+ out->count = in.size();
+ Param *it = out->data();
+ foreach (DocumentModel::Param *f, in) {
+ it->name = addString(f->name);
+ it->expr = createEvaluatorVariant(QStringLiteral("param"), QStringLiteral("expr"),
+ f->expr);
+ it->location = addString(f->location);
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ void generate(InstructionSequences *outSequences,
+ const DocumentModel::InstructionSequences &inSequences)
+ {
+ int sequencesOffset = m_instructions.offset(outSequences);
+ int sequenceCount = 0;
+ int entryCount = 0;
+ foreach (DocumentModel::InstructionSequence *sequence, inSequences) {
+ ++sequenceCount;
+ startNewSequence();
+ visit(sequence);
+ entryCount += endSequence()->size();
+ }
+ outSequences =<InstructionSequences>(sequencesOffset);
+ outSequences->sequenceCount = sequenceCount;
+ outSequences->entryCount = entryCount;
+ }
+ void generate(Array<StringId> *out, const QStringList &in)
+ {
+ out->count = in.size();
+ StringId *it = out->data();
+ foreach (const QString &str, in) {
+ *it++ = addString(str);
+ }
+ }
+ ContainerId startNewSequence()
+ {
+ auto id = m_instructions.newContainerId();
+ auto sequence = m_instructions.add<InstructionSequence>();
+ startSequence(sequence);
+ return id;
+ }
+ void startSequence(InstructionSequence *sequence)
+ {
+ SequenceInfo info;
+ info.location = m_instructions.offset(sequence);
+ info.entryCount = 0;
+ m_activeSequences.push_back(info);
+ m_instructions.setSequenceInfo(&m_activeSequences.last());
+ sequence->instructionType = Instruction::Sequence;
+ sequence->entryCount = -1; // checked in endSequence
+ }
+ InstructionSequence *endSequence()
+ {
+ SequenceInfo info = m_activeSequences.back();
+ m_activeSequences.pop_back();
+ m_instructions.setSequenceInfo(m_activeSequences.isEmpty() ? Q_NULLPTR :
+ &m_activeSequences.last());
+ auto sequence =<InstructionSequence>(info.location);
+ Q_ASSERT(sequence->entryCount == -1); // set in startSequence
+ sequence->entryCount = info.entryCount;
+ if (!m_activeSequences.isEmpty())
+ m_activeSequences.last().entryCount += info.entryCount;
+ return sequence;
+ }
+ EvaluatorId createEvaluatorString(const QString &instrName, const QString &attrName,
+ const QString &expr)
+ {
+ if (!expr.isEmpty()) {
+ if (isCppDataModel()) {
+ auto id = m_evaluators.add(EvaluatorInfo(), false);
+ m_dataModelInfo.stringEvaluators.insert(id, expr);
+ return id;
+ } else {
+ return addEvaluator(expr, createContext(instrName, attrName, expr));
+ }
+ }
+ return NoEvaluator;
+ }
+ EvaluatorId createEvaluatorBool(const QString &instrName, const QString &attrName,
+ const QString &cond)
+ {
+ if (!cond.isEmpty()) {
+ if (isCppDataModel()) {
+ auto id = m_evaluators.add(EvaluatorInfo(), false);
+ m_dataModelInfo.boolEvaluators.insert(id, cond);
+ return id;
+ } else {
+ return addEvaluator(cond, createContext(instrName, attrName, cond));
+ }
+ }
+ return NoEvaluator;
+ }
+ EvaluatorId createEvaluatorVariant(const QString &instrName, const QString &attrName,
+ const QString &expr)
+ {
+ if (!expr.isEmpty()) {
+ if (isCppDataModel()) {
+ auto id = m_evaluators.add(EvaluatorInfo(), false);
+ m_dataModelInfo.variantEvaluators.insert(id, expr);
+ return id;
+ } else {
+ return addEvaluator(expr, createContext(instrName, attrName, expr));
+ }
+ }
+ return NoEvaluator;
+ }
