\section1 Compiling the State Machine We link against the Qt SCXML module by adding the following lines to the example's build files. \section2 \e .pro when using qmake: \quotefromfile trafficlight-qml-static/trafficlight-qml-static.pro \skipto QT \printline scxml We then specify the state machine to compile: \skipto STATECHARTS \printline scxml \section2 \e CMakeLists.txt when using cmake: \quotefromfile trafficlight-qml-static/CMakeLists.txt \skipto find_package \printline Scxml \skipto target_link_libraries \printuntil ) We then specify the state machine to compile: \skipto qt6_add_statecharts \printuntil ) The statechart directives \e STATECHARTS or \e qt6_add_statecharts invoke the Qt SCXML Compiler, \c qscxmlc, which is run automatically to generate \e statemachine.h and \e statemachine.cpp, which are then added appropriately as headers and sources for compilation.