path: root/examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_maze/Mouse.qml
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_maze/Mouse.qml')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_maze/Mouse.qml b/examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_maze/Mouse.qml
index 55dac18d..434acebb 100644
--- a/examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_maze/Mouse.qml
+++ b/examples/QtSensors/QtSensors_maze/Mouse.qml
@@ -51,66 +51,46 @@ Item {
y: 0
width: Lib.cellDimension
height: Lib.cellDimension
- state: 'right'
+ property int angle
AnimatedImage {
id: img
+ source: "content/mouse_down.gif"
anchors.fill: parent
visible: true
- //for different moves we have different gif animations
- states: [
- State {
- name: "up"
- PropertyChanges { target: img; source: "content/mouse_up.gif" }
- },
- State {
- name: "down"
- PropertyChanges { target: img; source: "content/mouse_down.gif" }
- },
- State {
- name: "left"
- PropertyChanges { target: img; source: "content/mouse_left.gif" }
- },
- State {
- name: "right"
- PropertyChanges { target: img; source: "content/mouse_right.gif" }
- },
- State {
- name: "rightup"
- PropertyChanges { target: img; source: "content/mouse_rightup.gif" }
- },
- State {
- name: "rightdown"
- PropertyChanges { target: img; source: "content/mouse_rightdown.gif" }
- },
- State {
- name: "leftup"
- PropertyChanges { target: img; source: "content/mouse_leftup.gif" }
- },
- State {
- name: "leftdown"
- PropertyChanges { target: img; source: "content/mouse_leftdown.gif" }
- }
- ]
+ function distance(origX, origY, newX, newY) {
+ return Math.sqrt((Math.pow((newX - origX),2)) + (Math.pow((newY - origY),2)))
+ }
//Function for moving the mouse
function move(newx, newy)
- var newstatus = "";
- if (mouse.x < newx)
- newstatus += "right";
- else if (mouse.x > newx)
- newstatus += "left";
- if (mouse.y < newy)
- newstatus += "down";
- else if (mouse.y > newy)
- newstatus += "up";
- mouse.state = newstatus;
+ if (mouse.x === newx && mouse.y === newy)
+ return
+ // somehow this actually works
+//! [0]
+ var a = newy - mouse.y
+ var b = newx - mouse.x
+ var c = distance(mouse.x, mouse.y, newx, newy)
+ var radians_to_degrees = 57.2957795
+ if (a > 0)
+ angle = -Math.acos(a / b) * radians_to_degrees
+ else
+ angle = -Math.asin(b / c) * radians_to_degrees
+ if (b > 0)
+ angle = -Math.acos(a / c) * radians_to_degrees
+ else
+ angle = Math.acos(a / c) * radians_to_degrees
+ if (angle < 0)
+ angle = 360 + angle
+ img.rotation = angle
mouse.x = newx;
mouse.y = newy;
+//! [0]