// Copyright (C) 2017 Research In Motion // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \page genericbackend.html \title Generic Backend \brief Information about the generic sensor backend The generic sensor backend provides emulation of some of the sensors that are not supported on the platform. For example, on a platform without a rotation sensor but with an accelerometer, the accelerometer is used to calculate the rotation, thus providing an emulated rotation sensor. The following generic sensors are supported: \table \header \li Emulated Sensor \li Source Sensor \row \li Ambient Light Sensor \li Light Sensor \row \li Orientation Sensor \li Accelerometer \row \li Rotation Sensor \li Accelerometer \row \li Tilt Sensor \li Accelerometer \endtable If a platform doesn't support the source sensor, then the sensor cannot be emulated. */