TARGET = declarative_qtsensors5 TARGETPATH = QtSensors include(qsensors2import.pri) QT += qml sensors SOURCES += sensors2.cpp \ qsensor2ambientlight.cpp \ qsensor2proximity.cpp \ qsensor2tilt.cpp \ qsensor2gesture.cpp \ qsensor2common.cpp HEADERS += qsensor2ambientlight.h \ qsensor2proximity.h \ qsensor2tilt.h \ qsensor2gesture.h \ qsensor2common.h DESTDIR = $$QT.sensors.imports/$$TARGETPATH target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS]/$$TARGETPATH qmldir.files += $$PWD/qmldir qmldir.path += $$[QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS]/$$TARGETPATH INSTALLS += target qmldir symbian { # In Symbian, a library should enjoy _largest_ possible capability set. TARGET.CAPABILITY = ALL -TCB # Allow writable DLL data TARGET.EPOCALLOWDLLDATA = 1 # Target UID, makes every Symbian app unique TARGET.UID3 = 0x20021324 # Specifies what files shall be deployed: the plugin itself and the qmldir file. importFiles.sources = $$DESTDIR/declarative_sensors$${QT_LIBINFIX}.dll qmldir importFiles.path = $$QT_IMPORTS_BASE_DIR/$$TARGETPATH DEPLOYMENT = importFiles }