+ EvaluatorId createEvaluatorVoid(const QString &instrName, const QString &attrName,
+ const QString &stuff)
+ {
+ if (!stuff.isEmpty()) {
+ if (isCppDataModel()) {
+ auto id = m_evaluators.add(EvaluatorInfo(), false);
+ m_dataModelInfo.voidEvaluators.insert(id, stuff);
+ return id;
+ } else {
+ return addEvaluator(stuff, createContext(instrName, attrName, stuff));
+ }
+ }
+ return NoEvaluator;
+ }
+ GeneratedTableData *tableData(const QVector<int> &stateMachineTable);
+ StringId addString(const QString &str)
+ { return str.isEmpty() ? NoString : m_stringTable.add(str); }
+ void setInitialSetup(ContainerId id)
+ { m_tableData.theInitialSetup = id; }
+ void setName(const QString &name)
+ { m_tableData.theName = addString(name); }
+ bool isCppDataModel() const
+ { return m_isCppDataModel; }
+ void addStates(int *idx, const QVector<DocumentModel::AbstractState *> &states)
+ {
+ QVector<int> array;
+ foreach (auto *s, states) {
+ int si = m_docStatesIndices.value(s, -1);
+ Q_ASSERT(si != -1);
+ array.push_back(si);
+ }
+ addArray(idx, array);
+ }
+ void addArray(int *idx, const QVector<int> &array)
+ {
+ if (array.isEmpty()) {
+ *idx = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ *idx = m_arrays.size();
+ m_arrays.push_back(array.size());
+ m_arrays.append(array);
+ }
+ int currentParent() const
+ {
+ return m_parents.last();
+ }
+ QString createContextString(const QString &instrName) const
+ {
+ if (m_currentTransition != -1) {
+ QString state;
+ int parent =;
+ if (parent != -1) {
+ QString parentName = QStringLiteral("(none)");
+ int name =;
+ if (name != -1) {
+ parentName = m_stringTable.item(name);
+ }
+ state = QStringLiteral(" of state '%1'").arg(parentName);
+ }
+ return QStringLiteral("%1 instruction in transition %3").arg(instrName, state);
+ } else {
+ QString parentName = QStringLiteral("(none)");
+ const int parent = currentParent();
+ if (parent != -1) {
+ const int name =;
+ if (name != -1) {
+ parentName = m_stringTable.item(name);
+ }
+ }
+ return QStringLiteral("%1 instruction in state %2").arg(instrName, parentName);
+ }
+ }
+ QString createContext(const QString &instrName, const QString &attrName,
+ const QString &attrValue) const
+ {
+ const QString location = createContextString(instrName);
+ return QStringLiteral("%1 with %2=\"%3\"").arg(location, attrName, attrValue);
+ }
+ EvaluatorId addEvaluator(const QString &expr, const QString &context)
+ {
+ EvaluatorInfo ei;
+ ei.expr = addString(expr);
+ ei.context = addString(context);
+ return m_evaluators.add(ei);
+ }
+ EvaluatorId addAssignment(const QString &dest, const QString &expr, const QString &context)
+ {
+ AssignmentInfo ai;
+ ai.dest = addString(dest);
+ ai.expr = addString(expr);
+ ai.context = addString(context);
+ return m_assignments.add(ai);
+ }
+ EvaluatorId addForeach(const QString &array, const QString &item, const QString &index,
+ const QString &context)
+ {
+ ForeachInfo fi;
+ fi.array = addString(array);
+ fi.item = addString(item);
+ fi.index = addString(index);
+ fi.context = addString(context);
+ return m_foreaches.add(fi);
+ }
+ EvaluatorId addDataElement(const QString &id, const QString &expr, const QString &context)
+ {
+ auto str = addString(id);
+ if (!m_dataIds.contains(str))
+ m_dataIds.append(str);
+ if (expr.isEmpty())
+ return NoEvaluator;
+ return addAssignment(id, expr, context);
