// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause //Own #include "submarine.h" #include "submarine_p.h" #include "torpedo.h" #include "graphicsscene.h" #include "animationmanager.h" #include "qanimationstate.h" #include #include #include #include static QAbstractAnimation *setupDestroyAnimation(SubMarine *sub) { QSequentialAnimationGroup *group = new QSequentialAnimationGroup(sub); for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { PixmapItem *step = new PixmapItem(QString::fromLatin1("explosion/submarine/step%1").arg(i), GraphicsScene::Big, sub); step->setZValue(6); step->setOpacity(0); QPropertyAnimation *anim = new QPropertyAnimation(step, "opacity", group); anim->setDuration(100); anim->setEndValue(1); } AnimationManager::self()->registerAnimation(group); return group; } SubMarine::SubMarine(int type, const QString &name, int points) : PixmapItem(QString("submarine"), GraphicsScene::Big), subType(type), subName(name), subPoints(points), speed(0), direction(SubMarine::None) { setZValue(5); setTransformOriginPoint(boundingRect().center()); graphicsRotation = new QGraphicsRotation(this); graphicsRotation->setAxis(Qt::YAxis); graphicsRotation->setOrigin(QVector3D(size().width() / 2, size().height() / 2, 0)); QList r({graphicsRotation}); setTransformations(r); //We setup the state machine of the submarine QStateMachine *machine = new QStateMachine(this); //This state is when the boat is moving/rotating QState *moving = new QState(machine); //This state is when the boat is moving from left to right MovementState *movement = new MovementState(this, moving); //This state is when the boat is moving from left to right ReturnState *rotation = new ReturnState(this, moving); //This is the initial state of the moving root state moving->setInitialState(movement); movement->addTransition(this, &SubMarine::subMarineStateChanged, moving); //This is the initial state of the machine machine->setInitialState(moving); //End QFinalState *finalState = new QFinalState(machine); //If the moving animation is finished we move to the return state movement->addTransition(movement, &QAnimationState::animationFinished, rotation); //If the return animation is finished we move to the moving state rotation->addTransition(rotation, &QAnimationState::animationFinished, movement); //This state play the destroyed animation QAnimationState *destroyedState = new QAnimationState(machine); destroyedState->setAnimation(setupDestroyAnimation(this)); //Play a nice animation when the submarine is destroyed moving->addTransition(this, &SubMarine::subMarineDestroyed, destroyedState); //Transition to final state when the destroyed animation is finished destroyedState->addTransition(destroyedState, &QAnimationState::animationFinished, finalState); //The machine has finished to be executed, then the submarine is dead connect(machine,&QState::finished,this, &SubMarine::subMarineExecutionFinished); machine->start(); } int SubMarine::points() const { return subPoints; } void SubMarine::setCurrentDirection(SubMarine::Movement direction) { if (this->direction == direction) return; if (direction == SubMarine::Right && this->direction == SubMarine::None) graphicsRotation->setAngle(180); this->direction = direction; } enum SubMarine::Movement SubMarine::currentDirection() const { return direction; } void SubMarine::setCurrentSpeed(int speed) { if (speed < 0 || speed > 3) qWarning("SubMarine::setCurrentSpeed : The speed is invalid"); this->speed = speed; emit subMarineStateChanged(); } int SubMarine::currentSpeed() const { return speed; } void SubMarine::launchTorpedo(int speed) { Torpedo *torp = new Torpedo; GraphicsScene *scene = static_cast(this->scene()); scene->addItem(torp); torp->setPos(pos()); torp->setCurrentSpeed(speed); torp->launch(); } void SubMarine::destroy() { emit subMarineDestroyed(); } int SubMarine::type() const { return Type; }