path: root/tools/qscxmlc/generator.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/qscxmlc/generator.cpp')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/tools/qscxmlc/generator.cpp b/tools/qscxmlc/generator.cpp
index 571c255..4586c1d 100644
--- a/tools/qscxmlc/generator.cpp
+++ b/tools/qscxmlc/generator.cpp
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Generator::Generator(ClassDef *classDef, const QList<QByteArray> &metaTypes,
if (cdef->superclassList.size())
- purestSuperClass = cdef->superclassList.constFirst().first;
+ purestSuperClass = cdef->superclassList.constFirst().classname;
// -- QtScxml
@@ -635,10 +635,9 @@ void Generator::generateCode()
auto it = cdef->superclassList.cbegin() + 1;
const auto end = cdef->superclassList.cend();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
- const auto &[className, access] = *it;
- if (access == FunctionDef::Private)
+ if (it->access == FunctionDef::Private)
- const char *cname = className.constData();
+ const char *cname = it->classname.constData();
fprintf(out, " if (!strcmp(_clname, \"%s\"))\n return static_cast< %s*>(this);\n",
cname, cname);
@@ -682,12 +681,29 @@ void Generator::generateCode()
// Generate function to make sure the non-class signals exist in the parent classes
if (!cdef->nonClassSignalList.isEmpty()) {
- fprintf(out, "// If you get a compile error in this function it can be because either\n");
- fprintf(out, "// a) You are using a NOTIFY signal that does not exist. Fix it.\n");
- fprintf(out, "// b) You are using a NOTIFY signal that does exist (in a parent class) but has a non-empty parameter list. This is a moc limitation.\n");
- fprintf(out, "[[maybe_unused]] static void checkNotifySignalValidity_%s(%s *t) {\n", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData(), cdef->qualified.constData());
- for (const QByteArray &nonClassSignal : std::as_const(cdef->nonClassSignalList))
- fprintf(out, " t->%s();\n", nonClassSignal.constData());
+ fprintf(out, "namespace CheckNotifySignalValidity_%s {\n", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData());
+ for (const QByteArray &nonClassSignal : std::as_const(cdef->nonClassSignalList)) {
+ const auto propertyIt = std::find_if(cdef->propertyList.constBegin(),
+ cdef->propertyList.constEnd(),
+ [&nonClassSignal](const PropertyDef &p) {
+ return nonClassSignal == p.notify;
+ });
+ // must find something, otherwise checkProperties wouldn't have inserted an entry into nonClassSignalList
+ Q_ASSERT(propertyIt != cdef->propertyList.constEnd());
+ fprintf(out, "template<typename T> using has_nullary_%s = decltype(std::declval<T>().%s());\n",
+ nonClassSignal.constData(),
+ nonClassSignal.constData());
+ const auto &propertyType = propertyIt->type;
+ fprintf(out, "template<typename T> using has_unary_%s = decltype(std::declval<T>().%s(std::declval<%s>()));\n",
+ nonClassSignal.constData(),
+ nonClassSignal.constData(),
+ propertyType.constData());
+ fprintf(out, "static_assert(qxp::is_detected_v<has_nullary_%s, %s> || qxp::is_detected_v<has_unary_%s, %s>,\n"
+ " \"NOTIFY signal %s does not exist in class (or is private in its parent)\");\n",
+ nonClassSignal.constData(), cdef->qualified.constData(),
+ nonClassSignal.constData(), cdef->qualified.constData(),
+ nonClassSignal.constData());
+ }
fprintf(out, "}\n");