+ }
+ template <class Container, typename T, typename U>
+ class Table {
+ Container &elements;
+ QMap<T, int> indexForElement;
+ public:
+ Table(Container &storage)
+ : elements(storage)
+ {}
+ U add(const T &s, bool uniqueOnly = true) {
+ int pos = uniqueOnly ? indexForElement.value(s, -1) : -1;
+ if (pos == -1) {
+ pos = elements.size();
+ elements.append(s);
+ indexForElement.insert(s, pos);
+ }
+ return pos;
+ }
+ Container data() {
+ return elements;
+ }
+ const T &item(U pos) const {
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ struct SequenceInfo {
+ int location;
+ qint32 entryCount; // the amount of qint32's that the instructions take up
+ };
+ class InstructionStorage {
+ public:
+ InstructionStorage(QVector<qint32> &storage)
+ : m_instr(storage)
+ , m_info(Q_NULLPTR)
+ {}
+ ContainerId newContainerId() const { return m_instr.size(); }
+ template <typename T>
+ T *add(int extra = 0)
+ {
+ int pos = m_instr.size();
+ int size = sizeof(T) / sizeof(qint32) + extra;
+ if (m_info)
+ m_info->entryCount += size;
+ m_instr.resize(pos + size);
+ T *instr = at<T>(pos);
+ Q_ASSERT(instr->instructionType == 0);
+ instr->instructionType = T::kind();
+ return instr;
+ }
+ int offset(Instruction *instr) const
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<qint32 *>(instr) -;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ T *at(int offset)
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<T *>(&m_instr[offset]);
+ }
+ void setSequenceInfo(SequenceInfo *info)
+ {
+ m_info = info;
+ }
+ private:
+ QVector<qint32> &m_instr;
+ SequenceInfo *m_info;
+ };
+ QVector<SequenceInfo> m_activeSequences;
+ GeneratedTableData::CreateFactoryId createFactoryId;
+ GeneratedTableData &m_tableData;
+ GeneratedTableData::DataModelInfo &m_dataModelInfo;
+ Table<QStringList, QString, StringId> m_stringTable;
+ InstructionStorage m_instructions;
+ Table<QVector<EvaluatorInfo>, EvaluatorInfo, EvaluatorId> m_evaluators;
+ Table<QVector<AssignmentInfo>, AssignmentInfo, EvaluatorId> m_assignments;
+ Table<QVector<ForeachInfo>, ForeachInfo, EvaluatorId> m_foreaches;
+ StringIds &m_dataIds;
+ bool m_isCppDataModel = false;
+ StateTable m_stateTable;
+ QVector<int> m_parents;
+ QVector<qint32> m_arrays;
+ QVector<StateTable::Transition> m_allTransitions;
+ QHash<DocumentModel::Transition *, int> m_docTransitionIndices;
+ QVector<StateTable::State> m_allStates;
+ QHash<DocumentModel::AbstractState *, int> m_docStatesIndices;
+ QVector<QVector<int>> m_transitionsForState;
+ int m_currentTransition = StateTable::InvalidIndex;
+ bool m_bindLate = false;
+ bool m_qtMode = false;
+ QVector<DocumentModel::DataElement *> m_dataElements;
+ Table<QStringList, QString, int> m_outgoingEvents;
+ Table<QStringList, QString, int> m_stateNames;
+ Table<QStringList, QString, int> m_subStateMachineNames;
+ Table<QStringList, QString, int> m_incomingEvents;
+} // anonymous namespace
+void GeneratedTableData::build(DocumentModel::ScxmlDocument *doc,
+ GeneratedTableData *table,
+ MetaDataInfo *metaDataInfo,
+ DataModelInfo *dataModelInfo,
+ GeneratedTableData::CreateFactoryId func)
+ TableDataBuilder builder(*table, *metaDataInfo, *dataModelInfo, func);
+ builder.buildTableData(doc);
+QString GeneratedTableData::toString(const int *stateMachineTable)
+ QString result;
