import QtQuick.tooling 1.1 // This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library. // It is used for QML tooling purposes only. // // This file was auto-generated with the command 'qmlplugindump QtSensors 5.0 /home/thomas/src/qtbase/qml'. Module { Component { name: "QmlAccelerometer" prototype: "QmlSensor" exports: ["Accelerometer 5.0", "Accelerometer 5.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1] Enum { name: "AccelerationMode" values: { "Combined": 0, "Gravity": 1, "User": 2 } } Property { name: "accelerationMode"; revision: 1; type: "AccelerationMode" } Signal { name: "accelerationModeChanged" Parameter { name: "accelerationMode"; type: "AccelerationMode" } } } Component { name: "QmlAccelerometerReading" prototype: "QmlSensorReading" exports: ["AccelerometerReading 5.0", "AccelerometerReading 5.1"] Property { name: "x"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "y"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "z"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlAmbientLightSensor" prototype: "QmlSensor" exports: ["AmbientLightSensor 5.0", "AmbientLightSensor 5.1"] } Component { name: "QmlAmbientLightSensorReading" prototype: "QmlSensorReading" exports: ["AmbientLightReading 5.0", "AmbientLightReading 5.1"] Property { name: "lightLevel"; type: "QAmbientLightReading::LightLevel"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlCompass" prototype: "QmlSensor" exports: ["Compass 5.0", "Compass 5.1"] } Component { name: "QmlCompassReading" prototype: "QmlSensorReading" exports: ["CompassReading 5.0", "CompassReading 5.1"] Property { name: "azimuth"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "calibrationLevel"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlGyroscope" prototype: "QmlSensor" exports: ["Gyroscope 5.0", "Gyroscope 5.1"] } Component { name: "QmlGyroscopeReading" prototype: "QmlSensorReading" exports: ["GyroscopeReading 5.0", "GyroscopeReading 5.1"] Property { name: "x"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "y"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "z"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlIRProximitySensor" prototype: "QmlSensor" exports: ["IRProximitySensor 5.0", "IRProximitySensor 5.1"] } Component { name: "QmlIRProximitySensorReading" prototype: "QmlSensorReading" exports: ["IRProximityReading 5.0", "IRProximityReading 5.1"] Property { name: "reflectance"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlLightSensor" prototype: "QmlSensor" exports: ["LightSensor 5.0", "LightSensor 5.1"] Property { name: "fieldOfView"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlLightSensorReading" prototype: "QmlSensorReading" exports: ["LightReading 5.0", "LightReading 5.1"] Property { name: "illuminance"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlMagnetometer" prototype: "QmlSensor" exports: ["Magnetometer 5.0", "Magnetometer 5.1"] } Component { name: "QmlMagnetometerReading" prototype: "QmlSensorReading" exports: ["MagnetometerReading 5.0", "MagnetometerReading 5.1"] Property { name: "x"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "y"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "z"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "calibrationLevel"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlOrientationSensor" prototype: "QmlSensor" exports: ["OrientationSensor 5.0", "OrientationSensor 5.1"] } Component { name: "QmlOrientationSensorReading" prototype: "QmlSensorReading" exports: ["OrientationReading 5.0", "OrientationReading 5.1"] Property { name: "orientation"; type: "QOrientationReading::Orientation"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlPressureReading" prototype: "QmlSensorReading" exports: ["PressureReading 5.1"] Property { name: "pressure"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlPressureSensor" prototype: "QmlSensor" exports: ["PressureSensor 5.1"] } Component { name: "QmlProximitySensor" prototype: "QmlSensor" exports: ["ProximitySensor 5.0", "ProximitySensor 5.1"] } Component { name: "QmlProximitySensorReading" prototype: "QmlSensorReading" exports: ["ProximityReading 5.0", "ProximityReading 5.1"] Property { name: "near"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlRotationSensor" prototype: "QmlSensor" exports: ["RotationSensor 5.0", "RotationSensor 5.1"] Property { name: "hasZ"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlRotationSensorReading" prototype: "QmlSensorReading" exports: ["RotationReading 5.0", "RotationReading 5.1"] Property { name: "x"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "y"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "z"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlSensor" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["Sensor 5.0", "Sensor 5.1"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1] Property { name: "identifier"; type: "string" } Property { name: "type"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "connectedToBackend"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "availableDataRates"; type: "QmlSensorRange"; isList: true; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "dataRate"; type: "int" } Property { name: "reading"; type: "QmlSensorReading"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true } Property { name: "busy"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "active"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "outputRanges"; type: "QmlSensorOutputRange"; isList: true; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "outputRange"; type: "int" } Property { name: "description"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "error"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "alwaysOn"; type: "bool" } Property { name: "skipDuplicates"; revision: 1; type: "bool" } Signal { name: "skipDuplicatesChanged" Parameter { name: "skipDuplicates"; type: "bool" } } Method { name: "start"; type: "bool" } Method { name: "stop" } } Component { name: "QmlSensorGesture" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["SensorGesture 5.0", "SensorGesture 5.1"] Property { name: "availableGestures"; type: "QStringList"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "gestures"; type: "QStringList" } Property { name: "validGestures"; type: "QStringList"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "invalidGestures"; type: "QStringList"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" } Signal { name: "detected" Parameter { name: "gesture"; type: "string" } } } Component { name: "QmlSensorGlobal" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["QmlSensors 5.0", "QmlSensors 5.1"] Signal { name: "availableSensorsChanged" } Method { name: "sensorTypes"; type: "QStringList" } Method { name: "sensorsForType" type: "QStringList" Parameter { name: "type"; type: "string" } } Method { name: "defaultSensorForType" type: "string" Parameter { name: "type"; type: "string" } } } Component { name: "QmlSensorOutputRange" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["OutputRange 5.0", "OutputRange 5.1"] Property { name: "minimum"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "maximum"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "accuracy"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlSensorRange" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["Range 5.0", "Range 5.1"] Property { name: "minimum"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "maximum"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlSensorReading" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["SensorReading 5.0", "SensorReading 5.1"] Property { name: "timestamp"; type: "qulonglong"; isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "QmlTapSensor" prototype: "QmlSensor" exports: ["TapSensor 5.0", "TapSensor 5.1"] Property { name: "returnDoubleTapEvents"; type: "bool" } } Component { name: "QmlTapSensorReading" prototype: "QmlSensorReading" exports: ["TapReading 5.0", "TapReading 5.1"] Property { name: "tapDirection"; type: "QTapReading::TapDirection"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "doubleTap"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Signal { name: "isDoubleTapChanged" } } Component { name: "QmlTiltSensor" prototype: "QmlSensor" exports: ["TiltSensor 5.0", "TiltSensor 5.1"] Method { name: "calibrate" } } Component { name: "QmlTiltSensorReading" prototype: "QmlSensorReading" exports: ["TiltReading 5.0", "TiltReading 5.1"] Property { name: "yRotation"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "xRotation"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true } } }