// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \module QtSensors \title Qt Sensors C++ Classes \qtcmakepackage Sensors \ingroup modules \qtvariable sensors \brief Provides classes for reading sensor data. Mobile devices contain sensor hardware that allow detecting changes in various physical properties of the device itself or its immediate environment. Examples of device properties include the angle at which the device is held, whereas environmental properties include for example the current level of ambient light. */ /*! \qmlmodule QtSensors \title Qt Sensors QML Types \ingroup qmlmodules \brief Provides QML types for reading sensor data. \section1 QML Sensors Module API QmlSensors is a module API that provides information about currently available sensors types, identifiers, and the default sensors. \qml import QtSensors // ... Component.onCompleted: { var types = QmlSensors.sensorTypes(); console.log(types.join(", ")); } \endqml The documentation for the module API can be found in QmlSensors. \section1 QML Sensor Types These types represent specific types of sensors. Note that most properties come from the abstract \l{Sensor}{Sensor} element. \annotatedlist qml-sensors_type \section1 QML Reading Types The data from a sensor comes via a reading class. \annotatedlist qml-sensors_reading \section1 All QML Types */