+ QTextStream out(&result);
+ const StateTable *st = reinterpret_cast<const StateTable *>(stateMachineTable);
+ out << "{" << endl
+ << "\t0x" << hex << st->version << dec << ", // version" << endl
+ << "\t" << st->name << ", // name" << endl
+ << "\t" << st->dataModel << ", // data-model" << endl
+ << "\t" << st->childStates << ", // child states array offset" << endl
+ << "\t" << st->initialTransition << ", // transition to initial states" << endl
+ << "\t" << st->initialSetup << ", // initial setup" << endl
+ << "\t" << st->binding << ", // binding" << endl
+ << "\t" << st->maxServiceId << ", // maxServiceId" << endl
+ << "\t" << st->stateOffset << ", " << st->stateCount
+ << ", // state offset and count" << endl
+ << "\t" << st->transitionOffset << ", " << st->transitionCount
+ << ", // transition offset and count" << endl
+ << "\t" << st->arrayOffset << ", " << st->arraySize << ", // array offset and size" << endl
+ << endl;
+ out << "\t// States:" << endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < st->stateCount; ++i) {
+ const StateTable::State &s = st->state(i);
+ out << "\t"
+ << << ", "
+ << s.parent << ", "
+ << s.type << ", "
+ << s.initialTransition << ", "
+ << s.initInstructions << ", "
+ << s.entryInstructions << ", "
+ << s.exitInstructions << ", "
+ << s.doneData << ", "
+ << s.childStates << ", "
+ << s.transitions << ", "
+ << s.serviceFactoryIds << ","
+ << endl;
+ }
+ out << endl
+ << "\t// Transitions:" << endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < st->transitionCount; ++i) {
+ auto t = st->transition(i);
+ out << "\t"
+ << << ", "
+ << t.condition << ", "
+ << t.type << ", "
+ << t.source << ", "
+ << t.targets << ", "
+ << t.transitionInstructions << ", "
+ << endl ;
+ }
+ out << endl
+ << "\t// Arrays:" << endl;
+ int nextStart = 0;
+ while (nextStart < st->arraySize) {
+ const StateTable::Array a = st->array(nextStart);
+ out << "\t" << a.size() << ", ";
+ for (int j = 0; j < a.size(); ++j) {
+ out << a[j] << ", ";
+ }
+ out << endl;
+ nextStart += a.size() + 1;
+ }
+ out << hex;
+ out << endl
+ << "\t0x" << StateTable::terminator << " // terminator" << endl
+ << "}";
+ return result;
+QString GeneratedTableData::string(StringId id) const
+ return id == NoString ? QString() :;
+Instructions GeneratedTableData::instructions() const
+ return const_cast<Instructions>(;
+EvaluatorInfo GeneratedTableData::evaluatorInfo(EvaluatorId evaluatorId) const
+ return theEvaluators[evaluatorId];
+AssignmentInfo GeneratedTableData::assignmentInfo(EvaluatorId assignmentId) const
+ return theAssignments[assignmentId];
+ForeachInfo GeneratedTableData::foreachInfo(EvaluatorId foreachId) const
+ return theForeaches[foreachId];
+StringId *GeneratedTableData::dataNames(int *count) const
+ Q_ASSERT(count);
+ *count = theDataNameIds.size();
+ return const_cast<StringId *>(;
+ContainerId GeneratedTableData::initialSetup() const
+ return theInitialSetup;
+QString GeneratedTableData::name() const
+ return string(theName);
+const qint32 *GeneratedTableData::stateMachineTable() const
+ return theStateMachineTable.constData();
+QScxmlInvokableServiceFactory *GeneratedTableData::serviceFactory(int id) const
+ Q_UNUSED(id);
+ return nullptr;
+int GeneratedTableData::signalIndexForEvent(const QString &event) const
+ Q_UNUSED(event);
+ return -1;